Our temps hit the 80's yesterday...Yay! People and their pets came out of hibernation in droves. I couldn't sit still. While daughter Abby had my car for school, I was out in the backyard, looking at and snapping pictures of spring flowers coming up. Daffodils have poked through, eager to bloom. Seeing them makes me wish I had planted more last fall. And fall doesn't seem so long ago since we seemed to have just skipped right over winter!
Saturday was beautiful, too, not quite as warm and I dragged The Husband out for a bite to eat at one of our favorite places, Joe Daniel's Pub. Then we settled in with some movies for the evening. On Sunday, I had to take Abby to a friend's house that lived right smack in the middle of the blocked off St. Patrick's Day Parade route. We had to drive blocks out of our way around the city to get her where she needed to be. And then I went on my last quest for The Perfect Corned Beef! And...I found it! I spent most of the day with that boiling on the stove and I took pictures of all my step so I can share it with you for Kathleen's St. Patrick's Day Blog Crawl. I will be putting up her button with a link just as soon as I finish this post so you can join in the fun, too. When our heat wave hit yesterday, Emily, Abby and I decided we needed a little retail therapy and headed off to TJ Maxx. It was a very productive trip, although I have been saying that I really can't fit another thing in this house! I'll share some of my goodies in another post. We then had lunch at this new restaurant and it was quite good. We sat outside and enjoyed the warm breeze. I had fish and chips, Emily had a burger and Abby had a chicken wrap. Look at that gorgeous blue sky! Here's Emily with her margarita... ...and Abby just enjoying the beautiful day. She starts spring break next week and I will have my car back. I am thinking of all the things I want to do and places to go. Freedom!!
That's all I have for today. I'm getting ready to head out to Pier 1 to have a peek at what they have in stock for summer. Yes, I have summer on my mind! :-D
Don't you just love summer? Yes I have it on my mind.....I have a lot of things in bloom already where I live....I am also enjoying the weather outside.
Don't you just love all the Spring that's popping out all over? Our temps here have been out of this world.. took a small stroll around the yard myself.. TONS of yard work to do... hope you found more goodies at Pier 1 .. hugs ~lynne~
Springtime here too:) We are enjoying lots of green popping up from the soil! Sounds like you lovely ladies had a wonderful shopping trip! Enjoy your weekend, HUGS!
It was beautiful here yesterday as well. Then terrible storms last night and 5 inches of rain. Lots of flooding and people needing to be rescued. Glad I live on a hill hah. Did you get your necklace......and if you didn't have you heard from them. If not, I will contact them again....just let me know. Have fun with having your car back again, hah.
We have had that same gorgeous weather the past few days, it has been wonderful! I can't wait to see what you picked up during your retail therapy trip and I look forward to your St. Paddy's Day post too!
I know how you feel Jane! The last 2 days we were in the mid 70's and I didn't want to come inside. Your yard looks so pretty with all it's blooms popping up!
I think the best part or your post was about spending time with the girls! They look relaxed and happy! It is warm here, too...really weird for Wisconsin at this time of year. We have broken all kinds of records. I hope that doesn't mean a long, hot miserable summer...right now I'll just take it as an extra early Spring day! xo Diana
I do love these warm days...it makes me long for summer. I can't get enough of being outside. Your flowers are great...my daffodils have come and gone (California weather) but I do miss them. :(
Looks like a great day with the girls, I have 2 daughters and when we are all together shopping it is always non stop laughter.
Enjoy that corned beef and all that shopping!! I do think we should shop together and then maybe stop for one of those tasty looking Margaritas....Should I start pricing flights to Chicago ;)
Glad you found your CB, looking forward to your post about it Jane! We haven't hit the 80's yet in Philly but the 70's sure have been nice! Cool today but 75 all next week-Woo Hoo:@)
Hi Jane, We are having corn beef at work tomorrow for lunch. I told my hubby we would go somewhere so he could have his corn beef in the evening. I might eat a salad. The weather has been beautiful here and makes you think that Spring is really arrived. My magnolia tree is prettier this year then my picture of last year. I appreciate your visits so very much right now. I just try to keep very busy so I don't have to think. I enjoyed reading your post and catching up. I decided tonight was "me" time to catch up with my friends. Have a great St. Pat's Day. Hugs from Your Missouri Friend.
I'm loving the signs of spring but alas, I am not a summer person. Those 110' temps are just wayyyy too much for me. Do you remember last year when we had 73 days of 100' + ? Nope, not for me. :/
So happy you're enjoying the temps you're having! Your photos are always great and the flowers are beautiful. The girls are so cute!
Can you believe it Jane. The weather all across the East coast has pretty much been fantastic. I love where you live and especially when the temps are good. Enjoy it. Of course I love where I live too, and I am dreaming of summer.
HI Jane, I have summer on my mind too! We just found a HOUSE that we are going to build!!!!! I am so excited to begin this new phase of our lives. It won't happen for awhile: our daughter and SIL are living with us right now while THEIR house is being built. So, we will put this house on the market in July, and start building then, I hope! Your girls are adorable. This weather has me happy as can be! I am taking a friend, tomorrow, to see the model of our new home:):) Have a beautiful weekend. XO, Pinky
I heard on The Today Show yesterday morning when I was getting ready for work, that it was going to be in the 80's in Chicago and I immediately thought of you! I know you are loving this! It was 80 here today and I wanted to be outside so much!! I am so ready for Spring too!! I have already bought some ferns!
Spring seems to have arrived in your part of the world, too Jane. Isn't it grand! Love the sound of retail therapy at TJ's with your girls, followed by fish & chips for lunch, marvelous. bon weekend from Normandy
I'm so glad the weather has warmed some and like you it makes me want to do all kinds of things. Hope you had a fun shopping trip! Have a wonderful weekend. Linda
Chris is in your neck of the woods right now on an important interview. Said the weather is gorgeous! I'm trying to remember the name of the town. Oh...Carol Stream, I think! Does that sound right? Our weather here in Georgia has been BEAUTIFUL! Have a wonderful weekend, Jane!
I can't get over how warm it is in your area! Here too but we are much farther south. Makes me wonder how hot the summer will be. I bet you will have fun getting around with your car back--amazing how we take things for granted. Have a good weekend!
I need some spring ~ we had snow this week but the forecast here looks gorgeous ~ thank goodness!! I need to get my sneakers on and camera out over the week-end. Can't wait to see what you bought! Happy week-end Janie. xo
I have a few flowers popping up too! Everything has really greened up the last few days. It has been incredibly windy here so no yard work yet. Have a Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! ~Des
you have sparked my interest for spring, it seems a way off for us but your shopping trip sounds wonderful, beautiful girls,,love those sunshine shots.The sun pales in comparism to those smiles,
Jane, I'm not ready for summer here. I'd rather keep the spring temps. ;-) The custard doesn't need to be buttered. We just ate it out of the individual cups. Good luck with it. ~ sarah
Hi Jane, It's just been amazing this week hasn't it! We hit 80 degrees today, smashing all previous record temps and my Mom has daffodils ready to bloom as well. You saw how my tulips are coming up too! hehe. Loving this weather, I know it will be a let down when it cools off. Your daughters are both such cute girls....like their Mommy! Hug friend, Cindy
Hi Jane! I can't wait to see Spring flowers! I did get a peek at the tips of my rhubarb poking up through the soil - exciting stuff! I think next to Summer, Spring is my favorite season!
Looks like you ladies had a great time, can't wait to see your goodies! I'll be cooking up a storm today too! I just picked up my corned beef at the local butcher - it's stunning! Honestly, it looks like a prime rib! LOL!!
Good Morning Jane Sweetie... Oh what a gorgeous share. I can feel the breeZe on my face, hear the birds singing and just look at your gorgeous bulbs popping up everywhere. They are going to be gorgeous.
Can't wait to see what you found at TJ Maxx. Don't you just love that store?
Pier One too? Oh my girl you are on a roll. Can't wait to see the Summer purchases.
Have a Happy St. Patty's Day dear one. Many hugs and much love, Sherry
We still have ice on the canal...so I'm in the mood for Spring here. Amazing what a difference just a few hours can make. Your girls are adorable. Hope you found some goodies at Pier 1. xxoo
It is hard not to think of summer with this weather! Isn't it crazy? I've been in capris and sandals for over a week...we are getting ready for the second mowing of the grass tonight and the flowers are all up! I hope we don't get a big cold surprise...there have been several Easter ice storms in Illinois!!
Don't you just love summer? Yes I have it on my mind.....I have a lot of things in bloom already where I live....I am also enjoying the weather outside.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Don't you just love all the Spring that's popping out all over? Our temps here have been out of this world.. took a small stroll around the yard myself.. TONS of yard work to do... hope you found more goodies at Pier 1 .. hugs ~lynne~
Hi Jane!
Glad you are enjoying the nice warm weather. That is just as warm at it has been here in the Palm Desert area... just amazing for the Chicago are.
Let's just hope you don't get a sudden cold spell... it would be a shame to loose all those pretty flowers and buds.
Enjoy your weekend!
xoxo Bunny Jean
My flowers arrived in January are already gone. Waiting for the daffodils.
I'm glad you located that much longed for corned beef!
It's pretty warm here, too!
Summer can't come soon enough for me!
It's pretty warm here, too!
Summer can't come soon enough for me!
Ahhhhh spring and summer....We are looking forward to dining outside, hiking and more...
it's remarkable, isn't it! So nice!
Springtime here too:) We are enjoying lots of green popping up from the soil! Sounds like you lovely ladies had a wonderful shopping trip! Enjoy your weekend, HUGS!
It was beautiful here yesterday as well. Then terrible storms last night and 5 inches of rain. Lots of flooding and people needing to be rescued. Glad I live on a hill hah.
Did you get your necklace......and if you didn't have you heard from them. If not, I will contact them again....just let me know.
Have fun with having your car back again, hah.
Loving this same weather here, Jane. Everything is popping their buds, greening up, digging for worms & bathing in the baths ... it is wonderful!
Happy St. Patrick's Day ~
Have a fabulous weekend ~
~ GIVEAWAY ends 3/15 !
We have had that same gorgeous weather the past few days, it has been wonderful! I can't wait to see what you picked up during your retail therapy trip and I look forward to your St. Paddy's Day post too!
Kat :)
I know how you feel Jane! The last 2 days we were in the mid 70's and I didn't want to come inside. Your yard looks so pretty with all it's blooms popping up!
I think the best part or your post was about spending time with the girls! They look relaxed and happy!
It is warm here, too...really weird for Wisconsin at this time of year. We have broken all kinds of records. I hope that doesn't mean a long, hot miserable summer...right now I'll just take it as an extra early Spring day! xo Diana
Hi Jane,
I do love these warm days...it makes me long for summer. I can't get enough of being outside. Your flowers are great...my daffodils have come and gone (California weather) but I do miss them. :(
Looks like a great day with the girls, I have 2 daughters and when we are all together shopping it is always non stop laughter.
Enjoy that corned beef and all that shopping!! I do think we should shop together and then maybe stop for one of those tasty looking Margaritas....Should I start pricing flights to Chicago ;)
Have a great day!
Maryrose :)
Glad you found your CB, looking forward to your post about it Jane! We haven't hit the 80's yet in Philly but the 70's sure have been nice! Cool today but 75 all next week-Woo Hoo:@)
Awesome weather we are having here in old ole' Illinois! Love it!
Hi Jane, We are having corn beef at work tomorrow for lunch. I told my hubby we would go somewhere so he could have his corn beef in the evening. I might eat a salad. The weather has been beautiful here and makes you think that Spring is really arrived. My magnolia tree is prettier this year then my picture of last year. I appreciate your visits so very much right now. I just try to keep very busy so I don't have to think. I enjoyed reading your post and catching up. I decided tonight was "me" time to catch up with my friends. Have a great St. Pat's Day. Hugs from Your Missouri Friend.
I'm loving the signs of spring but alas, I am not a summer person. Those 110' temps are just wayyyy too much for me. Do you remember last year when we had 73 days of 100' + ? Nope, not for me. :/
So happy you're enjoying the temps you're having! Your photos are always great and the flowers are beautiful. The girls are so cute!
Enjoy your weekend!
It has been beautiful here in Tennessee as well. I love this weather. We have stayed outside as much as possible. Even took school outside yesterday.
Can you believe it Jane. The weather all across the East coast has pretty much been fantastic. I love where you live and especially when the temps are good. Enjoy it. Of course I love where I live too, and I am dreaming of summer.
That first shot is so pretty. I've been enjoying the nice weather here in Illinois. Happy shopping.
HI Jane, I have summer on my mind too! We just found a HOUSE that we are going to build!!!!! I am so excited to begin this new phase of our lives. It won't happen for awhile: our daughter and SIL are living with us right now while THEIR house is being built. So, we will put this house on the market in July, and start building then, I hope! Your girls are adorable. This weather has me happy as can be! I am taking a friend, tomorrow, to see the model of our new home:):) Have a beautiful weekend. XO, Pinky
I heard on The Today Show yesterday morning when I was getting ready for work, that it was going to be in the 80's in Chicago and I immediately thought of you! I know you are loving this! It was 80 here today and I wanted to be outside so much!! I am so ready for Spring too!! I have already bought some ferns!
Lou Cinda
Wow, 80's in March is unreal! And last winter in the midwest was one of the worst! Lucky you:)
I'm going to hit TJ Max tomorrow and I can't wait.
Good luck with your corned beef!
Spring seems to have arrived in your part of the world, too Jane. Isn't it grand!
Love the sound of retail therapy at TJ's with your girls, followed by fish & chips for lunch, marvelous.
bon weekend from Normandy
So glad it's warming up for you. The little blooms are so sweet in your garden.
Thanks so much for stopping by yesterday.
Have a fabulous weekend
Carolyn xx
I'm so glad the weather has warmed some and like you it makes me want to do all kinds of things. Hope you had a fun shopping trip! Have a wonderful weekend.
Chris is in your neck of the woods right now on an important interview. Said the weather is gorgeous! I'm trying to remember the name of the town. Oh...Carol Stream, I think! Does that sound right? Our weather here in Georgia has been BEAUTIFUL! Have a wonderful weekend, Jane!
I can't get over how warm it is in your area! Here too but we are much farther south. Makes me wonder how hot the summer will be. I bet you will have fun getting around with your car back--amazing how we take things for granted. Have a good weekend!
Sounds wonderful Jane. We have had some great weather and even had rain last night, that was much needed.
Loved your photos!
You are always so sweet!! Can't wait to see your goodies from TJ Maxx! I'm so ready for warmer weather!
It seems everyone has nice weather except here in Victoria BC where we are on holidays, one wind storm after another. Enjoy!
Hello Jane:
Oh dear, such BAD NEWS that you have to share the car with your daughter. Still your keys to freedom are almost back in your hand!
Signs of spring in the garden are so wonderful, quite refreshing to the soul and inspiring of hope for the future.
I need some spring ~ we had snow this week but the forecast here looks gorgeous ~ thank goodness!! I need to get my sneakers on and camera out over the week-end. Can't wait to see what you bought! Happy week-end Janie. xo
I have a few flowers popping up too! Everything has really greened up the last few days. It has been incredibly windy here so no yard work yet. Have a Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!
you have sparked my interest for spring, it seems a way off for us but your shopping trip sounds wonderful, beautiful girls,,love those sunshine shots.The sun pales in comparism to those smiles,
Jane, I'm not ready for summer here. I'd rather keep the spring temps. ;-)
The custard doesn't need to be buttered. We just ate it out of the individual cups. Good luck with it. ~ sarah
Hi Jane,
It's just been amazing this week hasn't it! We hit 80 degrees today, smashing all previous record temps and my Mom has daffodils ready to bloom as well.
You saw how my tulips are coming up too! hehe.
Loving this weather, I know it will be a let down when it cools off.
Your daughters are both such cute girls....like their Mommy!
Hug friend,
Hi Jane! I can't wait to see Spring flowers! I did get a peek at the tips of my rhubarb poking up through the soil - exciting stuff! I think next to Summer, Spring is my favorite season!
Looks like you ladies had a great time, can't wait to see your goodies! I'll be cooking up a storm today too! I just picked up my corned beef at the local butcher - it's stunning! Honestly, it looks like a prime rib! LOL!!
Happy St. Paddy's day!
Good Morning Jane Sweetie...
Oh what a gorgeous share. I can feel the breeZe on my face, hear the birds singing and just look at your gorgeous bulbs popping up everywhere. They are going to be gorgeous.
Can't wait to see what you found at TJ Maxx. Don't you just love that store?
Pier One too? Oh my girl you are on a roll. Can't wait to see the Summer purchases.
Have a Happy St. Patty's Day dear one. Many hugs and much love, Sherry
oh yes, the doors are flung wide open ... sheets on the line and tea brewing!!!
will we be seeing you at shop the shed
May 12??
We still have ice on the canal...so I'm in the mood for Spring here. Amazing what a difference just a few hours can make.
Your girls are adorable.
Hope you found some goodies at Pier 1.
Got to *love* this spring weather! :D
It is hard not to think of summer with this weather! Isn't it crazy? I've been in capris and sandals for over a week...we are getting ready for the second mowing of the grass tonight and the flowers are all up! I hope we don't get a big cold surprise...there have been several Easter ice storms in Illinois!!
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