We are officially over holidays until Mother's Day, and although I will leave my bunnies out to celebrate spring, I'm sort of tired of looking at them. I do love April though, even though it's only 40 degrees today, I'm letting some fresh air in right now and it smells SO good. April is also my daughter Abby's birthday month and we have been celebrating that for days it seems
She and I were off to the burbs to do some retail therapy on Friday. This is a big outdoor mall and I posted a little about it last summer, it's where I found my dress for son Kevin's wedding. The flower beds were filled with tulips of every color and I even saw a bunny crouched down in one of the beds. Abby gifted herself with a lot of cute clothes and jewelry and I popped in to Williams Sonoma and Pottery Barn, but as usual, the prices just irritate me. It's fun to look though. I splurged on some body mists at Bath And Body Works, I love those in the summer to spray on when the weather is hot, I keep them in the fridge. Ooh, heaven! We had lunch at a cool place called The Reel Club, and if you guessed seafood, you're correct. It was delicious. Abby had sushi and I had shrimp with a wonderful remoulade sauce. I mentioned to the waiter that it was her 21st birthday (sniff, sniff...she's my baby)and he surprised us with the most decadent chocolate cupcake. In the picture above it looks like Wildfire, another great restaurant, but The Reel Club is just in front of it. I'd love to drag The Husband off there one day. This is Abby on the right, my little French girl. She looks so much like her father. We celebrated again Saturday night at my nephew's pub, Blackthorn. The Husband and I left at about 10:30 so she could hit the trail of Irish bars with her friends for her first legal night of getting in them! Fun, fun, fun! I'm almost finished reading the book I told all of you about in my last post. I SO recommend it. It's funny and wise and filled with stories of the writer growing up in France. I've gleaned some great tips and advice and the book is highlighted with my neon marker on almost every page. I am drinking my usual coffee, but I keep a glass of ice water with lemon next to me at all times. I'm also eating more fruit and my dinner consists of mostly vegetables. There is no deprivation in this book, just moderation. And it's quite entertaining. Once again I thank my blogger friend, Julie Marie, for sending this to me. She is such a sweetheart! A little more retail therapy last week netted me these cute shoes. Gosh, I love shoes, even though I live mostly in flip flops during the summer. Wedges are my favorite since I am getting a little wobbly in my old age! On my last trip to TJ Maxx I found these little candle holders...well, not so little, for the patio at the lake. I have dreams about being at the lake but it seems every weekend is filled with things we have to do here. This weekend is a wedding shower that the girls and I have on Sunday. I do love showers and parties, but I would love to be sitting on the dock looking out at the water about now. Here's another one. Looks like I am getting into straw lately!
I hope all of you had a good Easter. We really had the nicest weather and my dinner turned out great. There is something so wonderfully satisfying about popping a ham in the oven, mashing some potatoes, roasting some veggies and having dinner on the table in two hours. My very favorite part is making soup with the bone. Yum!
Well, that's it for me this last week. We had our lawn care service do a spring clean up and my meadow now looks like a lawn. We have SO many trees. They cut, rake, fertilize and prune. I love it. I'm still a good month away from planting flowers and how I envy all of you in the South that have beautiful blooms already! I have nothing to take pictures of except some baby grass where we put seed down in some bare spots!
Hi Jane, your week sounds wonderful... and your birthday girl is just beautiful!... I am so happy you love the book and have found out just like I said... you can still EAT!... I had fun going back and reading everyones comments, looks like alot of the ladies have read it... I LOVE your summer shoes!... so cute, and I know you will look adorable in them... your candle holders are so cute too... April is just such an enchanting month... I want it to last and last... enjoy your beautiful weather and your new shoes!... much love, xoxo Julie Marie
Hi Jane, I love to shop and love shoes, the ones you bought are so cute! I love the candle bags too and yep, the ones in the south do have their flowers out but I usually have to wait till mid May. I did buy some pansies though and have them on my front porch! Glad you had fun on your shopping trip with your daughter on, to be 21 again but know what I know now.lol!
Great candleholders, Jane. I can't go into a regular Pottery Barn anymore. In fact, I've been thinking that I need to find out where the outlet is. Sometimes their prices are still kind of high, but at least they are more reasonable.
Hi Jane! When I saw the title of your post, I thought it was going to be all about me! LOL! Wishing your beautiful daughter a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Love your neat candleholders! Glad to know that your week couldn't have been much better!
Hi Jane- What a fun post. Sounds like you have been a busy girl with your family(beautiful girls, by the way)-daughter's birthday and Easter dinner. I am sure you are anxious to get to the lake. Those first few times there are aways wonderful, aren't they? Love your candle holders, too...they look perfect for your lake home. xo Diana
Love the term retail therapy. Happy Birthday to your daughter; she is adorable. I read that book when it first came out; so much fun. Happy Spring...we had snow this morning. Rita
what a wonderful post, you had a great week, the girls are so pretty.I enjoy hearing about your shopping trips, many people here go down into the states to shop at the stores you mentioned, we don't have many of them here, Toronto has some great shopping but still not like you have.Our April broughtus snow today!!!!Have a wonderful week,
Happy Birthday to Abby! You know its funny that you say your daughter looks just like your husband, because when I was looking at her pictures, it was right beside the picture of your sister Leslie and I think they look a lot alike. I was amazed! Just goes to show that both families come out in the children.
I am so glad you like the book. It is wonderful and really I should read it again as it has been a year since I read it. Love your wedges, I only do flats so find you brave.
You have such a beautiful daughter. It sounds like a wonderful day spent together celebrating her birthday. I'm going to have to try some "retail therapy" soon. We have flowers here - even lilacs, but it's a little early and I worry the frost is going to get them.
Sounds like you had a great time. Spending time with your baby AND good food AND retail therapy. YES! I love those little candle bags. Darn if I'm not going to have to make a run to TJ Maxx now. They'll probably be gone although I'm sure there will be some other cute doodad that I don't need to take their place!
Your daughter is just gorgeous, what lovely skin she has! My baby girl will be 21 this year too, so I know how you feel. It's just not fair how quickly they grow up. You picked up some cute things, I just love TJ Maxx, that is where I got my grill basket for veggies! You asked what kind of grill I bought. I asked a lot of people and everyone said buy a Weber, they last forever and they are worth the price, so that is what I did. I got a Genesis model which is mid-range ($700). It's plenty big for my semi-empty nest, and it's built like a tank. Everyone said be sure to get cast iron grates also, and Webers have those, but some Brinkmans also have them. I'm hoping to get LOTS of use out of it this summer. I can't wait for flowers too, then summer is really on the way!
April is the best! I love it because everything is fresh (I haven't killed anything yet!)and it's not too hot and school is almost out! Love the shoes you found! Happy Birthday to your daughter!
This has been such a cold April up here, Jane - I'm ready for a nice, warm May! March was warmer for us than April! Yikes! lol! Sounds like you all had a fabulous time together this past week! Hopefully, lake time is right around the corner for you! :)
Hi, Jane! I picked up the book from the library today and I'm going to dive in as soon as I finish the book I'm reading now. It was for our book club which met tonight. I hate it when I don't get the books finished on time. Grrr. Love those shoes!
Sounds like you are enjoying spring where you are, Jane. Your daughter is so pretty. How blessed you are to be so close to your children. Cute sling back shoes for the warmer weather. I, too, wear flip flops for most of the summer. Hope you are able to get to your lakehouse soon. xxoo
Sounds like you had a great week, Jane! Your daughter is so pretty! That book sounds like a good read, I say French people don't get fat because they walk everywhere! And they can still afford to eat rich food, just not the huge portions we are used to here in the states:) Have a great night!
Looks like ou had a fun weekend, Janie. Happy Birthday to Abby! She is so beautiful! The candle holders are really cute. I did not post pics about AJ's visit on my blog but I do have pictures on FB...Christine
Happy Birthday to Abby! Funny when we are young we want to celebrate all month, now that I am older, one day is plenty enough for me. LOL. I love sushi..we have a roll here called the LSU roll. Loaded with seafood. Abby would love it. We have had an spring early..but that also has brought lots of bugs and I am already pulling tons of weeds. Enjoy the cooler temps! Your friend in the South, Melissa
It was so nice to spend a few minutes catching up with your news, love the new shoes! We're off to Italy in a couple of days, there's wifi available at our place there, so I'll be checking in with my "girls" now and again, I hate to miss anything!
Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter! Love, love the shoes you bought. You always buy the cutest shoes. Sending you some southern sunshine today! Tammy
Gosh, so much to comment on:) First Happy Belated Easter:) I love your shoes! Soo cute. I just picked out my dress for my Son's Wedding too. Mine is teal. What color did you get? Oh and Happy Birthday to your daughter!!!! A TJMax just opened up a town away so I will not miss any more goodies:) Hope you are having a wonderful week:) ~Debra xxx Capers of the vintage vixens
Hi Jane! I must add that book to my list, sounds great! What a fun time you had with your daughter -- those moments are so precious. I adore those little wedges. I love that style shoe but most of them are so high that I would be an accident waiting to happen....lol! Hope you get some lake "relaxing" time soon. CAS
Hi Jane! Sounds like you had a great Easter weekend. Happy Birthday to Abby - she is so beautiful! Glad you had a wonderful day. I love those cute little shoes and your dinner sounded so good! Love me some ham. Be a sweetie, Shelia ;)
Sounds like you had a wonderful time, Jane! I just walked through W&S the other day & I agree--the prices are horrible! Love their products, but I'm having a hard time spending money like that anymore!
What a great week! I am an April baby too and I like that it is my month since I love Spring. We are going to take a drive to the cottage on the week-end just to make sure it lasted through the winter! Enjoy the rest of your week Janie. xo
Sounds like you had fun. Your daughter is gorgeous. I have a 22 year old, so I know what you mean about them growing up. Still need their mamas, though! Your Easter table looks pretty, too. Love those bunnies.
Thanks for sharing the pic of you and your daughter. You both are so beautiful and you look more like sisters. Love the candleholders. Hope you get to the lake soon. Hugs, Ginger
Good Morning Jane, What a fun post as usual! You are so good at sharing your heart! I want a pair of shoes just like your new ones...too cute! And your daughter is so cute too and she does look a lot like Al! But then your other daughter is a Minnie-Me of you! End of June for Galena will work great for Dan and I just pick a date, were open! I have nothing to show yet either for blooms and plants but it won't be long for us! Today looks beautiful, sunny and in the 60's! Big Hugs, Cindy Just pick a date that works for you and Al...we'll be there! hehe.
Hi Jane, First, I have to say, I love those shoes! I want them! I'm also trying to lose some weight right now before my trip. I'm drinking more water and eating lots of veggies too, so hopefully it will work. I'm also trying to do yoga everyday! This will be day 3. My daughter is going to be 20 so I can totally relate to how you feel. Take care! Jenniferxox
Happy Birthday to your daughter Jane...mine was yesterday and I feel Like I have been celebrating forever. Love those shoes, and it looks like I need to head on over to TJ maxx!
I love April too, Jane. There's something about the promise of the new season that is so much a part of this month. It sounds like you had a great birthday celebration with your 'baby' - and how are plans for the other celebration coming along? Have you started to think about what you'll be wearing?
April has been pretty good out here in West Texas. A little windy...am afraid May will be even more windy with sand. We do have some doozys of sand storms in the spring....but beautiful (HOT) summers.
I usually leave some ceramic bunnies out until sometime in May but I've packed them all away already. Even more uncharacteristic than being tired of them, the shelves haven't been refilled with the usual non-holiday photos and bric-a-brac. If I told you I am getting to that today, I'd be telling you a whopper. My goal is Monday. But I'm not saying which week. ;-)
Love the candle holders and having a spot at the lake sounds devine. We are getting into the high 80's and low 90's already, so the hot summer is on the way. Hope you have a super week. Hugs, Marty
You found great "treasures" and don't you just love a great shopping trip! I hear you about your grass. Ours looks the same. From a distance it looks fine, but up close it is just awful and needs so much TLC. Oh, how I love a good ham and all the great recipes to cook from the leftovers.
Your daughter is really beautiful! Sounds like y'all had a great time on her birthday. Wow...she's really all grown up now! My oldest is 18 and I know the next big milestone b-day will be when he turns 21. Love your new shoes! I like that style too. Sounds like you've done everything you can to get ready for warmer weather. I bet your lawn will be beautiful when it's done greening up and filling out. We have a few bare spots that need to be re-seeded too. It seems to always happen doesn't it?
Happy Birthday to your daughter!! She is beautiful and I hope she had a blast on her first night of being legal!!! Awesome shopping finds for sure!! xxDaniella
Jane, Sounds like you had a great week. LOVE your new shoes and I'm checking out TJMaxx to see what's new. I haven't been there in a couple of days. LOL Happy Sunday, Babs
Hi Jane, I read that book when it very first came out and loved it too! I also am loving those shoes...where did you find them? If you wrote where you got them, sorry I missed it. Thanks for visiting my blog and have a great week! Marcia
French Women Don't Get Fat?! Hmm that certainly sounds like the book for me. I'm going to order it ;) I'll check back with you to let you know what I think. I had to laugh at your comment about Williams Sonoma's prices making you mad...I totally get that. Have a happy week.
Almost every week you will experience new and exciting things, dear Jane. I know many people who just sit home and wait, but you live the life ... it's so great!!!
Enjoy this new week with a lot of fun!
Hugs Tine
P.S. Our dog is a Great Dane and his name is 'Otto von Bismarck', called 'Otto'. Whenever possible, he used a chair or stool. Even as a baby he did not like sitting on the ground :)
Beautiful happy young girls! My sister has read and told me about that book...I need to be more disciplined! Love all your shopping finds...hope you are enjoying the spring! :)Laura
Happy Birthday to your pretty baby Girl Jane! I can so relate to the shoe thing too. Those are so darned cute! Hope you get the the Lake soon!! xoRoberta
Hi Jane, your week sounds wonderful... and your birthday girl is just beautiful!... I am so happy you love the book and have found out just like I said... you can still EAT!... I had fun going back and reading everyones comments, looks like alot of the ladies have read it... I LOVE your summer shoes!... so cute, and I know you will look adorable in them... your candle holders are so cute too... April is just such an enchanting month... I want it to last and last... enjoy your beautiful weather and your new shoes!... much love, xoxo Julie Marie
Happy Birthday to your daughter!
Love your candle holders you found. I am on a shopping hiatus after merging 3600 sq feet of stuff into a 2000 sq ft home.
Hi Jane, I love to shop and love shoes, the ones you bought are so cute! I love the candle bags too and yep, the ones in the south do have their flowers out but I usually have to wait till mid May. I did buy some pansies though and have them on my front porch!
Glad you had fun on your shopping trip with your daughter on, to be 21 again but know what I know now.lol!
Great candleholders, Jane. I can't go into a regular Pottery Barn anymore. In fact, I've been thinking that I need to find out where the outlet is. Sometimes their prices are still kind of high, but at least they are more reasonable.
Hi Jane!
When I saw the title of your post, I thought it was going to be all about me! LOL! Wishing your beautiful daughter a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Love your neat candleholders! Glad to know that your week couldn't have been much better!
Hi Jane- What a fun post. Sounds like you have been a busy girl with your family(beautiful girls, by the way)-daughter's birthday and Easter dinner. I am sure you are anxious to get to the lake. Those first few times there are aways wonderful, aren't they? Love your candle holders, too...they look perfect for your lake home. xo Diana
Love the term retail therapy.
Happy Birthday to your daughter; she is adorable.
I read that book when it first came out; so much fun.
Happy Spring...we had snow this morning.
what a wonderful post, you had a great week, the girls are so pretty.I enjoy hearing about your shopping trips, many people here go down into the states to shop at the stores you mentioned, we don't have many of them here, Toronto has some great shopping but still not like you have.Our April broughtus snow today!!!!Have a wonderful week,
Hi Jane,
Happy Birthday to Abby! You know its funny that you say your daughter looks just like your husband, because when I was looking at her pictures, it was right beside the picture of your sister Leslie and I think they look a lot alike. I was amazed! Just goes to show that both families come out in the children.
I am so glad you like the book. It is wonderful and really I should read it again as it has been a year since I read it. Love your wedges, I only do flats so find you brave.
You have such a beautiful daughter. It sounds like a wonderful day spent together celebrating her birthday. I'm going to have to try some "retail therapy" soon. We have flowers here - even lilacs, but it's a little early and I worry the frost is going to get them.
Sounds like you had a great time. Spending time with your baby AND good food AND retail therapy. YES! I love those little candle bags. Darn if I'm not going to have to make a run to TJ Maxx now. They'll probably be gone although I'm sure there will be some other cute doodad that I don't need to take their place!
Have a great week!
Hi Jane
Happy birthday to your baby.
Fresh air for Spring sounds lovely. We are on the doorstep to Winter and although Easter was lovely it's cold today.
If you are worried about prices in the US you should see them here in Australia, we think the States is very affordable comparatively.
Hope your April keeps being enjoyable.
I love April, too, Jane! And I love this post. :D I have also been reading French Women don't Get Fat....I need to put it into practice!
Your daughter is so pretty. :D Happy Birthday, Abby!!!
Have a great (hopefully warmer) rest of the week!
I love your finds.. especially those shoes!!!....
And if only April would warm up a bit! ... it's still really chilly here.
Oh I am sooo ready for spring =) Happy Birthday to your daughter-sounds like a great time!
Happy Birthday to Abby. She is beautiful! I'm going to order a copy of the book. I've intended to read this since it first came out.
Hi Jane!
Your daughter is just gorgeous, what lovely skin she has! My baby girl will be 21 this year too, so I know how you feel. It's just not fair how quickly they grow up. You picked up some cute things, I just love TJ Maxx, that is where I got my grill basket for veggies! You asked what kind of grill I bought. I asked a lot of people and everyone said buy a Weber, they last forever and they are worth the price, so that is what I did. I got a Genesis model which is mid-range ($700). It's plenty big for my semi-empty nest, and it's built like a tank. Everyone said be sure to get cast iron grates also, and Webers have those, but some Brinkmans also have them. I'm hoping to get LOTS of use out of it this summer. I can't wait for flowers too, then summer is really on the way!
April is the best! I love it because everything is fresh (I haven't killed anything yet!)and it's not too hot and school is almost out! Love the shoes you found! Happy Birthday to your daughter!
This has been such a cold April up here, Jane - I'm ready for a nice, warm May! March was warmer for us than April! Yikes! lol! Sounds like you all had a fabulous time together this past week! Hopefully, lake time is right around the corner for you! :)
xoxo laurie
Hi, Jane! I picked up the book from the library today and I'm going to dive in as soon as I finish the book I'm reading now. It was for our book club which met tonight. I hate it when I don't get the books finished on time. Grrr. Love those shoes!
I love the candle holders Jane! Very cute!Happy Birthday to your daughter!
Everything sounds wonderful where you are. Ughh...it's been so cold here, I can't wait for warmer weather. Happy Birthday to your daughter :)
Sounds like you are enjoying spring where you are, Jane.
Your daughter is so pretty. How blessed you are to be so close to your children.
Cute sling back shoes for the warmer weather. I, too, wear flip flops for most of the summer.
Hope you are able to get to your lakehouse soon.
Sounds like you had a great week, Jane! Your daughter is so pretty! That book sounds like a good read, I say French people don't get fat because they walk everywhere! And they can still afford to eat rich food, just not the huge portions we are used to here in the states:) Have a great night!
Looks like ou had a fun weekend, Janie. Happy Birthday to Abby! She is so beautiful! The candle holders are really cute. I did not post pics about AJ's visit on my blog but I do have pictures on FB...Christine
Happy Birthday to Abby!
Funny when we are young we want to celebrate all month, now that I am older, one day is plenty enough for me. LOL.
I love sushi..we have a roll here called the LSU roll. Loaded with seafood. Abby would love it.
We have had an spring early..but that also has brought lots of bugs and I am already pulling tons of weeds. Enjoy the cooler temps!
Your friend in the South,
It was so nice to spend a few minutes catching up with your news, love the new shoes!
We're off to Italy in a couple of days, there's wifi available at our place there, so I'll be checking in with my "girls" now and again, I hate to miss anything!
Abby is beautiful! She does look very French, indeed! (When mailing your gift, I was very envious of your last name!)
I have had that book on my shelf for two years! It's due time to jump in!Thank you for inspiring me to read it!
What a retail score, my friend! LOVE IT ALL!
Happy April!
Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter! Love, love the shoes you bought. You always buy the cutest shoes.
Sending you some southern sunshine today!
Gosh, so much to comment on:) First Happy Belated Easter:) I love your shoes! Soo cute. I just picked out my dress for my Son's Wedding too. Mine is teal. What color did you get? Oh and Happy Birthday to your daughter!!!! A TJMax just opened up a town away so I will not miss any more goodies:) Hope you are having a wonderful week:)
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens
Hi Jane! I must add that book to my list, sounds great! What a fun time you had with your daughter -- those moments are so precious. I adore those little wedges. I love that style shoe but most of them are so high that I would be an accident waiting to happen....lol! Hope you get some lake "relaxing" time soon.
I just went on a shopping trip also and loved to look at the high end stores, anymore I am happy with what I have, ( never thought I could say that)
looks like you and daughter had a good shopping trip also, and a special birthday trip
It's 44 here today after having days up in the 90's since March
I don't think I have ever gone to TJ Maxx and didn't find something so cute
Hi Jane! Sounds like you had a great Easter weekend. Happy Birthday to Abby - she is so beautiful! Glad you had a wonderful day. I love those cute little shoes and your dinner sounded so good! Love me some ham.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hey gorgeous lady! How you be? I'm so glad you stopped by today as I've been wanted to catch up on your posts!
I've read this book and loved it so much! Fun and charming!
Happy B-day to your girl. She is gorgeous, too!
I can't go into PB anymore. It's like Home Goods in Cali for me. I come out BROKE!
Sounds like you had a wonderful time, Jane! I just walked through W&S the other day & I agree--the prices are horrible! Love their products, but I'm having a hard time spending money like that anymore!
What a beautiful birthday girl you have!
What a great week! I am an April baby too and I like that it is my month since I love Spring. We are going to take a drive to the cottage on the week-end just to make sure it lasted through the winter! Enjoy the rest of your week Janie. xo
Sounds like you had fun. Your daughter is gorgeous. I have a 22 year old, so I know what you mean about them growing up. Still need their mamas, though! Your Easter table looks pretty, too. Love those bunnies.
Sounds like a wonderful week.
Love the new shoes!
Retail therapy? I am always up for that too. I agree Pottery Barn and Williams Sonoma are a bit pricey.
Glad you had a nice Easter. I am looking forward to a quiet weekend.
Thanks for sharing the pic of you and your daughter. You both are so beautiful and you look more like sisters.
Love the candleholders. Hope you get to the lake soon. Hugs, Ginger
Good Morning Jane,
What a fun post as usual!
You are so good at sharing your heart!
I want a pair of shoes just like your new ones...too cute!
And your daughter is so cute too and she does look a lot like Al!
But then your other daughter is a Minnie-Me of you!
End of June for Galena will work great for Dan and I just pick a date, were open!
I have nothing to show yet either for blooms and plants but it won't be long for us!
Today looks beautiful, sunny and in the 60's!
Big Hugs,
Just pick a date that works for you and Al...we'll be there! hehe.
Oh those shoes!!! Love them SO much.
Hi Jane,
First, I have to say, I love those shoes! I want them! I'm also trying to lose some weight right now before my trip. I'm drinking more water and eating lots of veggies too, so hopefully it will work. I'm also trying to do yoga everyday! This will be day 3.
My daughter is going to be 20 so I can totally relate to how you feel.
Take care!
Happy Birthday to your daughter Jane...mine was yesterday and I feel Like I have been celebrating forever. Love those shoes, and it looks like I need to head on over to TJ maxx!
I love April also. I feel rejuvinated! Your book sounds so interesting and the candle holders are great. Birthday wishes to the birthday girl!
Happy birthday to your dear daughter! Those shoes are too cute, and I don't blame you for dreaming about that peaceful lake escape of yours. :)
good for you! sounds like a delightful week!
happy birthday to your daughter!
and have a great weekend too!
I love April too, Jane. There's something about the promise of the new season that is so much a part of this month.
It sounds like you had a great birthday celebration with your 'baby' - and how are plans for the other celebration coming along? Have you started to think about what you'll be wearing?
I love April too Jane-
and it looks like you have been having fun.
I love those shoes!
I wobble too-
Have a great weekend.
Happiest BD to your beautiful girl.:)
April has been pretty good out here in West Texas. A little windy...am afraid May will be even more windy with sand. We do have some doozys of sand storms in the spring....but beautiful (HOT) summers.
I want those shoes !!
how ARE you dear friend?
how in the world did we lose track?
I was so inspired, as ALWAYS!
I need to pull out my french women DGF book ...
will you be shopping the shed, May 12?
your girls are darling
I usually leave some ceramic bunnies out until sometime in May but I've packed them all away already. Even more uncharacteristic than being tired of them, the shelves haven't been refilled with the usual non-holiday photos and bric-a-brac. If I told you I am getting to that today, I'd be telling you a whopper. My goal is Monday. But I'm not saying which week. ;-)
Love the candle holders and having a spot at the lake sounds devine. We are getting into the high 80's and low 90's already, so the hot summer is on the way. Hope you have a super week. Hugs, Marty
You found great "treasures" and don't you just love a great shopping trip! I hear you about your grass. Ours looks the same. From a distance it looks fine, but up close it is just awful and needs so much TLC. Oh, how I love a good ham and all the great recipes to cook from the leftovers.
Your daughter is really beautiful! Sounds like y'all had a great time on her birthday. Wow...she's really all grown up now! My oldest is 18 and I know the next big milestone b-day will be when he turns 21. Love your new shoes! I like that style too. Sounds like you've done everything you can to get ready for warmer weather. I bet your lawn will be beautiful when it's done greening up and filling out. We have a few bare spots that need to be re-seeded too. It seems to always happen doesn't it?
Love the wedges! Hope your little girl had a great birthday
Happy Birthday to your daughter!! She is beautiful and I hope she had a blast on her first night of being legal!!!
Awesome shopping finds for sure!!
Jane, Sounds like you had a great week. LOVE your new shoes and I'm checking out TJMaxx to see what's new. I haven't been there in a couple of days. LOL
Happy Sunday,
Cute little shoesies..and adorable girls!
Wish your daughter a Happy Birthday from me. I'm sure she will know who I am! :)
Hi Jane, I read that book when it very first came out and loved it too! I also am loving those shoes...where did you find them? If you wrote where you got them, sorry I missed it. Thanks for visiting my blog and have a great week! Marcia
You know how to have fun, Jane.
My daughters love the French Women Don't Get Fat Cookbook.
I love April too, Janie. It's both John's and my birthday month too and Tina's also....Christine
Lovely post thanks for sharing,Joann
I need to go back and re-read that book! I need some inspiration! I love April, too....beautiful month! Linda
you always find the CUTEST home
decor items! i adore the burlap
wrapped candle holder.
your daughter is beautiful and looks
so happy.
Happy birthday to your daughter! She is gorgeous. How did she enjoy her first taste of alcohol? HA!
Love your cute new shoes and home items! And, I need to check out that book. I'm trying to cut down on sugar and carbs.
French Women Don't Get Fat?! Hmm that certainly sounds like the book for me. I'm going to order it ;) I'll check back with you to let you know what I think. I had to laugh at your comment about Williams Sonoma's prices making you mad...I totally get that. Have a happy week.
Jane, your daughter is gorgeous! And I just LOVE those shoes you bought. I love shoes, too, but I don't wear the high heels anymore, either!
Almost every week you will experience new and exciting things, dear Jane. I know many people who just sit home and wait, but you live the life ... it's so great!!!
Enjoy this new week with a lot of fun!
P.S. Our dog is a Great Dane and his name is 'Otto von Bismarck', called 'Otto'. Whenever possible, he used a chair or stool. Even as a baby he did not like sitting on the ground :)
I am working on my skinny French Woman self since we will be going there in June. Just as she said, moderation is the key. But it ain't easy.
Beautiful happy young girls! My sister has read and told me about that book...I need to be more disciplined! Love all your shopping finds...hope you are enjoying the spring! :)Laura
Happy Birthday to your pretty baby Girl Jane! I can so relate to the shoe thing too. Those are so darned cute! Hope you get the the Lake soon!!
Your daughter is so pretty! I love the candleholders in burlap. So cute! Shoes are adorable, too!
Hey, Blondie...I hope all is ok with you...I see it's been awhile since you posted. Maybe, like me, you are just busy...
Looks like you've been doing some fun stuff! Your daughter is adorable, happy 21 to her! Mine turns 21 in Oct. How fast do they grow!!
If French women don't get fat than I should only be half fat right? The Irish half?
Love the espadrilles and the book is one I have yet to read but may need to.
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