Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I feel our trip fast approaching.  I did five loads of laundry already today and I have 2 more to go.  I have a dental appointment tomorrow and a hair appointment Thursday.  I need to decide what to pack, do some grocery shopping for the girls and have all the loose ends tied up.  I'm bringing my laptop with so I will post from the road!  I hope all of you are having a wonderful week! :-)


Barbara F. said...

Glad your touch of the flu didn't last too long, Jane. Can't wait to hear about your trip. xo

Olive said...

Hope you are fully better now Jane. You need to be well for that N.C. vacation.

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

I had that same crummy thing!!.. Glad you're feeling better too...

Looking forward to pics of your trip!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Hope you are feeling better! Don't bring that flu down here please...lol

PAINTORDIG.blogspot.com said...

Glad your illness didn't last long. Your dogs are so cute looking out the window.Hope you have a great trip.

Tracy said...

Hi Jane,

Glad you are feeling better. Your poor dog looks worn out! I'll be waiting to hear all about your vacation, hope you have great weather for it. Take care!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Oh no, I hope you are feeling better, Jane. I know how you look forward to going up to the lake house. Bummer to get there and then get sick. You must be excited for your trip. I'll be heading back to NY for a visit soon, but I'm hoping to grab a week with hubby sometime this summer to go away. Even for a long weekend.

Lori said...

When you are sick you just want to be home ~ I know exactly what you mean. Glad to hear that you are feeling better, Milo reminds me of Molly after being down at the cottage ~ I think she is glad to see us go to work so she can sleep the next day non stop. Have a good week getting your errands done and loose ends tied up! xo

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

I hate being sick! Sorry you had to get sick and that it happened during your weekend getaway. Hope you are feeling back to normal.

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear you were under the weather this weekend, hopefully it was short lived bug and you will be all well now, take care and have a wonderfilled trip!

Pondside said...

OOOH - you're going to have such a good time! I hope you're feeling 100% better!

Gina said...

I'm glad to hear you're feeling better! Enjoy your trip!

Debby said...

Glad you are feeling better. Sounds like your hubby got alot done. Safe travels.

NanaDiana said...

Well, that's crummy...you go to the lake to enjoy it and then get sick. I am glad it passed quickly though...and better now ..and not on vacation. Sounds like you got quite a bit done anyway. Or, at least it sounds like POWERWASHERMAN got a ton done! xo Diana

Anonymous said...

Poor Janie! I'm so sorry you were so sick but glad you're a new woman now! Sorry you didn't get to enjoy your lakehouse like you would have wanted. Sounds like your hubby got everything all fixed up and ready for summer.
You take care and let little Milo rest! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Elaine said...

Glad you are feeling better. I think the bug is going around.

Your dogs are so cute! I'm sure they love hanging out at the lake.

Have a great trip!

Heaven's Walk said...

You poor girl! Of course there's no place like home when you're under the weather. But I'm glad you're back on your feet and almost ready for your vacay! I'm looking forward to seeing your travel pics, Jane! :)

xoxo laurie

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Oh that will be so much fun Jane!
When I see the lake pics, it makes me want to come visit again!
Sorry you weren't feeling well, but you sure got a lot done for a sick gal.
looking forward to Galena!
Can't wait to see all of your trip pics too,

Something Nice and Pretty said...

I know how you felt, I had a cold which turned into bronchitis which isn't fun, just no energy at all! We are leaving on the 26th for Cabo, Mexico and I'm totally not ready!

Shirley said...

Hi Jane, I know how you have felt because I had something similar to it and my allergies are giving me fits. I love the fresh flowers, but they don't like me. I am glad you are taking your lap top, so we can hear about your trip on the road. I don't know if we will get a vacation this year and if we do it will be late fall. I enjoyed reading your blog tonight. Take care Hugs from Your Missouri Friend.

Susan Shull said...

Glad you were able to enjoy at least a bit of your trip to the lake. Enjoy getting ready for your trip!

Rozmeen said...

Hi Jane,

Happy to hear you are feeling better.

xoxo Rozmeen

Theresa said...

Oh I hope you have escaped the FLU, not a fun thing to have AT ALL! Enjoy your day and I can't wait to hear all about your trip! BIG HUGS to you my friend!

Mary said...

Gosh dear one, don't be sick now! I'm looking forward so much to our lunch next week. Actually I've been under the weather too - this is the first day in a week that I feel good.

I'll be packing my small bag at the weekend ready to head to the mountains......see you there.

Love, Mary

April said...

No time for sickness with your trip looming ever near! Hope you're feeling great, again!

Hearts Turned said...

So sorry you were sick while you were at the lake--no fun at all! Glad to hear you're feeling better now, though!

Wishing you a wonderful day, my friend!


Crystal Rose Cottage said...

Oh Jane, that is lousy you had to be sick while at the lake. It's always nice to be back in your regular bed when you are feeling bad. Hope your trip is a fun one!~Hugs, Patti

Knitty said...

I so agree about needing your home bed over the cottage when you don't feel well.

Glad to hear you are feeling better and gearing up for your trip.

Amber said...

sorry to hear you arent feeling well. I hope you are back to 100% before your trip!


Yeah ... it is lake time again.

Hope you are on the mend, Jane.

chateau chic said...

No fun being sick, especially when you're away from home. Glad you're feeling better.
Thanks for stopping by, Mary Alice

KTW said...

Glad that nasty bug didn't hang around for too long. There is so much going around here, from tummy troubles to strep. Fortunately the worst I've had to deal with recently has been allergies.
Love all the pics you shared! :)

Babs said...

It's nice to have a lake house, but I know what you mean about being home when you aren't feeling well. Glad you're feeling better.

bj said...

So glad you are feeling better, dear heart. There's no place like home and your own bed when you are feeling bad.
I wish I had a lake house. Daughter and family just bought a large motor home to put at the lake about 5 hrs from us. Maybe Mr. Sweet and I can go see them for a few days. I LOVE the water.
Take good care and eat another ribeye as soon as you can...they give ya energy.:))

Tammy@Beatrice Banks said...

Busy as a bee as always Ms Jane! Glad you feel better. Cute photos of the doggies.

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

I'm so sorry you weren't feeling well, but you still got a ton of stuff accomplished! I have had dental woes lately as I had to have an implant! Bummer! But all is well! I hope you have fun on your trip! We are headed to the beach in Florida for a week June 2 Can't wait! I NEED IT!

Lou Cinda :)

Susan EvelynAndRose said...

Oh, that's too bad you didn't feel well Jane, especially when I'm sure you wanted to enjoy your time at the lake. Glad to hear you are feeling more energized and ready for a big trip!

Jane@Cottage at the Crossroads said...

Sorry to hear that you were under the weather while you were at the lake, but it sounds like the two of you were able to get quite a bit done. Hope you have a wonderful trip and I'm looking forward to hearing all about it.

Unknown said...

The pic of Milo is sooo cute, Jane. Glad you are feeling better ... there is a bug going round tho.

Enjoy your trip to the lake ...
Have a beautiful eve ~

myletterstoemily said...

so sorry you had a touch of flu. that's
no fun. even sick, you work harder
than all the rest of us! :)

Tommie Jo said...

Oooh...I hate feeling sick when traveling, yuck!
Your puppy cracks me up, we recently went out of town & took our dog who always forgoes her all day naps for fear we might leave her behind in a strange place. When we get back home, it's Zzzzzzz city for her!~TJ

Pam - @diy Design Fanatic said...

Sorry to hear that you had the flu while away. It happened to me when I was in SoCal in March. Glad it didn't last to long for you and me both.

Deborah said...

Oh Jane I hope you are feeling better now...but so glad you were able to rest. What a sweet hubby you have.
And your pup is adorable...he does look like he just konked out on the couch! Lol
Hope your trip is a good one! Bless you!

Deborah xoxoox

Penny said...

Looking forward to seeing you Jane.

Lynne said...

I think that I had that same bug last Thursday. It was only in my system for about 10 hours. So glad it didn't linger for you, Jane!

I wish you and The Husband a wonderful trip!
Thanks for popping in today!

Marigene said...

Hope you are over whatever you had, Jane.
Are your cushions fabric? How did you dry them?

Anonymous said...

I already commented on this post but I just dropped by to tell you my blog has been deleted and my email hacked.I caught a virus when visitng a friends blog the other day, a tag a long virus, it sneaked past our Norton security, I will still visit you though, take care

Sarah said...

Hope you are feeling chipper for your trip. I was dealing with some type of virus for over three weeks. Felt crummy and no energy. Take care and get better.
Look forward to your photos and posts from the road.

Decor To Adore said...

Oh your fur babies are SO cute!

I love that ruler vase. Need it. :)

Debbie said...

So glad you were able to take a trip to your lake house, Jane. Sorry you weren't feeling well. Sounds like your hubby took care of things for you tho.
Hope you are all better now.

Pine Tree Home said...

Best wishes on your trip. All the excitement leading up is part of the fun.

I've linked you up on my blog with a game to learn a little bit more about folks. If you'd like to play along, stop by.

Unknown said...

Just saying hi!

Sonia said...

Glad you are feeling better, sounds like you have much to do before your vacation. Your fur babies make me smile...when we do yard work ours stay out with us and the next day they sleep all day. Wish I could do that too! Stay well and can't wait to see your vacation photos!
Miss Bloomers