Wednesday, May 25, 2016


I can't believe we are almost into June.  I'm really happy to say that in spite of the fluctuations in temperatures and the amount of rain we've been having, I've been able to make progress in my yard and garden beds.  My darn back has made it a little difficult and I'm sure I'm doing a lot of lifting and bending in the absolute most wrong way.  Although I'm not looking forward to physical therapy, I think there's a lot to learn and I'm pretty grateful for that.  

I did my 'not so fun' work first; Pulling weeds, reseeding, mulching and general clean up.  I really wanted to put some of my fun decorative pieces out on the patio but I was potting there and it was a mess. Finally I moved everything out to the picnic table and spiffed up the deck and my baker's rack.  The Husband and I bought this monster at Nordstrom's Rack about 15 years ago when we both worked in downtown Chicago.  We threw caution to the wind and parked in the alley where we pushed and shoved and maneuvered it into the back of his Aviator.  I never thought it would fit but he's an optimist.  It used to be pale green but its seen better days.  Someday I may paint it.  Or not.  I found the little cabinet next to it at a second hand shop years ago.  My late sister, Leslie, helped me paint it.  My first project like that.  Anyway, I had fun playing.  The only new thing I have on here is the little plant on the top shelf and the green pails on the second.  I don't know what on earth I can do with those...any ideas?  Or just leave things alone? ;-D

We have a 3 foot roof overhang in this corner where the patio is tucked into.  Sometimes its a nemesis, especially around the corner where I have a long garden bed.  It doesn't get the rain so I have to water it.  But here, along the patio, my baker's rack stays dry.  

I've been longing for lights along the house in this area and last year my SIL called me when Target had a clearance on the ones she has that I LOVE.  I got 3 twenty inch strands for $7.98 each.  Ladies, wait for those end of season sales!  I'll try to get a good shot soon.  

Little Layla loves exploring anything new, like the mulch.  She also lounges in the sun in my herb garden, smashing my baby plants. Good old Milo loves a warm patch where I have newly planted grass seed.  In this picture you can see the German Ivy which is pretty much a ground cover.  I covered a lot with the mulch but it will snake its way back up.

When I was in Vancouver a few weeks back, I was really loving the salads that were not so average.  I really adore my veggies but I'm always looking for ways to jazz them up and make them anything but boring.  On the afternoon I ventured out alone to shop I had lunch in a restaurant called Cactus Cafe.  I ordered a salad very much like this one and I wrote a list of the ingredients as I ate.  I came home and naturally didn't get around to making it for awhile.  Finally I did last week and followed up with another version a few days later.  

The salad is surprisingly simple and the beauty is that you can switch out the protein (meat) or skip it all together.  Veggies can be substituted depending on what you have on hand.  The key is to have all of the ingredients at room temperature except for the dressing.  Anything hot will wilt the lettuce and you will have a mish mash.

Chicken Quinoa & Veggie Salad

1)  2 c cooked and shredded chicken breast
2 cups of mixed lettuce or baby greens

2)  1 1/2 c cooked quinoa
1 t olive oil
1 t melted butter

3)  1 T olive oil
 3 garlic cloves, chopped
1 T capers
1/4 c almond slivers
1/4 c roughly chopped red pepper

1 c English cucumbers, sliced
1/2 c feta cheese

Place the vinaigrette in a large bowl and top with lettuce.  Do not toss until ready to serve.  In a small skillet, gently heat up the olive oil and add the garlic cloves, capers, almonds and peppers until barely softened.  Remove from heat.

Toss salad and arrange 1/2 the lettuce mixture on a portion of a plate, then top with 1/2 of the  chicken.  Sprinkle almond topping over and garnish plate with cucumber and feta.  Add a pinch of S & P. 

Salad with Sirloin Slices, Rice Noodles and Fresh Veggies


This salad is much the same except I substituted beef strips which I cooked in vegetable oil over very high heat just to sear.  After removing them from the pan I wiped it clean, added a tad of butter and added 2 medium carrots, chopped fine, 3 cloves of garlic, chopped fine and 1 small shallot, peeled and chopped roughly along with a scattering of slivered almonds.  The salad was tossed with a store bought Poppy Seed dressing (I use Marie's).  Thai rice noodles cook up quickly and after draining and cooling, I jazzed them up with a variety of spices and a splash of olive oil.  

Dress your plate as in the recipe above.  Arrange raw zucchini slices and roughly chopped red pepper all around.  Sprinkle S & P over to taste.  

Both of these salads serve 2.

I've only made it reading through the first chapter of this book, Cravings, which consisted of the most decadent breakfast recipes ever.  The bad thing about being an avid cookbook reader is that you get veeeeeeery hungry.  I'm wanting to make every recipe I see, from the Spicy Tomato  Skillet Eggs with Prosciutto to the Dutch Baby Pancakes.  Each recipe begins with a few comments and Chrissy Teigen is seriously down to earth, honest and funny.  How she keeps her body looking so great when she cooks like this is a mystery to me but she is enthusiastic about full on flavor, and makes no apologies for the 'comfort food factor' in so many of her recipes.  I also like that the dishes aren't really complicated nor do they have ingredients that you have to go to Dean & Deluca in NYC for.  The pictures are simply gorgeous as well.  As soon as I choose a few breakfast recipes and have the ingredients on hand, I'll share.  

Emily watches Elsie on Thursdays and last week we got together and went to our favorite plant nursery.  You have all 'been there' with me seasonally for my flowers, pumpkins and Christmas trees. We had a really great time.  I could see Elsie's eyes taking in all the pretty colors and she loves to gaze into people's faces.  She really makes everyone smile.  

As we walked around I mentally put together my pots and selected plants.  Emily seemed to be in a daze.  That's not like her, she always has a plan.  Always.  I asked her what was wrong.  "I'm overwhelmed, mom.  I just can't think."  I believe her.  She's in over her head with work and then meeting clients in her free time.  Trying to continue with the yard work and designing the baby's room.  I told her to go get a cart of her own and I would take care of Elsie.  We poked around inside and out of the shop and after about  fifteen minutes I ran into Emily and her overflowing cart.  It didn't take long for her to get her mojo back! 

2 days ago Emily had another ultrasound and at sixteen weeks the doctor was pretty sure he could tell the sex of the baby.  Emily and Mike wanted to have a gender reveal party but unlike Kevin and MC, where the results were called in to a bakery and the cake had a tinted filling (pink or blue), they opted instead for finding out the gender right then and there, having the party and surprising all of us, family and friends with a box filled with helium balloons (pink or blue).  I believe that was the biggest run~on sentence in the history of run~on sentences.  Sorry.  I couldn't believe she was going to keep me in the dark as well.  My daughter!  The one I carried for 9 months, gave birth to without an epidural, who cried herself silly for 8 straight weeks until she figured out what her thumb was for.  So I made these cupcakes for dessert. about loyalty.


I was astounded when I saw the pink balloons fly out of the box and sail away into the evening.  I really thought it was going to be a boy.  I'm not sure why.  I'm so, so grateful that this time has arrived for Emily and Mike and a grandson would be awesome.  I have a special bond with my daughters and since Emily, my firstborn, told me she was pregnant it has taken me back time and time again to that magical moment when the doctor told me, "You're going to be a mother!"  I remember everything after that moment vividly; a cool fall day, getting in my car and driving across the bridge to my hometown almost in a daze,  straight to my own mother's house.  A passing of the torch then and now.  

One thing I do have to watch is how often and long winded I reminisce about those days.  Giving advice and opinions.  I had no one to help me physically but my mom and sisters were a phone call away.  That was perfect.  It can be so irritating to hear people talk about how things were back in ''their day'.  I just don't want to be that person.  If my kids need my help they can ask. 

So these are very exciting days.  And definitely filled to the brim.  I have my little health issues but there is no room for slowing down.  I try to schedule appointments and run errands in the afternoon so I can write and look at emails in the morning.  When I really have time I have to unsubscribe to a few dozen of these websites.  In the evening I try to work on visiting blogs.  

We are hitting the home stretch at the lakehouse but I still couldn't venture to say when it will be finished.  I get a very uneasy feeling when I think of that moving van coming back with all of our belongings.  Will everything be in good shape?  What should I keep or give away?  How long will it take to unpack and rearrange?  What will we have to replace?  I was talking to my sister in law at Emily's party and she asked if we needed help.  I wanted to cry.  I simply haven't wanted to ask for help because people have so much going on in the summer as it is.  I've often thought as well, don't ask family for help, they will say yes because they feel obligated.  I don't want to do that to anyone.  

Well, I have some flowers to plant in the front yard and it looks like it's going to rain so I'm heading out.  Abby and her boyfriend Tom are going on a short vacation to San Diego tomorrow so she's coming here tonight and we are treating ourselves to a pedicure.  Man, if you could see my heels!

Hope you're having a great week!!!

Jane x


vintageandart said...

Lovely to read your post, so filled with life and the doing of things...congrats to your daughter having a precious pink baby, and to you and hubby also, another grandie to love and spoil. Fancy her making YOU wait until the balloons came out of the box. Your cupcakes look delish by the way. Your recipe sounds wonderful and how clever to sit and write the ingredients as you eat...l always have my food eaten BEFORE l ever actually process what's in it haha....l'm so glad you will have help to move when the time comes and yes it's always so hard to ask family for help isn't it, but so great they offered...Also Elsie is such a little cutie and how wonderful to be able to go shopping with her and your daughter, it sounds as though your daughter loves the garden as much you do, and soon things will be blooming everywhere.

Vicki @ lifeinmyemptynest said...

Another girl for your family - how fun! Making a trip to the nursery for my flowers tomorrow and will have fun planting over the weekend - my favorite time of year!

Anonymous said...

each time I read your post I feel like its a visit from a good friend, you write so beautifully, so honestly, you have a lot going on in your world and its such an exciting time, best wishes and happy days a head to you my friend, take care of your back and your recipes are amazing,, you really have the cooking magic you do,

Theresa said...

Congrats on a new baby girl:) That is certainly something to CELEBRATE! I have SO much to do outside AND inside! I have been traveling SO much and really need to get busy! You inspire me! Can't wait for you to get your lake house back, I know you will be excited to visit with all of your lake friends! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Rita C at Panoply said...

Baby girls, oh my! Elsie's so beautiful, and I bet you can't wait to see that next grandbaby. {Sigh} I don't think we can relax yet, Jane...that work in the garden seems to be never-ending, but your garden shelving unit sure looks well organized and purposeful. I swore I was going to do less this year, and I think the weeds collectively banded together and said, "oh, no you're not!" Heels? oh yea, that moment when you get in bed, under the sheets, and you feel that scratchy touch? Can't stand it!
Have a great weekend, hopefully with a little laid-back, easy going downtime.

Stacey said...

Lots of good news from you today, Jane! Another girl is so exciting - what a blessing. I'm long winded about those baby days too. I often think I should just hush!

Your food is always so tempting. Love salads and eat them as often as possible especially when they are jazzed up.

Can't wait to see the lakehouse! I know you are excited.

Deserae said...

Congratulations on a another baby exciting! Your patio looks so pretty too. I would love to get some lights for my porch. I will have to watch for the end of season sales. Your salad looks sooooooo delicious!!!!

Lisa said...

Oh you've been busy! And had such exciting news! You were meant to have granddaughters and we all know they are so much fun to shop for.;-) I'm pinning your salad recipes! They look delicious!

Nancy's Notes said...

Oh my, I just love to hear about the life and times of my friend, Jane! I could go on and on about my baby times too!! Girls are the best, daughters and granddaughters light up our lives, don't they? Love your salad recipes. Garden and beach time for you, I know is awesome!
Take care of your back!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on another girl! Elsie is such a pretty baby! I like the way your baker's rack looks on your patio. Very pretty. I've done a few flowers, not too many though. I hope the rest of your week is good. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the baby girl Jane!! How cute! Love the quinoa chicken recipe by the way. Looks delicious! And layla is a cutie pie! <3 hugs to you and your beautiful granddaughter

Primitive Stars said...

Hi Jane, congrats Jane on another girl, Elsie is a living doll..... Loving your patio, looks so cozy. Sweet little fur baby, what a cute face...blessings Francine.

Carla from The River said...

Hello Friend,
I am so excited for you and another baby girl.
Your attitude is something I love about you. You just keep going and you encourage me!

Have a blessed weekend,

Karen said...

Congrats on the baby girl!.. and take care of your back, it's necessary at our age!..LOL..

podso said...

Congratulations on another granddaughter! And Elsie is getting so big. I'm glad your lake house is coming along now and hopefully you can enjoy it some this summer. Looks like spring and early summer are arriving at your place! Enjoy!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Your outdoor space is so pretty and how cute is that little one? As I was reading along, I was thinking about how wonderful it is that you have and give so much love to your friends and family and have created such a lovely life and home. Congratulations on your new granddaughter to be.....such exciting news! Summer is such a busy time - so glad you were offered help with the moving. The recipes sound perfect for these busy days and so healthy - thank you for sharing. Hope the rest of your week goes smoothly and brings some sweet moments. xx K

Mary@mydogsmygardenandmary said...

sounds like you are one busy lady Jane. Congratulations on a new baby girl coming into the family. Elsie is beautiful and always seems to have a smile on her face.

Sounds like you have been very busy in the garden. Last year I said no more pots with flowers in them, there are just to much work. So what did I do.... yes, your right, i have flowers coming out my ears. I threw my knee, hip and shoulder out, using a pick that was very heavy. So I am taking it easy - so dear Jane don't overdo.

your salads sound wonderful - I love salads in the summer time.

Good luck with the Lake House - i know everything will work out and you and husband will be very happy.

I so enjoy your posts -----

Enjoy the weekend and rest.


Linda said...

Loved reading every word! Elsie is beautiful and life is good! Pace yourself! The end is in sight!

Deb from frugal little bungalow said...

Oh little Elsie is just adorable in that photo! Well we have similar weather ( I am in southwestern PA ) so I know it's been hard to keep up with anything to do in regards to yard work so kudos to you for keeping up and that baker's rack looks just gorgeous there against the wall. Have a great holiday weekend! :)

Meredith said...

Hooray another girl! How exciting. You are surrounded by such a wonderful growing family. Enjoy our long weekend,

20 North Ora said...

That Elsie is so precious! How exciting to be getting another girl. Have a great weekend. Glad the lakehouse is coming along nicely.


Town and Country Gals said...

Elsie is adorable, how exciting to be having another girl! They are so much fun!
My 2 sweet little girls are up stairs asleep, it's our Friday night sleep over, Kailyn can't wait to come and I can't wait for her to get here! (She's 3, will be 4 in July, where does the time go)! Sarah, 17 mos is a character and so funny. You are going to so love having 2 girls! I'm with you on reading cookbooks, I'm not really a cooker but love reading them and "thinking" I'll make this or that! Our weather has been a lot of rain too, and now that it's kind of stopped, the heat has shot up to high 80's and low 90's, I guess no spring once again. So glad your lake house is coming along, can't wait to hear you are all settled back in! So sorry we weren't able to get together when you came to Nashville! I'm not always very good about checking my e-mails and didn't see yours till probably a couple of months later! I was very sad , hope I e-mailed you back and apologized! Please let me know if you ever make it back! I haven't been posting as often as I did but do try to keep up with you guys!
Thanks for the sweet comment on Aaron's house!
Thanks so much for the sweet comment!

Susie said...

Blondie, Your granddaughter's so cute. Now you are having another sweet girl. Exciting. Is this the worst year for flowers? Trying to tend to the ones I have and longing to get some real color going here. It would be nice if family could help....maybe have a finishing up party(cookout) at the lake. Glad you are taking care of your health. I need to get back to my new dr. for a couple things. My back was out for 3 I had a quick trip to the chiropractor this morning. Somewhat better. Blessings to you dear friend, xoxo, Susie

Sarah said...

Jane, another little girl will be nice for that adorble little Elise. Congratulations!
Have a fun holiday weekend. Hugs from Texas!

Melanie said...

Nice to read some of what you've been up to! I love your baker's rack with the plants and all the other pretty things on it.
Your chicken and quinoa salad looks really good. I do have a question about it though: do you just put the quinoa to the side of the salad like what you show in the photo? Or, can you put the greens and chicken on top of it? It didn't say in the recipe.
Elsie is an absolute doll. I think she really favors your hubby/her grandpa. What do you think?
It's amazing to me that they can tell the sex of a baby at 16 weeks! Another granddaughter to love on...congrats!
Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Karen (Back Road Journal) said...

The photo of Elsie is so cute…her outfit was perfect for the garden center.

Lori said...

I do love your posts Jane ~ you always have so much to share. Congrats on the new grandbaby ~ another girl to spoil! I have been planting away as well ~ truly love this time of the year.

Sonia said...

Jane, those salads look so good...I love summer when fresh produce from the farmer's market is available and everything tastes so much good. Congrats on another grandbaby! I see a lot of pink in your future! Hope your garden is coming along nicely. Everything here is growing like weeds! How fun that you went to Vancouver...we went to Victoria last summer and I feel in love with it all over again. Have a blessed Memorial Day!

bj said...

congrats on a girl...:)
guess we are all working around our yards and gardens...that time of the year.

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Awww. Congratulation on a girl! In September, one of my granddaughter is expecting her second child...another boy. Fun times. I love eating salads in the summer months. Yours look amazing! it is always great fun when you find a salad you love and go home and try to reproduce it. Elsie is a sweetie pie. Take good care of yourself...xo

FrenchGardenHouse said...

Jane! What an exciting time in your family. excited for you. The salads looks great {I'll admit the cupcakes look better} especially since we are trying to get away from all sugar and eat more and more healthy. Mr. FrenchGardenHouse jokes that soon we will look like rabbits and can just go shopping at the feed barn. ;) xo Lidy

ann said...

A new baby girl! Congratulations. Elsie is such a little beauty. You have been busy. The garden does take "it" out of us, doesn't it? We planted vegetable seeds yesterday then went to nurseries to buy more perennials, but got rained out at the first place. Today it is cloudy, threatening more rain. The garden loves the rain, but I'd opt for some more sun. Your handwork will pay off mid summer as you enjoy the beauty that you have created. Have a good week.

baili said...

glad that you got you favorite weather finally ,pics are so lovely ,your little angle is very pretty ,hope your plants grow well dear

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Hi Jane, a lot of busy stuff going on at your house. The baby is so beautiful and wow, another little girl. What fun and that salad looks good enough to eat!.. The garden will be fantastic soon . Be careful with your back, it is so easy to do too much and then you have to pay for it!!..Happy Week to you..Judy

Kelly said...

Congrats on your newest grand daughter news! I hope that your daughter has a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Elsie certainly is a cutie! It sounds like you're a hands on grandmother which is so nice too. I hope that you start feeling better soon. When your back hurts, your whole body hurts. It's also hard to get comfortable to sleep at night. So, it feels like there is no relief. I'm thankful that my back is better today. I finally feel normal again (for now). Those salads look good! I have seen that cookbook for sale. I'll have to thumb through it next time I'm at the store.

Linda said...

All I can say is..."Look at that face"...♥️
Enjoy your day Jane!
Linda :o)

Traci said...

I really like Chrissy. She's so funny! That Elsie is such a little cutie. It's going to be so fun having granddaughters that are close in age. I would be stressed out about the moving van too & completely overwhelmed. One of my co-workers just got back from Vancouver & some of the surrounding areas & he talked about how good the salads were too!

Benita said...

Congratulations! I know you are so excited! So much great news to read. I'm so behind but am trying to get back in the swing of it all! Love the recipe...quinoa is so versatile and is yummy to boot! I've got a great little dip recipe using quinoa and we love it! Love and hugs to you sweet friend!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Jane,
Congrats on the new the baby girl on the way. I am so happy for you all. Little Elsie is a doll too. You are so blessed to have 2 grand daughters to spoil!!
The recipes look so good and I really need to get Chrissy's new book too. I love watching her on fablife while I paint. Looking forward to her return from pregnancy leave.
Enjoy your gardening but watch your back. Happy June!! xo

Debbie said...

Hello Jane....another wonderful! Now your daughter can REALLY decorate the baby's room!
Glad to hear the lake house is almost ready. Sounds overwhelming, but once you get started, you will have fun putting it all together again. You are so creative, I can only imagine how great it's all going to look!
The patio looks so nice. I like the shelf with all of your treasures added. Just think of how your gardens will look this year once those flowers fill in!
Have a nice weekend, sweet friend.
Love to you.

Curtains in My Tree said...

I came back over to read this post again and thought I had left you a comment. Oh well
Love the bakers rack out side and lots clay pots filled with herbs and a cherry tomato plant would look great on it, only you said a big hang over covers it from rain so water it every other day.

I'm going to do that with some of my plants this spring also, only when I take a trip there is no one to water for me.
The precious baby girl is adorable, I have 7 grandsons no sweet baby girls like yours. my last daughter tried 4 times for a baby girl.

I need to be eating one of those salads since i'm trying again in my life to eat more greens and less donuts

carry on with your wonderful life

Helen Philipps said...

I always love to read your posts and hear about your busy life. The picture of Elsie is so adorable, and how lovely that you will have another baby girl in the family. Wishing you a happy June and lots of fun family times.
Helen xox

Bluebird49 said...

I thought I left a comment, Sweetie, but that may be a dream for all I know. I believe I was in hospital and couldn't remember my password. I do know I called when I heard Em was expecting ---as we used to say, back in the day. ;)
Love you, kiddo---shoot me a line when you can. I know your plate is full though.

Pondside said...

oooooh boy, but your life is full, Jane! I'm glad you liked the west coast salads - always my favourite thing to order, any version. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate. Deep breath.....and then take any help that is offered. This is going to be a big summer, by the sounds of it.
I like your attitude towards being a grandmum - because I share it!

Jen Kershner said...

So very much going on for you right now! Congratulations on the upcoming little one! More to love. We are kind of partial to girls in this house although we have the cutest little boy living next door who has convinced me that I'd like to have a grandson some day. Some very far off day!

Vel Criste said...

Congratulations on your new grand baby! I love your post and feeling and remembering all the memories about this special event with Emily! You and your family is so blessed to have this newest member, and for sure, I know you only wish nothing but a normal and healthy baby with Emily safe and healthy as well thru out it all! The salads look good and I'm shocked Christy Teigan even cooks?! The world can be so unfair at times! LOL! Layla looks like she's up to 'no good' so keep a close eye on your garden when she's around!