Our floors are like ice. Unless I put warm socks on, my feet are practically blue. So I know how Layla feels with her tiny feet and little body just inches off the floor. We have a radiator with a fan below the cabinets under the kitchen sink...you can see her lying in front of it in the above picture. She tries to warm up but for some reason, she can't seem to gauge how much she heats up and I have seen her creep away and collapse. Sometimes we laugh, but it's really not funny, even her tags get red hot. I'm constantly looking that way and picking her up.

We had an absolutely boring weekend but this will be a busy week. I'm really excited, my furniture comes tomorrow. I still have not done a thing with my living room since I took my Christmas decorations down. I may have changed my mind about the blue/gray curtains. My heart just isn't going that way. We picked out blinds at Home Depot and found out that they will measure and install every window in your home for $120.00. The Husband jumped on it. We have 5 windows left to do now and it took him forever to do the blinds in out bedroom. So they are coming Saturday. And I don't know if I mentioned that we had to get a new water heater last week. Well, a few days ago my washing machine died. The transmission. So The Husband picked out a new washer and dryer over the weekend and they are coming tomorrow as well. They are very basic models, but are high efficiency so I'm very happy to save some money and hopefully, get more laundry done per load.
So, that's it. I think I am going to go hang my head out the bathroom window for some fresh air now. Stay warm!
What a sweet dog you have.....lovely week....and please stay warmmmmm...x!
Aw, poor Layla, I think I know how she feels! And since we're a day or two behind you, I guess it's headed our way... Yep, I played with the scallions and it's a great project for dreary winter days! Have fun with all the shiny new things headed your way Jane, and just think-January will be over this week:@)
It seems like the weather is the big news just about everywhere these days, Jane. I'm so over it already ~ when will Spring get here!!! I hate being forced to stay inside. Tomorrow I have to get out {post office, vet}, so I hope the sun is out at least. That is the only thing saving my sanity ~ sunlight!
My cats lay at the kitchen sink, too...there's a rug and a heat vent. ha. Smart pets we have. :) The cold is incredible, isn't it? I went to the grocery today and my hands hurt with gloves on...just in the few minutes it took to load the bags in my jeep. Crazy!
Ouch! So cold! We have snow on the way or so they say! It has been below freezing here every day but at least sunny. I love the idea of resprouting the green onions - anything green and fresh and they would look so pretty in the kitchen too.
The weather has been beyond miserable this winter in Illinois. I too can count my out times this past month on one hand. I am so ready for spring. That pie does look good!
Awe... Layla is so cute. Say warm!
Sweet little Layla..I had to chuckle when you said you made her a sweater by cutting a sleeve off one of yours! That is so funny and clever at the same time!
I won't complain about our temperature after reading your post. It's cold here but nothing like what you are experiencing. I haven't been out since Friday so I know cabin fever will start to set in soon too! Stay warm and enjoy those new recipes!
Miss Bloomers
I think everyone is really tired of this weather. Yesterday we were 72 degrees and today it is 17 degrees. Crazy? We don't have the snow tho - thank goodness!
Stay warm, Layla too.
I think many of us are house bound these days if we don't feel like driving and hauling groceries in the snow. Poor little Layla, I'm sure she enjoys her new little sweater you made for her. Stay warm and no more falling in the snow. :)
Oh- I hear you- Who wants to go out in this terrible weather. Great idea with dog sweater/sleeve. lol Bet it "smells" like you, too, which makes it all the more wonderful for your fur baby.
I think we are going to have to do the washer dryer thing here before too long, too.
Can't wait to see your new furniture. xo Diana
Oh that poor little puppy! I bet you are getting a little giddy being cooped up inside. I just know I would and I would stay in my P J's all day... I guess it's a good thing I'm living in California no excuse to lay around the house! Stay cozy the weather will change soon!
Oh Janie, your dog is so cute. It might be cold outside but it looks so pretty and cozy inside. Your food looks delicious....Christine
Jane... Layla does the same thing our Neena does...you'll either find her right in front of the fire or right near the vent under my kitchen sink:)
Awww...sweet Layla is adorable! Hope you warm up soon. Our schools are cancelled for tomorrow because we're getting a "dusting" of snow. :) Can't wait to see your new furniture!
Hi Jane. We aren't froze yet, but the weather has been up and down. When the temperature dropped yesterday. It was really quick and they clocked the wind at 49 miles a hour. At least we didn't get any snow. I have enjoyed catching up with your blog. Your trip to the lake and wading the snow brought back memories of wading snow to get home. I appreciate your visit. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.
It is super cold here too and I am soooo tired of the cold and wind :o( Layla is such a cutie pie and looks adorable in her sweater. We bought Gracie a little coat over the weekend since her fur is so thin and she absolutely loathes it. In fact she pouted all day and refused to sit on the sofa with me. LOL!!! I can't wait to see your new furniture too :o)
Layla is adorable in her new sweater.
I have been doing the green onion thing since reading it somewhere back in the summer.
Sounds like tomorrow is going to be a busy day with the delivery of new furniture and appliances! Have fun...and hope the rest of the week is great for you, Jane.
Layla looks so warm and cozy by that welcoming fire. We have no snow here in Tennessee, but baby, it's COLD!
Poor Layla! She looks so much cozier in your sweater :>) I feel the same way you do, lethargic, and a bad case of cabin fever, but I don't want to go out in this bitter cold! We had the driveway plowed this morning, since a layer of hard ice has formed under the newest snow, we would have needed a pick axe to dig it out ourselves. I am so looking forward to February!
I have sweaters/jackets on both of my dogs. Actually I had them off for a week when it got a tad bit warmer but they are back on. I have a cushioned pad on the floor for them as well. Piper can jump up on the sofa but Izzy can't anymore.
Yes, it is freezing cold.....colder there than here but still cold. I love winter but the cold is not fun.
At least you are trying new things and staying away from the white stuff. I am trying but falling a bit short.
If I don't have to watch the kids I don't go anywhere. Today was a ful day of watching them so I got groceries again. Last week they froze in my car because I had to spend the night with them when I couldn't get home. But the groceries are in the house and warm.
stay warm and cozy and keep that puppy warm.
Hi, Blondie...brrr...it does sound cold at your house. I love your doggie in his sweater sleeve. :)
It's dry here...and today was 38...
Thurs., it's supposed to be 73.
Stay warm...and be sure and take a pic of the pan pie from BHG and do a post with it.;)
Aww, look at your sweetie all curled up! Love that little sweater on her. I know the weather is big news and even here in the south. A warm 83 today and tonight into the low forty's.
Stay warm!
Wow you have a lot happening at your house tomorrow. It should break up this slow, cold month for you. New machines and furniture and window treatments--have fun settling it all in! We are supposed to really get some snow tomorrow. Well, we'll see. it will be cold enough.
Poor little Layla! Great idea to cut the sleeve off from your old sweater, she looks so cute in it! Stay warm, hope things warm up soon for you!!
So glad your sweet puppy has a new sweater. She must have been so cold. I can't wait for spring. I am definitely lethargic. xo Laura
Oh I'm peeing my pants here Blondie - LMAO - I've been hibernating too -
Too Too funny - hanging your head out the bathroom window - I do it at the front door - if we were neighbors we could communicate that way LOL
Jane, how sweet to take your sweater and cut it down for Layla. Our Molly has quite a wardrobe. Several sweaters, and a tee shirt that says "Guard Dog", of course Molly is 10 lbs. Not much of a guard dog..HaHa
Southern CA stays warm. Sometimes windy, but nothing like all of you are experiencing.
Such sweet pics of your doggie! Short haired dogs get so cold, don't they? Ours likes to burrow under the covers at night. I can't wait to see your new furniture. Hopefully, it will meet your expectations when it arrives.
It is cold here too:) Love the sweater for your cute puppy! I know that you will thaw out up there and you'll get out of the house! I am hungry for that pretty dessert! Enjoy your week and the new furniture:) HUGS!
Hi Jane! It's cold here too in Pa. it will be -6 at 8AM Tuesday morning. Schools are all canceled for tomorrow, Buster is a lab and short haired, he does curl up on his fur bed though.
Can't wait to see your new furniture ...stay warm oh, and I love the sweater sleeve!
Hi Jane, so ccccold everywhere....love your sweet little dog, sweater idea Is great.....Stay Cozy, Francine.
Georgia Weather is freaky this week. Ice and snow in the SOUTHERN part of the state, just a dusting here in the North! Sometimes when they say a dusting, we get ice. So we'll see. I don't know how you stand the cold weather! Poor Layla is doing her best to stay warm. She's a cutie. I know you are excited about your new furniture. Be sure to show us what you do. Have a good week!
Hi Jane, Layla looks cute in front of the fire. She likes her new sweater! I hope you have warmer days coming this week - we are to get to 30-something tomorrow. Woo-hoo! (Getting excited over 30 degrees is all relative - it's been below zero). Enjoy your new furniture, drapes, and washer/dryer. I'm happy for you and look forward to photos. :)
Hugs, Beth
I've had cabin fever too...hadn't been out in a few days. Even though today was SO cold, I just had to get out. I was climbing the walls. I can't lay around reading during the day - I have to be moving. And I've done enough cooking lately where I'm actually tired of it. So, I went to Goodwill and Trader Joes. It honestly wasn't that bad going from the car into the stores. I wore two layers of clothes, plus a warm scarf around my neck, gloves, and put my hood up. Layla is so cute with her sweater. Wonder if I could do that to my cats, lol! Clementine actually sleeps on top of the floor registers. The Moroccan chicken recipe sounds really good - can you send it to me? Received my BH&G issue last week but haven't looked at it yet. How are you going to resist eating that delicious looking pie if you make it? I wouldn't be able to. Green onions...I've done that before. Kind of forgot about it though, so thanks for the reminder. I'm just about down to my last little bit of green onions. How exciting that your new furniture is coming tomorrow! Can't wait to see it. Sorry to hear you had to get a new water heater (had ours replaced last August, so I know how expensive they are) and washer. If you also got a new dryer but your old one isn't broken, what are you going to do with it? Hopefully, you know someone that needs one or maybe you can even sell it on Craigslist.
I have been out every day, and I'm going out tomorrow. A little cold and snow won't stop me. My dad always said if your cold, you didn't dress warm enough! Tomorrow is suppose to be bitter bitter cold, If you don't hear from me again you'll know I didn't make it back! Stay warm an so sorry so many household items are breaking on you.
I can count the days I have been out this month, too. I have had enough. No warm up til the weekend, and they are still saying snow flurries or rain. Ugh! xo
The weather in San Diego is 63 right now. I wish I could send some warm weather your way. Thanks so much for stopping by. Loved hearing from you.
How cute is she with her sweater on. It is cold here too, enough to keep the kids home AGAIN! We had forced air when we were kids and I miss sitting on the register with a blanket and a book to get warm. Here we have heated floors and it is just not the same. We do walk around barefoot a lot but still have to snuggle in a blanket. I am done with winter and ready for spring so I can work on more projects outside. Stay warm. Alaina
I feel so bad for all of you that are dealing with this awful Winter...hang in there my friend. We are inside for two days with a Winter storm, then Saturday it's going to be 70...guess that's just life on the Alabama gulf coast. Like how you gave your dog one of your own sweaters.
Layla has the right idea laying by the fire! It has been so cold here in MO lately and I'm just ready for spring.
Hope you are staying warm!!! We are cold here but, you win the cold prize! Well, maybe Alaska & Canada but, you're a runner up! Think of spring!
I use green onions a lot. What a great tip! Thanks for sharing!
Hi jane! Yes, I still sell the signs and would live to paint one for you. You can check my store out only sidebar. Thanks
How cute your dog is! She has the right idea. It's bitter cold here too! I can't wait for spring. It's always dark and gloomy here.
I need lots of light!
I think a lot of people are getting cabin fever this winter. Your house looks so warm and cozy with the fire blazing away!!
Mary Alice
I've been thinking about you with all of this snow everywhere. It seems that your part of the world is featured on the weather channel all the time.
Your dog is so cute. Ned and I moved to Winston Salem for his work. We still go back and forth to Massachusetts in-between the snowflakes. Guess what? It snowed here yesterday too. I have to admit I was missing snow. My kids have had tons back home.
Stay warm.
Midwest too. Sheltered life. House bound. I'll add go out for firewood too my outings, so far the males have been doing that.
Happy to see you nesting. Your little dog is so cute but this weather is hard on them too. I have radiant heat in my bathrooms so that's where mine always are.
Love the idea of getting the scallions to sprout. Yes, they do get slimy quickly. I will give this a shot. I'm impressed that you only shop once every two weeks. I keep a stock but always seem to need something.
- Alma, The Tablescaper
Hi Jane! Oh dear... this weather you're having! Layla looks so snuggled in by the fire. I think if I were living in your area I'd be getting a little sassy at this point or at least I'd have a good case of cabin fever! WA weather has been like most of the west coast.. a little warmer and dryer than normal. This isn't good for the summer ahead as our streams and river beds will be dry. I guess it's one or the other this year! Take care and stay warm.
Love your little make-do doggie sweater! :)
Our little Cairn doesn't know whether to like the snow or hate it. Fun for the first few minutes! Stay warm. It has been a crazy year for weather.
Awww, Poor thing...Layla looks so cute in her new sweater. I'll bet she's nice and cozy now. It seems like a long winter for everyone up north. Thankfully, I think most of those stranded in Atlanta have been able to return home.
Stay warm.
Hi Jane... oooh, little Layla is so adorable in her "sweater" you made her!... their little paw~paws seem to get soo cold in this awful weather we are all having... I hope it is warming up some for you... it is still cold and yucky here too... I am excited to see your new furniture you got... I see I have an email from you... off to read it now... much love, xoxo... Julie Marie
High efficiency washers and dryers will change your life!!!!
It is cold here as well and I was off all last week with the flu so I am slowly getting back to the land of the living aka back to work and I am exhausted! Why does it seem like everything goes in the house at the same time ~ Murphy's Law I think. Layla is a sweetie ~ my little Molly minds the cold as well which is always why she is tucked under a blanket beside us most evenings. Stay warm. xo
Crazy weather everywhere. The difference is that some places are better equipped than others to deal with it. The cold makes my dog very frisky, but she doesn't want to stay out too long. Thanks for the scallion tip....who knew?
Good morning Jane!!!
I hope this morning finds you toasty and warm...evn your furry little friend! Lol
I know...we have had some cold spells here in northern Ontario, but Im thankful we're almost into February...once that's done, we're on the homestretch to spring! Yeah!
I love the sweater you gave you little sweetheart...that's a great idea!
It sounds like you've been doing lot of cooking (love!) and to travel around the world as you cook is awesome!
I love cooking too and baking!
Hope you have a great weekend and lets just keep thinking spring! ;)
I know winter is beautiful in its own way, but its the cold that makes it hard....I could just be content to look out the winter at all the beauty of it in the trees!
Sending love & hugs over the miles to you sweet friend!
All my heart,
Deborah xoxo
I think we are all feeling the winter blues a bit. I can't remember when I've been so inactive. Tomorrow I'm getting an MRI. I'm pretty sure I have a torn miniscus and will probably need surgery. The timing isn't great but it is what it is. I'm used to being active with life in general,but also working out at least 3-4 times a week, but I haven't done much since October which is when I injured my knee. Funny, but I injured it in boot camp. I think working out is dangerous!
Layla is a doll and she looks like a little fashionista in your sweater. Stay warm and send me a slice of that cake when you're done. To hell with weight watchers!
Cabin fever is not fun! It's been cold here as well. I dream of spring! I think Layla has the right idea though, she's a cutie.
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