I absolutely do not know where this post will go. I can however, guarantee it will not be long, so unlike Blondie. The upcoming destination wedding of my daughter is both joyful and stressful, I think those of you that have done this know exactly how this feels. Then again, I'm highly neurotic and even stress out over my stress. In one week, Tom and Abigail will be husband and wife. They'll fly off to the Bahamas for their honeymoon and peace will prevail. :). I'll share pics.
Other exciting news, Emily and Mike are going to have the stork deliver another baby girl, a sister for Madelyn. I am beyond excited, but not as much as Mad apparently in this photo. And my son, Jeff, and his wife, are also expecting a month later. Our family is growing and it makes me so, so happy.
Swan Lake
I've been at the lake since the end of April and it's like a National Geographic show over here on my little bay. The swans are here yearly with their little brood. The big daddy has had several altercations with the geese families. He naturally senses a threat to his family even though the geese are naturally nonthreatening. Swans can be very aggressive, and you don't want to be on a kayak or paddle board when the male is watching over his babes. He will charge you and flap his wings, some swans have a seven foot wingspan. Thankfully they have sailed on. We also have turtles, some the diameter of a trash can lid, sunning themselves on docks that have been almost submerged by our endless rain. Ahhhh...nature.
Of course, it's never perfect here by any means, and I have to deal with many issues with our house on a daily basis. Our front porch, which looks so pretty here, has to be torn down as well as the balcony above. It's an inevitable fact of lake life that harsh Michigan winters do a lot of damage to homes I hope the renovation will start after the wedding and not have a lot of glitches.
Just lounging in the grass after a good roll on the beach
Layla is missing her big brother. She sticks close to my side, and recently sat straight up in the kitchen while I prepared food for our holidays-- Memorial Day and the 4th of July. I, of course, return that affection and attention that I'm so sad to say, I mostly only gave to Milo, especially in the last eighteen months. I know she feels his absence. And at this point in time, I can't talk about him. I can't look at pictures or videos of him. I just can't face that hurt yet...maybe I'm the odd man out, but I shut out pain. I'm grieving in my own way, and really trying to face each day by looking forward. I will write about him soon and perhaps his last few days. I'm grateful those days were spent at the lake.
Total peacefulness
And here is will you will find me on those best days ever. Plowing through books and enjoying a glass of wine in those golden hours in the evening. Can I ask for anything more?
Well, have you seen a post this short from Blondie ever????!
After Abby and Tom's wedding I hope to get back into my love, writing my musings on life. I hope you are all hanging in there with me.
Happy July!
Jane x