You've been really busy Jane!... your fajita party sounds fun!... and your home looks beautiful, as always... you must be so excited about the upcoming wedding!... I think packets of her favorite wildflower seeds would be so sweet as favors!... and little fufu'd up peat pots could be nutcups... love Susan Branch, as you know... I got her latest recipe binder too, the blue one, and have been organizing alot of mine as well... love to you, xoxo Julie Marie
Girl, you've been busy ... everything looks so nice. You had me smiling with this post, loved every word. Wish I had some ideas for your shower, but I'm simply brain dead right now. If I do come up with something clever, I'll pass it on. Hugs! Geneva
My goodness girl you have been busy. Love the mantel. I know you girls had a great time at the bookstore, my daughter, grandson and I all love books, sometimes we share out of necessity, others we have to have all our own. lol hugs ~lynne ~
Jane, your mantel looks lovely and it seems you've been very busy lately. I love how in every post you share with us how wonderfully connected your family is. They truly love you, and by spending so much time at your home it clearly shows what a great mom you are and how close they feel to you!
Planning your daughter's bridal shower sounds like so much fun, Jane! I love the idea of the flower seeds, I've seen that done before. Organic ideas? Let's see, I think of burlap, maybe some natural wood elements, lots of cream or white candles. I'll have to put my thinking cap on and try and come up with some more ideas. I love that kind of stuff!
That picture of your daughters is just too precious, Jane! Your mantel looks very pretty. It seems we all have those areas that are difficult to decorate. I have a mantel that is super shallow so I have just the opposite problem. I have two weddings to attend this summer and I feel stressed just thinking about trying to find something to wear. I'm sure you will find something beautiful. And yes, men must have their couch and tv at all times (and the remote, too)!!
First let me say how much I LOVE your beautiful home Jane! and then about messy cupboards...well...let's just say, I would be so, so embarrassed if someone open the one with my cookbooks in it :) I think your post may have inspired me. sending hugs...
I think your mantel is beautiful! Your home looks so warm amd cozy and pretty. I love hearing about your girls, it all sounds so familiar! lol. I'm trying to post more often too.
Hi Janie! Your mantel looks so pretty and you did a great job on it. I never feel like I get mine right. Love the story of your 'party' through your daughter. Good luck with all the preps for the shower and wedding. Be a sweetie, shelia ;)
I believe it is all about good intentions! You are on your way- Now for the Corona beer. That's from my neck of the woods. Next time- before opening it wipe off the top dip it in fresh lime juice and sprinkle the top with salt then open the beer and slip a lime wedge into the opening-
That is officially called a cerveza vestida ( a dressed beer)
Love that photo of your girls. So nice to have kids home for the holidays. My daughter stayed three weeks. We had to pry her out of here! Son was ready to go after a week. lol Everything looks so pretty at your house!
Oh Jane, love the mantle, looks so beautiful....your home is so invitin ....Exciting with the upcoming wedding.....sounds like a great Fajita time......Blessings Francine.
You've definitely made some progress this year! Can you believe this crazy weather - from high 50's to 20's? Oh well, at least it encourages us to stay in and get organized for the new year. Thanks for sharing, liz
You always have so much going on Jane! I was going to put the living room back together on the weekend but we went car shopping instead ~ oh well ~ there is always tomorrow!
20 degrees? Yikes..sometimes I forget it gets cold in other parts of the country.:) We've had 60s and 70s and it really doesn't seem like Jan. I really like your mantel. I always have trouble with mine, but I love yours, and your coffee table is perfect for family use. We USE our coffee table. I try to keep something decorative on it and still use it for a quick lunch or watching tv. Always a challenge. Hugs and hope the weather stays warmer for you.
Hi Jane, You have been a busy person. Isn't it nice to have someone to go shopping with and etc. My daughter took me to the doctor's office. Afterwards we went to JoAnn's, she took me to a neat restaurant called the Corner Cafe, and showed me a fancy school that she had been the project manager on. We had an enjoyable time. We don't get to do that to often. As fast as time is going your wedding will be here before you know it. It has been to long since I have been to a bridal shower to help you there. Mine right now is baby showers. Have a wonderful week and stay warm. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.
Let me just say, I love your mantel Jane! It looks so beautiful for winter and your coffee table vignette too! Sounds like fun with the party and the girls cooking. I love the idea of wildflower seeds for favors, I think you have lot's of great ideas already. Well dear, it's colder here than where you are. We made it up in the 20;s today so that seemed a little better. We have a Christmas party this weekend with my family. My Mom has been such a worry so hopefully this will lift her spirits a bit. Big Hugs...hi to Al, Cindy
Hi there dear Jane, you have been ONE busy lady! I love weddings:) I know that you will enjoy shopping for the dress AND making the perfect favors for the guests! Your Mantel is gorgeous! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!
Everything looks beautiful. :) Your mantel is gorgeous and you do a wonderful job of selecting items that work well with its size. I, too, left out a few wintry things that I had originally put out with the Christmas decor. It's nice to get your house back after Christmas though, isn't it? :)
I'm about to tackle my cookbooks and recipes, so thank you for the further inspiration. At the moment my collection occupies an entire double kitchen cabinet, and I can imagine so many other ways I could use that space. Time to weed out and reorganize!
Wow have you been busy! Good luck with the upcoming wedding.
I like the way you decorated your mantel. Love the picture of the girls, so cute!
I went through my cookbooks the other day and put them on display in my glass front cabinets. I have a whole big box of recipes (cut from mags) that I need to organize. Don't know if that will EVER happen.
Good for you tackling January! I always see lots of great wedding favor ideas on Pinterest. Love all the "put back together" you've done in your cozy home.
We're busy planning a June wedding for a client this week....reception tables & much fun :) Sounds like you've been having a fun time ~ enjoy the crisp weather ~ lol!! and have a fantastic weekend Jane dear!
I love how you've decorated your mantle; I think it is perfect for the winter. Nothing too heavy or overdone; just elegant and pretty.
I was laughing about your fajita night...I could just picture the chaos going on in the kitchen with the girls trying to cook and everyone being hungry.
Unfortunately, I can't help you with the wedding shower as I've never done one myself. The last one I went to was a couple of years ago in someone's home and it was lovely. The person had a big home, so there was plenty of room for everyone (including outdoors on the patio). We had a nice luncheon and drinks, and the dining room table served as a dessert table. I compare that shower to one I attended three years ago at a restaurant - and the one held in the home was much nicer, IMHO. It's just more personal and you can get up and mingle around with the other guests or go outside.
Cookbooks...I have a lot, too. Probably about the same as you. I don't mind that so much as the tons of cut-out recipes from magazines that I have. I've even weeded through them recently and I still have too many. Yet another household project. ;-)
You house is so pretty. I love the curtains in the living room. The photo of the girls is cute, perfect on the mantle. That beer looks good right now!!! : ) The wedding will be here before you know it! So exciting. Have a great weekend. Happy crafting.
Looks like you are making good progress organizing and creating some new looks. I had to laugh about the cookbooks. We remodeled our kitchen a couple of years ago and I gave away 4 boxes of them. Would you believe I've replaced almost that many. I just can't resist a lovely cookbook.
Our mantel is a little big for our living room too but I love it because my father made it especially for me! Yours looks lovely Jane! I tsounds like you've been busy and that photo of your girls is adorable. So nice you had some girl time! I see you are counting the exciting! I know your shower for her will be wonderful and fun! Have a great week!
I loved the idea of an impromptu family fajita night, Jane. You know how to have fun! The wedding will be on you before you know it! I think seeds, or thank you notes written on paper embedded with seed would be nice. How about little hand rakes from the dollar store, each with a ribbon made from seed strips?
I just love how when I read your posts I feel like we have just had a phone conversation! I haven't been to a shower lately...and it seems to me you just did the dress isn't easy to find pretty dresses these days!
I love the wreath above the mantel. I have a ton of cookbooks too, but I don't part with them easily. Instead of giving them to my daughter, I just started her a collection of her own a few years ago!
Your coffee table looks so nice! I always have problems with mine. You are a busy bee, my friend....I don't think you could possibly fit anything else onto your plate!
I just love all things Susan Branch. I want to see what you put in that cute little book!
Jane I've had you on my mind a lot and finally am catching up on your blog. Enjoyed your end of year review and I think the first photo on this post of your living room is simply lovely. I think you did a great job with the mantle and what a sweet picture of your girls. Your room looks so soothing and comfortable and cozy. But why is there green out the window or is that something that blooms year round? I guess your husband must be doing well and I wish you all a happy 2013 ---filled with much joy!
Looks like you're enjoying a nice January so far. Your mantel decor looks very nice. Doesn't it always seem bare after you take down the Christmas decorations? I know it always takes some getting used to when I take mine down. I've been doing some cleaning out myself. January does seem like a good time to do it, doesn't it? We have just recently gotten cold weather here. It was warm last week and rainy. I'm thrilled to finally see the sun. I don't care what the temps are as long as it's sunny!! Good luck on shopping for your dress for the wedding. I know that will be an important dress!
Your house looks lovely. I just love the stories about your family :) Hide the knives, Hee. I am looking forward to seeing all of the events and pictures leading up to the big day. I would say check out pinterst....amazing ideas. for tablescapes and wedding showers, etc. Karen
Your living room is so pretty and cozy, Janie. And I just love that picture of Abi and Emily. Kinda looks like a Victorian photo with their outfits, really lovely!...Christine
You have such a pretty house, and a lovely blog! I enjoyed reading about you being out with your daughter, I have an Abby too. She is a freshman at UT and works part time at Pier 1, it's pure torture, haha! Isn't it so great when we get to do grown-up things with our grown-up girls!! Thanks so much for your visit and kind words, I'll look forward to reading more of your blog in the future! Stay warm up there :) xo, Andrea
Well I'm just impressed with your recipes! Mine are crammed in a box and most the time I resort to the internet.
Family fajita night sounds like a blast. :)
You've been really busy Jane!... your fajita party sounds fun!... and your home looks beautiful, as always... you must be so excited about the upcoming wedding!... I think packets of her favorite wildflower seeds would be so sweet as favors!... and little fufu'd up peat pots could be nutcups... love Susan Branch, as you know... I got her latest recipe binder too, the blue one, and have been organizing alot of mine as well... love to you, xoxo Julie Marie
Girl, you've been busy ... everything looks so nice. You had me smiling with this post, loved every word. Wish I had some ideas for your shower, but I'm simply brain dead right now. If I do come up with something clever, I'll pass it on.
SOOOOO much going on Jane ... we need to sit and enjoy a few Coronas !! Wishing you a happy new year, for sure it's going to be exciting!!
My goodness girl you have been busy. Love the mantel. I know you girls had a great time at the bookstore, my daughter, grandson and I all love books, sometimes we share out of necessity, others we have to have all our own. lol hugs ~lynne ~
You have been so busy! You are juggling a lot of plates at once. Your mantel look great!
Jane, your mantel looks lovely and it seems you've been very busy lately. I love how in every post you share with us how wonderfully connected your family is. They truly love you, and by spending so much time at your home it clearly shows what a great mom you are and how close they feel to you!
Sounds like you have been busy! Your mantle looks fantastic!!
Planning your daughter's bridal shower sounds like so much fun, Jane! I love the idea of the flower seeds, I've seen that done before. Organic ideas? Let's see, I think of burlap, maybe some natural wood elements, lots of cream or white candles. I'll have to put my thinking cap on and try and come up with some more ideas. I love that kind of stuff!
Fajita night sounds great! I sure hope that is your Corona pictured as you sat back and enjoyed the evening:@)
That picture of your daughters is just too precious, Jane! Your mantel looks very pretty. It seems we all have those areas that are difficult to decorate. I have a mantel that is super shallow so I have just the opposite problem. I have two weddings to attend this summer and I feel stressed just thinking about trying to find something to wear. I'm sure you will find something beautiful. And yes, men must have their couch and tv at all times (and the remote, too)!!
First let me say how much I LOVE your beautiful home Jane! and then about messy cupboards...well...let's just say, I would be so, so embarrassed if someone open the one with my cookbooks in it :) I think your post may have inspired me.
sending hugs...
I think your mantel is beautiful! Your home looks so warm amd cozy and pretty. I love hearing about your girls, it all sounds so familiar! lol.
I'm trying to post more often too.
Hi Janie! Your mantel looks so pretty and you did a great job on it. I never feel like I get mine right. Love the story of your 'party' through your daughter. Good luck with all the preps for the shower and wedding.
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
I believe it is all about good intentions! You are on your way-
Now for the Corona beer. That's from my neck of the woods.
Next time-
before opening it
wipe off the top
dip it in fresh lime juice
and sprinkle the top with salt
then open the beer
and slip a lime wedge into the opening-
That is officially called a cerveza vestida ( a dressed beer)
White Spray Paint
Love that photo of your girls. So nice to have kids home for the holidays. My daughter stayed three weeks. We had to pry her out of here! Son was ready to go after a week. lol Everything looks so pretty at your house!
Family fajita night sounds like fun. At least they gave you a little break from cooking! I love Susan Branch, she would be my idea of a life coach. xo
Oh Jane, love the mantle, looks so beautiful....your home is so invitin ....Exciting with the upcoming wedding.....sounds like a great Fajita time......Blessings Francine.
You've definitely made some progress this year! Can you believe this crazy weather - from high 50's to 20's? Oh well, at least it encourages us to stay in and get organized for the new year. Thanks for sharing, liz
Hi Jane! That first photo is as pretty as pretty can be! Fajita party sounds wonderful.
Your mantel looks great! I have a huge mantel myself, so I understand your dilemma firsthand!
The wedding will be here before you know it. I love the idea of the seed packets.
Stay warm!
You are a very busy lady! Your mantel looks lovely. You will have everything in tip top shape in time for the wedding.
You always have so much going on Jane! I was going to put the living room back together on the weekend but we went car shopping instead ~ oh well ~ there is always tomorrow!
20 degrees? Yikes..sometimes I forget it gets cold in other parts of the country.:)
We've had 60s and 70s and it really doesn't seem like Jan. I really like your mantel. I always have trouble with mine, but I love yours, and your coffee table is perfect for family use. We USE our coffee table. I try to keep something decorative on it and still use it for a quick lunch or watching tv. Always a challenge.
Hugs and hope the weather stays warmer for you.
Hi Jane, You have been a busy person. Isn't it nice to have someone to go shopping with and etc. My daughter took me to the doctor's office. Afterwards we went to JoAnn's, she took me to a neat restaurant called the Corner Cafe, and showed me a fancy school that she had been the project manager on. We had an enjoyable time. We don't get to do that to often. As fast as time is going your wedding will be here before you know it. It has been to long since I have been to a bridal shower to help you there. Mine right now is baby showers. Have a wonderful week and stay warm. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.
Hello Jane,
Oh my...just 191 days? I am so looking forward to folowing along with you. Your mantel looks great!
I love Laura's dressed up beer...wished I liked beer...have one for me...your home looks gorgeous!
Let me just say, I love your mantel Jane! It looks so beautiful for winter and your coffee table vignette too!
Sounds like fun with the party and the girls cooking.
I love the idea of wildflower seeds for favors, I think you have lot's of great ideas already.
Well dear, it's colder here than where you are. We made it up in the 20;s today so that seemed a little better.
We have a Christmas party this weekend with my family. My Mom has been such a worry so hopefully this will lift her spirits a bit.
Big Hugs...hi to Al,
Your January sounds perfect to me.
Hi there dear Jane, you have been ONE busy lady! I love weddings:) I know that you will enjoy shopping for the dress AND making the perfect favors for the guests! Your Mantel is gorgeous! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!
Everything looks beautiful. :) Your mantel is gorgeous and you do a wonderful job of selecting items that work well with its size. I, too, left out a few wintry things that I had originally put out with the Christmas decor. It's nice to get your house back after Christmas though, isn't it? :)
I'm about to tackle my cookbooks and recipes, so thank you for the further inspiration. At the moment my collection occupies an entire double kitchen cabinet, and I can imagine so many other ways I could use that space. Time to weed out and reorganize!
Wow have you been busy! Good luck with the upcoming wedding.
I like the way you decorated your mantel. Love the picture of the girls, so cute!
I went through my cookbooks the other day and put them on display in my glass front cabinets. I have a whole big box of recipes (cut from mags) that I need to organize. Don't know if that will EVER happen.
Hope the rest of your week is great!
Good for you tackling January! I always see lots of great wedding favor ideas on Pinterest. Love all the "put back together" you've done in your cozy home.
Your living room looks so pretty!! I love all the items on your mantle.
We're busy planning a June wedding for a client this week....reception tables & much fun :) Sounds like you've been having a fun time ~ enjoy the crisp weather ~ lol!! and have a fantastic weekend Jane dear!
Oh, how exciting, a future wedding to plan! Your home looks lovely as usual! Blessings, Tammy
I love how you've decorated your mantle; I think it is perfect for the winter. Nothing too heavy or overdone; just elegant and pretty.
I was laughing about your fajita night...I could just picture the chaos going on in the kitchen with the girls trying to cook and everyone being hungry.
Unfortunately, I can't help you with the wedding shower as I've never done one myself. The last one I went to was a couple of years ago in someone's home and it was lovely. The person had a big home, so there was plenty of room for everyone (including outdoors on the patio). We had a nice luncheon and drinks, and the dining room table served as a dessert table. I compare that shower to one I attended three years ago at a restaurant - and the one held in the home was much nicer, IMHO. It's just more personal and you can get up and mingle around with the other guests or go outside.
Cookbooks...I have a lot, too. Probably about the same as you. I don't mind that so much as the tons of cut-out recipes from magazines that I have. I've even weeded through them recently and I still have too many. Yet another household project. ;-)
You house is so pretty. I love the curtains in the living room. The photo of the girls is cute, perfect on the mantle. That beer looks good right now!!! : )
The wedding will be here before you know it! So exciting.
Have a great weekend. Happy crafting.
Looks like you are making good progress organizing and creating some new looks. I had to laugh about the cookbooks. We remodeled our kitchen a couple of years ago and I gave away 4 boxes of them. Would you believe I've replaced almost that many. I just can't resist a lovely cookbook.
Our mantel is a little big for our living room too but I love it because my father made it especially for me! Yours looks lovely Jane!
I tsounds like you've been busy and that photo of your girls is adorable.
So nice you had some girl time!
I see you are counting the exciting! I know your shower for her will be wonderful and fun!
Have a great week!
All my heart,
Deborah xoxo
I loved the idea of an impromptu family fajita night, Jane. You know how to have fun!
The wedding will be on you before you know it! I think seeds, or thank you notes written on paper embedded with seed would be nice. How about little hand rakes from the dollar store, each with a ribbon made from seed strips?
I just love how when I read your posts I feel like we have just had a phone conversation! I haven't been to a shower lately...and it seems to me you just did the dress isn't easy to find pretty dresses these days!
I love the wreath above the mantel. I have a ton of cookbooks too, but I don't part with them easily. Instead of giving them to my daughter, I just started her a collection of her own a few years ago!
Your coffee table looks so nice! I always have problems with mine. You are a busy bee, my friend....I don't think you could possibly fit anything else onto your plate!
I just love all things Susan Branch. I want to see what you put in that cute little book!
Well it may be winter outside, but things look pretty cozy and warm inside.
Jane I've had you on my mind a lot and finally am catching up on your blog. Enjoyed your end of year review and I think the first photo on this post of your living room is simply lovely. I think you did a great job with the mantle and what a sweet picture of your girls. Your room looks so soothing and comfortable and cozy. But why is there green out the window or is that something that blooms year round? I guess your husband must be doing well and I wish you all a happy 2013 ---filled with much joy!
Love that photo of your girls. So sweet. I have one of my sister and I that I need to get framed.
The mantel is so pretty and the lavender adds a lovely touch to the coffee table.
I think you sent us your cold weather. So hard to dress when it is 60 degrees one day and in the 20's the next.
Looks like you're enjoying a nice January so far. Your mantel decor looks very nice. Doesn't it always seem bare after you take down the Christmas decorations? I know it always takes some getting used to when I take mine down. I've been doing some cleaning out myself. January does seem like a good time to do it, doesn't it? We have just recently gotten cold weather here. It was warm last week and rainy. I'm thrilled to finally see the sun. I don't care what the temps are as long as it's sunny!! Good luck on shopping for your dress for the wedding. I know that will be an important dress!
Your house looks lovely. I just love the stories about your family :) Hide the knives, Hee. I am looking forward to seeing all of the events and pictures leading up to the big day. I would say check out pinterst....amazing ideas. for tablescapes and wedding showers, etc.
Your living room is so pretty and cozy, Janie. And I just love that picture of Abi and Emily. Kinda looks like a Victorian photo with their outfits, really lovely!...Christine
Love your blog! So glad I found it!!!
You have such a beautiful way of describing life, how everyone in your home interacts...and gets along.
With a wedding coming up I can see the excitement ramping over the top. What fun.
Your your mantel looks lovely, Jane.
Congratulations on the upcoming nuptials. How exciting for all of you. I think your ideas for the shower are so sweet.
I had to chuckle when I read your comment that your goal for the new year is to post more. My plan is to blog less -- to each his own,!
You have such a pretty house, and a lovely blog! I enjoyed reading about you being out with your daughter, I have an Abby too. She is a freshman at UT and works part time at Pier 1, it's pure torture, haha! Isn't it so great when we get to do grown-up things with our grown-up girls!! Thanks so much for your visit and kind words, I'll look forward to reading more of your blog in the future! Stay warm up there :)
xo, Andrea
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