I know I've really let some time go by without posting. I have so many irons in the fire right now. As the days go by I think, "When I get this finished, I'll post." That's just not happening so I thought I'd just check in and tell you what I have been doing.
Last Wednesday I was trying to decide which iron in the fire to address. Since rain was on the way, I knew I had to get my new plants into the ground so I did that. I had a little bit of a backache from loading and unloading the car here and at the lake but I just didn't want to make up any excuses. As I laid on the couch that night, waiting for the Tylenol to kick in, I smiled as I listened the to the rain and thunder.
The rest of the week was pretty laid back, especially with the constant downpour. I slowly added things back to the master bedroom after having it painted. I was in no rush because I was actually liking it pared down. I never realized how many framed pictures of family I had in this room, so I've just packed them up in a box for now. I gave away 90% of the books I had on the shelves that are no longer there. In that space I want to do a gallery wall of black and white photos I've taken. So looking through my files for photos and getting some inexpensive frames is on my To Do list

Other irons in the fire...I found a cute project on Pinterest for Christmas and I made two trips out to get the supplies. At Michael's I kept gravitating toward the Christmas items. They have so many cute table top trees, rows and rows of ribbon and faux garland. My thoughts keep projecting forward. There are so many long, slow days before Thanksgiving and after it's over, we all scramble around trying to get it together. I think I'm going to take it slow by planning ahead.
I left you with other projects. The ottoman for my vanity. I bought foam and fabric Saturday at Joann's and I'm ready to go as soon as I have 5 minutes. The plate racks that I painted, they are going to the lakehouse, there's absolutely no room here and I have a place in mind. And the spring bulbs I ordered are here and ready to be planted, hopefully tomorrow. The mirror I painted gray? I am going to hang it in the living room but because it weighs at minimum, 60 pounds, The Husband has to do some drilling, so I'm waiting on that. I finished the book I was raving about last week...sigh, what a fantastic ending. It is still on my sidebar if you care to read it. And one of my favorite authors has just released the sequel to her last book that I read over this past winter and I am so psyched to sit down with it tonight.
Well, I'm off now to get started on one of the many things waiting. If I work hard and make a dent in all of the irons in the fire, maybe I'll be back by the weekend to share the finished results! :)
I wish I had your energy OR better yet, could I get you to start working on MY list:) Love that comforter... great price! I think it will look beautiful! Enjoy your day dear Jane and don't work too hard! HUGS!
You sound like me this week, Jane! : ) I also had to get the apples we picked going in some kind of recipe before they went bad, so I threw them in the crockpot yesterday. I scooped some out last night before they fell too far apart for a dessert and the rest will be apple butter.
I have had to work on my bedroom, too. I am having fits over it because we got a King size mattress {up a size from our Queen} and it has thrown everything off on that wall now. I've been trying to mull over what I'm going to do, but it's driving me crazy and I want to get it done already! I'm going to check out JC Penney myself and see if they have any King quilts on sale.
You work too hard! I bet you just fall into bed at night! LOL
Sounds like you got an awful lot done tho. Good for you.
Hi Jane!
You are a wonderful busy gal!
Love all you've been busy creating!
Hope you get to sit awhile soon and sink your eyes into that book! You deserve it!
Good for you, for working at that pie until its just as you like it!
Im a pie lover too ;)
Oh and that story about the dog...too sweet! Glad your dogs didn't get loose and bless that neighbourly dog
who wants to play with your dogs!
Autumn hugs!
All my heart,
Deborah xoxo
You are so busy Jane with all of your great projects.
The pie looks delicious!
Your porch pumpkins are beautiful. I would never attempt a lattice pie or any pie for that matter. I know you can do it however. My best friend is making flans these day sand she is dealing with the perfect caramel. I am the taste tester. xo, olive
Just like you, I've got a load of stuff going on, Jane! Good to hear from a fellow multi-tasker.
I do the same with the flower pots as you do - only I leave ALL the soil until Spring, then empty out part & toss in new.
Cheap frames - just came from the Dollar Tree, where I bought 1/2 doz to frame signs for my daughter's wedding reception at the end of the month.
Recipes that require too much work....hard the 1st time - shame on the recipe, hard the 2nd time - ??? lol
Love the new bedding - we have a duvet and sheet set that's that tone on tone (white) - have used it exclusively for more than 6 years (bought 3 sets of sheets, but only 1 duvet, darn it). I think you'll like it!
Back to work.....ttyl
Maybe it's this beautiful weather we're having that makes us so productive? Whatever it is, I'll take it! Last week, I feel like I didn't accomplish much. This week - bring it on! lol Your porch looks beautiful with all those pumpkins on it. Definitely not 1980's country looking. Loved the story of the neighborhood lab opening the gates. Too cute. He just wants to visit! Can't wait to see your master bedroom - it sounds so serene and pretty. The duvet looks perfect. Are you normally a duvet fan? I've always wondered how hard they were to get over a comforter and if the comforter gets all bunched up inside the duvet. Cheap frames...Michaels and Hobby Lobby have them on sale quite often, or if you can get to IKEA, they have cheap frames, too. Christmas project?! Gaah! I can't even stand seeing Christmas stuff in the stores already! Have a wonderful day...xoxo
Dang it ate my comment?! I love your mantel and your new comforter and what a great price! Sorry the pie wasn't up to snuff, and try to remember to breath while you are running all around!
xo Kat
Hello busy bee, wow, I need your energy.....love the porch full of pumpkins, looks great......your mantle looks wonderful too, your displays are fantastic.......beautiful white comforter, cozy and what a price.....Blessings Francine.
Your steps going to the front door look great, Jane. Must be the trick worked that keeps the squirrels away.
You sure are a busy girl!! I like the comforter for your bed...a very crisp look.
The mantle looks sweet! So "country".
Have a wonderful week.
Goodness, it sounds like you've been busy! That's too bad abut your pie. It has such a yummy name...you'll have to give it another go. I loved the little tidbit about the dogs...animals are so funny :)
Wonderful autumn displays...the yellow pumpkin is unique! Of course, I love using old windows so your mantel display is terrific. Even your description of waiting for the Tylenol to kick in made me grin because I am waiting for the same.
Everything looks great, Jane. I am so ready to bake but I can't eat so I have to wait for company, next week is my monthly prayer group. Perfect excuse!! xo
Gosh, you have so much going on!! I feel so lazy! I've had a week and half to myself, and I've done some fun things, but also lots of naps and reading. Hubby will be home tomorrow, and I am so ready! This house seems big when you're alone. Though I did have my grandson and his girlfriend over the weekend and enjoyed them so much!!
I love all the shades of orange on your front porch.
Hi Janie... love your pretty porch all decorated for Fall!... you picked out some really nice pumpkins!... that is too funny the "culprit" opening your gate was your neighbor's brown lab!... glad it was not someone else trying to cause problems... love your mantel!... the pumpkins and leaves look so beautiful... I think I need an old window now... hope you are spending a little time just relaxing, sounds like you have been awfully busy!... much love, xoxo Julie Marie
Hi Jane, like you I have to many irons in the fire between the grans. husband and kids I sometimes spin like a top:0 I'm going to try that next spring with the soil I've already emptied out a couple pots but still have a few more with the dirt still in. Have a great over the hump day tomorrow!
Wow, you have been sooooo busy!! I am tired after just reading your post! LOL...Your porch looks so pretty with the hay and the pumpkins. How funny that the neighborhood dog was letting yours out to play! I can't wait to see your master bedroom....the bedding you ordered is so pretty! Have a great week :o)
You are busy, busy, busy. Good luck with all these projects. '-)
Whew! You have had a lot of get up and go! Your front porch looks beautiful. I just love all the pumpkins!
Boy have you been busy!
Your week sounds like mine! :) I hope you get everything finished. Never a boring minute. LOL
Jane, I am exhausted just reading this. I had to get up and top off my coffee to revive...LOL!
What a perfect find at JCP! That duvet is divine in look and price!
Your master is transforming into such a restful retreat! I love the idea of the B&W photos. I hope that you include your very chic blog profile image!
You know that we have a Chocolate Lab. They are very good at opening drawers and cupboards as well as gates. Usually it's the quest for food or escape that encourages such behavior. Your neighborhood lab sounds like he's dopey and lonely. The best news is that Milo and Layla are safe!
Your front porch is wonderful. I still keep a few things from past decorating around. The kids love the memories. We can just call it "retro" and still be on trend!
Always...Blessings to the "B's"!
WOW, you're on top of your holiday game. And I give you credit ... if a recipe is tricky, I'm done with it :-)
What a busy bee you've been Jane!
Yes, I do save the soil in pots and when I do reuse them a bit of fertilizer added makes them good as new for the next season. Glad you found the culprit on the gate, poor guy, probably just wanted to play with your doggies or the with your gate! hahaha!
As for you master bedroom, we will be patiently waiting, love a good sale too and I got my curtains from JCP as well for a steal! Anyway, keep on doin' and ookin' dear, just remember to enjoy every bit of it!:-)
I have been MIA, too, and I decided to post today with a memorial post for Mom. I broke my hand, and I took the brace off to see if I can handle blogging. I hope so. But we have had lots and lots and lots of irons in the fire, too, with Mom's death, estate issues, other sick family members, babies being born, and other things going on. This accident, though, has slowed me down in many ways, and that might be a good thing right now.
I am tickled about your dog burglar, and I'm glad you found out it was a four footed problem. I know what you mean about throwing out flowers. I am the same way.
Love your duvet and am looking forward to seeing your other projects, Janie.
Have missed you much. I am glad you posted because I always love reading what you are up to, my friend.
you are awesome!! so busy and talented!!
Enjoy the autumn season darling...love from me Ria...x !
You're wearing me out just hearing about all you've been up to! :) Your porch looks fantastic! That recipe does sound complicated. I shy away from any recipe that uses a candy thermometer. I always seem to mess things up when I'm using one. Love the duvet cover! Don't you love it when you happen upon a sale like that?
Blondie girl, I am wore out just reading your blog.LOL...no wonder, you laid back to listen to the rain. Are dogs so funny? They learn things that you don't even know they can do. Yes, I save some of the potted plant dirt too. I usually dump it in the garden. Good luck with your pie. xoxo,Susie
Can't wait to see the bedroom! The pie looks so good! I'm trying to avoid Michael's & Hob Lob because I DO NOT need any Christmas things. I have way too much!
Your porch is gorgeous! No squirrels yet I assume? Lol
I can't bear to throw away the summer flowers either, I think enjoying them on your patio is a grand idea. I can't wait to see the bedroom finished, you got a great deal on that duvet cover!
Wow, Jane, you are in project overload! I need someone like you around for inspiration because I'm dragging my feet. By the time I get around to doing anything the seasons will be over.
You sure are busy! I know the pressure to use up the apples! The pie sounds wonderful though.
I don't save my dirt in the pots IN the pots but I do dump it all out into the existing garden beds and areas and I think that is why the soil has built up so nicely over the years. THAT and my neighbor's maple tree leaves that blow over here! :)
That pie sounds great. And after reading this I'll never try to make it, lol! That sounds wayyyyyy too hard :) Nope, I have decided that I shall make an apple pie, and then I will warm some Marzetti caramel apple dip up a wee bit and slather that on each piece of pie as I eat it. That sounds easier ....and lazier : )
You've been so busy! I feel like a slug compared to you, Jane. I hang onto my potted flowers until the freeze finally gets them. I'm not about to give up on them yet!
Well you certainly are busy. I love redoing my rooms and paring down. It's hard for me as I tend to be a hoarder!
This Fall has been gorgeous here in New England! I have never seen a yellow pumpkin!
You HAVE been busy. I don't know how you get so much done. Your porch looks great..and if it's 1980s country, I like it. My porch/stoop looks more like Spring than Fall. I save potting mix, too. I mix the part I took out in with the flower beds. Our yard has lots of sand, so the potting mix, helps improve the moisture retention. Have a great weekend, and don't work too hard,
You have a lot gong on, Jane. I can't wait so see your bedroom. I know it's so pretty! You went with the gray for the paint, didn't you?
LOVE the story about the naughty lab. We have one living next door. She breaks free of her electric fence and goes trick or treating....begging all the neighbors for treats. She's a hoot!
I've given up on most projects around here, unfortunately. Just too busy being a chauffeur!
Wow! You are very busy. I will be soon when I start redoing my oldest son's bedroom. It needs LOTS of work. I'm taking advantage of the time he will be gone and working on it. You made me laugh with your "1980's country decor" remark. Boy, do I remember those days well. Remember when everyone hung a wooden goose plaque beside their door with a welcome sign? Yours does not resemble the 1980's! LOL! I love the plans you have for your master bedroom. I think you'll be happy with the white comforter set you're getting. It's so elegant and universal if you make changes in your room later.
Too bad about the pie! Good luck with your next go round. I just love the friendly lab story. I envy and admire all your domesticity! So sorry to hear you may have something coming on. I know my own sore throat isn't serious. Why does it feel so miserable? Cuddle up and get better!
Hoping you feel better soon...so sorry about that pie..I've been there...done that....sooo many times.
I am about to get our new home whipped into shape but still so so much to do. I haven't blogged much...to many irons in MY fire, too...:))
Wow, you have been a very busy girl!Can't wait for the big reveal, that bedding is lovely, and such a great price! Good luck with the pie, I've had my share of technical difficulties when baking, too.
Wow..I got tired just hearing all you have been up to. No wonder your poor little back hurts!
Poor baby! Take care of yourself, Sweetie. :)
I hope you are taking the weekend off. The rain WAS wonderful, wasn't it??
The pie sounds fantastic. Good luck with it! Lots of apples this fall, a good year for them. Your duvet is a steal! I was interested in hearing that the chocolate lab was opening your gate. My goodness! I'm glad no person was mean enough to be doing that. Glad you found the solution, too, to keep your babies safe. Hope your back is feeling better. Time for me to get out in the garden and work. I have 150 tulip bulbs ordered and soon I will also have mulch to apply (I rake up my neighbor's pine needles for mulch) - so got to clean up things first to be ready for those jobs. Hope your week is going well. xo Beth
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