January Gloom outside my window
I'm back in time to be a part of the New Year in the blogging world. What a shock. Is this a new leaf, or evergreen branch I'm turning? I'm just feeling good, energized. As per usual, I came down with my after holiday cold/flu, New Years Day to be exact. I hunkered down in bed, slept the days away, struggled with my asthma, and slowly got better. The last few days have me congested and coughing, but oh so ready to get it all going.
Have you ever been incapacitated in any way, sidetracked by a bad bug or even something really bad like surgery? You have that time to contemplate all you want to do, and maybe lament that you didn't do it when you were well. So while I tossed and turned (when I wasn't snoring through my stuffed up nose), I thought about that linen closet that was overstuffed and overflowing, the Tupperware in my cabinets that I had planned to organize, the new quilt and bed skirt I wanted to update our bedroom with, and the purging that never seems to end in this little old house. I felt that frustration that I hadn't seized the day when I was feeling good. Oh...the pressure we put on ourselves. Happily, our weather has been mild and even if I haven't accomplished any spring cleaning, I've managed to get out almost everyday, just for a few errands. Oh, that fresh air feels so good.
Milo is not doing well, I'll leave it at that. A few week ago I could say that every day was different. It's not that way anymore. I know we are going to have to make a decision very soon. I've been able to rework my feelings and confusion in way that I hope helps any of you facing the decline of your pet. We have those puppy months that we just want to eat them up, even when they are mischievous and frustrating. And then we move on to that comfortable familiarity where they fit seamlessly into our lives, our family. The aging stage may come on gradually...the slowing down, the graying of their fur, and many other physical changes, and we start to realize they won't and will not live forever.
With Milo, I have watched him go from a 7 week old puppy, to a 15+ year old dog. I often think of these stages, and while I feel grateful to have had this great amount of time, there are days when I think this is the one part of his life where I hold the strings. I have to decide when it ends. It's very hard. I write this now because I don't think I'll be able to later.
Ah, weekends in the cold Midwest. It's hard to come up with things to do, especially when you have to weigh going out into that gloomy, miserable weather, or just stay warm and comfy inside. Other than a few little trips out for groceries or errands, The Husband and I tried a few new restaurants nearby. One featured Vietnamese, Thai and French food. It was an incredible menu and we each had scallops done in completely different ways. We will definitely be back. Another was a Brazilian place and that also had a great menu, small but interesting...one that makes you want to try everything over time.
It has also been a long time since The Husband and I have explored antique shops and malls. An effort to keep clutter down, no specific desire or need for anything, and the fact that we have been to many places in and around our homes in Illinois and Michigan, sometimes multiple times, these outings have fallen to the wayside.
Sometimes you get an inkling for pieces you'd like to focus your search on, and for me it was to scout out some of my favorite things that I had lost sight of. I've always loved mismatched silverware, and pretty much anything silver plate, and in this venture, I was really longing for candle holders and silver trays. I've also been looking for vintage mirrors. The chippy windows that I love are starting to get old, and I'm longing for a huge old mirror, or a few to layer above that massive fireplace mantel I have and loathe. Of course, I've gotten inspiration from Pinterest and Instagram...these are great sources for stirring up ideas you haven't yet put your finger on.
So, my frugal haul. I found so many little Christmas treasures. At the risk of offending anyone who loves vintage, and that's really a huge part of scouring antique stores, I don't collect that sort of thing. I personally can't commit to a lot of small pieces, nor does it play a part in my decor, holidays or anytime. But...sometimes you find things that tug at your heart.
I couldn't resist these! I have two little vintage Santa salt and pepper shakers that are going to look darling next to my little old guys. I think I paid about a dollar for these. All Christmas items were 50% off.
It took awhile but I found a set of silver-plate candle sticks. These are large and heavy and have the perfect amount of tarnish (or patina). I'm going to keep looking... I simply love them compared to glass and crystal, although I wouldn't stick my nose up to any! ;-D
I never gave much thought to vintage Christmas ornaments, although I love seeing my blogger friends with original boxes of Shinybright ornaments, not because of their value, but those who have had them passed on from generations. While I was checking out, I quickly Googled the Holly brand. One box was being sold on eBay for $36.00. The box is in perfect condition and I guess the matters. Wow, I really know nothing about the collecting world. I paid $4.
My growing up years remind me of the Dick Van Dyke Show. We had mid-century modern furniture, large lamps, star burst mirrors, and huge ashtrays on the coffee table. But nothing old. It seems my parents shed everything from family and city life in Chicago to start over in the middle of nowhere Illinois.
When my father passed a few years ago, I think what my sisters and I were very agreeable on and wanted to share, were the Christmas ornaments that hung on our fresh tree every year. I really prized them, although I can't really remember any particular one. It's just a special feeling that these were on that tree in a room where I laughed and played as a tiny little girl until I was grown and gone.
You can also see the little bells in the picture that I thought could jazz up a wreath, and in the front right corner, six silver-plate napkin rings. Perfectly tarnished for the grand 'ol price of $2. Happy dance! :)
This year I decided to put things away properly. My cleaning girl has offered to help me organize all of my seasonal and overflow decorations and pieces. The first thing I did was order divided cartons that hold 64 ornaments each. I first looked at The Container Store and once I added what I needed to my cart, I nearly fainted at the total cost. So I went to Overstock.com and this is what I ordered. Not a bad price at all.
I've also added to the large plastic bins that go on sale at this time of year. I like the ones at Home Depot. They can be stacked and labeled and save tons of space. I will be so relieved when that downstairs spare bedroom is organized and clean. I've actually started to store things in Abby's old room, or our guest-less room. Do you have any storage tips to pass on?
Jane's Shrimp and Vegetable Soup
After the carb infused, filling foods over the holidays, I was craving light and simple. I was thinking clear soups, more broth than anything. This picture above actually photographed a lot thicker than it actually was because of the color of the tomatoes I added. But believe me, it was light and fresh and I can imagine eating it chilled during the summer months.
20-25 medium shrimp, cleaned, peeled and deveined
2 32 oz. boxes of chicken or vegetable stock
1 T olive oil
2 large shallots, chopped
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
2 green onions, chopped
2 carrots, peeled and cut in 1/4 in. rounds
1 plum tomato, chopped
1 T dried thyme
Small pinch of red pepper flakes
Salt & pepper to taste
1 1/2 c fresh spinach, roughly cut
Heat the oil over low in a large soup pot or dutch oven. Add shallots and sauté until just tender. Add garlic and stir for 1-2 minutes. Pour in the stock and bring to a boil. Add the green onions, carrots, tomato, thyme, red pepper, and S&P. Reduce to a simmer with lid on for 15-20 minutes. Add the shrimp and let cook 2 minutes. Stir in the spinach, adjust seasonings and serve.
Serves 6-8. I added a little shaved Parmesan to the top and also had some toasted garlic bread on the side.
I still don't have that Pin button working. Grrrrr...in the meantime you can copy and paste my recipes to a folder if you'd like.
Just a few questions. Please tell me what you're watching on TV now and really loving. Also, some book recommendations would be great. I finished Kitchen Yarns, which I wrote about in my last post, and just started a new one called Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell.
Enjoy these slow days of January. Find simple pleasures and when you are bursting with unspent energy, bring some organization and changes to your home. Before you know it spring will be here and you won't want to be inside!
Jane x
Amazing Mrs Maisel for sure! already binged both seasons twice. If you don't have Prime worth the one month fee just to watch. Also anxiously awaiting Killing Eve.
When the time comes for Milo check to see if you have an organization near by called Lap of Love. They come to your home and it was a blessing when the time came for Justice. Dr Toby was here for nearly 2 hours and as sad as it was, it was also a beautiful moment due to Justice being in my arms with Howie by her side and she was so calm and no fear as she was at home. I highly recommend. I'm so sorry this is happening .
Good morning, Jane and Happy New Year! First of all, my sympathies for your sad time with Milo. My friend just lost her lab after 15 years. It just rips your heart out! Our weather has been cold, damp, and grey. But at least it is not snow. I have some TV recs for you: New Amsterdam and A Million Little Things are my two favorite new shows. I'm sure you probably watched The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. If you are looking for a couple of good books I highly recommend Verity and The Latecomers. I'm listening to The Other Woman which is pretty good. Great haul, btw - love the candlesticks. That's it for now. I will be saying little prayers for you and Milo.
Hello Jane! I was sick through the holidays as well, so I can commiserate. I'm sorry to hear about Milo. When we had to say goodbye to our 19 year old cat, we called a vet who does home visits.
I laughed and shook my head when you described all the thoughts about organizing and clutter you had (when you should have been resting and thinking about nothing at all!) when you were sick. So hard to shut our minds off, isn't it?
I'm looking forward to the next season of Grace and Frankie (or is it Frankie and Grace?). Canadian Netflix is different than American, so perhaps it has already been available for you. If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend it. -Jenn
Milo, sweet Milo... I pray that you will enjoy each moment and know when it is time to let go. I know it is SO hard and I pray for you during this time. I haven't been to many antique malls lately because I need to de-clutter first. The ornaments are precious and it looks like you found some beauties. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!
I am so sorry to hear about Milo. We love our animals so much and their lives are not long enough.
I am reading Michele Obama’s book and am enjoying it very much. I have watched a few movies on Prime and Netflix recently but their titles escape me, and am looking forward to watching Grace and Frankie when it returns on January 18th. I think it is the funniest program I have seen in years. There are quite a few films that I wast to see in the movies, one being Mary Poppins, and that gets us out on all these rainy days we have.
Putting away Christmas has been keeping me busy this week. It was easier than other years because I have been passing on some of my beloved decorations to my children and giving others to Good Will. Even after that, I have six container boxes of Christmas plus bargs of wreaths and lighted trees. Still too much at this time of my life.
I am glad to read that you are feeling better, Jane. I hope 2019 brings you health and joy.
Enjoyed this post Jane!
Shiney Brites make me think of childhood too. We don't have any now but I'd love to find them if possible. I think it would be fun to do a whole tree with them.
Happy New Year to you and I'm glad you are feeling perky. :)
So sorry to hear about Milo. I had to make the same decision three years ago. He will tell you when it's time. Our dog looked up at me one day and I saw it in his eyes. He was no longer lived a dog's life so I knew what to do. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
I started binge watching old episodes of Sex and the City! So many new shows and yet I start bingeing on that one. My daughter came over on the weekend and we sipped some wine and watched into the wee hours of the night! (she was too young to watch the original episodes!)
I'm also watching Marie Kondo's show Tidying Up. Oh Boy, if THAT doesn't spark me to clean up I don't know what will. I've already started rearranging my pantry, rearranged my clothes drawers and rearranged my Christmas boxes in the storage room! We just moved into this house a little over a year ago and it's already getting cluttered!
Not reading any new books. I don't have time because I'm too busy tidying up!
Happy New Year! I hope 2019 brings you much more joy than sorrow!
Oh Jane, Milo's story tugs at my heart. Anyone who has had to prepare for the loss of a treasured family member, two legs or four, knows that it's a dreadful time and the only thing one can hold onto is that ultimately, you are giving them the gift of freedom from pain and discomfort, even though you feel your pain might burst. Sending you strength as you walk these rocky roads.
Love the candlesticks, especially the Christmas but really all of them. I do love silver. And I do love Christmas, so nice find with the ornaments. I have some from our family tree and they are some of my favorites, I think for the very reasons you mentioned.
Watching/reading/doing -- I'm eagerly awaiting new seasons of Grace and Frankie and the Kominsky Method, although I think the latter will be awhile in coming. Both well worth a watch. I'm watching Tidying Up even though I think Marie Kondo is crazy as a loon. (I've read her book and I'm amazed the woman wasn't bumped off by the Yakuza hired by her family). That said, her folding method has made my drawers better and closets lighter and she does indeed motivate one to let things go, which is hard for me. I'm doing that with Christmas as I put it away (it's all down below now, but in rather a large heap!) I'm making a goal -- at least two bags of either trash or donations a week from the basement. I know this will be more but then I'll feel I'm not boxed in! What else -- If you like Brit things, check out the Miss Fisher mysteries on Netflix and the quirky Death in Paradise. And Victoria begins a third season next week on PBS. Eagerly awaiting that one! Reading -- I just did a year-end book post a couple of weeks ago on Marmelade Gypsy and there are some good ones there. Presently: "Educated" by Tara Westover (harrowing, inspiring and true) and Louise Penny's newest. Enjoy it all!
You got some great things out antiquing. The soup recipe sounds great.
Hope your health will be much better very soon dear Jane. I'm still doing PT twice weekly for my rotator cuff tendinitis which has really been painful and kept me from much lifting etc. I thought I was starting a cold and actually tried using the Zicam spray immediately - it either worked or I was only having an allergy moment, who knows! The weather is far too warm for Jan. so far - 71F yesterday - pleasant to be outside but not cold enough yet to kill off the virus bugs etc.
Sorry Milo is not doing well - aging is so difficult for all of us it seems whether the much-loved animals or we humans ourselves! I will keep him, and you guys, in my thoughts in the coming weeks.
No antiquing/thrifting going on these days for me. SuzAnna's Antiques closed their local shop and relocated quite a drive from here - I will miss them. Jasmin of course no longer works part-time for them as it's too far a drive (gas costs!) for her - she had been going there with me since she about 6, and worked there since 14 - she's now 22!
Love your finds and when I can downsize what I already have I will probably be on the hunt again, haha! Hope to get to Asheville and meet up with the 2 Pennys some weekend this year - I miss sharing a shopping trip and good meal with those delightful friends.
When A retires we're hoping to see you more - the years are fast flying now, especially for us, and we must try to do more travel. I'm finding it harder just to plan and organize - Bob would just grab a bag and be off in a heartbeat, it's a guy thing regarding the packing part - so much easier for them!
I've been having problems with commenting on so many blogs over the past month or so - hoping Blogger will get their act together soon regarding the Google+ problem which is apparently the root of the problem. Here's hoping this comment posts dear.
Happy new year again - get well and be happy.
Love from us both to you and A. xx
Jane, so sorry and sad about Milo. Oh my, have not been out antiquing in so long, a few years at least. Great finds there! Your soup sounds just delicious. Take care of you and I'm so happy to hear you are feeling better! Send me a big burst of energy, my friend!
My heart hurts hearing about Milo. I know how hard it is. I so wish our fur babies could live longer, but really, it would never be long enough, would it?
I'm with you as far a 'little things' in decorating. Never really my thing, but I do enjoy seeing them in other peoples homes.
I've been making a LOT of soup lately. Did you ever reference Skinny Taste? I made one of her soups tonight, chicken with avocado. Very light but filling.
Glad you're feeling better Jane. Being sick is the WORST!
I do hope you are feeling better, and I know you will handle the painful decision about your Milo with grace.
I just read The Witch Elm, Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk and Pieces of Her, all great reads. Also I just watched Vanity Fair on Amazon and started Bramwell which looks promising. It is so nice to have all these choices!
Your soup looks tasty. I am going to make some kind of soup this weekend, as it is starting to get cold (and wet again).
I don't go antiquing much right now, or to estate sales, because I have run out of room for more stuff unless I get rid of some! I guess I will think about that tomorrow, as another famous Southern Belle once said.
Glad that you are feeling better. Milo is in my prayers; I believe that you will know when it is time.
I read with great interest all the tips on packing Christmas away. One of my biggest pet peeves is that I don't have clear totes...I do not like making lists or writing on boxes because I am likely to change it all up next year. I am in the middle of packing and so will carry on this time, but perhaps I'll buy one or two items through the year and be ready next time.
Still reading Christmas cozy stories by Miss Read. Gentle reading is definitely called for in January.
Before Christmas I found myself watching vintage programming on You Tube. Leave it to Beaver, My Three Sons, and stuff like that. It was surprisingly comforting.
Oh sweet little Milo - looks so sweet curled up in his softie♥ Peace to you as you approach those decisions that might come up soon. Our little Pearl is 11 and I am not looking forward to the days when we know her time may be near. Keep well, my friend. I am just getting over a horrible cough that seemed to linger forever...going on 2 1/2 weeks now - but seeing the light at the end of the tunnel finally! Glad you are doing better - don't overdue!
I'm so, so sorry about Milo. I know the pain of that, having been through it several times. And now, my sweet girl is 10 years old, and I know that every day we get with her is precious. As for TV, aside from Mrs. Maisel, The Americans, Schitt's Creek, and My Brilliant Friend, we LOVE Outlander on Starz. It's amazing. Also Ray Donovan on Showtime. Another fun show if you are a foodie and like travel is Chef's Table on Netflix. Next up, I'm going to watch the Kominsky Method, and MAYBE the Marie Kondo organizing show ( both on Netflix). There's so many good shows out there!
Hi Jane,
So sorry about Milo. I know the thought of letting him go is heart wrenching. been there so I know how hard this is.
I have been into the pod cast Dirty John the true story of a guy that is unbelievable and the havoc he creates. I won't say more but this is filled with so much crazy you will be hooked especially since it is based on a true story. I love the crime pod casts and listen in my car but love when they make the movies or documentaries on these crime thrillers. Terry is into Outlanders and loves that. I have not sat down to watch that one yet. Mrs. Maisel is very good too. We had such pretty weather for a few days last week. It felt like Spring now we are into the normal freeze so I agree we need to hunker down for a few more months. Hope you start to feel better and I am saying a prayer for Milo. So sorry Jane.
Jane, sounds like your frame of mind is adjusting to Milo's situation. Hug your baby gently, he'll let you know when it's time.
I'm not a crazy Christmas collector either, and I really don't enjoy that phase of display at our booth space. However, this year I did it with intention to purge my personal things, and it worked pretty well, so for that I'm grateful. You found some neat things. I will pass along your link to a friend of mine who was looking for some storage solutions for ornaments. The only other thing I might add is how wonderful those metal rack shelving units are from Sam's Club ($100 each). I use them in my basement, the shelves are adjustable, and they make sliding the tubs in and out SO much easier than stacking, unstacking things to get to what you want.
I'm like you - find myself constantly doing things in my mind when what I should be doing is resting. Here's hoping you're feeling better and can enjoy the milder days of winter with reading, cooking and staying cozy.
I'm so sorry you were sick again. Hope you're on the mend by now. I'm also very sorry to hear about Milo. Since I just went through that in November with my senior kitty, your story is really tugging on my heartstrings. It's a horrible decision to have to make, but it is always done with love and with your fur baby's best interest in mind. It truly is a gift of love to them when we let them go when they are suffering too much. No one can tell you when is the best time. You will know. I echo the sentiments of another commenter who said to call a veterinary service that comes to your home. We used Dr. Jennifer Wahlund of Peaceful Endings. She was our angel that night. She was the most gentle, kind, loving and patient person that we could've chosen for this most heart-wrenching thing to go through. She even came all the way from Aurora to our home way out here in far northern IL. I more than highly recommend her when the time comes.
I'm not much of a TV watcher, but we really enjoyed Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on Amazon Prime, if you have that. As for books, I'm in the middle of reading Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens, and really liking it. I got it at my local library.
Be well...your homemade soup will help with your healing!
Sorry that you were ill but happy that you have started to get better. I have the clear plastic totes for my Christmas ornaments, etc. and think they are great. I put everything away by color and now whenever I start to decorate I can see which bins I'm going to use. I agree with the others about the Kominsky Method, my husband and I laughed a lot watching it. Your soup does sound good, especially as I now have a cold and soups taste so good to me.
Jane, I'm sorry to hear about Milo. We had a kitty for 20+ years. She was our very first baby and we were crushed when we lost her. I wish you peace though this process...and feel better, soon. I hate being sick...
Hello dear Jane, you know that so many of us understand what you're going through at the thought of having to say goodbye to your sweet Milo. Really, not much helps you get through this time. Time may help but it takes a whole lot of that to help--now I'm crying for your Milo and ours. Fourteen months later and I still miss Milo and Otis so much that it hurts to think about them. I wish we had turned to someone who came to the house instead of it happening at the vet's office, read your first commenter and that is what we'll do in the future, something impossible to think about happening now but that is the price we willingly pay for the joy of their being our fur babies, isn't it? Please give Milo a gentle hug from me, Jane. And one to you too.
We had not been to antique malls in years until this December but went there to shop for Christmas gifts. It was fun, I'd forgotten how much fun it is to walk through large ones and we managed to find some really cool stuff for family plus a couple things we couldn't resist for ourselves. But I have avoided going back for Christmas sale items as I just gave away 5 bins of stuff this year from my Christmas decor. It would be very tempting to bring more home! I hope you find that perfect large mirror you're looking for.
I read through your comments and noticed one person has been reading Miss Read books. Those are the kinds of books I read most of the year, gentle ones, but especially during December. I did start last night on the new Louise Penny mystery and have challenged myself to read Middlemarch after seeing one blog friend reading it last year. It's sitting on my bed table and after the Penny book I will try to read it, telling myself I'll be a better reading person after I finish! However, I'm right in the middle of rereading the Elizabeth Goudge trilogy about Dameroshay so will gift myself with some nights of turning back to that if Middlemarch moves too slow. Perhaps I'll surprise myself and not want to put it down.
On Netflix I've gone through all my British favorites like The Crown and Shetland, Midsomer Murders, etc. so am searching for something else of their caliber. I watched a delightful movie twice last week on it called Quartet that is full of favorite older British actors. Excellent! Directed by Dustin Hoffman. And I think I've watched Fat Salt Acid Heat episodes three times! Have you seen it? It is a wonderful motivation to renewed excitement over cooking.
I hope you get over that virus soon, Jane. Take care,
Jane, I am sending you positive thoughts about Milo, it is not an easy time. Our dear Max helped us with that decision and there was no choice at all for us but to let him go one beautiful Saturday morning in September. He deserved a quick time of it with all of us around him, sending him love as he transitioned. It was the least we could do for him after his love and devotion. Thank you for the book suggestion. Have a good week.
Hi Jane....
Think of you often...
Love those vintage candle holders!
Hope you’re having a nice weekend....
I'm so sorry to hear about Milo. I had to face that with our 20 year old cat who was forever by my side. You'll know when, so just enjoy the time you have now and don't worry or even think about it. Love those vintage candle holders. They look like something my mom would have since she was married in the 1950s. Happy New Year Jane!
Hi Jane...i always love to read your post....mmmmm yammie soup...your sweet dog...love from me happy week love Ria 💕💕
Hello my friend! I thought about you when the Bears lost their football game. :) I feel for you and Milo. You will know when it is time. We knew in October that it was time for our 18 year old Sam Cat. Never easy and heartbreaking. :( I am currently watching everything happy and fun on Hulu and Netflix. No crime or horror for this girl. Give me Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks and lots of laughs. Happy January. Kit
Oh Sweetie, I am so sorry to hear time is so short for Milo! We have had four cats ( one at a time) in our nearly 53 years of marriage. Our first was like one of our children, and I still miss him today. He was so smart and snuggly and sweet.I played the piano a lot back then, and he'd lie on my feet as I tried to use the pedals. One day, a commercial came on TV that had some piano notes in it and he jumped up on the piano bench, sat down, and placed his paw on a key and and pushed it down! He did it with such aplomb, and stayed there as if thinking what he would play next. I wish I had a video of it. Now I can treasure those memories, but I still have tears of love for him. Our animals are our babies, too! It was the most delightful thing! Scratch was our special one!!
I like British tv shows, as Deweena does. I love mysteries, (detective types), and documentaries on tv or streaming channels, and biographies, so I often am trying to find a new one to watch or read. There is (I think), still a Netflix special called "For Grace", which is a documentary on how Curtis Duffy,(the chef of "Grace", the Chicago restaurant), got the restaurant built and all the things that went with that. It was smashing. And, in The Mind of a Chef, on Netflix, one whole hour was devoted to another Chicago restaurant called "Alenia", with Chef Grant Achatz. Both those aforementioned are not just about brick and mortar, but about the lives of these young men who cannot think of anything but making up a new menu and knocking out three Michelin stars on a regular basis!!
Dear, I'm glad you've got a new spring in your step! Even I, with no spring left, have been trying to clean out a drawer or two a day, and cook more often! No resolution -- just feel better if I can accomplish one thing in a day!! A real feat for me now!!
And a new year begins. I love the little Santa candle holders. I would have bought them, too. I have tub of vintage Christmas ornaments that came from my mom's tree, my grandmother's, and my husband's grandmother's and mother's tree. I used to put two trees or alternate years with my traditional pink tree and the vintage memory tree. This year I ran out of energy or something. Growing old. I heard more of my friends say, "If I put it out, I have to put it away." Besides a second tree would downstairs and we don't use the downstairs family room during Christmas, so what's the use.
Good finds for you. The recipe sounds so good. Happy New Year, Jane.
Loved reading this post...love how you write! I'm sorry that Milo's time is short now...how well you describe having a dear dog in your life, so touching. I enjoyed reading about your antiquing...I am planning to make the most of the things I've collected this year as well as maybe adding just a few more. Your finds are so lovely.
Happy New Year dear Jane XxX
I always feel like I’ve just finished a long, cozy visit with you, hanging out at your place. it’s the style of your writing. So intimate and warm. It’s such a talent to be able to write that way, I certainly don’t have it. Anytime you’re ready to be clear and intentional about your writing goals I know the stars will line up for you.
So sorry to hear about sweet Milo. Saying goodbye to our fur babies is so heart wrenching, relish those simple moments with him, that’s all we can do. Love to you. 💕
Happy Birthday dear Jane oxoxoxox
I really enjoyed reading this blog. I like and appreciate your work
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