What a gorgeous day it is! I woke up this morning with the sun shining through the blinds and the wind making them clatter. I just knew it was going to be a beautiful day. I've got the windows open now and the wind is gusty, just a perfect way to end February and bring in March. Then we can honestly say spring has arrived! Yesterday was one of these days. The rain started about 7:00 and was spattering against the windows as the wind howled. I had one of my insomniac episodes from 1:30 to 3:30 a.m. It's funny that I can't hold my eyes open until the news is over {or The Real Housewives of Orange County, whichever is juicier}, and then I am wide awake in the middle of the night. A pot of coffee and a little reading or blogging helps me get back to sleep. Sounds strange but it works for me. I want to thank everyone for a great response to my last post on beauty products and our daily routines. I think it was fun and I loved reading each and every comment. There are a lot of Olay and Bare Mineral devotees out there and so much was true inspiration. I love you ladies that get up and have a routine of making yourselves prettier as much as those of you that keep it very simple. I am going to get one more post ready where we can talk about bath and shower products, everything from head to toe, and then I will announce a giveaway that I hope you will love! We didn't go to the dinner party that was scheduled for last weekend as the host and hostess had to cancel. It is pushed back to the end of March. I had to ask The Husband about that ballroom and he told me he thinks they use it for a big recreation room. My daughter Emily is currently designing several rooms for them, maybe I can get her to snap some pictures. Anyway, it turned out to be a quiet weekend, the husband went to a work related event Saturday night and I read and hopped in bed early. We did get out to our favorite little pub for a late lunch on Sunday, but otherwise we were homebody's and that was good to me. Last week I sent The Husband out for a small ham, we have a lot of beans and I wanted to make a soup with the ham bone. He came home with a 10 pound spiral cut ham! He must have Easter on his mind. So...I invited the whole family over for dinner tomorrow night, there will be nine of us. Tomorrow I will be off shopping for all the extras and some good wine. For my last dinner, I had a bottle of Paul Newman's Cabernet Sauvignon and it was not a big hit. Poor Mary Clare said, "It gets better after the first 3 sips"Oh well, at least my money goes to charity. That's about all I have for today. I have loads of laundry to do and I want to bake a cake for tomorrow. And, since it is 60 degrees {!!!!!!}, I just have to get outside for awhile! I hope you are all having a wonderful week! :-)
Jane(blondie), We had 65 degrees today. Wow-wee, it makes me think Spring for sure. Your husband just wanted a nice big dinner, not ham/beans, LOL. Have fun with all your friends/family. xoxo, Susie(She Junks)
It almost hit 60 here yesterday and today it's snowing, go figure! Have a great dinner with your family Jane. FYI Beringer Founders Estate Cabernet Sauvignon is very good.
It is gorgeous here today, too, Jane! About 66 and a bit windy. I'll take it though! I love ham. I usually pick up a couple of ham steaks for myself and Bob Evans mashed potatoes when the hubby will be away overnight. He's not a big ham eater, but I enjoy it, so I feel like I'm giving myself a nice meal when I'm on my own. Well, you got a great excuse to get the family over for dinner! Do you think he did that on purpose? : )
Spring seems to be showing her head here in the UK Jane. It is unseasonably warm and there are little green shoots showing through the earth. Have a wonderful family dinner Jane. XXXX
Jane, your white vases in the window are charming. I have been baking too. Baked five dozen cookies for the teens who will be here Friday. Good to know I am not alone on the Mineral Makeup. Thanks so much for your comment today, it means so much to me. hugs, olive
It is Spring-like here too! We have had a mix of rain, warm temps and sunny skies! We get used to that and here comes some more cold weather! We haven't had much cold weather this Winter, so I won't complain!
I know everyone is happy your Honey bought such a big ham! Dinner with the Family sounds like loads of fun! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!
Doesn't the sunshine give you a new lease on life? It does me! How interesting that your daughter is designing rooms in such a snazzy-sounding house. I'm pretty new at reading your blog, so I don't know the back story there. It is VERY windy downstate today, so I can only imagine how windy it might be in your neck of the woods. I'm taking my tennis shoes to church so I can take a nice walk under a starry sky in town where I don't have to worry about coyotes! Have a great evening, Jane.
Oh Jane the weather sounds wonderful there! And its always so good to hear about your week. That ham sounds perfect and Im sure your company will enjoy it! Love your pretty window photo too! Have a lovely week!
What fun to have everyone over for a spur-of-the-moment dinner! Your last post inspired me so much that I had a facial (my first, ever) today. What a difference it made! Now to the make up counter with your post in hand....
Is this not the whackiest weather this year??? We are under a tornado watch right now and you know how I HATE this kind of weather. Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend...I love it when we are homebodies....I am way behind on my blogs so I will be moving backwards from here to get caught up! Enjoy your sunshine!
Since I'm busy at Easter, and seeing as you have ham, and I love bean soup, and you're making a cake and all.... I'm hungry and on my way. But I might not be able to drink the wine if it's too yucky!
It's amazing to me that winter is on it's way out. It's been so mild here this year, compared to last. I guess that seems to be true for most areas, huh?
Hope you have a great dinner party! I know with you cooking it will be.
Hi Jane, Hasn't our weather been crazy. 60's one day and 40's the next. You just never know in our neck of the woods. Our family will all be together this weekend. Our boy is flying home from Louisiana. He needs to take care of somethings here at home. We are celebrating birthdays going out to dinner. We haven't done that in a long time. Hope you have a great day. Your Missouri Friend.
Happy Spring! It was in the high 70s today, tomorrow 80s! I always enjoy your posts, it's like having a conversation with you. Somehow is missed your previous makeup post and plan to go read it and the comments. I could use a facial!
Oh, Jane, I am so jealous! We got dumped on today - lots of snow! Twice doors blew open with the wind! Yuck! I am going to have to go back and read the beauty secrets. I need some!
Hope you didn't get any of those terrible storms blowing through up there. Some serious stuff! And it is nice to have the windows open this time of year to air out the house isn't it? We are starting to see signs of spring here for sure. ENJOY! HUGS! Charlene
It has been wonderful wather here too-seventies and eighties. I do hopw we don't have more freezing weather later on. A dinner party will be fun, but extra work for sure-worth it for family though.
Hi Jane, I have that same problem. Can barely make it through the evening 11 pm news without drifting off ....then wake in the middle of the night wide awake. I hate laying there thinking about everything especially with the snorer next to me. :) It's a warm one here today....gonna hit 80 degrees. This strange weather bothers me. It will probably snow for Easter. Hope you have a great day. xoxo
What a shame that last weekend's dinner was postponed, I'm really looking forward to seeing that ballroom. Love the Hunter wellies, I bought the SP a pair last year and he almost lives in them. Outdoors, of course!
I'm glad you had a nice leap day. We had rain but it's been really mild all week and getting warmer for the weekend. Spring - yay! I missed the beauty product post, have to go back and read it as I've been spending more time gussying up lately than usual. Maybe its part of getting older but I seem to need more help these days to feel like I look good!
60 degrees ~ maybe I should move back home to Chicago! I so love reading your journal Jane. You always make me feel so close. Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy that dinner!
I'm so excited for Spring. It just snowed here yesterday but I think it's going to be about 60 tomorrow, yay! I have to go see your previous post now! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! Have great weekend:) Jenniferxx
Cold and rainy here today. Depressing, like when you pay 4.25 for reg gas and have to pump it yourself and pay in cash or it is a lot more! I am not a drinker, so I wouldn't know what goes with ham. Dh only drinks red, one glass for his health, ha ha. No alcohol is the best for your health. Have a good weekend, Jane.
Oh, how sunshine would be welcome here at the lakehouse. It's been dreary and damp here for days, it seems. We had almost a foot of snow three days ago, and expect another foot for tonight. I hope you didn't get any of those bad storms we heard about today. Enjoy your dinner, Jane. xxoo
Sometimes I love to stay in on a Saturday night with just me and the kitties. A little TV, a few snacks and my favorite magazines and I am in heaven.
The weather has been crazy hasn't it? We always seem to get your weather but later in the week. One day it's raw and snowing and the next day it's nearly 60 degrees!
It sounds like you had a lovely spring weekend!! I hope your daughter can get a pic of that ballroom! And I hope you get to dance in it too!! Happy early spring! xxDaniella
What a pretty way to greet the day ... your setting is very pretty.
Didn't catch it but will go read the beauty comments. I getup & use my British lotions, slap on some mascara, whip on the 24-hr lipstick (it does last), grab the can of hair spray & squirt as I jiggle the hair here & there ... & I am OFF for the day.
I hope you will pop by to help us bring 'angel love' for a young girl who is sick.
Glad your weather's better now, Janie. It was so nice here today too, 68 degrees and sunny so I cleaned the yard. Thanks for stopping by. I am glad you can comment again, I missed them....Christine
Happy Spring Jane! What a nice feeling to wake up to the sun. It just starts my day off right. I have to go check out the beauty post comments.
60 degrees! As I write this its a blizzard!
Have a wonderful dinner tomorrow.
It is a beautiful spring day, for sure.
Have fun with your family tomorrow.
Jane(blondie), We had 65 degrees today. Wow-wee, it makes me think Spring for sure. Your husband just wanted a nice big dinner, not ham/beans, LOL. Have fun with all your friends/family. xoxo, Susie(She Junks)
It almost hit 60 here yesterday and today it's snowing, go figure! Have a great dinner with your family Jane. FYI Beringer Founders Estate Cabernet Sauvignon is very good.
I have to pop back and read the comments you got on the makeup post.
Have a Happy Ham dinner tomorrow night.
I can't believe how great your weather is. It is sleeting here right now and just North of me a few miles they are paralyzed with snow! xo Diana
I guess I missed your make up post too!
Sounds like you have the makings of a great day. It is 73 degrees here. 80 in Houston where we will be heading in the morning.
It is gorgeous here today, too, Jane! About 66 and a bit windy. I'll take it though! I love ham. I usually pick up a couple of ham steaks for myself and Bob Evans mashed potatoes when the hubby will be away overnight. He's not a big ham eater, but I enjoy it, so I feel like I'm giving myself a nice meal when I'm on my own. Well, you got a great excuse to get the family over for dinner! Do you think he did that on purpose? : )
Glad you're having such great weather Jane! We have the rain and cold today. Have fun planning your dinner, I'm sure it will be great:@)
Spring seems to be showing her head here in the UK Jane. It is unseasonably warm and there are little green shoots showing through the earth.
Have a wonderful family dinner Jane. XXXX
Jane, your white vases in the window are charming. I have been baking too. Baked five dozen cookies for the teens who will be here Friday. Good to know I am not alone on the Mineral Makeup. Thanks so much for your comment today, it means so much to me. hugs, olive
It is Spring-like here too! We have had a mix of rain, warm temps and sunny skies! We get used to that and here comes some more cold weather! We haven't had much cold weather this Winter, so I won't complain!
I know everyone is happy your Honey bought such a big ham! Dinner with the Family sounds like loads of fun! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!
Doesn't the sunshine give you a new lease on life? It does me! How interesting that your daughter is designing rooms in such a snazzy-sounding house. I'm pretty new at reading your blog, so I don't know the back story there. It is VERY windy downstate today, so I can only imagine how windy it might be in your neck of the woods. I'm taking my tennis shoes to church so I can take a nice walk under a starry sky in town where I don't have to worry about coyotes! Have a great evening, Jane.
Your rain must have come my way. It's been raining and storming off and on all day today.
Hope your dinner goes well!
Send some of that sunshine to Nc, will ya please lol..
I am also looking forward to spring.
enjoy that ham.
We have 77 degrees expected tomorrow here...craziest weather I've ever seen! Enjoy your special evening!
I haven't had Ham forever! Beans and Ham sounds delish. Are you making cornbread? Cause if you are then I'm coming over!!!
XO Cindy
Send me some sunshine up here!
Love the spring touches you brought to your house; we are in a snow storm right now.
Oh Jane the weather sounds wonderful there!
And its always so good to hear about your week.
That ham sounds perfect and Im sure your company will enjoy it!
Love your pretty window photo too!
Have a lovely week!
Deborah xoxo
What fun to have everyone over for a spur-of-the-moment dinner!
Your last post inspired me so much that I had a facial (my first, ever) today. What a difference it made! Now to the make up counter with your post in hand....
Is this not the whackiest weather this year??? We are under a tornado watch right now and you know how I HATE this kind of weather. Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend...I love it when we are homebodies....I am way behind on my blogs so I will be moving backwards from here to get caught up! Enjoy your sunshine!
Lou Cinda
Happy Spring to you!!! I opened my windows too and just enjoyed the day.
I had a window open this afternoon! Lovely!
Since I'm busy at Easter, and seeing as you have ham, and I love bean soup, and you're making a cake and all.... I'm hungry and on my way. But I might not be able to drink the wine if it's too yucky!
It's amazing to me that winter is on it's way out. It's been so mild here this year, compared to last. I guess that seems to be true for most areas, huh?
Hope you have a great dinner party! I know with you cooking it will be.
Enjoy the sunshine and warmer temps!
Hi Jane, Hasn't our weather been crazy. 60's one day and 40's the next. You just never know in our neck of the woods. Our family will all be together this weekend. Our boy is flying home from Louisiana. He needs to take care of somethings here at home. We are celebrating birthdays going out to dinner. We haven't done that in a long time. Hope you have a great day. Your Missouri Friend.
Happy Spring! It was in the high 70s today, tomorrow 80s! I always enjoy your posts, it's like having a conversation with you. Somehow is missed your previous makeup post and plan to go read it and the comments. I could use a facial!
Gotta love those Hunter Boots my friend. Enjoy your lovely weather. xoxoxo
Hope your dinner with the family is good one!
Thanks for the nice comments on my new blog header.
Oh, Jane, I am so jealous! We got dumped on today - lots of snow! Twice doors blew open with the wind! Yuck! I am going to have to go back and read the beauty secrets. I need some!
Hope you didn't get any of those terrible storms blowing through up there. Some serious stuff! And it is nice to have the windows open this time of year to air out the house isn't it? We are starting to see signs of spring here for sure. ENJOY! HUGS!
It has been wonderful wather here too-seventies and eighties. I do hopw we don't have more freezing weather later on. A dinner party will be fun, but extra work for sure-worth it for family though.
Hi Jane, I have that same problem. Can barely make it through the evening 11 pm news without drifting off ....then wake in the middle of the night wide awake. I hate laying there thinking about everything especially with the snorer next to me. :) It's a warm one here today....gonna hit 80 degrees. This strange weather bothers me. It will probably snow for Easter. Hope you have a great day. xoxo
What a shame that last weekend's dinner was postponed, I'm really looking forward to seeing that ballroom.
Love the Hunter wellies, I bought the SP a pair last year and he almost lives in them. Outdoors, of course!
Sixty degrees outside?! Oh, lucky you, that sounds wonderful. We just got a heap of snow here.
Hi Jane,
I'm glad you had a nice leap day. We had rain but it's been really mild all week and getting warmer for the weekend. Spring - yay! I missed the beauty product post, have to go back and read it as I've been spending more time gussying up lately than usual. Maybe its part of getting older but I seem to need more help these days to feel like I look good!
what a happy post! you have a lot of fun stuff going on in your life.
happy March!!
Love the photos. I also made ham and beans this week and they are oh so tasty on cold days. Spiral ham and family - sounds like a good party to me :)
60 degrees ~ maybe I should move back home to Chicago! I so love reading your journal Jane. You always make me feel so close. Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy that dinner!
Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley
I'm so excited for Spring. It just snowed here yesterday but I think it's going to be about 60 tomorrow, yay! I have to go see your previous post now! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments! Have great weekend:)
Cold and rainy here today. Depressing, like when you pay 4.25 for reg gas and have to pump it yourself and pay in cash or it is a lot more!
I am not a drinker, so I wouldn't know what goes with ham. Dh only drinks red, one glass for his health, ha ha. No alcohol is the best for your health.
Have a good weekend, Jane.
Oh, how sunshine would be welcome here at the lakehouse. It's been dreary and damp here for days, it seems. We had almost a foot of snow three days ago, and expect another foot for tonight.
I hope you didn't get any of those bad storms we heard about today.
Enjoy your dinner, Jane.
Your weather sounds wonderful! Its been cold and rainy here for the past few days. I *need* a pair of Hunters!
Have a great weekend. I'm off to check out your beauty products post :)
Sounds like a lovely weekend! Just loving our spring weather, too--makes me so happy!
Wishing you another beautiful weekend, my friend!
Hey Jane! Hope you enjoy your weekend ~ a party sounds like a lovely thing to do....you all enjoy yourselves!
I dream of temps in the 60's Jane ~ in time they will come :o) I know your dinner was fabulous ~ can't wait to hear all about it. Happy week-end! xo
Love the pretty natural light!
I have been very concerned about my Midwest friends. I hope this extreme weather pattern is over soon!
Woo hoo! Spring has arrived! Have fun, Jane!
I have my peonies starting to open leaves and I have noticed several buds... so exciting!
Sometimes I love to stay in on a Saturday night with just me and the kitties. A little TV, a few snacks and my favorite magazines and I am in heaven.
The weather has been crazy hasn't it? We always seem to get your weather but later in the week. One day it's raw and snowing and the next day it's nearly 60 degrees!
Sorry I missed your beauty post, it sounded like a fun post!
The ham dinner sounds delicious! What are you going to serve with it?
I'm jealous of your 60 degree weather! We're supposed to have some good weather tomorrow! Can't wait! I need to go for a walk!
Have a wonderful Sunday!
It sounds like you had a lovely spring weekend!!
I hope your daughter can get a pic of that ballroom! And I hope you get to dance in it too!!
Happy early spring!
What a pretty way to greet the day ... your setting is very pretty.
Didn't catch it but will go read the beauty comments. I getup & use my British lotions, slap on some mascara, whip on the 24-hr lipstick (it does last), grab the can of hair spray & squirt as I jiggle the hair here & there ... & I am OFF for the day.
I hope you will pop by to help us bring 'angel love' for a young girl who is sick.
Thank you.
Have a beautiful week ~
Jane, it's definitely like spring here. Your soup sounds good. We just had navy bean soup this week.
Happy Spring time to you ~ Sarah
Glad your weather's better now, Janie. It was so nice here today too, 68 degrees and sunny so I cleaned the yard. Thanks for stopping by. I am glad you can comment again, I missed them....Christine
It does sound like you are definitely in the spring mode there! I like the flowers at the window.
thanks for your comment on my recent post. Its' one of the nicest I've ever received. :-)
Yeah for spring. I love the white vases.
I'd love for you to pop by for a visit. I am hosting a $50 Kirklands Giftcard Giveaway.
Spring is definitely on its way.
60 degrees tomorrow - yay!
I enjoy following your blog.
Happy Weekend Jane.
I loved seeing the crepes on this post. I was just thinking about making some the other day.
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