The Husband went out for his vitamins on Sunday and surprised me with the little food tent that you see here. I have always wanted one since we have snacks sitting outside all the time at the lake. This is so darling. he even bought me some yummy lemon hand soap. He loves to shop as I have mentioned before, we are a dangerous pair!

his weekend was rather slow. We went out for dinner Friday, just to Chilie's because we felt like having some Mexican. Saturday night I made a wonderful dinner from a recipe I found at Na Da Farm Life With Anne Marie. It is chicken on a bed of fresh spinach with cream and grated Romano cheese. This is what it looked like. It was delicious and so easy to prepare! I have not been baking as I am still not having any sugar. Since I gave it up last month, I am down a pants size! Woo Hoo! My family is feeling a little neglected though so I think I will make something with fruit and have a few nibbles! That sums up the philosophy of the book I just read, French Women Don't Get Fat. I found another book by the same author called, French Women For All Seasons and I am loving this one, too. A lot of great recipes.
This is all I have for today. I hope everyone is having a great start to the week ahead. I'm joining Marty at A Stroll Thru Life for Table Top Tuesday!
HI Miss Jane, yes you are married to a wonderful guy. So am I and I thank God for it. Love your little food tent, this will come in handy when you are outside too. Yay!
You know your comment about google and doing new things. My kids are amazed at what I can do on the computer and I told them I learn only out of frustration because in blogging things are always changing and you have to learn how to do them or you can't post, blog, do parties, etc. Of course they have no idea what I'm talking about...but they are impressed! hahahaha
Congratulations on the weight loss. That's my next thing to give up. I have been gluten free now for two is the sugar.
Your husband is so sweet. He always buys you nice gifts.
Oh I miss our lake many times have I said that to you.....but I still do.
Have fun on your trip.
The chicken on spinach looks wonderful. I recently ordered the second book you mentioned and her cook book. I have been to busy with our puppy to read them.
Aww, your hubby is a doll. I was looking at food tents at Marshalls but couldn't rationalize buying one since I have almost no space outdoors to entertain and would not actually use it. I just think they are cool!
I was trying to find that "French Women Don't Get Fat" book at the library for my Kindle but I guess I have to break down and buy it. I'm glad you got some good tips from it. Have a great week Jane!
Hi Jane!
I love carnations for that same reason! Yours are so pretty!
That food net sounds so great..what a sweet hubby :)
The chicken sounds so nice too, and that book as well.
So nice to have a visit with you again.
Blessings and congrats on going down a pant size! Wow...good for you girl!
Deborah xoxo
Such fun info, Jane! YOur lake home sounds and looks so ideal... and then reality sets in. It takes a whole lot of work to get it to look picture perfect for the summer season.
I can't wait to see this year's pictures!
WhoooHooo...down a size in pants! Wonderful...good for you!
It sounds like hubby is super busy. I know how much you want to get to the lake so I am hoping his works slows a bit soon.
Is it possible you could email me with info about the place you stay in Asheville? Just the link to it would be fine. That is on our agenda for this Fall. LOVE it there! xo Diana
Hi darling, I know you're looking forward to heading to the lake. Today is gorgeous here. I've been out pulling weeds having a ball. I'll do a bit of mowing after I close, then you know me I'll be heading to the front porch... hugs ~lynne~
Yea for you on the reduced pants size! Love carnations too. I have even dried them and they are even pretty that way. Have a wonderful week:)
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens
Hi Jane... I just emailed you back, fun reading your post again... (you changed it some) so happy to hear you loved the books and wow, down a pants size, that is great!... I was holding out on switching to the new blogger, but it just switched me anyway, rats!... I hate changes like that... enjoy your beautiful weather... and I hope you get to go to the lake this weekend, so fun!... xoxo Julie Marie
Hi! Congrats on dropping the pant size. I started working on it yesterday...I'm just counting WW points, that works for me and after our trip I was ready for some healthy food. I wanted to make sure you look at the post I just put up. It is about the places we ate in Asheville and we loved them. We had such a great time, no wonder you want to go back. We were only there 3 days but we did some other fun things too. We both want to go back to Asheville, it was so pretty.
My husband likes to shop too. I'm sure glad he does since I do go off on my own much! We did a bit of damage on the way home-but at least I have the bathroom almost done now!
That's great that you are down a pant size! I have both of those books too...
I'm sure you'll get to the lake house before you know it, Jane. It probably feels late to you, too, because of this wacky weather. That dinner looks good and reminds me of a meal I had at a restaurant that was new to us {well, being new to Ohio they are all new to us!} that had salmon on spinach leaves with a similar sauce, only they added two of my very favorite things ~ mushrooms and artichoke hearts. It was delicious.
Hi Jane,
You can go back to the old blogger look just by clicking on options at the top right. Learned this from the blog Living Beautifully.
I would love visiting Ashville, it's a beautiful place and lots of shopping, so have fun.
Good for you for losing some weight. I'm having a hard time getting back to eating right and have gained back eight of the 42 I lost....bad I know.
You definitely have a keeper on your hands, no doubt! I'm amazed at your incredible weight loss! Wish I had the willpower to give up sugar! Your dinner looks DE-LISH! I know you're looking forward to your trip to's the perfect time of year to go!
What a keeper you have Jane..sounds like you are keeping busy with life my dear friend..Love ya and have missed you..Gloria
You are so lucky to be married to someone who will buy you something just because he thinks you will like it. Mine would buy something he wanted, but not for me unless he KNEW I wanted it. I have to be bold with him! Ha! Our weather has been cold and windy here. I am NOT happy about it either. I just planted all my flowers on the porch and now they are wilting from the cold wind. Looking forward to some warmer weather later this week. My husband fly fishes too! I didn't know that yours did. I hate fishing, so I would be like you and go find some fun shopping while he fished.
You are a lucky girl ~ my hubby comes back empty handed all the time ~ even when I have asked for something!! I think I would love any type of getaway ~ a rustic cabin or shopping with the girls. I am jealous! Have a wonderful week Janie! xo
Looks sugar huh? I wonder if I could do it? I'd love to go down a pant size :) Chat soon, Laurel
Congrats on the weight loss! Are you just off sugar, or flour as well?
Oh, that chicken looks so yummy!
I am so spoiled by the earlier WARM weather here. It has been colder and dreary, so I am ready for that warmer weather again. I am trying to get used to the new format, too. Ugh!
Have a great week!
Your little food tent is going to be great for the summer. You will get lots of good use out of that! I want to take my youngest daughter to the Biltmore Home because I think she will be fascinated. She loves history and HGTV!
Jane! Bravo on your recent size reduction!
You have me re-visiting FWDGF. I inherited it from one of my daughter's sorority sisters when they moved out of the Pi Phi house back in 2005.
I too, look forward to your visits to the lake. I so enjoyed your stories from there last Summer. I cannot believe that we have been blog friends for a year.
The best of blessings to you, The (brilliant shopper)Husband, and your family!
I love the little food tent. I saw one for the first time today at Pier 1 and my first thought was, "This would be amazing for patio parties!"
Kit Balderdash
Hi there dear Jane! I know that the lake house will be happy to have you there when you make it:)
I have never been to the Biltmore house but it is on my list!
That chicken recipe sounds yummy!
Enjoy your day my friend, HUGS!
Bet you can't wait to get up to the cottage....dust and all! Can you believe the weather this year? Seems like summer will be here before we know it! That recipe looks so good...I'll have to try it. Lately I've been cooking a different thing every night. I don't think I've repeated a thing in 2 months now ~ can you believe it? My kids are dying though....and wishing I'd just make hamburgers ~ lol! Well, maybe I'll put it on the list after this recipe :) Congrats on your eating plan...sounds like it is going well for pant size down ~ AWESOME! Have a great week Jane!
Congrats on the weight loss. It is hard to give up sugar, i am on day four and lets just say I have a headache from HELL.
The Biltmore...whoo hoo! That is such a beautiful place. My daughter wants to get married there, but not to sure if its in our budget.
Keep up the great work on the new healthy liffe style!
Congratulations on your weight loss, I know how hard that is to do since I fail at it daily! After the beautiful March weather we had I was sure we would be planting garden this month, but the freezing nights have put that idea out of my head. May is close, surely we will have some beautiful weather by then!
Your hubby is a doll to get the soap and food cover for you. It's those little gestures that mean the most:>)
What a sweet hubby you have to think of you while out running errands :o) Congratulations on your weight loss too!!!! I will have to look for that book.
I am going to HAVE to get one of those food tents! Never even THOUGHT of that before! Thanks for the post!
We eat and snack outside all the time. We were just sitting in the gazebo with our wine and put coasters over them while we do a few things inside. Coasters are fine for glasses but a food net would solve all the insect problems.
When a tiny critter gets in Louis Dean's wine he just says, "Well, he didn't drink much and at least he died HAPPY!"....he fishes it out and keeps drinking! That's my man!
Hi Blondie! Thank you for stopping by today. How cool that you have a lake house. Do you have it done up? I've always wanted to getaway home to decorate!
That chicken sounds good! I can't believe you are able to give up sugar. Good for you, a whole pants size in a month is awesome! Wish I had the willpower...
Hi Janie! I am glad your weather's getting nicer. The chicken dish looks yummy and easy to prepare, I am going to try it. Thanks! Have fun on your trip and take lots of photos....Christine
Congratulations on the wt loss Jane!
Enjoyed this post.
Hi, Blonde girl, congrats on the weight loss.
Mr. Sweet and I are a couple days into the South Beach Diet and doing without sugar...all things white. No bread, sugar, rice, pasta, potatoes....for 2 weeks. Then we go into phase 2. Mr. Sweet's heart doctor said LOSE SOME WEIGHT and live longer so we are hoping with this diet, he can lose a lot.
Bless his heart..he has fought weight all his life. We are eating lots of veggies and CHICKEN. I am not a big fan of chicken but....I can do it if it will help him lose the weight.
Now, I am looking for good diet there any such thing?
Hi Jane,
Love that little tent and the food you made looks delicious!
Good for you girlfriend for dropping a size!!!!
I love visiting here it's like visiting an old friend! Oh yah, you are! hehehehehe.
Big Hugs,
If you get a chance check out Addi's pics I put on FB yesterday. They were done by a local photographer and I think they are pretty cute!
Looks like a great recipe!
I changed over to the new blogger format a while ago - you'll catch on quick. For some reason, they shut my blog down - "unusual account activity" - and I had to contact their support group to request that they bring it back up again. Not sure what that was all about, but at least I can access my blog again and leave comments. :)
Hope you all have a great Thurs.
~ Zuzu
What a nice guy buying you a that little tent; love it. I love this healthy chicken plate; right up my alley.
I am so sorry you can't comment on my blog; so nice of you to email me; thank you for that.
I think I need to get me some carnation; this drab cold weather is getting to me. Enjoy reading you.
Congratulations on losing a pant size! That's a big deal and must feel great! I don't eat that much sugar so I can't now so if i cut it out I doubt I'd see any results. All I can do is exercise which isn't alway a fav of mine! Sounds like you have some nice plans in store! Have a wonderful weekend Jane!:)
congrats on the weight loss, jane! your husband's a keeper! hmmm, i think i need a food tent, too:)
Great...I could use a new chicken recipe! Yesterday, I wrote a whole post and it didn't save :( So I had to do it all over again (and my photos were not organized)--it seems to take so long to load photo, too. I have read those books, too. Fun.
I am crazy for food tents...thanks for showing yours...what a nice husband!
So happy for your "down a pants size"..and that yummy recipe!
Yay for your weight loss! Great job! Glad you enjoyed your trip to Asheville. I love that little city. Greaat restaurants.
Oh your dinner looks amazing..I so love Anne Marie..she is a dear. Sending you oodles of happy.xoxo
Congrats on cutting sugar out of your diet and your weight loss! I love Asheville and I know you will have a wonderful time.
Hugs, Sherry
You know, lemon hand soap is one of my favorites! What a lovely treat!
I'm so happy the hearts arrived, hope they'll give you joy every time you see them!
Sending hugs, dear Jane!
Hi Jane!! just returned from Florida, so I had to come over and catch up. Your previous post is lovely! The table setting really is so pretty, Jane.
Good for you going down a whole pant size, girl!!!! You must be smiling from ear to ear. Such an accomplishment.
Your hubby is so sweet to surprise you with the soaps, and the food tent.
I hope you get to your lake house soon. Summer is coming!
I love your post, and like you, I am NOT too happy about the changes to Blogger. They are kind of like FaceBook....always changing things that don't need changing. Oh well, hopefully we'll get used to it. Thanks so much for stopping by blog and for the sweet comment*!
Well Jane - I really need to visit your lake house so you need to get up there soon. I'll even pretend to help you clean during my imaginary visit!!! xoxo Nancy
Bless your heart! You have gone without sugar for a month. How hard has that been? Did you make the soup mentioned in the book to eat for the first 3 days? I am thinking about it. I know I need to give up sugar too so that I can enjoy more real food. Thanks for the inspiration. Off to mow the lawn-only we call it yard out here in the country!
Hi Jane! Good for you Jane! I should get serious and eat better and lose some weight.
Thanks so much for popping in and I hope your weekend is going well.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hi Miss Jane! Wow lady, what a great husband that likes to shop as much as you do! Nice gifts there! Now, that has to be a blast! Dropping sugar and a pant size is awesome, way to go! Chicken looks divine, and if it's an easy recipe, even better! Take care sweet friend!
Your chicken dish looks fabulous. I am always looking for new ways to make chicken so I'm definitely checking this out. Congrats on losing the weight. I know how hard it is to lose it and how hard it is to keep it off! Happy Sunday Jane...Ann
Goodness! I have not been here in ages! Love visiting you! I need to talk with you about the sugar thing! I am not sure how to cut it out of my diet because it seems to be in everything we eat! Any suggestions?
Love that chicken dish!Yummy! Congrats on losing a pant size! Woo Hoo! That is cool!
I have written two posts about wellness and am excited for the good weather to be here to stay! In Colorado we can get snow right up until the first of May!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hugs Anne
Love that little food tent. I'll bet that lemon soap has the cleanest scent. I love lemon fragrance for the kitchen.
Down a pants size by giving up sugar? How fabulous! Congratulations. I might just have to try that!
Hi-ya BLondie!
Just thinking about you and had to stop by (don't get much time for blogging lately).
When are you going to the Biltmore?
How wonderful!
So funny you should mention FWDGF - you should check out the series I am doing right now - you'll enjoy it!
Will we see you on the 12th?
Bonne Weekend!
Hi Jane! Yippee! I finally changed my comment format to see if it would help and there you were! However..I am getting a lot less comments so I am wondering if ..some are not able to comment on this one. The new blogger is driving me up the wall. I am trying to be patient..but it's hard. NO idea how to put anyone I follow on my side bar..ARGGGGG!
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Oh..and we went out for Mexican food too! LOVE that stuff!
:) Hugs,
good for you!! I would be very interested in reading that book!!
You can revert back to the old blogger by going into your dashboard and clicking on the thing that looks like a will give a drop down menu with the option of going back to ld blogger.
A wonderful LIGHT summery dessert ~
1 pkg instant vanilla pudding
1 c milk
Beat together
Blend in a 1/2 tub of cool whip
Bake Pepperidge Farms Puffy Pastry Shells
Tap top shell lid off & set aside
Fill with crushed pineapple w/juice (as spooned our of can) & mandarin oranges (no juise). Then a dollop of pudding mixture. Then add sliced strawberries or blueberries or green grapes ... add any other fruit(s) you wish. Add a BIG dollop of pudding mix.
Top with the shell lid & serve.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yum!
Biltmore sounds pretty good to me, also.
Have a beautiful week my friend ~
Oh my does that chicken look good!
Thank you for your kind comments. You are such a blessing to me.
I will be having a Mother's Day giveaway this next Friday with glimpses of whats up for grabs all this week. :)
That recipe looks divine and easy enough. I will have to check out those cookbooks. Food tents come in handy for outside dining. Enjoy your week. XO Linda
ummm the chicken and spinach looks fantastic! Your trip sounds nice, I bet that you can not wait!! If you need someone to clean and visit the cottage ~ call me. lol.
Have a great new week.
Hi darling, just checking in. I would love to go to the Biltmore.. someday! Hope you're enjoying beautiful weather there. We've had rain, today is suppose to warm up so you know it's going to be humid. My ferns are going to love that..
hugs ~lynne~
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