I am so happy to join Shelia at Note Songs for her Heart Of The Home party, Show Us Your Cupboards. Well, in true form, this is really not a cupboard as such, but it takes the place of a cupboard that I spent much time looking through for herbs and spices when I was cooking. When our kitchen was being designed, the carpenter was going to make an enclosure for the refrigerator and I suggested some shelves for my spices. I drew up a little diagram and he scratched his head and said, "Do you really need all these shelves?" Yes, I did!
This is the upper portion on the unit. It's made of pine and simply coated with a clear finish. He carved the bread basket design that is also on the stove hood. He was really talented.
The lower shelves hold my cooking spices. As I took these pictures, my back was against the stove and sink area so you can see how I have the perfect set up for reaching what I need. And no...we don't use a lot of salt, I just happened to hit a sale.
The upper shelves hold more of my baking supplies. I don't really like to bake, but I love to decorate cakes and cookies. Again, the basket design.
There you have it. A wonderful alternative to a cabinet which I couldn't imagine being anything else. Drop by Shelia's for more beautiful cupboards and inspiration.
By the way, I caught the dreaded cold going around, so I am getting ready to crawl in with this guy in a little bit for a much needed nap! See you later in the week!
I hope you feel better!!! You must be soo proud of your organized cupboards! I don't think I could tackle it right now (I might have to show an old photo). :)
Come see my first give-away...AFTER a nap with your cutie.
You were clever to design such a useful storage space for your spices. I'd much rather grab what I need than have to go through a cabinet looking for a particular spice.
I love it when people make the most of their space-you definetly did that! It's very functional but very homey. Great job!
What a perfect place for your spices! I love this idea.
Feel better soon....
p.s. were your ears ringing today? Penny from Lake Lure Cottage Kitchen and I went out shopping and lunch today, and we were talking about your visit!
What a wonderful idea, love it. I have to dig to find something as simple as the salt shaker, (not because my cabinets are a mess or anything like that, lol). Hope you get to feeling better. See you over at Note Songs.
WOW, that is great Jane, and so organized, I feel like a bum now! Very inspiring for a gal like me.
Silly carpenter! Jane, this is a wonderful spice rack and having it handy as you cook is so functional. Rest up!
Jane, So sorry that you are feeling under the weather. Nothing better than a snuggle with our best friend to make us feel better eh? (That's my Canadian coming out in mye:o) What a great idea for shelves. I would be using them all the time as I love to cook and bake. My hats off to your wonderful idea!!
oh Jane, I LOVE your shelves!... now I want some just like it!... how handy to have all your spices, tea, cake decorating and such right at your fingertips, and it looks so fabulous besides!... love that breadbasket design too!... you are right, Milo looks alot like a mini~Tessy!... hope you feel better soon my friend... xoxo Julie Marie
ok, that looks much easier than me standing on a chair to see my spices in the cabinet over the microwave! lol I do hope you feel better. When you get a moment, I'm having a giveaway every week this month. Stop by to enter
This cabinet makes too much sense so that must be why the carpenter didn't understand it! lol.
Get well soon Jane!
Hi Jane~ I love your spice cupboard- how perfect where you have it and it's so very neat and organized too! Hope you are feeling better soon! Hugs, Courtney
First off - I am so sorry you are sick. It is really going around!
2nd off - LOVE this! What a beautiful piece! Talk about organized!
And I'm so glad I stopped by to catch up so I could find out about Shelia's party! Thank you!
Hope you feel better soon!
Happy Spring! :)
What a great idea to have open spice shelves :)
I do hope you're feeling better soon. It's so windy here today my poor plants are taking a beating :(
What a great use of space. I would love to have something like this. I'm always shuffling bottles around looking for one spice or another.
I hope the cold is short lived. La
Hope you feel better soon, Jane! I'm starting with my allergies {which I never had until after 40!}. I still can't tell if it's allergies or a cold coming on, except that my eyes bother me when it's allergies.
I think this is a great set up because you can see exactly what you have on hand. What was the builder thinking? Of course, you needed that many shelves! It obviously has worked out well as far as holding everything you need.
Feel better soon Janie ~ love your open concept cupboard and spices and such are the perfect items for it!
Jane, I am sorry you aren't feeling well! Hope tomorrow finds you feeling much better!
Now, you cabinet is WAY too neat:) Love it, mine is a mess, you inspire me to get it whipped into shape!
Have a blessed evening and enjoy your rest! HUGS!
This cabinet is brilliant. I hate the side of refrigerators and this is a great fix. Hope you feel better...I know yucky stuff is going around.
What a great space for spices! Hope you are feeling better, Jane.
I just had to comment on your song. I LOVE that song. It is soooo haunting and I have never heard it anywhere before except on my ipod. Hope you feel better soon! Love the blog!
BTW - I was talking about Almost Lover! I just noticed your music changes and you would have no idea what song my comment was referring to!
Hi Jane, What a beautiful use for space that could have gone unused. I hope you feel better soon!
P-e-r-f-e-c-t cupboards! TYhey are awesome!
what a great idea for all these spice shelves! super handy. Hope you feel better quick!
What a GREAT idea! One I will surely steal for my next kitchen! I had them put spice drawers on each side of my range top and I love the lower ones but the higher one is "grab and guess"...lol
Sure hope you are feeling better after a nap. Sorry that you got hit with a cold this time of year. Hope you can get to your cottage this weekend! xxoo Diana
I hope you feel better soon!
Your kitchen is great - and I love the spice cupboard. Aren't you glad you were able to make the carpenter understand what you wanted?
Sorry, you don't feel well. I have had my cold for 2 weeks. I have to nap every day it seems. It really knocks you. Get feeling better soon. You shelf is very organized and useful. I really like it. Thanks for sharing. Karie
Hope you feel better soon Jane!
Great storage space for all your spices..you're a neat freak like me i see! I wish i had shelves like you though...this is great!
Pamela xo
Oh, Jane! I'm sorry you're not feeling well and so appreciate you coming to my party anyway! I love this cupboard! Aren't you just the smartest one to design this! Wow! Look how many things it holds! Just wonderful.
Now you get some rest and feel better soon and give that little fuzzy face a hug and a lick from Chloe Dawn!
Thanks, Jane, for coming to my party.
You are a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Sorry you caught the cold....
I LOVE your spice cupboard! Louis Dean would give his eye teeth for one like that!
Hope you get well a whole lot sooner than your husband did! Didn't he have it a LONG time?
You are so creative in thinking this up! I hope you're feeling better soon.
Good Evening Jane..what a fun spice cabinet you have and it don't take up space love that..I have one also next to my stove but nothing fancy like yours..Hope you have a GREAT week my Dear friend..Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
What a great use of space! I hope you're feeling better soon :)
Love your idea to put shelves there..otherwise just wasted space. Very clever and glad your builder did such a nice job for you!
Miss Bloomers
What a great space...hope you are having a great week.
I'm so sorry you caught some of that nasty crud going around. Do you think it's partly from the change of seasons? It seems like everybody has or has had it.... I hope you're feeling all better ASAP!
LOVE that cupboard. How totally fabulous. And, handy. My daughter bough a home that was built in 1930 so it had an ironing board cupboard on a tiny wall in her equally tiny kitchen..... I suggested she take the board out and add tiny shelves for spices. It's just wonderful. Just deep enough for the tins, and it doesn't take up any room either..
Big get well huggies!
I love that Jane!
How clever are you to think of having it done that way! Such a pretty, pretty cupboard!
So sorry you have caught that cold. Climb under those sheets and get yourself better dear!
Feel better, Jane! and your spice design is very functional! Easy to find stuff when you need it, Amen!
Wow! I love this cupboard, Jane! Perfection!
You are brilliant! Designing that kitchen storage area!
You have the cold! -sigh- Of course you have the cold! Grrrrrrrrr... Good thing I'm not anywhere near your area. Or that husband of yours, would be in for a "tongue lashing"!
-He who would not go to a doctor and get help with ridding himself of his cold.
-He who, by his stubbornness, kept exposing you.
-You, who have so many breathing issues already.
Husband! Be glad you are miles away! Or you would be in for a "Auntie sezzzzzzzzzz," big time.
Gentle hugs,
Of course you need all of those shelves! What a great use of space and everything is so handy! Love it!! I hope that you feel better soon and take good care of yourself.
Lots of love,
Susan and Bentley
I like those shelves, Janie. What a great idea, so practical! I hope you get rid of your cold soon. Take care and get lots of rest and fluids...Christine
you are so blessed with all the little extras!
feeling so chic being on YOUR sidebar!
Thanks for your visit..and I love your cabinet here, what a smart use of a space! It's really cute too! ;D
wow your cupboard is so neat and organized. I wish mine looked like that
Jane I'm so envious of that terrific spice cabinet! I've always thought it would be great to have one! I use a lazy susan for mine...not quite the same but works okay;)
Hope you feel better soon....
Take care,
Hugs, Sherri:)
Hope you are feeling better today...colds are not fun.
Love your spice cupboard...what a great idea. hugs
Hi Jane,
I hope by the time you get this that you are feeling better.
I love your spice cabinet! What I wouldn't give......
sending hugs...
I truly hope you are feeling better soon! At least you have a sweet little companion to cozy up with.
Okay...I ♥♥♥ your cupboard and if I ever get a chance to re-design I am adding that same exact thing! (oops, do I sound like I am coveting?)
Get well soon.
Janie, I love your cabinet! That is so neat, and I think your carpenter did a super job.
I can't believe you caught the cold. Oh, you poor girla! Fred has it, too, and is miserable. He is actually sick as a dog, and I think it sounds more like the flu. He's there, and I'm here dealing with a mess.
I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. I'm blogging sporadically, but it gets my mind off what is going on here. We had two HUGE oak trees come down in our yard from our neighbor's yard, and I'm having to deal with all of that. They missed our house, Janie, by five feet. I am so grateful to God that they did. But it ripped the back yard to bits, and they're not done because they have to get the stump out. It is enormous, and they aren't sure how they will get it out without dragging a crane in there and risking breaking my yard to bits.
Anyhow, I'm whipped. Yesterday, I got up and dealt with phone calls, the housekeeper, a funeral (where I got lost trying to find it!), the grocery, the drug store, the eye doctor for allergy eyes, the tree men, the sprinkler men, and probably some others I have forgotten, etc. It was one of those days, and then I had to hurriedly cobble a post together. So I am racing around trying to visit.
This all started last week. We had freak storms in Florida, and this is what happened. THEN today they started again. My housekeeper called me, shaking. She told me to get away from the window. She's afraid my other neighbor's tree is going to crash down on me. Long story there with which I won't bore you.
I sure hope you get to feeling better. I'm glad you like the St. A cabinet. I always love your things, too, and I think that spice cabinet is the envy of the inernet. Very cool thing.
I finally took a mental health break earlier and bought four napkins. LOL! Not sure why, but a friend of mine had an open house at their shop. Tomorrow is a luncheon I'm skipping, and Thursday is a tea I'm attending, then I head back. Oh, and I have something else I'm going to send you in an email. You won't believe it!
Wish you were here...
Sheila :-)
Blondie!!! I love your cupboard! What a great use of space! I'm at work now and I just said that I would love to go home and curl up with my Chocolate Lab! Your dog is a cutie! I think their comfort and a cup of tea is the best medicine!
I hope you are feeling better!
Take Care!
{with love}
What a great idea! I love that it's all just so convenient while cooking.
Hope you feel better! Allergies are rough around here right now.
Very clever use of space! Hope you are on the mend.
Best organized cabinet I've seen today! WoW! Everything is readily available for all your cooking needs! Gives me ideas for a re~arrange On Crooked Creek!
What a great idea for storage and so pretty!!!! I love those pretty cafe curtains on that bay window in the last post...such a cozy area...hope you get to feeling better...thanks for coming by and for the sweet comment sweetie...take care...Picket
Wow it is so functional and so accessible I love that.
Write it in Lipstick
Hi Blondie,
Wow, what a great cabinet. It looks so handy to grab whatever you need. Love it!
Hope you feel better soon! Your little cupboard is just perfect! Don't you love then that happens?
You can never have too many spices! What a clever way to fit them all.
That cozy bed with the little guy looks like the perfect spot to nurse a cold. I hope you feel better soon, dear Jane.
Wow...I am impressed Jane...perfect order too! I like that you do not have to fumble around for anything, it is all at your fingertips. You are so clever Jane!!
Jeanne xx
Beautifully crafted cabinet :D
I know the weather is not supposed to cause illness, but it sure seems like they are closely related this past winter.
Our weather keeps changing so rapidly our sinuses cannot keep up and it seems everyone is suffering here.
Hope you are better now.
Ah, how wonderful to see all your spices lined up so proudly like that! I'm sure it makes your cooking so much easier than mine when I scrounge around a dark cupboard for the one I want.
I hope you feel better soon.
Jane this looks fantastic! I love organization and you are fabulous at it. Gorgeous!
Warmly, ~Melissa :)
Well, THAT is a well organized collection of spices!
Thanks for sharing, Jane!
Sending hugs,
Hi Jane,
I hope you feel better soon. Great cabinet and a wonderful way to display your spices! Thanks for sharing with us and stopping by to see mine.
that cupboard is so neat... great use of space!
Hi Jane,
Hi hope you are feeling better! That was an awesome idea to add all that storage in what would usually be wasted space. Very clever, I love it! Are you always that organized?
Love your spice cabinet. That is so perfect and you have it so organized too. I am totally impressed. Thanks so much for all your visits and you always leave such nice comments. Hugs, Marty
Love your awesome cupboard. Sooo neat. I hope you feel better very soon. Your pup is adorable. He'll be warm to cuddle up to;)
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens
Hope you feel better soon. Colds are such a bummer!
I need a cabinet like this. It's wonderful and looks like you use it to the fullest. I love it!
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE an organized..ANYTHING! But this is awesome! Come do mine :) Im sorry your not feeling well...rest!
O, EVERYone needs a cabinet like this. I love it!!
Feel better soon, Blondie.
xoxo bj
I have to say you are amazing !! I have not touch my cupboard for a long time ! LOL
OH Jane....hope you're getting a lot of rest and feeling better soon - got to be this WONDERFUL winter :P
We are so in love with your spice rack though....what a great idea - and how handy!! (and we might mention, so organized!!)
Karla's in the middle of designing a kitchen for herself.....perhaps she could use something like this!
Oh wow! So fabulous and organized girly! I LOVE IT! Great use of ALL your space!
Hi Jane! you should work as a kitchen designer at Home Depot!!!
What a great idea!
I hope you feel better today.
Warm fuzzies...
great space for spice!! I wish I had one. Mine are all crammed in one place and as I dig for one...two fall out. uffda! thanks for showing your great space!!
What a beauty this cabinet is, Jane. I love the style & workmanship.
Are you feeling better now? I hope so.
Have a beautiful weekend ~
You are so organized!
I hope you get better quick sweet Girl!!
Well that is just cool. I had a built in pantry designed into our last kitchen with a place for spices. Here...just in the cabinet where I fight with them all the time. Take care and get over that cold!
I absolutely love this spice niche! So unique and beautiful. Great design. Love the carving in the wood, too. Sorry to hear you're sick - hope you feel better soon!
Great idea to keep all those spices organised, you did find a good carpenter. Hope you are feeling better soon. Vitamin C and lots of rest.
WIshing you a good weekend,
Oooh, look at you and your lovely neat cupboards!!! You must have a big grin on your face every time you open it!!
Wow, Jane, I love your cupboard! It must make it easy to all your spices within easy reach when cooking.
Hope you feel better soon!
Hi Jane-
Sorry your not feeling to well, I hope the nap will help! I love the pantry and I can always sleep better when things are organized :)
It's so fun to see how people organize their spices. Your cupboard for these are amazing. Loved seeing this.
Sorry for your cold. Do feel better before the warm weather comes in a day or two!
Oh, thanks a billion for your sweet words on my table. :)
I'm so glad I didn't miss this darling little nook where you've got such great storage!!
That guy...""Do you really need all these shelves?"...was he kidding?? We can ALWAYS use more shelves. LOL
I'm trying to figure out how to add some to the top of my laundry room cabinets.
Happy Belated Birthday to your sweet Abby! She's a doll & I like BOTH of her gifts. ;-)
Hi Janie! I'm in shock over your Spice Cabinet!...now that maybe what this Praire Girl needs in her Farmhouse too! (wink) I enjoyed meeting new bloggers thank you for visiting! You have a new follower here!
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