To say I was losing sleep worrying about cleaning up the garden is putting it mildly. I'm not sure why it nagged at me, I don't like things left unfinished, I guess. After I wrote last weekend, I was able to get about 50 bulbs planted...the tiny early spring sort and I did them in the beds closest to the house so I can see them from the windows. The larger tulips and daffs will be out along the fence. They haven't arrived yet though but the cold weather has. 45 degrees today with a chance of snow/ice on Monday. Wow!
Are these not the cat's meow? I spotted them at West Elm a few weeks ago and thought they were so cute. It's hard to tell that the stripes are gray, thus going with my almost redone bedroom. Son Jeff said, "No, don't get those, they're tacky!" I long ago gave up trying to impress my kids with my decorating choices. Jeff's new home will be move in ready next month. His style is sort of sleek and uncluttered; his girlfriend, she's sort of traditional. It should be interesting. Yesterday he walked in while The Husband, Abby and I were snuggling on the bed and talking. He slapped his hand on his forehead and walked out muttering, "I told you not to get those!" I think they would make cute little Christmas gifts, Jeff is tops on my list! lol!
And as far as what I'm working on now in the bedroom? I'm doing a small gallery wall of still life photographs I have taken. I have the pictures and I found frames I liked yesterday so today I'll be hammering nails in my freshly painted walls (ouch!). So I think I will show you everything next week. Basically, you've seen it all with the snippets I've posted!! ;-)
I had a field day at Target last Sunday. I have been having the most boring weekends lately. The Husband is content at home now that he's almost back to work 100%, and of course there is football. So last Sunday I took off for Target by myself, which is rare. Emily or Abby are usually with me trying to get me to buy them things. I just took a leisurely stroll up and down the aisles; looking, touching, comparing prices in my head, doing the old "Do I really need it" song in my head. So, I came home with the lamp, 2 baking sheets, a welcome mat, a couple of books, Halloween candy and toilet paper. And I think I did a clean sweep of the store. It was better than meditation and yoga combined!
When I came home, The Husband was hanging up the blinds from Home Depot. We've never used blinds in this garden window before but he's convinced that the people behind us are watching him dress in front of his armoire in the morning. TMI?! I like them (the blinds). I gave my rosemary tree a haircut and repotted her. She's all set for the winter. You know, if I could write my life story, there would be a chapter on rosemary, all of it's own. You know I was bottling it a few weeks ago, I was using it in my cooking to the point where my family went on strike, I was literally giving it away. I saved the trimmings to dry and give Emily and then she and Mike walked in Monday morning with extra biscuits and gravy from a trendy new restaurant they had tried for breakfast. "Well, what's wrong with the biscuits?" I asked Mike. "Rosemary. They doused the gravy with rosemary! It tastes like pine!" So I refrained from giving them the clippings. I think rosemary is right up there as the trendy herb of 2013, just as kale is the "In" veggie, quinoa is the new grain and a chevron pattern should be on every pillow, curtain and rug in America! Just sayin.
This is the button detail on the cuff, these are heavy! I ordered and received some sweat pants and simple cotton shirts from my favorite shop Woman Within. They have sizes starting at small and go up to 42X, I think. And they are very affordable. I have found that everything runs big, so if you are a Large for example, get a Medium. The sweats are pretty much my Lying Around The House Garb for the winter. I unpacked my winter clothes last week. It coincided with the spotting of the first mouse. That's sad. As usual it's war. They will not enter my kitchen this year. They are hanging near the bird cage in the den (for the seed) so I have eliminated every cozy basket, pillow, nook and cranny that they can nest in and the poison is discreetly and safely dispersed. Just the facts of an old house, I guess.
Well, it's almost 3:00 p.m. and I'm still in my PJ's. I decided to stay put today so I'll probably just shower and put on another pair! Early tomorrow we are going to the lake. All I have to do is empty and put away my pots, furniture cushions and pack up an embarrassing overabundance of meat in our freezer. Guests are always coming with coolers filled with meat for barbeque's, more than we need and they refuse to take it home. I think we are set for the winter. And I'm still hoping The Husband will fire up that outdoor fireplace he built at the end of last summer. It's well overdue for it's debut! I hope all of you have a great fall weekend. I'll try to get some pics of the trees changing in Michigan because they sure aren't here! :)
Cute boots and it looks like your rosemary tree is very happy Jane! Enjoy your weekend at the lake:@)
Great post today, Jane! Oh gosh... I would totally wear those boots if my feet would give me permission to have a heel. Just LOVE that look.
I never knew that about Sedum, I may go cut mine and bring them indoors! Sounds like a perfect day to me Jane, just take a shower and put another pair of PJ's on...ha, I do love those days!!!
Hi Jane... busy week for you as always... love love love your new boots!... I have been looking for a pair similar to those... I don't have any short boots, only tall ones... and your new sweater is gorgeous!... loved hearing about your garden... and YES!... Russian Sage spreads and gets HUGE... I am talking can get up to 6 feet tall and just as wide... it grows everywhere around here, and people make stunning "fences" out of it, it gets so big... I love it but do not have any just for that reason, it gets sooo big!... your new book looks intriguing too... have fun at the lake, xoxo Julie Marie
Hi Jane!
I am home from work today!
I broke my left pinky toe for the 2nd time in 4 weeks! This time there was some bruising so I was instructed to elevate and ice! I am sitting here with my feet up... on my laptop visiting you, and I have three new books on coffee table!
OMGoodness! Your basil still looks wonderful as does your Rosemary...hmmmm must seek Russian sage for next year.
I love your new lamp and shade, the plates look so pretty illuminated above!
My best to the beautiful "B's" for the weekend!
I love the smell of Rosemary, I have a rosemary tree too, mine is shaped like a christmas tree and just keeps giving and giving, I love your new boots and the sweater, I love cardigans too, long and loose, to hide my fat bottom!
Those boots are fab!! I love Zappos too. Love the "mine" and "yours" pillows! Great find! Can't wait to see the full reveal. I love days where I can stay in my pj's all day too. Especially if it's raining. :) Enjoy the weekend!
Everyone is right....cute boots! We just arrived at our lake house about an hour ago! Dang, it's a long drive. We left home at 9:30 this morning. Of course there were several stops. We brought the smallest of our dogs, the one our granddaughter named Barbie. She isn't crazy about riding, so we stopped a lot. Hope you enjoy your time at the lake. My daughter orders from Woman Within. Maybe I'll give it a try. I need some nice sweats. Take care!!
Don't you just love to have the time to go to a store by yourself and just "roam around"? I so seldom get a chance to do that and then when I do, I find so many things that I'm sure were there all along!
I bought two new pairs of winter shoes today - both Clarks. That's about all I wear. They are so comfy.
Have a great weekend.
I cut all my basil a few weeks ago and froze fresh basil! My kids and I love a PJ kind of day. Have a great weekend Jane:)
Yes, I enjoyed our "conversation" today, Jane, I had a pj day yesterday, today I ran around and did errands, and also had my hair dyed and a mani. Busy weekend for me, for a change. I can't believe how much you got done, or the fact that snow/ice is in your weather forecast! No!! xo
I love jammie days ~ I usually have them in the winter months and have a bath between the old and new set! I do adore those boots ~ I am on the hunt for a pair of brown ones and hope to find what I am looking for when I go on my shopping trip stateside in 2 weeks. Hope you have fun at the lake! xo
I love the rosemary tree! I live in sweats it seems. In terms of shoes, I'm stuck wearing the same sneakers every day because of the ankle brace. I have to have a full size bigger to wear it. Ugh! It's cold and rainy here. Staying in weather!
You had me smiling at a few of the topics you covered here, Jane. : ) It's always great coming by your blog ~ it's like catching up with a friend.
Your new boots are so cute. Hope your day was a happy one Jane.
You panted 50 bulbs?! Wow, you must be sore! But it sure is going to be beautiful in the Spring!
I love Russian sage too. I have found that sometimes it does spread.
Love you new boots! They are super cute!
I'm envious of the garden accomplishment. '-) I've not had any time to spend in the garden, and it needs attention. We've had some good rain, and things need to be tamed again. Enjoy the weekend at the lake.
Your story about Jeff was funny, I think all too familiar Jane, he'll get around it for sure, someday. ;-) The plates look lovely hung and like you, I too bring in my plants inside, although right now here in the south, it's a yummy 67 degree weather still. Enjoy your book, we'll be heading off to your part of town to meet med school friends in downtown and see some great art at the institute next week. :-)
I always love your every post! It feels like a friendly visit each and every time. I am SO going to make your rosemary salts and infused olive oil - SOON!! I love knowing where to go back for the recipe and ingredients!
Have a lovely weekend and am already looking forward to your next post!
Hi Jane, pretty Rosemary tree, wow....oh I love those boots, I need a pair, I am a boot freak you know :) those pillow cases are really neat too......Blessings Francine.
Rosemary SACHETS would be great for your son at Xmas as well, ha ha
ha :)
In all the years that I've grown sedum for fall I never knew that I could pick it, bring it in and have it last that long...thanks! :)
Your russian sage will spread a bit but not too much, as in it won't take over or anything :)
Hi, Jane...lovin' the new boots..
boy, you've been busy...meee, too!
I am trying to get my new email address straightened out and maybe that will help straighten out the blog. Sooo much trouble with it...
I HATE GOOGLE AND ANYTHING connected with it.
I just luv PJ days....:))
You have been very busy and have gotten so much done!!! I need to bring all my pots in now that the cold weather is here. I love strolling around Target looking at everything and not feeling rushed. I might just do that today :o) Have a great weekend!!!
Well, you make me feel lazy:) SO much going on in your world! I need desperately to get outside and get my yard ready for the Winter! Have a blessed weekend dear friend, don't work too hard! HUGS!
My basil is thriving well too! Hibiscus are some of my faves! Loving the pics. Happy weekend!
Love the hibiscus plants, so pretty!
Like the boots and sweater too :)
Like your blog, thanks for sharing!
Tiffany :)
This is a fun post, Jane.
You seem to be so busy all of the time. I wish I could get as much accomplished as you do.
LOVE the new boots, and sweater.
I think the pillows on the bed are really cute! what do boys know about decorating anyway??? lol.
Hope you are enjoying the weekend.
Every spring I vow to plant bulbs in the fall and every fall when it's cold and wet, I look outside and say, Meh, not this year! Lol, and then I miss the tulips and daffodils in the Spring. I'm trying to get things buttoned up and cozy here too, the temps are dropping and so are the leaves!
Blondie, I love this post, a bit of everything. I love the boots and sweater. Yes, the neighbors are watching your husband, he's cute.:):) I like the tree you repotted. Hope you have a great weekend. xoxo,Susie
I'm planning to put out bulbs too. My Autumn Joy Sedum is beautiful!! It is perennial here and it's one of the hardest and prettiest workers in the flower bed. Glad you got so much work done outside. I know winter will hit there and it will be an inside game from then on.
You make me want to go to Marshall's. I love cardigans too. My BFF says I dress like a teacher. Well, I have always been a teacher but you know the stereotype. So a cardigan with a blingy necklace is the answer. :)
Hello, Jane. I loved Beautiful Ruins. Are you liking it?
Wow, I can't believe you're going to get ice or snow on Monday. UGH!
Well I think the pillow shams are cute!!! When do we get to see the finished room? And I do think that all bedrooms need blinds....I'm scared of creepers!
Hey Jane! I love visiting here and hearing about everything you've been up to. You are just one busy little bee! lol I LOVE your new boots, girl! Awwwwesome! And your rosemary tree? I can't believe how big and healthy it looks! Hope you're having a grand time at your cottage, sweetie - and not getting too wet. This has been one ridiculously cold wet week we've had and another one on the way. Ugh. After we had such a beautiful first 2 weeks of October, too! lol You just never know about MI weather..... lol
xoxo laurie
My you've been busy!
Yikes Red Sox just hit a grand slam! YAY!
Sorry, got side tracked! LOL!!!
So nice of you to help a friend, especially in this economy. It's not easy out there.
So many things to comment on, I'm sure I'll forget some of it. Your plants...can't believe you still have all that lush basil. I harvested mine a few weeks ago and made pesto. That's all gone already, too! Your sedum still looks great...mine is all dried up. As far as Russian Sage, it doesn't spread to other areas, but it does spread out and up - a lot! It can get huge. I'm with your family on the rosemary - I can only take it in very small doses. It's too "piney" for me. Cute boots and pretty sweater. I have a bunch of pretty cardigans, most of them found at Goodwill! No sweats for me, I live in yoga pants (indoors) instead. Hope you're enjoying your weekend up at the lake and that you're getting a chance to enjoy your new books!
Hi Jane! I read Beautiful Ruins and enjoyed it:) I hope you do too.
Good for you for helping out your family friend and getting that heavy lifting done.. and 50 bulbs! wow! That's a lot of planing and I think my hands would have been sore after that!
Such a pretty rosemary tree! I have them in topiary form starting in November. They smell so good and will hold up in our cold weather.
Enjoy your weekend! xxleslie
Love those boots and I think the pillowcases are cute! What do kids know anyway? xoxo
Love the pillows, boots, cardi, lamp, blind & rosemary. Not sure about the book, will check it out on Amazon and maybe get it on my Kindle.
A day in pj's, now I haven't had one of those in ages mmmm.
Have a great week, sweetie.
You are definitely a busy lady! Love those boots....
I love cardigans too! I have them in several colors!
Hi Janie,
Love those boots!!!!
And I loved your chatty post, so full of interesting tidbits.
And I think the pillowcases are cute as can be!
I e-mailed you too dear.
Looking forward to this weekend,
My garden, at least the one in Maine, is put away for the winter and looks very barren. I love knowing you sometimes stay in your pajamas until late in the day. Those are times I call a real luxury, especially when part of the day is spent reading a good book.xox
I forgot if I commented before...and when I saw 41 comments, I thought I'd skip looking and just comment again.
You always have so much going on.
Love the new boots and loved reading about your other good buys.. shopping. Sometimes I prefer shopping alone...I can browse more and not feel like I am holding someone up.
Hope your hubby is feeling better.
I MUCH prefer to shop alone. It keeps me focused.
The boots are adorable Jane! You must look so hot in them ;).
I loved your report, Janie, and I found myself smiling which I desperately need right now.
Love your boots AND the pillows. Hey, they are mo goes med... Sort of, and they are cute. So tell son to lay off! Up intended.
I like rosemary, too.
Glad the neighbors can no longer spy on hubs.
Goodness! You sure do know how to put a lot in one post. I laughed about the blinds and hubby thinking the neighbors are watching. Ha! Have a great week. Tammy
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