After seeing Tam's summer vignettes (so inspiring), and visiting some other blogs joining in, one girlfriend posting a collection of beautiful silver pieces, I took my cue and came up with a little of both!
When I was designing my blog header, I really wanted to depict something related to my journal keeping. My original intent as a new blogger was to create an extension of my written journals. Can you remember what you had in mind for your blog when you started? I think we all had an idea and it expanded once we joined in with all the sweet and inspiring girl's in Blogland!!
So I created a vignette with some of my journals and a few of the things I loved and thought would say a little about me.
In the vignette, I also have a my vintage teapot and a china teacup along with a silver bud vase. A little peek at my personality... And I also have my Mother's high school graduation picture. Wasn't she beautiful?? And she always was. I hold that picture very close to my heart...
My mom was also a big journal keeper. When she passed away in 2001, we weren't sure what to do with them. In my heart I knew that she wouldn't mind if we read a little bit of them, so I did. She was a very talented writer, had had a few short stories and articles published and her journals were very insightful. I learned a little more about her before I closed the books and we packed them in a box and stored them for my father.
So now you know a bit more about me. And as I said, I was inspired by collections. Well obviously all 1000 of those journals make up a collection, LOL!!. And I collect old tea sets and silver. I also collect table linens, I can't seem to walk away from those huge baskets filled with tablecloths, doilies and napkins when I am in an antique store! And I love china. I have a few sets and can't resist them if it is a pattern I really love and the price is great. I just don't know where to store all of them!!
I hope you visit Tam and get inspired to look at your collections. Vignettes are a wonderful way to add a little interest to a table or shelf. And collections can be found anywhere in your home if you really look. You might see a little pattern that describes the things you love and what sort of person you are, as mine did.
Do you keep a journal? It might just be a little notebook to record the day's events. Or one of the pretty journals that you can pick up in a bookstore or even Target to have a place to write down your thoughts and dreams. I hope I have given you a little inspiration!
very pretty curios you have Blondie.so beautiful!!
So pretty!
I love the silver teapot and your china teacup.
Your mother's photo is beautiful. It looks very pretty displayed with your journals and treasured items.
I love the vignetts - and especailly how you incorporated it into your header - I have always wanted to make a custom header but I have no idea how to do it....Ishould learn.
Blondie - here is a website with my trick of cleaning silver with foil and baking soda. I haven't tried the toothpaste trick yet, but will let you know how it works!
So pretty and so personal. Thanks for sharing with all of us. I had a similar experience with chicken pox. My children also got them 2 weeks apart at Halloween when we were trying to sell our house. Fun Times!:-) Have a great day!
Jane: These vignettes are beautiful! I love every one, so personal and sentimental. Love'em!
I hope you have a wonderful week!
Lou Cinda :)
Thanks for sharing the precious story of your mom's journals. I am so happy to meet someone who still takes time to write. I had a bible study teacher who encouraged us to "put a pen to it." Maybe I will purchase a lovely journal today and start journaling. Thanks for the inspiration and for stopping by Blue Creek Home. Rhonda
I enjoyed your post. I have a cousin who kept journals. I am sure she has many. Don't know if she is still writing in journals. Thanks for visiting mine. :-)
I am following you now. Decided I need to come back and look over your blog some more. Your daughter looks beautiful on her graduation day.
Very pretty. I like the vignettes especially since they are a picture of treasured items and thoughts from your life. Enjoy!!
I love your vignettes, and yes your Mom was just as pretty as you. I keep my journal online now, warts and all. I do have lots of hand written ones when my boys were little and they are very precious to me. I have a journal for my granddaughters that they have written and scribbled in since they were little. When we get together I bring it out and they write about their adventures. It's a very special keepsake.
XO Sue.
GM Blondie...girl I love the way you did all of these...I spend a day last year doing differ ones on top of my side board and never used them..but had fun playing with my stuff for the day ha ha!!Great post my friend...and yes I started a journal in 1997 just for my kids to read after I am gone...also helpful for me to remember dates with...May you have a great day my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Very pretty little vignettes. I can't believe you have so many journals!
Oh what pretty vignettes! They almost remind me of a still-life painting -- the sort that shows all the intimate, quiet moments of a life well-lived... beautiful!
Loved your vignettes and the stories. Mom was a beautiful woman. ♥ Diane
Wow -- i so admire that you have been keeping a journal for so long; I've never been able to stick with it. I will write for awhile, then it's onto a shelf and the journaling is over.
What a treasure for you -- having your mom's journal to read. And you are right -- she indeed was beautiful.
When I began blogging, I had no plan! People had been telling me that my dog Dion needed a blog, but I decided that would be too much work, so I just started writing about our house, and bits of our life.
It amazes me that anyone reads it, and I am very grateful and thankful that they do!
And being pregnant, caring for 3 sick kids? Oh honey -- that you found time to EAT was a miracle!
Your vignettes are all so pretty, Janie. How do you find time to write in your journals? I type faster than I can write so I prefer the computer, LOL! Your mother is so beautiful. I know you miss here a lot. I can see you in her and you are beautiful also...Christine
Hi Jane,
I love your vignettes and I admire anyone who can keep a journal. Blogging was difficult for me at first because I tend to be private with my thoughts so when I see these wonderful displays by wonderful people in blogland I want to join in and share a bit more of myself. It has been so fun.
Your mother was very lucky to have a daughter that treasured her so
much. She was indeed beautiful. What fun things to collect. It doesn't get better than teapots and linens.
Thanks for visiting me and have a great day.
Jane: My email button is on my sidebar. Anytime, girlfriend.
I kept a journal when I was about 20. I just found it a couple of weeks ago & had quite a fun time reading back through it. It's fun to see how much we've changed & how much we haven't. Thanks for giving us a little glimpse into who you are.
enjoyed it...very pretty
Hi Jane. I've been meaning to come visit you for a while now. Sorry. Things are just crazy right now. Love the photos. And just for you I went back and added the candle holder photos to my blog.
I just love these vignettes, but even more than that it was so neat to learn about each item in the picture and what it means to you. I am very sentimental and so I can imagine how you enjoy all these special things.
I simply wrote way too much and had to delete it. It was about journaling...and why my blog is not at all what I wanted it to be. I wrote why I stopped writing on my blog...and decided against it. I even pulled my real reason for pulling all my writings...even giving a reason frightened and upset me. So...I pretended nothing happened. It was a horrific experience...and I am still not over it. I am cautious and expect something all the time...I have thought of just pulling the plug on blogging but I love the people and the communication so much I just can't. So I keep going..but...much is just surface things...pictures...and even those have been a bit censored by family members...on what I can post and what I cannot. So...no..my blog is not what I really started it out to be.
I loved this post. You hit on a lot of issues, storage, journaling, things that interest me..and inspire me to write...
but just to comment! :)
P.S. Your header is amazing...and does reveal a lot about you. It's perfect!!
Mine is exactly what I wanted...but not too personal...
A bad experience will make you cautious. It did me!
Wonderful photos of your vignettes but even more special is the story behind it all. Thank you so much for sharing and have a wonderful evening,
my kids never did get the pox...but I remember when I did!!! you poor thing.
I love the silver tea pot! and that cup too!
I love your vignettes and header. I too am a journal keeper. Your cup of tea and linens reminds me of a perfect way to spend some time--writing in a journal!
Hi Janie :)
Your vignettes are so pretty and I love that they have such special meaning. How neat (and disciplined!) that you've kept journals since you were 16. I have kept them off and on, too, but nothing like that! lol
I hope you're having a good week so far~ xoxo
Beauitufl pictures! You are so lucky to have your moms journals!! I am so glad you are doing the same for your family to cherish!!!
Hi sweet little Blondie...I loved reading this blog post today! It really made me think of happier times & memories...I'm glad to back online after being gone for a while... ;-) Bo
Ok Miss- tell me more about timers for oscillating sprinklers. This sounds like a plan that doesn't involve me standing with a hose all day.
Hi Jane,
Thanks for coming by for a visit.
Barbara Jean
Oh I think I have to send you some doily/runner photos...Need to write myself a note to take pictures this weekend!! ('Cause I'll never remember otherwise. :-)
What a sweet blog! This is my first visit here and I'll be following for sure...enjoyed surfing through your domain and getting to know you, I'll be back!!! xoxo~Kathy@ Sweet Up-North Mornings.blogspot.com Drop in, I'll put some tea on for you...
Thanks for letting us dip into some of your personal life. I wished that I had been keeping journals all of my life. I usually start one, but never end up finishing them, but I'm doing pretty good keeping up with my blogging.
Hi Jane :)
I kept diaries all my life until I started this blog. I probably should keep writing in them anyway :)
Your mother was a beautiful woman.
PS. The kids are older now, so the mess is usually found in their rooms and not in the rest of the house. I'm about to put hazard signs upstairs LOL
Hi Jane, I love your vignettes...so pretty and inspiring. I love that you keep journals...I do also. I computer journal almost every day and before that, books. I have tons of them!
Writing is good for the soul. I love this.
Have a wonderful and blessed week, sweet girl.
Beautiful vignettes you've created! And I love your cottage kitchen :-)
Your vignettes are inspiring. I love your teacup and silver teapot. Your mother's photo is beautiful. Wow, I wish I could journal like that :) What memories you must have stored in those journal, for future generations to read.
Thanks for visiting and becoming a follower. I appreciate your comments.
Jane, I enjoyed hearing the stories behind the things in your header picture. Your mother was, indeed, beautiful and I know she would be pleased to know you are following in her footsteps with your journals. I admire your discipline and dedication.
How wonderful to have your mom's journals. I am sure she would want you to read them...I would read every word!
Lovely post...
Very pretty, Janie! I wish I was as organized as you with your journals. I think that is a wonderful thing to do. My friend Nancy journals, too.
And your mother was lovely... but she has a lovely daughter so I'm not one bit surprised! :-)
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