This is a random little post that runs the gamut of A~Z. It's a beautiful day here...temps in the 40's. This is how it should be in March! I went out this morning to take some pictures of some tulips that just sprung up and it felt a little chilly. After our heat wave last week, it feels great! Later I will have some clusters of tulips for you, but right now I just have a random few. I can't wait to cut some for inside. I think we are all getting tired of store bought tulips, although some of you in the South have some gorgeous plants blooming outside! It's been a quiet week here. The heat crept into the house and didn't want to leave. Since we have a brick house, once the heat get's in, it takes awhile to get out. We had the kids over for pizza one night, and Emily and Mike for roast beef another, but for the most part I made simple dinners on the stove top. I wanted to give a big thanks to Diana of Nana Diana Takes A Break. She gave me some wonderful advice on eliminating flour and sugar from my diet. The sugar is a no brainer, but the flour was something new to me. So I eliminated pasta and bread and such and I am so pleased to say I've lost 6 pounds. Thanks, Diana! It's not that hard to stick to but I did have to give up baking for awhile. It's just too tempting. So, wish me luck! Saturday night we went out to eat at one of our favorite places, The Island Cafe. As you can see, we had the whole place to ourselves. It's sort of odd because the food is outstanding. It was so quiet I could hear the chef pounding out my veal in the kitchen! As you can see, getting out really makes me happy. The Husband had Chicken Vesuvio. I was good and stayed away from that bread basket! Its funny that when a waitress sees you with a camera in a restaurant, they think you are out of towners and offer to take your picture. This was taken the last time we were there. After dinner we stopped at a little place a few blocks from home for a glass of wine. I love this clock. It was actually dark when we were leaving but I was able to lighten this picture up a bit.
So that was my week. I hope I have something more interesting to post next time. April will be a busy month for us {can you believe it is right around the corner?}. We have all the spring work to do at the lake but it will be so good to be back up there. We were just too busy to get up over the winter. And we have planned our vacation...we booked our flight to Asheville from May 18th to the 26th. Yay! We really had such a wonderful time last spring and it's great because it is only an hour and 1/2 away flying. Does anyone have their vacation plans made yet? I'd love to hear about them.
Well...that's all I have. I hope everyone is having a good start to their week. See you soon! :-)
The weather here has been unseasonably warm! It has cooled off a bit and is quite nice out there right now! Your flowers are beautiful! Getting out just the two of you and having the whole restaurant to yourselves, NICE:) Just pretend like he reserved it just for you! Great job on the weight loss!
Hi Jane! I just returned from a week in Phoenix and Tucson - beautiful part of the country, with perfect weather, a spring training baseball game, good friends and family! That's it for me for a while. I am impressed with your no sugar/flour plan. I need to adopt it too. Winter takes its toll on me, way too long in Central Oregon. The mountain is getting dumped on with new snow, which makes my grandson ecstatic! Spring Break is here!
Really enjoyed reading you; your flowers are perfections. Congratulations on your weight loss. You shouldn't go visit about paninis. We are going back to our real world soon and I will have to lose a few... Rita
Eliminating carbs will do it every time, Jane. Good for you & congrats!!!
Everything in moderation is an even better philosophy, according to my Dr. as he feels deprivation isn't always best. Give up See's chocolates will nevah evah happen here ... chuckle.
Your flowers are so pretty ... my tulips are coming in now also. Heat wave is over, 30s tonight & tomorrow ... oh,my how quickly our blood thins out.
Lovely restaurant setting. Glad you both had such a lovely dinner.
I love the sound of that dish...chicken vesuvio. Is it spicy? I try to avoid bread and when I do eat it I eat the ones made from sprouted grains not flour.
Hi Jane, Sounds like a fun week! Two casual dinner parties and a night out! You two look so cute together. 6 pounds! That's a LOT!!! I've been headed the other way... time to bucke down, put on shorts for the first time today UGH!!! Have a great week! XO Cindy
Hi Jane, your flowers are all so pretty... our tulips are all blooming, just waiting on the daffodils... it has been really warm here till today, now it's cold again... our weather is always wacky like that... you look so pretty in that pic!... I was wanting to see your new highlights, they are beautiful, like you... and the pic of you and your hubby is too cute!... hard to believe it is almost April... but I love that month so!... your vacation will be fun again this year... my vacation?... I just love hanging around home... soaking up all Summer has to offer... we used to travel to the coast every year, but have not been in a while... sometimes, a "staycation" is fun too!... xoxo Julie Marie
I always FEEL better when I eat healthy! That being said - I just had guacamole and chips!
No vaca for us this year. Unless we take a break and go to Galveston. We will be more or less summer/fall/? residents of Houston and just drive back up here to the DFW area from time to time to keep and eye on things. I guess you could say we are camping out for the summer! The RV park is nice and friendly and close to Amber's house for helping with the quads.
Now I need to go back out to the her out today.
I enjoyed our little visit. I needed a break! Linda C
PS Way to go losing 6 lbs... but I hate to see you giving up things you love, like bread... remember... "moderation" is the key... small portions... life is too short to not enjoy the things you love... xoxo Julie Marie (this is the French part of me speaking)...
Looks like a fun weekend! You are just as cute as a button. Congrats on losing 6 lbs.-that is a big deal and not easily done. I can't wait to hear all about your summer place-I bet it is wonderful!
Your tulips are lovely. I do not grow them here as it is too hot. Good for you on the weight loss. I have joined WW again and hope I can stick with it as I did two years ago when I lost 50lbs. Need to go for more. I can loose by cutting sugar as it is my issue. Have a terrific week. Oh and I love the pic of you two. olive
Love your tulips Jane! I never had luck with them, the critters always ate the nice plump bud before it opened. We're back to "true" spring temps too, actually calling for 28 tonight! I lit the wood stove-very comfy:@)
It was chilly here this morning, too, Jane, but really it's the weather we should be having right now! I guess it was just a surprise after the 80's last week. I'm hoping to go out to dinner tonight, but we'll see ~ I'm still waiting on the hubby to get home.
Jane, I love the way you enjoy life. It's always fun to read about your comings and goings... I've been trying to eat healthier this year too, and it sounds like you're on the right track. I'm like you... sugar was easy, but flour has been a little more difficult...loved baking that bread. No vacation plans yet...we need to start thinking about that. Hope you have another good week! Geneva
Hi Jane, We have been having 80 degree weather, but they say we will have storms later tonight. I think your tulips are so pretty as all of the redbud, crab apple, magnolia, pear trees, but they do nothing for allergies. I like Spring, but it doesn't like me. I didn't have them when I was younger. Our vacation will depend on the next two months of doctor appointments. Starting in April with 5. A lot hinges on it. We may just take a short weekend trip for a change of scenery if the doctors say o.k. I need a break from everything. We did go for a drive yesterday because it was so pretty outside. Take care and I will be looking forward to seeing your vacation pictures. Hugs from Your Missouri Friend.
I don't have a single flower blooming yet. Your tulips are already pretty.
Glad you had fun on your night out. Your vacation plans sound wonderful.
Yes, I've been told if you leave off every thing white from your diet, weight loss is a cinch. I sure have a hard time without bread. That seems to be my downfall. Splenda works just fine for me on sweetening...but the flour....oh, my.
Hi Jane, It felt freezing to me today with temps only in the 40's! Yikes...I can get used to warmer temps really quick. Love the pics of you and two are so darn cute together! Glad your getting back to Ashville..that will be so fun! Looking forward to our Galena outing too! My son comes to visit June 6th through the 13th, so anytime after that will work fine! Big Hugs, Cindy
What gorgeous tulips, Jane! I would love to plant some in my garden. You and your hubby are so adorable together! Another trip to Asheville sounds like such FUN! We may not be able to go anywhere this summer for vacation...just depends on the job situation. If we can get away for a little while, we'd love to go down to Hilton Head, SC. and visit Savannah, GA. for a day or two. We'll see!
Hi Jane, we are often the first people in a restaurant, we call it starting a trend, as the place usually starts to fill up after we sit down! We are off to Italy in 2 weeks time, staying on the Amalfi coast and in October we have plans to visit HHI again. Have a great time in Asheville, I remember how much you enjoyed it last time. Maggie
Well, that was a surprise to see my name there this morning! I am so happy that the no flour/no sugar thing is working for you. After a couple of months doing it you won't even be tempted. I am doing all my baking, etc, and it just doesn't faze me anymore. I don't even want to lick the beaters-That old phrase just keeps running through my mind- don't pick it up - no matter what- and if I AM tempted it passes in short order.
No tulips here yet but at least we are greening up. It has been cold here the last couple of days- normal weather for March.
That's a cute little cafe you visited. Kind of sad for the owners that it wasn't bustling with people.
We are planning on going to Asheville again this summer sometime. We have friends that own a house there-he grew up not far from there and they have a gorgeous home there and I LOVE the Biltmore tours.
Have a great week, Jane. We are still clearing out our friend's house. It is amazing how little he has to show for 60+ years of living. I was able to clean his whole kitchen out and get it to the thrift store yesterday...and all his clothing. Sad~
Funny you should ask about vacation plans... we are talkng of coming up your way this summer! And I would love to finally meet you in person. After all we've been blogging buddies for so long now! And great that you are going back to Asheville! We were there for Christmas. It was Grand!! We stayed at The Grove Park of course... we love it there. Have a great week. Charlene
I love seeing pictures of you and your hubby Jane. You are so dang cute!!!! It's refreshing to see you and your sweetie out and about, enjoying each other's company. We were planning a trip to Sanibel with Laurie and Rog in March again this year, but I had more health issues, and things didn't work out for them either. Other friends of ours have a place they go to every year on North Captiva Island, and said we could join them in April instead of March, if my tests came back okay. I will be getting the results back on Wednesday. If things are okay..we will be heading to Captiva on April 11th. It's a situation where we don't have a whole lot of time to make up our minds. Life is always interesting, isn't it? Have a great week! xxoo
Congratulations on your weight loss, Jane. You might need to share your tips for giving up flour. I feel like that's something that I should do, but the sad thing is that bread and pasta are just about two of my favorite things.
Your upcoming trip sounds wonderful. From what I have seen about Asheville, it looks so pretty there. xo
LOVED seeing that cute shot of you & your hubby! You make a sweet couple!
We had a frost last night, so you should have seen us out there on Monday evening, putting buckets & sheets over all my plants. What a chore but thankfully, they all look to be okay today.
We're in the middle of planning a second honeymoon to Maui in Sept. It is a belated 25th wedding anniversary gift to each other. I just hope & pray every day that DH makes it.
Your flowers are beautiful & so are you...kudos for losing that wt. I must go back & read the details that led up to it.
Tulips are my favorite. I can't seem to grow them here at the beach. I don't think it ever gets quite cold enough. I do buy them at the Farmers Market though and my husband always gives me some for my birthday in February. Happy Spring!
Congratulations on the weight loss! I plan to get off a few pounds next month, too. When I want to lose weight, I avoid "white" foods: white bread, rice, potatoes, sugar, etc. Works like a charm.
Thanks so much for your visit. I'm over the loss of the cloche... made a trip to Hobby Lobby... even though those cloches are very nice, they still don't have the same quality. Oh well.. I could have lost the bunny! Your flowers are beautiful. You are one busy lady. Karen Ladybug Creek
Oooh, giving up all flour would be hard. So much of what we eat when we're in a hurry or eating out locally is pasta or sandwiches. Please tell us more as you continue this plan.
You are so pretty in both pictures, Janie. Nice flowers and congrats on losing some weight. I think I am gaining again. I eat way too much rice. Our summer will be very busy. We are going to Southern Calif, Utah, staying just for a day and night in New Orleans to take AJ to see The Lion King (actually we already saw it in NY but she wants to see it again) and then we're going somewhere in Aug but don't know where yet. Enjoy your vacation....Christine
Cute picture of you! I have several friends doing the no carb thing right now and they are losing weight. I could give up pasta and bread...but not sweets! I just have to have a little, so I guess these extra pounds will probably hang around.
We are going to Asheville and working our way back with a few stops in April. Remember how we had to cancel last year because my mother-in-law was dying, well we just booked the same trip again. I'm getting excited, but it has been warmer here than down there! We are is 9 hours for us, so not bad. What should I put on the "don't miss" list??
It has been really nice here this week but it is suppose to be cooler next week. I had a few tulips pop up which isn't that unsual. However my Liliacs are blooming already which is just crazy!!! Congrats on your weight loss too :o) ~Des
All of your flowers look so pretty! Seems like you really cooled down fast. My kids will be home next week for Spring break, but we are planning on staying home and doing things around here. We're going to do yardwork and a few fun things too. We'll take a real vacation in the summer though. Enjoy your last week of March!
Jane, You are gorgeous, wow you look like you're twenty something. I was diagnosed with Diabetes II about six months ago. Giving up sugar was difficult, but I want to be healthy. I love baking too, and I have to wear blinders when I food shop and pass by the bakery aisle. Giving up flour, the white stuff is the key I guess. Anyway you look lovely.
Your tulips are so pretty..mine just finished blooming! :( and gone for another year. Love the pictures of you and your man! So glad you enjoyed dinner at one of your favorite places..veal sounds great! Happy Spring! Miss Bloomers
I am with you! Trying to take off a few winter pounds and it is really hard to blog about food when you are trying to stay away from carbs! Great for you that you have already had such success. My good friend has been doing it and has lost 24 already and so when we go out, we try to be good together.
Love your tulips. We don't have anything out yet and the pansies are just starting to bloom.
I love that the waitress wanted to take your picture. I think they always think I am a nut when I am photographing food! Have a great week!
You two sure are a cute couple! And yes! You did look so happy! It has been so warm here but this week is more normal. Getting a few things done outside and sneezing too! *laugh* But it has been awfully pretty of late! Your flowers are so, so beautiful... Congratulations on the weight loss! Love, Sue
Hi Miss Jane, here's wishing you some luck with the no sugar and no flour. Sadly I think those are my two favorite things ;) That's definitely my problem. Love your Tulips. I wish I could grow them. I buy mine at Trader Joes. Wishing you a happy weekend!
Jane, your flowers were lovely, and spending a little together time is always nice! Congrats on the weight loss, that's always such a hard thing to accomplish! Rebecca
Loved the photos of the flowers! Jealous of your tulips because they don't come back well and have to be replanted every year because it doesn't get cold enough here. We had a few cooler days here(in the 70's) and it felt odd to put a sweater on in the morning, but I didn't mind. Congratulations on your weight loss!
The weather here has been unseasonably warm! It has cooled off a bit and is quite nice out there right now! Your flowers are beautiful! Getting out just the two of you and having the whole restaurant to yourselves, NICE:) Just pretend like he reserved it just for you! Great job on the weight loss!
Have a blessed day dear Friend! HUGS!
Hi Jane! I just returned from a week in Phoenix and Tucson - beautiful part of the country, with perfect weather, a spring training baseball game, good friends and family! That's it for me for a while. I am impressed with your no sugar/flour plan. I need to adopt it too. Winter takes its toll on me, way too long in Central Oregon. The mountain is getting dumped on with new snow, which makes my grandson ecstatic! Spring Break is here!
Really enjoyed reading you; your flowers are perfections.
Congratulations on your weight loss. You shouldn't go visit about paninis. We are going back to our real world soon and I will have to lose a few...
Your photos are so pretty!!You and your hubby look so cute together.
Congratulations on the weight loss! So easy to put on and so HARD to take off. Fun little insights into your neighborhood. Enjoy your tulips!
Eliminating carbs will do it every time, Jane. Good for you & congrats!!!
Everything in moderation is an even better philosophy, according to my Dr. as he feels deprivation isn't always best.
Give up See's chocolates will nevah evah happen here ... chuckle.
Your flowers are so pretty ... my tulips are coming in now also. Heat wave is over, 30s tonight & tomorrow ... oh,my how quickly our blood thins out.
Lovely restaurant setting. Glad you both had such a lovely dinner.
Have a beautiful day ~
~ GIVEAWAY ends 3/30 ~
I love the sound of that dish...chicken vesuvio. Is it spicy?
I try to avoid bread and when I do eat it I eat the ones made from sprouted grains not flour.
Congrats on the weight loss Jane.
Interesting it was so hot last week
And I can feel the excitement in your voice in the anticipation of Spring.
Carolyn xx
Hi Jane, Sounds like a fun week! Two casual dinner parties and a night out! You two look so cute together. 6 pounds! That's a LOT!!! I've been headed the other way... time to bucke down, put on shorts for the first time today UGH!!!
Have a great week!
XO Cindy
Hi Jane, your flowers are all so pretty... our tulips are all blooming, just waiting on the daffodils... it has been really warm here till today, now it's cold again... our weather is always wacky like that... you look so pretty in that pic!... I was wanting to see your new highlights, they are beautiful, like you... and the pic of you and your hubby is too cute!... hard to believe it is almost April... but I love that month so!... your vacation will be fun again this year... my vacation?... I just love hanging around home... soaking up all Summer has to offer... we used to travel to the coast every year, but have not been in a while... sometimes, a "staycation" is fun too!... xoxo Julie Marie
I always FEEL better when I eat healthy! That being said - I just had guacamole and chips!
No vaca for us this year. Unless we take a break and go to Galveston. We will be more or less summer/fall/? residents of Houston and just drive back up here to the DFW area from time to time to keep and eye on things. I guess you could say we are camping out for the summer! The RV park is nice and friendly and close to Amber's house for helping with the quads.
Now I need to go back out to the her out today.
I enjoyed our little visit. I needed a break!
Linda C
PS Way to go losing 6 lbs... but I hate to see you giving up things you love, like bread... remember... "moderation" is the key... small portions... life is too short to not enjoy the things you love... xoxo Julie Marie (this is the French part of me speaking)...
Looks like a fun weekend! You are just as cute as a button. Congrats on losing 6 lbs.-that is a big deal and not easily done. I can't wait to hear all about your summer place-I bet it is wonderful!
Your tulips are lovely. I do not grow them here as it is too hot. Good for you on the weight loss. I have joined WW again and hope I can stick with it as I did two years ago when I lost 50lbs. Need to go for more. I can loose by cutting sugar as it is my issue. Have a terrific week. Oh and I love the pic of you two. olive
We are having great weather too. Just amazing!
Your evening out sounds wonderful, Jane.
Love your tulips Jane! I never had luck with them, the critters always ate the nice plump bud before it opened. We're back to "true" spring temps too, actually calling for 28 tonight! I lit the wood stove-very comfy:@)
It was chilly here this morning, too, Jane, but really it's the weather we should be having right now! I guess it was just a surprise after the 80's last week. I'm hoping to go out to dinner tonight, but we'll see ~ I'm still waiting on the hubby to get home.
Your candy tuft and tulips are so pretty! Sounds like you had a wonderful evening out.
Love the darling picture of you.
I am happy for the return of Spring, as well. It is my favorite season.
Jane, I love the way you enjoy life. It's always fun to read about your comings and goings...
I've been trying to eat healthier this year too, and it sounds like you're on the right track. I'm like you... sugar was easy, but flour has been a little more difficult...loved baking that bread.
No vacation plans yet...we need to start thinking about that.
Hope you have another good week!
Hi Jane, We have been having 80 degree weather, but they say we will have storms later tonight. I think your tulips are so pretty as all of the redbud, crab apple, magnolia, pear trees, but they do nothing for allergies. I like Spring, but it doesn't like me. I didn't have them when I was younger. Our vacation will depend on the next two months of doctor appointments. Starting in April with 5. A lot hinges on it. We may just take a short weekend trip for a change of scenery if the doctors say o.k. I need a break from everything. We did go for a drive yesterday because it was so pretty outside. Take care and I will be looking forward to seeing your vacation pictures. Hugs from Your Missouri Friend.
I don't have a single flower blooming yet. Your tulips are already pretty.
Glad you had fun on your night out.
Your vacation plans sound wonderful.
Yes, I've been told if you leave off every thing white from your diet, weight loss is a cinch. I sure have a hard time without bread. That seems to be my downfall. Splenda works just fine for me on sweetening...but the flour....oh, my.
your date looks and sounds fabulous...good for you!!
love your pics!
Hi Jane,
It felt freezing to me today with temps only in the 40's! Yikes...I can get used to warmer temps really quick.
Love the pics of you and two are so darn cute together!
Glad your getting back to Ashville..that will be so fun!
Looking forward to our Galena outing too! My son comes to visit June 6th through the 13th, so anytime after that will work fine!
Big Hugs,
Hi jane,
Love your flowers! And congrats on your weight loss.
xoxo Rozmeen
What gorgeous tulips, Jane! I would love to plant some in my garden. You and your hubby are so adorable together! Another trip to Asheville sounds like such FUN! We may not be able to go anywhere this summer for vacation...just depends on the job situation. If we can get away for a little while, we'd love to go down to Hilton Head, SC. and visit Savannah, GA. for a day or two. We'll see!
Hi Jane,
we are often the first people in a restaurant, we call it starting a trend, as the place usually starts to fill up after we sit down!
We are off to Italy in 2 weeks time, staying on the Amalfi coast and in October we have plans to visit HHI again.
Have a great time in Asheville, I remember how much you enjoyed it last time.
Well, that was a surprise to see my name there this morning! I am so happy that the no flour/no sugar thing is working for you. After a couple of months doing it you won't even be tempted. I am doing all my baking, etc, and it just doesn't faze me anymore. I don't even want to lick the beaters-That old phrase just keeps running through my mind- don't pick it up - no matter what- and if I AM tempted it passes in short order.
No tulips here yet but at least we are greening up. It has been cold here the last couple of days- normal weather for March.
That's a cute little cafe you visited. Kind of sad for the owners that it wasn't bustling with people.
We are planning on going to Asheville again this summer sometime. We have friends that own a house there-he grew up not far from there and they have a gorgeous home there and I LOVE the Biltmore tours.
Have a great week, Jane. We are still clearing out our friend's house. It is amazing how little he has to show for 60+ years of living. I was able to clean his whole kitchen out and get it to the thrift store yesterday...and all his clothing. Sad~
Hope you get to the cottage soon! xo Diana
Funny you should ask about vacation plans... we are talkng of coming up your way this summer! And I would love to finally meet you in person. After all we've been blogging buddies for so long now! And great that you are going back to Asheville! We were there for Christmas. It was Grand!! We stayed at The Grove Park of course... we love it there. Have a great week.
I love seeing pictures of you and your hubby Jane. You are so dang cute!!!! It's refreshing to see you and your sweetie out and about, enjoying each other's company.
We were planning a trip to Sanibel with Laurie and Rog in March again this year, but I had more health issues, and things didn't work out for them either. Other friends of ours have a place they go to every year on North Captiva Island, and said we could join them in April instead of March, if my tests came back okay. I will be getting the results back on Wednesday. If things are okay..we will be heading to Captiva on April 11th. It's a situation where we don't have a whole lot of time to make up our minds.
Life is always interesting, isn't it?
Have a great week!
Congratulations on your weight loss, Jane. You might need to share your tips for giving up flour. I feel like that's something that I should do, but the sad thing is that bread and pasta are just about two of my favorite things.
Your upcoming trip sounds wonderful. From what I have seen about Asheville, it looks so pretty there.
Beautiful tulips!
I don't know how you go without sugar or flour! I'm totally addicted to the two. Congrats for losing 6 lbs! That's great!
Hi Jane!
LOVED seeing that cute shot of you & your hubby! You make a sweet couple!
We had a frost last night, so you should have seen us out there on Monday evening, putting buckets & sheets over all my plants. What a chore but thankfully, they all look to be okay today.
We're in the middle of planning a second honeymoon to Maui in Sept. It is a belated 25th wedding anniversary gift to each other. I just hope & pray every day that DH makes it.
Your flowers are beautiful & so are you...kudos for losing that wt. I must go back & read the details that led up to it.
Hi Janie,
Love your sweet post and peeking into your life.
We also enjoy having dinner out together. Ron and I still just talk away after all these years. Not touching the bread is hard, isn't it? Yikes.
Love the tulips too. Next to roses, they are my favorite flowers.
I am outside ALL the time now. Just can't drag myself gorgeous!
Have a wonderful week!
Tulips are my favorite. I can't seem to grow them here at the beach. I don't think it ever gets quite cold enough. I do buy them at the Farmers Market though and my husband always gives me some for my birthday in February. Happy Spring!
What a handsome couple you two make! A VERY cute picture! :)
Sounds like a great night out. Have a great week.
Congratulations on the weight loss! I plan to get off a few pounds next month, too. When I want to lose weight, I avoid "white" foods: white bread, rice, potatoes, sugar, etc. Works like a charm.
aw you two look like such sweet hearts, your real tulips are beautiful, my not real ones pale beside them.
Thanks so much for your visit. I'm over the loss of the cloche... made a trip to Hobby Lobby... even though those cloches are very nice, they still don't have the same quality. Oh well.. I could have lost the bunny!
Your flowers are beautiful. You are one busy lady.
Ladybug Creek
Congrats on the weight loss...I still have 15# I would love to give to someone else!
every year I say I am going to plant tulips...hahaha, well you know how that goes...I love yours1
Oooh, giving up all flour would be hard. So much of what we eat when we're in a hurry or eating out locally is pasta or sandwiches. Please tell us more as you continue this plan.
You are so pretty in both pictures, Janie. Nice flowers and congrats on losing some weight. I think I am gaining again. I eat way too much rice. Our summer will be very busy. We are going to Southern Calif, Utah, staying just for a day and night in New Orleans to take AJ to see The Lion King (actually we already saw it in NY but she wants to see it again) and then we're going somewhere in Aug but don't know where yet. Enjoy your vacation....Christine
Cute picture of you! I have several friends doing the no carb thing right now and they are losing weight. I could give up pasta and bread...but not sweets! I just have to have a little, so I guess these extra pounds will probably hang around.
We are going to Asheville and working our way back with a few stops in April. Remember how we had to cancel last year because my mother-in-law was dying, well we just booked the same trip again. I'm getting excited, but it has been warmer here than down there! We are is 9 hours for us, so not bad. What should I put on the "don't miss" list??
It has been really nice here this week but it is suppose to be cooler next week. I had a few tulips pop up which isn't that unsual. However my Liliacs are blooming already which is just crazy!!! Congrats on your weight loss too :o)
All of your flowers look so pretty! Seems like you really cooled down fast. My kids will be home next week for Spring break, but we are planning on staying home and doing things around here. We're going to do yardwork and a few fun things too. We'll take a real vacation in the summer though. Enjoy your last week of March!
You are gorgeous, wow you look like you're twenty something. I was diagnosed with Diabetes II about six months ago. Giving up sugar was difficult, but I want to be healthy. I love baking too, and I have to wear blinders when I food shop and pass by the bakery aisle. Giving up flour, the white stuff is the key I guess. Anyway you look lovely.
Have a great night.
Your tulips are so pretty..mine just finished blooming!
:( and gone for another year. Love the pictures of you and your man! So glad you enjoyed dinner at one of your favorite places..veal sounds great! Happy Spring!
Miss Bloomers
I am with you! Trying to take off a few winter pounds and it is really hard to blog about food when you are trying to stay away from carbs! Great for you that you have already had such success. My good friend has been doing it and has lost 24 already and so when we go out, we try to be good together.
Love your tulips. We don't have anything out yet and the pansies are just starting to bloom.
I love that the waitress wanted to take your picture. I think they always think I am a nut when I am photographing food! Have a great week!
You two sure are a cute couple! And yes! You did look so happy! It has been so warm here but this week is more normal. Getting a few things done outside and sneezing too! *laugh* But it has been awfully pretty of late! Your flowers are so, so beautiful...
Congratulations on the weight loss!
Hi Miss Jane, here's wishing you some luck with the no sugar and no flour. Sadly I think those are my two favorite things ;) That's definitely my problem. Love your Tulips. I wish I could grow them. I buy mine at Trader Joes. Wishing you a happy weekend!
way to go blondie! you are an
inspiration to us all!
your flowers were lovely, and spending a little together time is always nice! Congrats on the weight loss, that's always such a hard thing to accomplish!
HI Jane, we have cooled off too, but I LOVED the warmth! I have one tulip blooming:) Loved seeing your picture. Have a great weekend. XO, Pinky
Loved the photos of the flowers! Jealous of your tulips because they don't come back well and have to be replanted every year because it doesn't get cold enough here. We had a few cooler days here(in the 70's) and it felt odd to put a sweater on in the morning, but I didn't mind. Congratulations on your weight loss!
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