Thank you so much for getting me out of the slump I was in on Tuesday. It really helped. And I think the best thing anyone can do when that comes out of the blue is just get outside, even to walk around the block. You have to have a change of scenery, smell the fresh air, hear the rustle of the leaves...involve all those senses that have gone dormant. My remedy was close enough, over to Katie's for my highlights and a cut (yep, two more inches off the hair, it now rests on my shoulders. I can still get it in a ponytail and I am thisclose to chic!!). Now, you know Katie is my daughter in law's sister, so we were all there eating donuts and laughing while I was being pampered. Afterward I went over to Emily's and we had pizza for lunch and headed out for some retail therapy. Hello Target! She was not such a happy camper, she had to buy a cover for her patio table as it wouldn't fit through the back door to her basement for winter storage. Nothing like having to spend good money on necessities. ;-D Well, what do you think we found next to the (pretty bare) outdoor section? The Christmas decorations! And freshly stocked I might say! We had a ball looking at everything. I like to pretend to be a consumer reporter every once in awhile, so here's my take again on what's "en vogue" for the holidays. Woodland creatures, especially deer, deer, deer. And antlers and mounted deer heads (I guess it's cool to have it in all forms of it's afterlife). Lots of felted ornaments, too, as well as knitted. You crafty ladies can do this easily. And I will also say that Target has wonderful prices compared to other stores, only rivaled by the craft stores and Marshall's, Homegoods, etc. They had a cute bin with $3.00 ornaments that were just darling.
I bought a book, too, couldn't help myself. The Kitchen House came out awhile ago but I remember my SIL raving about it, so I had to grab that. And then my friend Melanie from Comfy House knew I was getting into Elizabeth Berg and was nice enough to send me one of her copies of one of the author's earlier books. Thanks, Mel! I feel like a squirrel hoarding nuts for the winter. We could get snowed in from now until March and I would have plenty to read!
In spite of all the allure and promise of getting started on a Holly Jolly Christmas, we walked away with just 1 ornament apiece, with mind boggling plans to come back the day after Christmas to wipe the place out. As we made our way to the outdoor department and then on for me to buy toilet paper, I asked Emily, "Are we materialistic?" She never blinked an eye. "No, Mom, we just love Christmas." And all was well and good in my world.
I won't go on long here because this has been such an upbeat post but I had to mention that the great chef, Charlie Trotter, from Chicago passed away this past Monday at the young age of 54. If you are from Chicago, you definitely knew of him and his iconic restaurant. He was also the recipient of several James Beard Awards and a great humanitarian and philanthropist known throughout the world. I was so lucky to have met him many years ago at his restaurant. I wrote a post about it here. He signed his cookbook for me and we had our picture taken together, which you can see on that post.
Personally, I am just so, so sad. There is something very unsettling and confusing when someone you have never met, or someone you knew very little passes away. There's that distance or barrier outside of the circle where you long to be because no one else understands your own inner loss. For me, when someone dies, they leave only a legacy. The deep down pain comes from the realization that there will be nothing else forthcoming from this person; no further words of wisdom or advice. He will never make another outstanding meal, write another cookbook, open another restaurant. I had my ten minutes with him, someone I that I had admired for so long, and I will never again have that chance. This probably sounds frivolous; he has family and friends and colleagues who are in deep mourning right now, but I can't tell you how much I wish I could go back to that obliviously happy time before I heard this news. to the grocery store. As you can see I'm trying to post more. I wish you all a great weekend. I'm back to "normal" sleeping patterns and I'm feeling a lot more motivated to pick up where I left off before the blues hit me earlier this week. Thanks again for all of your words of encouragement. :)
Hi Jane! Your mirror looks wonderful! I love a wreath hung over a mirror. I'm definitely going to have to check out those knitted ornaments at Target. Those sound so pretty. That's a bummer about your World Market purchase. I've ordered many things over the years that didn't live up to my expectations too. Not fun. Those pics of the dogs are so sweet! That one of Layla is so cute and I love Milo's hands up by his face! Well...I guess technically it's his paws. :) Have a wonderful weekend!
I wish we had a Target here, we have very few popular stores in this small town, we just got Walmart a couple of years ago!Your dogs are so sweet, I don't blame them , the rain is enough to make you want to stay in, we have ours falling as snow, yuk! Your daughters creation is beautiful, she;s very clever!
You did a beautiful job on the mirror Jane!
I love the pics of your dogs. So sweet.
Glad you are feeling better! Your mirror is so pretty and the boxwood wreath looks perfect over it. The blinds in your come they won't go all the way down? I love ornaments...there's so many pretty ones out there...but we don't put up a tree anymore, plus I already have a ton of ornaments, so no more for me. Your hair sounds so cute, but you have beautiful hair no matter how you wear it. I love World Market - I have one 20 min. away in one direction & 25 min. in other direction. I don't shop in those stores often though; only if I'm looking for something in particular. Your doggies are so cute and how sweet of them to not wake you early in the morning!
I can see your energy is back since you are in a whirl of activities and creative projects. I like those little white deer that you were a bit disappointed with (too small?). How faithful your dogs are to stay in bed til you get up.
It is so pretty to have a wreath hanging in front of the mirror, looks great! Our pup is not a morning pup, she loves to sleep. Yours are so precious!
I agree with you about the trends in stores Jane, seems they all carry similar things! I do think I'll stop by Target on my rounds this morning though... Happy Weekend:@)
Love your mirror. I too, love giving new life to what people no longer want. I would love a boxwood wreath! I'd appreciate the info. where you got yours. I went to Hobby Lobby for the first time recently. Amazing! Love me some Target too. Their dollar bins usually have decent stuff. I'm thinking of starting my Christmas decor early this year. I never start till after Thanksgiving but it's cold here, I'm home all day.... why not? Have a great weekend Jane!
I always have to go check out the ornaments when I see them displayed anywhere, Jane. I don't usually buy them anymore since I have so many now, but every once it awhile one will catch my eye and I'll get it. I've noticed a lot of the woodland creatures, too.
I have wanted to make a no sew banner as well! I wish we had a hobby lobby! I will have to check our local crafts stores! Show us your finished product!
No sew banners are a favorite of mine. I don't have a Hobby Lobby close (why?) but I'll have to make a trip soon. P.S. your puppies are so sweet :-)
Jane, I have Christmas on the brain too! Thanksgiving will be VERY low key for us this year since both kids will be away.
I am going to get "the village" out before Thanksgiving this year.
Can you believe that I have not set foot in Target since Summer?
Milo and Layla look cozy, lounging on their "inside" snuggle spots!
You are my last blog stop before I suit up and head to the garage!
Yes! You gave me the encouragement I needed for "the purge", after you tackled your garage!
Blessings to the "B's"!
Go Cougs!
Go Irish!
Hey, sugar... I enjoyed shopping and chatting with you. And I really am glad you told us about the banners at Hobby Lobby... Or was that Michaels? I have to go back up and check. Loved them.
That's too bad about the ornaments being a bust for you. I may not put the tree up this year. You did not hear that from me, but you did! More later. I want to go check out Target.. People keep saying there is some major cuteness there, and hearing it from you is good confirmation for me.
Those pups are so sweet. I love seeing them happily napping. You are a good dog mother. They just love being with you and not outside.
I am so sorry a out the chef. It is funny how things like that can effect you. Te world seems diminished by the loss of creative, kind people. And it makes us are of our own mortality. It my heart goes out to yours. I felt that way when Shelby Foote, the historian died, and I was so disappointed that I didn't get the chan e to meet him in person. He sounded exactly the way I remember my father sounding.
Sorry for all the typos. This IPAD really does change words and is driving me batty!
So sorry about the chef. Looks so youthful and full of life. And then just gone. We don't have a World Market, a Home Goods, or an IKEA in the whole state of OK. I've probably bitched about this before. What I would give to have an IKEA! I just ordered two new beds for my dogs from Walmart Wednesday night and they were here bright and early yesterday morning. Oh, and Elizabeth Berg is one of my all time favorite authors.
Jane, as I was scrolling down and reading this post I kept wanting to comment on so many things. Yes, getting outside and walking really does lift our moods. I've found that out personally.
I bet your hair looks great. A trip to the hairdresser always makes me feel good.
I love Hobby Lobby and can't wait to see your creation.
And how very sad about Charles Trotter. I loved his cookbooks and discovered him years ago on Oprah. I really could relate to the feelings you describe, the shock and sadness of death, even someone whom we only knew at a distance. Funny how those deaths affect us. Fifty four is so young too, my age. And it's sobering to see someone so young and talented pass away. It's a reminder that life really is so precious. I shall have to google and find out more about it.
BTW--your mirror looks great. Have a relaxing weekend with your precious dogs. :)
I'm sorry about your chef friend. That's hard. I do like your mirror, on a more cheerful note with the wreath added, and the reindeer are ever so cute! I'm glad you are having a better week. Stay warm!
I love the look of a wreath hung over a mirror :>) So sorry about the chef, he was so young! I seldom buy new ornaments any more, I have so many already I can't use them all so I tend to rotate them. I DID find some rockin' mirror ball ornaments at a garage sale this year. I love sparkle and silver and these are going to shoot light everywhere. I can't wait to try them out.
Hi Jane, I most certainly remember your post about the chef and your memorable meal. He was so young. I like hanging a wreath over a mirror. Looks wonderful. xo
Glad that you are feeling better about everything ~ I meant to email you when I read your last post but the week got away from me and here I am. Lots of Christmas stuff out there already ~ we had a ball shopping and was in the "mode" last weekend on my US shopping trip. We helped the US economy for sure! Sometimes just a change of scenery even if it is just a walk around the block is good for the soul. Hope you are having a great weekend. xo
Love the mirror:) Great addition! Christmas is everywhere, I am just not quite ready for it! CUTEST puppies:) Have a blessed day dear Janie! HUGS!
Oh the holidays are quickly approaching...I'm sure your home will be lovingly decorated. I was sorry to hear about the death of Charlie Trotter. He was a fantastic chef but was too young to leave this world.
I'm glad to hear you are out of the slump you found yourself in, Jane. The lack of sunshine seems to drag me down. Nothing a little shopping couldn't fix.
I like your mirror with the wreath hanging on it.
The ornaments at Hobby Lobby caused my wallet to lose a little weight last weekend. I don't know how you walked out of Target with just one ornament???!!!
I'm sorry about the news about your chef friend. Such a shame.
That's one of the things that I love about you, Jane...your tender heart.
I hope your weekend is going well.
It's cold up here!
I love that you saved that great mirror. Thanks for sharing so many wonderful things with us. I need to get back out and start walking more again. laid off for a bit with tendinitis. xo Laura
I love the looks of your mirror and I want to hang a pretty wreath on one I have.
I bought a lamp at World Market last month and didn't open the box until we moved...the lamp is broken, I have no idea where the recite might be (probably threw it away)so I plan to take it back and see if they will do anything for me.
hugs, bj
Hi Jane. I bet you are chic with that gorgeous blonde hair. We got a dog a week ago and I've been walking her. She loves it and it's good for me to get out in the fresh air. I like cool air and find that it gives me more energy. Thank you for admitting the laundry is hidden by quilts...that's the kind of trick I might use. :)
Jane, glad you are feeling better. The pups look like they do exactly what Sadie does. Curl up and snooze! Thanks for sharing the tips. Enjoy the week ahead.
Hi Jane,
Love the mirror, just so pretty!
I am totally ready to start my Christmas decorating. We don't have Thanksgiving here, we go to my brothers, so I just might.
I like the woodland creatures and have found some cute ones at Wally World too.
Oh and Pier 1 has some that are fantastic.
Your hair always looks gorgeous Jane, you are so lucky.
It snowed a bit here this morning and it's dang cold. However, the snow melted and it's supposed to warm up a bit by Wed. Not ready for winter quite yet.
Miss ya girlfriend. Wish we could just go shopping any old time. Yes, we do need to try for every 6 months, that would be so nice.
Jane, A loss is a loss because someone meant something to YOU! It's those little encounters that enrich our lives, and make us who we are. You probably made an imprint on Chef Trotter's life, by your kindness. You have a soft heart Jane...I like that! Love, Penny
I hate Walmart! Unfortunatley, the prices are so good I feel like I have to shop there!! I so love a good hair appt. Scalp massages are the best!
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