Saturday, December 2, 2017


Hey, December!  You're here. This is it!  You made it!  Does this sound familiar?  If you watch Jimmy Fallon, it's the beginning of his monologue every night.  I guess its compassion for all of those tired people waiting outside for hours, then getting seats, and again, waiting for hours.  I just couldn't do it, as much as I love him. 

These are the gorgeous flowers I received from my niece, who came to Thanksgiving dinner with her kids.  My niece is my age, I think that's sort of cool.  And it leads me to a little tale that probably means nothing at all to any of you.  

My husband was the youngest of 4 boys.  The two eldest were born, and had left home, when he and his brother were born.  Thus, an age gap of twenty years.  Hmmmm...not sure what happened here.  So, these older brothers have children as old as The Husband and his brother.   

While I'm telling family stories, it's very sad that The Husband's mother passed away from cancer when he was just 4 years old.  He and his brother had a live-in 'housekeeper', for lack of better description at the time.  Even more interesting, she was a native American Indian.  I can't say that The Husband shares a whole lot of memories of this time in his life, it is what it is.  Shortly before The Husband left for college, Viva passed away, and soon after, his father. 

I got away from myself here.     

Another bouquet for our table.  I had no intention of doing any sort of centerpiece.  Our dining table is just too small, it's ridiculous.  Deb's flowers were perfect.  I had a buffet, as usual, but to my credit I used dinner plates, cloth napkins and silver-plate.  A little touch of pampering.  

Things ran like a well oiled machine until later in the evening, at the time when we had a nice amount of extended family for dessert and good cheer.  A mouse was spotted in the kitchen and you would have thought it was a grizzly bear.  Of course, I was mortified; mouse = dirty house.  I do not have a dirty house!  The wicked varmint enter through the attached garage every fall, and whether you like it or not, I have poison planted everywhere.  I must have forgotten the garage.  When the squeals started, The Husband suddenly became very interested in the person he was conversing with.  My wonderful brother in law stood up, and announced he would take care of it.  Born and raised on a farm in Ireland, he wasn't feeling much fear.  I wanted to smack my forehead, and say our pet mouse, Mickey, must have gotten out of his cage.  But then another when came running out.  Sigh.

I don't think I've been as mortified as this since a bat flew into the lakehouse when we had guests.  The Husband ran around with a fishing net, while my women friends dived for cover under tables.  A story for another day.  So how was your Thanksgiving?


I made meals with the leftover turkey, but I'm happy to say there wasn't much left over  My niece has 3 hulking, Irish boys, and when I say hooray on the dent made in my casseroles of food, I mean that.  They liked it!  I did make a great dish with the leftovers that you may want to do after Christmas if you make turkey, or you can substitute chicken.  That's at the end of my post.  And the broccolini dish I made was delicious and got a thumbs up.  The recipe was included in my last post, you can find it here.  

The Saturday night after the holiday, I was so "carbed' out, I wanted something fresh and clean.  I love sushi, and I was craving it so bad.  We have 2 great places blocks from us.  One is small, but the dining room is splendid.  We love the owners, they come and sit with us to chat for a bit.  The other is absolutely huge, but the service is excellent and the menu features Chinese, Japanese, Thai, and they have a few hibachi tables.  So...we tried a new place that recently opened, right smack in the same area as our favorite two.  It was excellent.  You can see the sushi dinner I ordered.  The Husband had his Teriyaki chicken.  He loves anything sweet.  And we shared lo Mien noodles (that put me back on the carb train).  Portions were huge, of course, and we had a few meals over the next two days.  

 It was a group effort in bringing up the Christmas decor from downstairs last week.  Group, as in me and The Husband.  I carried the bins to the landing, he carried everything back to the family room.  And there it sits, with a small stack of wrapped presents, and a much larger stack of UPS delivered packages and boxes.  I'm so good at shopping, especially online.  Is that not fun or what?  I love to get catalogs in the mail, they seem to zoom in on the best ideas, then I open that laptop and away we go.   I've always been an avid shopper, I have a black belt.  And Christmas is the best time ever.  

I found this wreath on Wayfair.  I've been looking far and wide for something lifelike, pretty, and reasonably priced.  I think this was about $35, and is 24 inches in diameter.  You can shape it any way you want, and since I took this shot, I added a plaid initial 'B' ornament to the bottom.  

The highlight all of the festivities of the holiday had to be Abigail's longtime boyfriend, Tom, proposing to her the day before Thanksgiving.  It was a real blessing.  Our family couldn't ask for more in a husband and life long partner for our daughter. 

They met shortly after high school graduation 8 years ago, at a party on one of Chicago's beaches.  Although Tom grew up nearby, and went to school on the same campus as Abby, they had never truly run into each other.  But they clicked.  Like a sad movie, he headed off to college in Michigan 2 weeks later, and she downstate in Illinois.  It was a challenging 4 years, but they were committed.  

 And now, for the past 2 years they have lived in an apartment in the city with Squall, their rescued pup/child.  They are both teaching and really loving their careers.  And to my relief, they are looking for a home in our neighborhood.  She claims they want a big backyard for Squall, and a brother or sister for him.  I think she has finally decided she has seen enough of the big city and wants to come back to our close and familiar neighborhood   

A really great celebration was hosted by Tom's father the night before Thanksgiving.  So many friends they grew up with, family members on both sides, and cheers all around.  Her sparking ring is stunning.  I think she is still smiling!   

Oh---remember those gorgeous velvet boots in my last post? I thought they were going to be uncomfortable because they were really meant for someone taller.  Well, I wore them to this little engagement party and they were very comfortable.   The nice little heel was perfect for me to stand alright for hours.  I'd love to wear them everyday but they aren't waterproof.  The link to where I bought them is on that last post.  

Finally, I never want to see anything that flew in a previous life for at least another six months.  I'm craving carbs to no end in spite of my attempt to cleanse myself with the sushi.  Bread, pasta, noodle soup...when you go off the deep end you tend to say, let's get it out of the system.  I'm laughing here, but truly, I've been beating myself up.  I try to find comfort in knowing a lot of people are out there  loosening their belt buckles, but I've been sitting on my butt, writing for my papers (a good thing of course), but having my share of movies, news and of course, salty snacks to keep me fortified for all the drama.  Ahem.  

I made turkey tetrazzini with the bit of meat left over.  I really like to spice up the recipe or it comes out tasting like Elmer's glue.  I also use the shredded Parmesan cheese as opposed to the fine, it makes a little crust with the bread crumbs.  I hope you enjoy this.

Turkey Tetrazzini

2 c. cooked, shredded turkey, light and dark meat
8 oz. package egg noodles
4 T butter**
3 T flour
1 1/2 c chicken broth
1 t dried thyme
1 1/2 t. garlic powder
1 1/2 t onion powder
1/2 c frozen peas and carrots
1/2 c half & half
1/4 c  fine breadcrumbs
1/4 c Parmesan cheese
S & P to taste*

Boil the noodles according to package directions.
Drain and pour into a 1 3/4 quart casserole.  Top with shredded turkey, spreading evenly.  

In a medium saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat.  Whisk in flour and keep whisking for approximately 1-2 minutes until the mixture is light brown.  Slowly add in the broth, whisking as you go. Once blended,  turn up heat until the mixture reaches a boil.  Add the peas and carrots and keep stirring until thickened.  Add your dry spices and half and half.  Taste and adjust seasonings, this recipe needs enough salt to keep your taste buds happy, so feel free to adjust*.  

Pour mixture over the turkey and noodles in the casserole dish.  Top with the bread crumbs**.  I like to add a few pats of butter over the crumbs for more flavor.  Finally, the  Parmesan cheese.  Cover with foil and bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes until bubbly.  You can turn on your broiler, watching closely, to brown the top if you'd like.  Any leftovers can be frozen.  Enjoy!


I never have a television on during the day-it's a distraction when I work, and even while housecleaning, I tend stop to watch The View or Ellen.  Excellent shows, and I'm very addictive to stuff like this.  Come evening, I like a bit of fantasy and drama.  Later, I turn on CNN.  I know, I'm a paradox.  In my little television world, may I share some thoughts?

~~~I absolutely adore holiday Hallmark movies.  I can't exactly pin why, I'm sure it has become a Christmas tradition for a lot of people.  The channel seems to have run with that thought, they have themes throughout the year now--romance in February, wedding movies in June.  As far as the Christmas movies, I have an eye for detail, so I do notice when there is a snowball fight scene and the actress is later shown minutes after in her high heels.  I wonder what they are thinking.  The empty coffee cups are slightly absurd also.  At least fill them with water. They lift up these plastic cups as if they are featherweight, sip and never swallow, and when they are set down, they sound hollow.   I've also noticed a new effect where the snowflakes drift down in front of the camera, as opposed to a major job in the background.  Sadly, the actors never have so much as a flake in their coiffed hair.  

~~~Two of the movies I've seen so far that I really like are The Christmas Train and Mistletoe Inn.  I love the actors in both and it's not a coincidence, each movie involves writers grappling with their novels, and their relationships.  As a frustrated writer with lofty dreams, I simply love the premises and shared emotions in these characters.  I have to say they aren't really sappy either.

~~~How many House Hunter shows are there in film storage?  After 9:00 p.m., you are not going to find anything other than these terrible shows on HGTV.   There was a time when I somewhat enjoyed watching, especially the international house hunting.  And then a episode came on where a woman complained about an apartment in Spain because it didn't have a microwave oven.  Was she nuts, or the producers who decided to air this episode?  Is there a script involved?

Now I'm off to do some cleaning and organizing of Christmas decor.  I may even toss a few jolly throws on the sofa, and tuck in some pillows.  Maybe get some gift wrapping going.  It sounds insane, but I have an inner clock telling me to be absolutely finished with everything by the 10th of the month.  I want to know that the stress is over, and I can just flow along at my own speed doing whatever I want, like making cookies, or meeting up with friends for a cocktail.  Wish me luck on that!

Happy Holidays,



Anonymous said...

where do I begin!! A beautiful bouquet delicious food, a marriage proposal, wonderful movies, happy gatherings, comfy new boots ( that I loved ) and a mouse or two thrown in for good luck, sounds like a perfectly perfect time had by all!!!

Melanie said...

Your Thanksgiving sure was exciting! It sounded like a scene straight out of a comedy. We have problems with mice off and on, too and like you said, it has nothing to do with having a dirty house - mine is super clean, too! Like you, we also have an attached garage. We have traps set up in cabinets, the basement, and the garage. Plus, we have three cats. And how many mice have we caught? Zilch. Zero. Nada. They sure are sneaky.

Wonderful news about Abby's engagement!

mary scott said...

I love reading your blog & enjoying your photos. I think the international house hunters makes us Americans look so bad. & on house hunters, it appears the script for every show is a couple who wants the opposite from each other. Very tiresome. I think your goal to be done on Christmas prep is really smart. Looking forward to your stories! Thanks

Debra@CommonGround said...

It's easy to know that you're a writer, Jane, your blog posts come alive and I can see them like a movie. The mice are priceless. We're a smaller group and lean toward somehow revealing ours and other's deep dark secrets (in a funny way) and light arguments. An impromptu engagement is perfect, not to mention your bravery with real china. I always look forward to your posts and end up reading them again later. Sushi sounds wonderful, I could eat it twice a week. take care and don't wear yourself out with the decorating!

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Congratulations to your daughter and her young man. How wonderful to look forward to a weddding. There will be much shopping to enjoy in the coming months.

It sounds like you are feeling better and I admire you for planning on gettting everything for the holidays accomplished on the 10th. I have good intentions, but live in the world of mañana.

I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and happy New Year.

Karen said...

Thanks for the recipe! and Damn those carbs - so hard this time of year to stay away!!....

Mice happen in the cleanest of homes - it is what it is.

It's me said...

Beautiful flowers....mmmmmmm jammie food love favorite food!! this moment....lovely sunday......

It's the most wonderful time of the Ria x ❤️

Bluebird49 said...

Wonderful news for Abby and Tom! I hope they find a home near you!
Your gathering sounds wonderful--even with the mouse, which has nothing to do with your cleanliness!If they find a way to get in to find food and warmth, they're likely to choose any house.
It's Dec.3, and it dôes not seem like Christmas will be here in a moment. But it will!
Hope you have a wonderful one!

Rita C at Panoply said...

Jane, the flowers were beautiful - perfect for Thanksgiving. Congratulations to Abby & Tom! Woohoo, big planning ahead for you....;) The mouse....there will always be SOMEthing that has to happen when the house is full of guests. I think the mouse (or mice) is/are waaay better to have than a stopped up commode, which seems to be the #1 mishap. Always reminds me of good ole Clark and Cousin Eddie.....speaking of movies, we love the Hallmark movies too, and are totally in tune with you on the details, lol. In Miss Christmas, she goes off for a business trip, and we counted 4 pairs of boots she wore (3 of which were high, high heels), and four coats to match, with only a weekend bag. Hahaha. Also, the dad was divorced, and my husband kept saying, surely the kid's mother is still in the picture - not this one, lol. Oh well, they make us feel good and that's the point. ;) Christmas Train was good too. ♥
Enjoy the season as you cross off all the tasks of the season. Sounds like you're off to a terrific start with all the shopping and tubs in place.

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Sounds like the perfect Thanksgiving and congrats to your daughter and soon to be son-in-law. How exciting. Enjoy all the decorating and baking and then relax and enjoy the whole season.

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

I loved catching up with your life, Jane! Congratulations on the engagement!
Your gatherings sound boisterous and fun...we have had bats, and one Christmas we had a bird in our tree during Christmas dinner. Makes for fun stories now!
I have been doing my shopping online...I realized it is a throwback to how I used to do it with the old Sears catalog.
Enjoy your holiday fun!

ann said...

Hi Jane. I have finally returned after a bit of a break. I had to laugh about the mouse. Tis the season, it seems. The cold brings them in. Living in the country, one would think that my house would have a mouse or two, but I don't. I have a cat. An old lazy one. And a dog, A young rambunctious one. We do do have mice in the barn and the hen house. And we set out traps and catch the little demons. The current ones have names: Benny the Barn Mouse and Hamilton the Hen House Mouse. Short of being dirty and carrying disease, outside I don't mind them. I will confess, however, that at my old house I opened up a kitchen draw that had my cookbooks in its, so it was seldom opened, to find a nest of baby mice. Now that is gross .Congratualtions to the newly engaged. You will be planning a wedding! The couple is lovely. Breaking the carb habit is hard, but not impossible--so I hear. Enjoy your week.

Wicked Faerie Queen said...

Everything looks fabulous, I don't eat meat but I will try the tetrazzini with veggie chicken.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I was laughing at the mouse story! When we lived in the farm house in Tennessee we had mice every winter!

I bought that exact same wreath on Wayfair...great minds thing alike!

Kit said...

Good Morning my friend! I love your story of Thanksgiving, and your visit from Mickey Mouse! Congrats on your daughter's engagement. You will have fun with an upcoming wedding. Remember to keep the holiday simple and enjoy it. And if you do not get done by the 10th, it is okay. :) Kit

Sonia said...

Hi Jane, Your holidays sound fun with all the family there. A mouse! LOL..the cold will bring them in everytime! I am catching up on blogging have been taking care of my Mom-we moved her here from Florida. The sushi looks so good! Love your new wreath!

Lynne said...

I have said it before. . . I love to read you!
It is like I am sitting comfortably in the same room with you,
maybe a glass of wine, sharing some carbs, a cuddle from the pups,
and we take off sharing stories . . .

I would have screamed and jumped up on a chair . . .
How do those little critters know it is time to “hit the garage!”

Love the flowers from your niece . . .
Reminder, create something flat for the dining room table . . .

I could go on and on but my boxes and baubles have been sitting out waiting for me . . .
I must get with it . . .

Wondering about Milo . . . how is your sweet love . . .

joy said...
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Courtney@Golden Boys and Me said...

Your posts always leave me smiling, Jane! Congrats to your daughter on her wonderful news. The mouse story was one with which many of us can relate. And the Hallmark movies usually draw me in when I am doing something else, like a puzzle or craft, so that I don't notice the small details you referred to. As a side note, yesterday my youngest friend has a new friend over and the boy walked into our house, noticed all the Christmas decor and said, "I feel like I just walked in to a Hallmark movie." Of course I took it as a compliment until my oldest son looked at me and said, "I'm not sure that he meant that in a good way!" LOL. Enjoy the holiday season!!

Sarah said...

You sparkle, my friend! I feel as if I just stopped by for a delightful visit with a good friend. Happy Holidays to you and your sweet family!

Anonymous said...

I, too, love Ellen and stop everything to watch about the rodent. I too despise them and I know YOU cannot have a dirty house (LOL!!!). Remind me to tell you about the ones who left "residue" (aka mouse poop) in the dish towel drawer...OMG! Go ahead, Jane, ask me if I kept the towels...just ask me...LOL!!...:)JP

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

SO funny - I just last night said the exact thing about empty coffee cups. Like why bother?
It looks and sounds ridiculously wrong.

And fake snow and the wrong shoes - again, a pet peeve too.

If you get Netflix my two favorite Christmas movies I watched this week:

The Spirit of Christmas
The Christmas Kiss

I saw Naught and Nice - loathed the first 10 mins and nearly stopped watching, but I am so glad I finished - Tilky Jones was brilliant in it - and his smile, oh that smile!

Last year loved The Christmas Candle - it is so well done and has such a nice message.

Enjoy getting all ready for the season. Wish we were closer and could watch sappy wonderful Christmas movies together! Hugs.

Helen Philipps said...

A lovely post which I have really enjoyed reading. Congratulations to Abby and Tom.....such happy news. All your festive plans sound perfect, and your food always makes me hungry. I hope you get everything done and can enjoy the countdown to Christmas doing whatever you want dear Jane. Xox

Kim said...

Your husband's family sounds much like my own, Jane. Two sisters, much older than my brother and myself. The eldest graduated high school the year before I went to kindergarten. I now have nieces and nephews who are very close to my own age. I'm actually already a great aunt four times over. My friends always giggle when I say that! Sounds like I should have a big hat. ;) Congratulations on the happy news, too!

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Oh I love that story about the two mice so much. When we moved to the country, I had little visitors myself. One ran right in front of Chowdah and he didn't blink an eye. I like the same shows as you. I love Hallmark movies. Congrats to your niece and fiance! What a gorgeous couple they make! Have a great week, Jane!!

Lisa said...

Congrats on the daughters engagement! Sounds like you had a nice festive Thanksgiving.
We had a mouse once. It somehow came nested in a pack of toilet paper bought from Walmart! He had a little paper nest inside one of the tubes still in the pack! We check real good now before we toss it in the buggy. Lol.

Vee said...

Mice! I’m with you and have enough poison to slaughter hordes of them. I certainly hope so amyway. So many people I know are dealing with the invasion this year...must be the mild weather or something. I can only imagine how their appearance livened your party. Too funny after the fact. Hope that you have no further troubles.

Carla from The River said...

Congratulations on the engagement. Yippee!!
How is your sweet pup doing? I hope good!
Merry Christmas Jane!

Linda said...

I wrote a big fat comment and lost it!
Ok....I don't like Christmas movies....only the original Christmas Carol....
Mice! Eeeeeeek.....😂......we had them years ago...nasty critters!
Congrats to your daughter!💕
We are hoping our wee Nora will be home soon....
Enjoy your week Jane....
Linda :o)

baili said...

heartiest congrats to your daughter dear Jane!

these flowers are so beautiful ,it's okay if the table is not enough big ,you can place them anywhere else in your pretty cozy house.
a mouse doesn't need dirty house to get in he need fragrance of food and you had lot for him :)

i am sorry about your hubby's mom who died with cancer but this is great that he had a wonderful maid to lookafter

Stan and Jody Gabara said...

Happy Holidays Jane,
Finally stopped by to read what you've been up to. Busy girl as usually! Congratulations on the wedding, can't wait to hear more about the plans in the future. Thanks for the recipe, love everything you cook! Have a wonderful week in your beautiful home!! Hugs, Jody ♥ Also my husband and I are hooked on the Hallmark Christmas movies too! Love happy movies at Christmastime!

Theresa said...

Oh that mouse story... reminds me of my Daughter having a field cleared and the mice came running to her house:) She finally got rid of them! Exciting to have a wedding to look forward to! I will try that recipe! Enjoy your day dear Jane, HUGS!

Susie said...

Blondie, Congrats on your daughter's engagement. Such a nice looking couple. I laughed and laughed about the grizzly mouse. I even read that part to my husband , he loved it. You are a great cook. The turkey dish sounds so very good.
I used to baby sit the kids of two ladies that were sisters. They and their mother all three had sons around the same time. I can remember thinking that's crazy, the one would be uncle to the other two, and all the same age. LOL Blessings to you sweet girl, xoxo, Susie

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Your posts are so entertaining, Jane! So much to comment on! The mouse incident had me laughing - I'll never forget when we saw one in our kitchen - eek! I, too, have a niece who is almost my age - her daughter is older than my son. Modern Family, lol! Congratulations on your daughter's engagement! That's a great way to kick off the holiday season. House Hunters is SO formulaic - it's almost embarrassing that every show is the same. Hope you are on target for being done with everything by the 10th!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Jane, you need one of my cats for the mouse invasion. I know it wasn't funny at the time, but you are such a gifted writer that I had to laugh at your description of the unwelcome appearance. I know you had a wonderful Thanksgiving in spite of the unexpected visitors and congratulations to your daughter! I hope you meet your goal of being done by the 10th...I just hope to have my trees up and decorated by then!
Have a great week! ~Cheryl

Lorrie said...

What a sparkly post, except for those pesky mice! Everyone will be sure to remember that particular Thanksgiving. Love the newsy post. Congratulations to your daughter and to all of you. I'll never be done by the 10th; teaching hal!f time won't allow for that. But I am making progress.
All those reality type shows on HGTV and the Food Network (at least here in Canada) are so inane. I dislike watching them. Let's go back to the days when cooking shows taught how to cook and decorating shows offered inspirational ideas. We could call it the Blondie and Lorrie Network

Rue said...

LOL on the mice! I've had them here too, which is why I have every. single. pantry food item in glass jars. The little bastards still show up once in awhile though. I think they're cute, but I don't think their poop is ;)

Congratulations on the engagement! They look really happy :)

Don't get me started on HGTV...

Have fun wrapping all those presents ;)

love to you,

Dewena said...

Jane, I'm just beginning to catch up with blog friends after our heartbreak over losing our own Milo and his brother Otis, and have read backwards here, crying as I read about your Milo, your dear companion. Bless you for doing all you can to give him more time with you and you with him. I would have chosen chemo for more time too. I think you've done an amazing job of coping--and enjoying--your family, home and life along with taking care of your sweet baby. Not to mention coping with an eye injury. I sure hope you get help on that prescription for it.

Hallmark Christmas movies have been a help to me this past month too. Not at first, at first I couldn't watch anything happy, but then I turned to them at night--which like you wrote me, were the hardest hours of the day. My husband goes to bed early too. And yes, both movies you mentioned were my favorites too. I remember reading the Christmas Train years ago but don't remember enough about it to know if Hallmark stuck to the plot, which is maybe a good thing as I get upset when they don't. I think the best thing I like about a Hallmark movie, even if it's a sappy formula one, is that they are pretty and beauty is always good.

Congrats to Tom and Abigal! That's so exciting and I wish them happiness through engagement and marriage!


La Table De Nana said...

A mouse in your house EGADS..

I don't think I can come here anymore.


I have a CLEAN home..and we have had mice:)

We live in the the fall a few minute mice make it in..but they don't make it out.
Yes we have traps w/ cheese in the basment workshop and cold room where we sometimes spot them.And only at the beginning of the COLD season..

They don't leave prettily..but hey..they had a few days of parading around;)

Love your DD and future DSIL..

And the flowers..and sushi:)
And carbs.

Kelly said...

Congrats to your daughter on her engagement! They make a cute couple. Your stories of having a mouse and a bat are funny. Just think, no one will forget your parties! 😂 I love turkey tetrazzini. Thanks for sharing your recipe.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Hi Jane - congratulations to the happy couple! I love happy endings and it's so exciting that they are looking for a home close by. I love hearing about people's childhoods - I find that it reveals so much about someone's character and outlook on life. People with difficult childhoods can go either way - bitter or better, and I'm sure your hubby took the 'better' route. I can relate to having critters in the house. Once, I even had a small weasel and even a chipmunk. I think this is the first winter we haven't had a mouse. The Hubs went around and sealed off every conceivable opening with steel wool and it has seemed to work. I used to watch the house-hunting shows, too, but the spoiled way that people act disgusted me. I love 'Fixer Upper', but can only dream of having those fabulous kitchens and wide-open rooms. I am craving the carbs lately, too. I'm going to wait until after the first of the year before I crack down on myself, though. I like your attitude of taking the Christmas season in stride. I want to enjoy myself. I hope you have a stress-free holiday season - as much as that is possible. xx Karen

Decor To Adore said...

Oh your mouse story had me in stitches! I have had my fair share of dogs scooting across the carpet dragging their behinds and kids throwing up....sigh. It's what makes life miserable.
Congratulation to the happily engaged couple!

Meredith said...

Your mouse story made me laugh. Anyone who lives up north knows that mice try to get into a warm house. I had a giant wood spider crawl out of a spot on the wall that should have had an intercom system there, it was out and getting fixed. I had all my college friends down for the weekend, it was before kids. Ah that huge spider scared the pants off all of us. Congrats to the wonderful couple. May they have a lifetime of love and happiness.

Maggie said...

O.K. Jane, tell me - today is the 10th did you manage to get it all done? If you did you well deserve a cocktail or two this evening.
The engaged couple look so happy, what a Thanksgiving it was, an engagement and a visit from Minnie & Mickey mouse, great story.
Pleased to hear that the gorgeous boots were super comfy and that you're happy to wear them.
The Senior Partner roasted a large chicken yesterday, I'm still staying out of the kitchen because of this rotten cough and cold, I think your tetrazzini recipe might be just the thing to liven up the leftovers so I'll pass it along.
Lovely to catch up

Vel Criste said...

COngratulations on Abigails's engagement!!!! What a way to end the year with this wonderful news during the holidays! I love sushi too but not blessed to have the skills to make some, my mom, when she's visiting, always makes us a ton and the boys devour them. If you lived next door you'd probably be over too! The bat problem was funny, but yeah, a bit scary too, you know they carry rabies? Not just scary for you but your pets as well. Anyway, our Thanksgiving was simple but busy, we had our priest over and 2 boys visiting (dorm mates of my oldest), 1 from South Korea and 1 from Shanghai China. Luckily all weren't picky and ate the usual Thanksgiving fare. I made turkey nuggets from the left overs and was a hit! I just cut the breast up into smaller pieces, coated them in beaten egg and covered it in panko, fried and done! I love seeing snippets of your life on IG my dear. Will see you there!

Deborah Montgomery said...

What a fun post Jane! So nice to be back here for a visit. I am behind, too, and I must absolutely get the Christmas cards done today. My list is getting shorter and shorter every year b/c I realize that this is my least favorite Christmas thing to do. But buying online? Yes! Love you have a black belt in it! And what is it with the carbs? I think it must be the cold weather, but I can't seem to stop with them. When will it all end? Congratulations to your daughter on her engagement. How special that they will live close. xo Deborah

Unknown said...

My decorating is done, my gifts are wrapped (or bagged), and under the tree! So I'm just sailing right now! We do Subways at Christmas not, so not a lot of prep for that. Just add a dessert and drinks. Easy does it! Like your wreath! Have a good Christmas with all your babies!!

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Hi Jane. Congratulations to your daughter on her engagement. How exciting. I love this time of year but maybe that is because I don't send cards and don't have to buy many presents, that isn't to say that the time still doesn't seem long enough. We are cooking dinner this year at my daughter's house so I will be planning on that in the spare time. Have a wonderful holiday..Judy

Elaine said...

That mouse story was hysterical and no one is funnier than you at storytelling. I always tell my sister I am the funny one but I can't hold a candle to you!

Congrats to your daughter. Your family is expanding again! I know you love this. She looks so happy.

My Thanksgiving was somber. My Dad passed away the Saturday before. Still we gathered with cousins as a family for the holiday. It actually was lovely.

Getting back into the swing of things and blogging. Christmas decorating slowly. Not sure how much I will do. Hope your holidays are wonderful!!

Jill said...

Love the mouse story! That's just life isn't it?! The food and gatherings sound wonderful and congratulations to your daughter!

Ann Thompson said...

What a nice blog you have here. That wreath is really pretty. Congratulations to your daughter

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You have lots to look forward to this coming year! Thanks for sharing your disaster stories...I think we've all had something like that happen. Enjoy the holiday season sweet lady. Merry Christmas!

bj said...

Congratulations to your glad ya'll love him, too
love your pretty wreath...Merry Christmas xoxo

Pam - @diy Design Fanatic said...

Congratulations to your daughter! How exciting! 2018 is going to be great. Love the wreath!

Silver in AZ said...

Congratulations on a wonderful addition to your family, and on having them house hunting in your neighborhood!!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations to Abby and Tom! I hope they find a home near you:). I love sweet movies and one I love is The Holiday, love the cottage in England, especially the kitchen.
Kathleen in Az

Linda d said...

A great year!