Have you noticed that I have been posting more often? I guess because I am less busy, which doesn't make for a really interesting post. Oh...come summer. Fun~busy. But I am not going to complain about wanting summer to come because it seems like spring just arrived. And along with it, a lot of rain. I cut these daffodils a little while ago and you can see that they are spattered with mud. The ground is saturated. Thus, no playing in the garden, which means I will not be getting any vegetables until around August. Okay, this may turn into a complaining post.
I hope everyone had a good Easter. It was a busy day, I cooked and cooked and cooked some more. Thankfully, Emily decided to make a quick potato casserole and that saved me a lot of grief in not having to peel, boil and mash potatoes. Have you ever had the hash brown potatoes with corn flakes and butter on top? It sounds so...American. It's SO good though. And I didn't make cupcakes with cute little marshmallow bunnies on top as The Husband made a trip to Costco and came home armed with desserts. He was so proud of them, you would think he had made them himself. Have you ever seen how big their pies are? Goodness.
I thought I was going to paint eggs by myself Saturday night, but when I told the girls, they tripped over themselves getting to the kitchen. I got to color one lousy egg, that would be the bright pink one in the foreground, which I think turned out pretty good for someone who is all thumbs. Abigail had a heck of a time blowing the eggs, getting yolk everywhere and dropping them a few times. After she got bored, Emily prettied them up. Aren't they cute?
She spent a long time on this egg, using thread and flowers and buttons. I'm going to save it.
My red twig dogwood is in full bloom. I remember ordering this from Burpee a good 20 years ago. Those are yellow and orange daylilies all around it. In between are bleeding hearts, columbine and astillbe. It's very shady in this corner of my yard.
We have a busy couple of weeks ahead. I have to go through all my summer clothes to see what is presentable to bring on vacation and then I need to supplement the wardrobe with a few items. We have Mother's Day coming up and that morning I am in a cancer walk~a~thon with a brunch afterward. We also have a communion coming up and a trip to the lake because I left my bathing suit there. The Husband hates pools, but I plan to spend a serious amount of time there on vacation. He can go fly fishing. And I have an appointment Thursday to get my hair straightened with this new process my girl uses. I'm so excited. Goodbye, Shirley Temple. Hello sleek and no hours spent blow drying and straightening and hair spraying. It'll be a new me.
I'm so sorry for such a long, boring post. Very random as usual. I'm off to do laundry and some housework...I'll spare you the details. I'm joining Marty for Table Top Tuesday. Visit her blog at A Stroll Thru Life!
Love the daffodils Jane.
We had that potato casserole (made by one of our daughters) when the kids were here for Easter. We usually get together and decide the menu then split the cooking. This year, I provided the ham, potato salad, bread and cheese for sandwiches. The three girls made the other dishes. That really helps a lot when we have our big family gatherings.
I am enjoying the rain (like Seattle), and am happy you are home - blogging! Enjoy these glimpses into your life and home. Ah, we had same potato casserole, which we love. At our house it is called "Janice's potatoes", as that is who we got the recipe from.
Sounds like your summer will be busy and fun.
Very pretty eggs...What fun to do them with the grown up girls.. haven't done eggs here in a lot of years..: )
I make that potato casserole all the time. We have a pot-luck at Church at least once a month.. a lot of college kids go to our Church & they always request it..
When they announce "Potluck next week" Someone in the band will say in the mike..." Hash Brown Casserole" : )
Sounds like some fun is coming your way. Especially the new hair! Your gonna love it.
Lovin' those great daffs Jane! Sounds like you had a nice Easter, have fun getting ready for vaca:@)
I love Costco pies! They feed an army and are so darn good!
Hi Janie! Sounds like you had a fun Easter with family - and lots of good food! :) We've been having a ton of rain here in MI, too. Ugh! Any nice moments we get, hubby and I run outside like Energizer bunnies trying to get a day's worth of work in a couple hours! lol! Maybe when May gets here, the April showers will turn off for a while. :) Hope that you post a pic of your sweet new do, girl! :)
xoxo laurie
Why oh why?
Do people with naturally curly/wavy hair...?
Want to straighten it?
Why oh why, don't they EMBRACE it?
Oh I know, you'll say you can't wear your hair the way you prefer, if you embrace your "naturally curly girl."
But...... Could the style you would have, when "embracing your naturally curly girl," perhaps be the best style for you?
I'm not thinking too long or too short. Just a blunt cut, about at chin level. Part on one side and simply *scrunch* hair.
Ohhhh be still my heart! How I would LUV to be able to do that, with my hair!!!
:-))))))))))) Yes, I do write nutty comments, don't I? >,-)
I enjoy all your posts! Loved the eggs! I have never blown them out and decorated them like that but may well try it next year.
We are having a bit of a cooler week after the 90 degree temps of last week! It's been a good day for working in the yard since the ground is soft from all the rain we have had. Thankfully our part of North Texas has missed the damaging storms and tornadoes of the last few days!
Enjoy your 'lull in the action.' It will be summer before we can turn around good!!
Well, at least your beds look good Jane. I haven't been able to get out and clean up our beds and the weeds are starting to take over! It would be great if it would not rain when I am home to do it. Hopefully, the forecasted rain for this afternoon will hold off and I can do some when I get home from work. I hate when it looks so messy.
I'm thinking of taking my furniture out for the patio this weekend because we have an open house on Sunday. Maybe it will draw my eyes away from the back beds and grass that needs cutting! : )
Your posts are NEVER boring! I can't write much...I have a showing about any minute now! UGH! Glad you had such a nice Easter and those potato casseroles are one of my favs! Love your pretty Easter eggs...that's ANOTHER thing I forgot to do! Oh, man...I think I'm getting O-L-D!
The casserole sounds yummy. We went to my daughters this year, that's a first. The food was delicious and the kids were wonderful as always. We're a long way from swimsuits it semms like around here. Our weather just wants to cling to cold and damp. Love your beautiful daffodils.. so happy looking. hugs ~lynne~
Not a boring post or too long either! I enjoy hearing what you have been up to and not every day is exciting as it is in the Summertime:) Hope you enjoy those beautiful daffodils, they are GORGEOUS!
Cute eggs and we had a wonderful Easter!
Have a blessed day my dear friend! HUGS!
Hi Jane! Your daffodils are so pretty and too bad your ground is so wet. We need some of that rain! :)
Glad your Easter went well. Your eggs are sweet and love the one your grand wrapped up in string! :)
Now that potato casserole sounds yummy.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Love your pretty eggs. Let us know how the hair turns out. Can you believe in all this RAIN! I know be thankful, but I think we have enough now. How about me, you and Susan at Ash Tree head down to FLA and lay by any pool in the SUNSHINE!!! Yay!
I love your daffodils, they are so pretty! Okay, that potato casserole sounds like one I had years ago and you just reminded me of it, I'm going to have to make it soon, it was delicious! Jane, can't wait to see pictures of your new do!
can you believe all this rain in chicago?! what do i expect i guess...
but it is EVERY day!!
your daffodils look lovely, mine and the neighbors have sprung as well!
So funny, those with curly hair — straighten it and those of us with straight hair — perm it! It's all part of being a woman, we're never happy with what we have.
I do know, however, that you are happy with those daffodils and with the fact that you got to decorate
eggs with those girls!
P.S. I LOVE Costco!
Oh Jane, your posts are anything but boring, I love them!... we had one nice day here (when you visited me on my Nature walk) then this morning we had another blizzard... they are preparing for major flooding this year, and building a huge dam~reservoir in the canyon just above our home... so no gardening for me either yet!... your daffodils are beautiful, and those eggs are all adorable, I love the pink one you made!... sounds like you have some busy days ahead... May is also a busy time around here, with Mother's Day, my birthday, and usually it is on my birthday weekend that I too walk in the Susan B Komen race for the cure... can't wait to see your new hairstyle, but I think you always look beautiful just the way you are!... hope your rain goes away soon and your days are filled with gorgeous sunny skies... xoxo Julei Marie
I am so excited about your vacation!! I can't wait to meet you in person. I pretty much have the whole week free so whenever you have time, I will be here.
The daffodils are so pretty and I love your dyed eggs. My mom used to always dye eggs with my girls. I should do it next year, you have inspired me. Our dessert was from Costco too. We had the Tuxedo Mousse Cake - SUPER DELICIOUS!!!
I love these "windows into my world" kind of posts. Makes me feel as if I am with you, chatting away over a cupcake and some leftover Costco deserts.
Glad to hear you has such a nice Easter and I hope the rain will move away from you. We could do with some good rains, it has been so dry here we are getting bush fires.
LOVE the red twig dogwood!
I can't wait to hear how your hair turns out. Glad you had a nice Easter!
I enjoyed reading your post, it wasnt boring at all. This is real life :) Your easter eggs came out lovely.
THose daffodils are BEAUTIFUL... hope you enjoyed your holiday!
Love your play list. It's music I would put on the outdoor speakers on one of those moonlit nights out here when the friends come to chill, maybe eating some of that potato casserole!
Jane, your daffs are lovely and I hope to get know more of Costco soon. One is being built very near us and I am very excited! I hope we get some of your rain. hugs♥O
You're so cute, Jane. Not a boring post at all - just real life. All those eggs turned out so pretty! I hope the rain has ended for you, and good luck with the hair straightening process. My friend does that and loves it!
- Susan
You are never boring! I just waded out in my yard to see how my little lilac bush looks...I think it drowned. I'm in no hurry for 100 degree temps, but a little dry outside time would be wonderful!
We are never too old to color eggs! Aren't they fun? I look forward to it every year.
Your posts are never random, just always fun to read! Sounds like you have lots going on, and I'm betting you will have veggies long before August! ;-)
Kat :)
Hi Jane, pretty dafs and I love your tree is in bloom now. Can you believe I did not even color eggs with my boys this year? My BAD! Thanks for stopping over and your sweet comments.
The daffs are lovely even with mud on them. Never heard of that potato dish but sounds like something we would like. Love potatoes. Let us know how your hair comes out. Are you using the Brazilian Blowout method?
Love your flowers and your tree is stunning. Such beautiful blooms. The eggs are fabulous. I can't blow an egg either. I think all of yours turned out fabulous. Can't wait to see your new hairdo. It sounds fabulous. Now if I just had a little of that curl, I could stopp using the curling iron for hours. lol Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty
Jane, you are SO SWEET! Thank you for commenting on my blog post about sis's surgery. You are always the blog gal that is right there in the wings. For that I am grateful for YOUR 'shine' my dear. The eggs are beautiful!
You are funny ! I love your posts and news from you !
Very rainy and muddy here. Love your daffodils ! I guess flowers love the rain :)
OMG I am cracking up! You are so silly! If it was THAT boring we wouldn't read it and comment on it no less!
How funny that I thought my post today was "useless". But ... it is what it is!
:) Hugs! Karen
Hi Jane...I know you had a lovely Easter...you have such a great family! We had a warm Saturday, but it poured on Easter Sunday!...My week is a busy one. I work full time...and Saturday we are hosting a baby shower for 40 at Chrislyn's house on Saturday! It's going to be wonderful...just lots of work. You must be getting excited about your vacation!
So tell me...Are you going for the Brazilian blowout? I have curly hair as well...it's getting straighter as it goes naturally platinum blonde ;) LOL
Hi Jane
I always enjoy your meandering posts, it's just like having a quick chat with a friend!
Love the color combination of your daffodils. Please tell your daughter that her thread egg with the buttons is adorable! I've been able to save decorated hard boiled eggs for years without them rotting. I hope yours will preserve, too.
Your flowers are all beautiful Jane. The red twig dogwood is gorgeous!
Not boring at all Jane!
I love your posts! And the daffodils are simply gorgeous and so is that plant blooming in your yard!
We had lots of rain and yucky cold here yesterday too. I am starting to think we will never have a decent spring!
Sounds like you are very busy too! Can't wait to hear all about your trip you lucky you!
Big Hugs friend,
Hey Blondie! I am glad you are posting more often and are less busy! We had a good Easter and now we are in a storm pattern here in NC. Your flowers are beautiful!
Oh please send me some of your curl. I have such stick straight hair, so much work!
We haven't had much Spring yet either. But my allergies are acting up, so I guess things are starting bloom.
Have fun getting ready for your vacation!
LOL about dh and the Costco desserts!
Not a boring post at all, I always enjoy reading what you've been up to. Glad you had a nice Easter. The weather has been gloomy here too but luckily we have been spared by the big storms.
Have fun getting ready for vacation.
Happy Belated Easter, Janie!
First of all, I adore those eggs. How darling they are, and you did a great job with your pink one. I love pink eggs! The girls did a good job, too, with all the cute buttons and flowers and decorative adornments. Y'all had fun!
And I enjoyed seeing your daffodils. I just don't see them in Florida. Not sure why. And I loved seeing your dogwood. Ours is white. Loved the yellow one!
I'm looking forward to the wedding on Friday. Can't wait!
Sheila :-)
I wish I had cut some of our daffodils and brought them in to enjoy. Rain is beating them up. Our forsythia looks very strange this year with blooms only on the top and bottom so far.
I hope you love your hair after the process. I don't consider myself vain at all, but having manageable hair sure makes me happier!
The eggs are really pretty! You are so funny! I can just see your hubby being proud of those desserts. lol I've eaten that casserole and it's really good. I prefer to just make mine with hasbrowns, cream of mushroom soup and butter. Quick and easy.
I'm starting to think about summer too. Ready for a vacation!
I like the sound of the new no-blow-dry hair:) It's been unseasonbly warm here and I think we had a total of two spring days. I love summer but feel a little cheated out of spring!
Hope your weather gets brighter!
Love, love the daffodils. They are my all time favorites. Yours are just lovely. Potato casserole has saved the day here for many meals. Thanks, enjoyed your post.
The French Hutch
Oh, how I remember April showers in Chicago. Colorado is experiencing a lot of rain this month, as well. Rather unusual for us. Love your fresh cut daffodils and eggs. Sounds like you had a nice Easter with family. I think our husbands might be brothers. I can just see your hubby all proud :) Too cute!
Enjoy getting ready for your trip. That's the kind of preparing I like. Not all this kitchen painting... UGH!
Hope the sun comes out for ya this weekend!
~Michelle :)
Hey your daffodils are great! And the forsythia is in full bloom. And the rain--you know April Showers bring May flowers so you are well on your way!
Your eggs turned out great Ÿ
Thanks so much for visiting me over at Pittpat Paperie. Drop by again sometimes.
What a fun Easter. We did not color any eggs and I miss that. Bet I could get the coloring kits on sale right now!
Love daffodils!!!! We did eggs too but ours were not as cute as yours....too sweet!
Jane, the daffodils are so cheerful, and that pink egg is pretty cute. ;-) What fun to dye eggs. I haven't done that in many, many years. ~ Sarah
I've often thought, the times when I have the most to blog about are the times when I have the least amount of time to do it! :))
You sound relaxed, happy, and stress-free right now. Enjoy it my dear! I could use a little of that myself!
Jane, Your life never sounds boring to me! It seems like you're always buy doing something... I have no idea how you find time to blog also!
Your easter eggs are really cute and so creative!!
I haven't done anything really fun or interesting it seems like for sooo long now, but I seem to have no problem staying busy just piddling around all day!
Hubby and I had a very quiet Easter just the two of us, I made Parmesan chicken and a salad for dinner. It's one of his favorite dishes and soooo easy to make, which makes it one of my
Hugs, Sherri
We;ve been having so much rain too. Love the daffodils, mud and all, lol. Sounds like you are going to be busy! Glad you had a nice Easter. Have an awesome rest of the week!
those daffodils made my day!!! I LOVE THEM!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A late Happy Easter to you pretty lady,
How pretty your daffs look, Jane...mud spatters & all! I'm trying not to mind the rain so much since we were spared those awful tornadoes.
The eggs turned out great...much better looking than mine. LOL
Funny about your DH & the Costco pies. I've never tasted theirs. We're Sam's Club members.
I'll be interested to hear about this new hair process. Mine is naturally curly & I do the same as you...*sigh*
Dear Jane,
amazing photos! I like your easter inspirations !!!!
Pie AND daffodils? This is my kind of post!! Happy Spring, Friend!
Gorgeous flowers Jane, I'm so glad you enjoyed Easter...everything looks so pretty. I got a giggle out of the size of the pies at Costco, yes they are huge and we still have some left over which I've been picking away at much to the demise of my backside! LOL
Always lovely to visit with you!
I know how you feel ... busy-ness everywhere. Isn't it great to have spring blossom & florals to enjoy!
Cleaned the closets, construction all done (I say this loosely), winter clothes tucked away, gardening is in full swing ...
Have a beautiful weekend ~
That casserole has been a "staple" for years in my family...so very good :) Have fun getting ready for vacation! Chat soon, Laurel
Daffodils are lovely Blondie!
I know Im excited for summer and spring just got here!
Those eggs are so cute and Id save them too..theyre adorable!
Sounds like you had a busy weekend but nice helpers too!
I straighten my hair every day :)
Vacation? Where are you heading to?
Deborah xoxo
Pretty eggs! It just stopped raining here. We had a couple of nice days, very hot but I will take hot days over weeks of just rain any day. Hope you have a wonderful weekend:)
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens
I loved seeing what egg making looks like at you house! That string egg is pretty spiffy!
I just had that potato casserole at a woman's group meeting. It was delicious!
What a fun post~ I love to hear what is going on in the life of my blogging buddies.
I like your long post. It's like we're sitting at a table having coffee or tea and you're telling me what you've been up to. :)
The eggs are cute and look like they were fun to do!
As per your comment on my latest post, I hope to make something soon. I'm so busy lately...thinking of using one of my digital stamps in a card soon. Have a good weekend!
So fun to see all of the spring blossoms begin. We have a few starting now, but it is supposed to snow again tomorrow. This is the wierdest spring. I love your daffodils. My dad never let us cut the flowers, so of course I love to cut them and bring them in. Have a wonderful weekend.
Oh, yes, I loved the string egg too, such a fun keepsake.
I wish you could send us some of your rain.:) Your flowers are so pretty. Not much blooming around here as yet.
I am hungry for a potato casserole now. :)))
Have fun getting ready for vacation.
Are you recording the royal wedding so you can watch a little of it tomorrow? I am...I may just stay up and watch it live. It is almost 1 here right now...only 2 more hrs...nope, I'll never make it..night night
How fantastic, you shall be renamed the Duchess of Blonde! Have a brilliant time watching,
Love Sarah x
Your daffodils are beautiful, Janie. It's always nice to see them pop up cause it just means it's spring time. The eggs are so adorable!...Christine
Hi Jane!
I was in Florida for Easter and had a lovely time. It sounds like you are going to be quite busy in the coming weeks so enjoy this down time.
I'd love to hear more about the straightening process you are having done to your hair. Jordan's girlriend has very curly hair and she spends hours straightening it.
I'm excited for you as you prepare for your North Carolina trip.
Have a great weekend! La
Just found you through Karyn at French Charming ... what a great blog - and I LOVE daffodils :)
Can you send me some curls please - mine is stick straight and want to just be able to travel without all the hair stuff - curls could save me!!!!!
Best wishes for your upcoming trip Jane - just wish we could head West to meet up, instead I'll be flying East next week.
Did you watch the wedding this morning - OMG, talk about proud to be a Brit, I was ecstatic watching it and just sorry I couldn't be there today! I hope they have a happy life - they are a wonderful couple who will serve the Monarchy well I'm certain.
Hugs - Mary
Girly...that Dogwood is gorgeous and the Daffs are 2die4. I can't grow much. I'm truly garden-stupid...but I try...I try!
Love to you girl. Hope you are well and pressing onward.
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