So now you can see why I had to divide this post into two parts. My walks down memory lane involve stopping to sniff each and every flower. I really had fun going through my old posts, seeing how the seasons change, how we change. And then how some things stay true and constant. I'll be back in a few days to complete this. In the meantime, have a ball celebrating the beginning of a new year! We will be very low key here at home as usual. I can't remember the last time we went out anywhere. I just hope all those fireworks at midnite don't wake me up! lol!
See ya!
Your year sounds very idyllic, and ours was too. I like your cottage, that is a fun family gathering place, I am sure.
What a fun review of your fun year.
What a fun post- I forgot some of the stuff you did, too! Can't wait to see more- xo Diana
Blondie, I loved your photos of the past year. I wish you and yours a very happy New Year filled with love and good health. xoxo,Susie
Oh that was so much fun, loved getting to know more about first year blogging will be coming up, so thanks for sharing......Take Care, Francine.
Een heel goed en vooral gezond 2013 !!!.......
Bedankt voor je liefde en vriendschap van het afgelopen jaar......
Ik ben zo blij met je !!......
Liefs van
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A very good and healthy 2013 !!!......
Thank you for your love and friendship over the past year........
I'm so happy with you !!..........
Love from
Isn't it amazing when you look at what you've done! Looks like you had a pretty good year - sans your hubby's surgery! All the best or a happy & healthy 2013!
Love your sofas and coffee table. The bathroom color is so much better too. You got way more done than I did. I am definitely not a project person. Happy New Year Jane.
i always love visiting your posts!!! have a Happy New Year!!!!
Fun going through the year with you. When you look really did a lot of projects. Can't wait for the next episode.
Hi Jane, loved seeing your first part of your year in review... I don't think I missed a single post, but it is fun to see them again!... thanks to you, I got my very first ever Kate Spade handbag too!... still love it! your pups look just adorable fast asleep... always love hearing about your gardens and the yummy things you cook... can't wait to recap more!... Happy new year to you and your family!... xoxo Julie Marie
You had a wonderful year, and I wish all the best to you and yours for 2013! Looking forward to the wedding! xo
what a wonderful year in photos! I wish for you a happy healthy new year for you and your beautiful family!
Jane, I'm more of a rambler too. Isn't it fun to look back at all that happened this past year? You've been busier than you realize. And for someone who doesn't like to paint you sure got a lot done!
Happy New Year Girl!
You had a busy year this year, Jane! I'm always amazed that you keep up your home and the cottage, too. Hope hubby is getting better day by day. Happy New Year!
What a fun review! You had a great 2012. I love your living looks so comfy!
What a sweet walk down memory lane:) I love looking back thru the pictures and posts! Enjoy your evening dear friend, ONE MORE day and then it's 2013! BIG HUGS to you dear Jane!
I loved every photo.. what a fun walk down memory lane you took us on.
I cant wait to see part 2. I probably said it before but wowzers what a beautiful job you did on that guest bath- love it~!
Happy New Year
You certainly had a good year! We have a place on the lake in SW GA and love to go there too. It's a 5 hour drive so we need to stay several days when we go to make it worth the trip.
Hope 2013 is filled with good times for you and your family!
It's always fun to look back at projects, isn't it? I love your bathroom makeover, it's gorgeous! And your daughters are beautiful, too. When is the wedding? Wishing you and your family a healthy and happy new year!
Loving your recap Janie ~ we have decided to stay in this year and are pooling our resources with our next door neighbours. I made seafood chowder today and she is making biscuits and munchies for later. We joked we may even make it a pj party! Happy New Year ~ cannot wait for part 2. xo
Loved the recap of your's fun to go back and see all the home things your did and the places you went, isn't it? We're staying home for NY Eve, too. :-)
Jane, this was fun. Amazing how much happens in a year's time.
We'll be at home tomorrow night too. Quiet and early to bed. ;-)
Happy New Year........Sarah
Jane, what a fun review of your 2012! Looking forward to seeing what you do in 2013 .
Happy New Year!
I enjoyed your year in review Jane!
Have a wonderful new year.
It's always so fun to look back:) Happy New Year!!!
I loved your look back over the past year. I've been thinking of doing one too. I won't have much to choose from though since it seems like I hardly did any I hope you have a wonderful New Year :)
It's lovely going back over the year like this especially as you have taken time to explain each one rather than just post them. I look forward to the second lot! A Healthy and Happy New Year to you and yours. Joan
Looks like you had a fun, full year Jane! Wishing you a Happy New Year and all the best in 2013-enjoy:@)
Hi Jane,
I do love to meet bloggers face to face. It's always a delightful time.
Happy New Year!
Hi, Jane
It's hard to believe that another year is just about over. From the photos, yours looks like it was full. I hope your new one is very happy.
I truly enjoyed your walk down memory lane -- so many fun memories! The very first pic had me cracked up at the get-go -- pups all passed out from all the Christmas activities!
Glad to hear your hubby is doing so well!
Happy New Year!
Such a fun post, and a good year!
Happy, Healthy 2013 to all, with love from This Old House - xo
What a wonderful year...I loved seeing everything in one place! Your chicken soup looks so good. :o) Best wishes for 2013 Jane...looking forward to what you come up with!
You did have a great year! New stuff at the house... weddding... travel... Nothing better. Happy New Year sweet friend. Hope Hubby is back to normal. Nursing is hard work! Looking forward to another year as bloggy buddies! HUGS!
Looks like a great year and super busy as usual. Isn't it fun to do a year in review and go back through all your photos?
I made a mosaic for my year in review but still need to post it.
Hope this year brings you health and wonderful experiences.
Hi Blondie!
Happy New Year! I really enjoyed your year in review and getting to know you a bit! I love gardening and English Farmhouse to! So nice to have you on board at Dandelion House. I look forward to reading your blog in the coming year too!
Wow! Jane! Don't you feel a sense of accomplishment after putting this great post together?
I wish you and your beautiful family a Happy New Year! I also continue prayers of healing for The Husband! *It sounds like he is on a great road to recovery!*
Your 2012 was full of fun ~ and I'm sure your 2013 will be as well.
Happy, Happy New Year, Jane!!!
I think you have had a great year. I'm curious-how do you like your light colored sofas now that you have had them awhile?
Maybe this will be the year I post at all, lol.
Happy new year!! I have seriously been off the grid, hoo boy. So happy to 'see' you again and your beautiful projects. Best wishes for a wonderful year ahead filled with health and happiness (and wedding fun!).
Hi Jane... I had to pop down and see part one so I didn't miss anything... Wow.... what a year girlie... The new Kate Spade bag caught my eye... Whoooppeeee.. I must confess, my daughter and I went to the mall... and while whizzing through Nordstrom... well.... this Kate Spade caught my eye from afar... my eyes twinkled and I said "it WILL BE MINE"... so I brought it right on home... Yeah, well, that emotional purchase had me giggling by the time I took it out to share with the Hubbs... What was I thinking??? I wear lots of very casual attire.... you know, hoodies and fleece? The black patent bag with a big bow on it just was not the bag for me... so I took it back. Seriously, I have never seen anything so cute and I nearly cried as I walked away... but hey, I gotta be real, right?
So glad you had so many fun times at the lake place, but who wouldn't??? It's soooo yummy. And, such a nice get-away from the daily stuff....
Big Happy New Years Huggies and Lovies to you sweet chickie!
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