I apologize for the not so great pictures in this post...because of our terrible weather, I don't have the best light. As you can see, it's almost blizzard like conditions in the Midwest. The snow is blowing sideways and drifting. This started late last night. Here is Milo, looking out the window, wondering why the squirrels don't want to come out and play.
I'm sorry my house looks like such a mess, we went to a wedding last night and got home late. I was really lucky because I was able to bring bits and pieces of some of the centerpieces home with me. Have you ever done that? The theme was Christmas and the vases were filled with evergreens, green hydrangeas and red roses. Simple green and red ornaments on picks were added as well. I was able to steal, er...save one full centerpiece {with the help of Mary Clare}, and one of the waiters gave me a shopping bag and I dismantled the centerpiece on my table and the one on my kid's table {much to their horror}. I knew I would embarrass them before the night was over. In this picture I have the ornaments on their picks in a wine glass. I can put these on my tree...which I don't have yet due to said blizzard.
The roses are just beautiful in a simple candle jar.
Here is a picture of the entire centerpiece.
I recycled 3 bunches of hydrangeas and have them hanging to dry. If anyone knows if this is the right way to do it, let me know. And how long do I let them dry? Until they are dry, I suppose. Duh! I hope they are by Christmas, I'd like to have a huge dried bouquet for my table, especially after risking my reputation and good name.
They look a little limp but I would, too if I were squished in a bag all night.
Am I lucky or what?
Now that I am finished bragging about my centerpiece heist last evening, I thought I'd show you the French Onion Soup I made for dinner Friday night. It looks pretty gross but makes up for that in flavor. In a nutshell, saute about 8 cups of onions in about 2 tablespoons of olive oil. When limp, add 8 cups of beef broth, a palm full of thyme and oregano each and a couple of good shakes of soy sauce until you have a rich, beefy flavor. Add a few grinds of pepper.
Toast some nice bread and put a slice in one of these nifty bowls that you can get on clearance at Sur La Table. Top with a slice of mozzarella cheese and run under the broiler for about a minute. This was so good The Husband was moaning. I hope you make it and enjoy it.
That's all I have today. I am hoping this weather clears up so I can get that darn tree. This is turning into a nightmare...sometimes I think my life should be a reality show! ;-D
Hi Jane, your weather looks like ours gets here... brrr!... love your centerpiece you "obtained"... and yes, you just hang your hydrangeas to dry, make sure they are in a cool (not cold!) dry place where the air will circulate around them... not sure if they will be dry in two weeks though, depends on how cold it is where you put them...your soup sounds yummy... xoxo Julie Marie
Oh Jane my mouth is watering over that soup..easy too! Pretty centerpiece. My youngest was watching football today and it was blowing snowing and terrible, I asked him where is that, he said Chicago...and I thought poor Jane!
Wow, can't believe those pictures of the snow...is it always that thick so early in the season? Love your floral score...I have to admit to taking home a lovely table arrangement from a fancy dinner I went to once at Parliament House...and I sure wasn't the only one!
Uhm, yummy! That French onion soupd sounds good with this kind of weather. Thanks for ther ecipe, Janie. Nice centerpieces. I do that too when the hosts say to take it and they usually do.....Christine
Oh YUM!! Jane onion soup is one of my favorite soups besides potatoe cheese Ok now I'm making myself hungry ha ha!!
Oh girl I hate that white stuff we have had 3 snow stroms up here on my mountain so far and many more to come...Glad you have a fun time at the wedding did the wedding party dress in red gowns...Stay in keep war and eat some yummy soup...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Your weather looks frightful. We've had horrible winds and some snow and frigid temperatures. Lots of things blown over in the yard, to be picked up when it's not quite so cold. What a lucky duck you are.. the flowers are gorgeous. I love the ornament on a stake... what fun to use that in an arrangement.. poor Milo the squirrels will come out another day... stay warm. hugs ~lynne~
I hope you get your tree, soon. The snow is still coming down and the wind in wicked down here. Interstate 70 is closed in our part of the world and they are routing the traffic via state road 130 to the old route 40(the road before 70), through our little town.
Your soup sounds great!
OOO La La! That French Onion soup looks DELICIOUS! Your centerpiece came out great. Love the red roses with the hydrangea. So Pretty. Also, your little dog looking out the window - adorable.
Just stay safe and warm, Jane! The tree can wait! Lucky you getting some centerpieces. It is our job to embarrass our kids ~ no matter how old they get!
Poor Milo! The squirrels are probably up in your attic like mine are, running back and forth across the rafters.
OMG Jane, I am giggling at you taking the centerpiece apart and bringing them home! THAT sounds just like something I would do too! Love it and the pieces are gorgeous! The drying process looks correct to me! But... trust me, I am no professional:)
Have a blessed evening! Gonna try that recipe, we LOVE French Onion Soup! HUGS!
Your snow has arrived here in Ohio this afternoon! I hear more is coming over night and the temps have really dropped with blowing winds...very "january like"! I let my hydrangeas dry just in a vase without doing much of anything. I am sure yours will dry just fine! Hope you get your tree soon!~Hugs, Patti
Actually, I think your photos are great--I like the lighting of them. And seeing the snow outside the window with the rocker there--so cozy. Then add in the beautiful flowers, Christmas balls, and to top it off the French Onion soup -- seems all very festive to me! Enjoy the snow, if you can. Here we have cold, drenching rain all day.
That french onion soup looks oh so yummy Jane!!
Beautiful centerpiece too!
Pamela xo
Hi Jane,
Looks nice and cozy there in your home.
The onion soup looks and sounds good. I think I'll give it a try.
Hi Jane! This weather.............ICK! I'm sooooo salivating over your baked French onion. That is by far my favorite soup! Your centerpiece is beautiful! P.S. I bought my bag of "snow" at Hobby Lobby.
Same weather here babe - hubby is working, out driving his big green truck in in right now too!
Where did you get the hydrangea? I know when you cut them fresh to dry you wait til just right before the flower is going to fade, then they hold their shape otherwise the shrivel. I'd like to see how pre-cut ones come out, I wonder if it's the same thing, if you should just keep them in water til the last minute.... don't know.
I make french onion too - LOVE IT! But I don't use beef stock - just white wine.
I could eat it every day!
Hey snowgirl! You guys got hit harder today than we did I think....so far anyway! How much snow did you get? We only got a few inches, but mega winds tho!
Yup, you're drying your hydrangeas just like I did this fall. Just make sure they're not close to each other. They're going to make a beautiful centerpiece!!!
Thank you for the great recipe! I'm definitely going to try it! LUV French onion soup!!!
I hope that you can gather up the sled dogs and go get your tree this week! lol!
xoxo laurie
I can almost smell the flowers and the soup!! Pretty sights and smells to warm even the coldest of winter days!!!
Hi Jane, oh boy, the soup looks so yummy. Just put me some in the mail ! :) :) :)
Oh Jane,
You are so much fun! I wish I had been there, I could have been your partner in crime! hehe.
I can't believe it's only been a week since we got together. We spent the day trying to dig out of this mess. We got at least 18 inches! A record for here!
Take Care and Stay Warm,
Big Hugs,
Hi Jane! It looks like my weather has came to visit you. Yesterday was awful here.
Lucky you to get those centerpieces. That is how I dry my hydrangeas too...it always seems to work out. Best wishes :) Tricia
Jane, the French onion soup looks delicious. One of my favorite soups!
Stay warm! ~ Sarah
Hi Jane!
That first picture is just right, a bit dark to get that winter feeling across, all the way to Switzerland (where the snow is melting...), love it! I'm glad to be back blogging, I don't know why, but all of a sudden I was behind a lot in reading and posting. Hope you will have a good, melting snow with sunshine, week! Maureen x
whoa! all of this looks so excellent! the flowers are GORGEOUS (and what a GREAT idea for a holiday wedding-red and green!), and that soup does not look gross at all. in fact, i'd say it looks downright delectable:) thanks for sharing your fun, cold-weather goodies with us! enjoy that snow! i'd love a little over here in N.C.:)
Yum! Your soup looks delicious and I'm not even a fan of French onion soup. LOL! Seriously, it looks sooo good. That is such a pretty floral arrangement. Perfect colors for the season. I like how you added the Christmas ball too. Sorry, I haven't tried drying out the hydrangeas before but it will be interesting to find out how.
The flowers look so lovely this time of year. Between the soup and your doggy looking out the window at the blowing snow you've created a pretty cozy post!
Hi Jane~ your flowers are beautiful and I bet your soup was just wonderful, especially on a cold snowy day! Thank you so very much for your sweet comment on my Grammy post this morning. I appreciate your kind words. :)
Hugs, Courtney
Hi Jane. I think that soup would be soo good right about now. :) I seem to be catching a cold, boohoo. ugh We are having a mild autumn. The highs have been in the 60s here. It's cold in the mornings but when the sun comes out, it is really nice. You guys stay safe in your area! Take care:)
We have cold weather but not much snow.
Your French Onion soup looks amazing. I used to work at Famous Barr a May Company store in STL. They had a restaurant called Papa Fabarre's. The name was a play on the store name. The store was bought out when Macy's bought out May Co stores. Anyhow...they had the most delicious French Onion soup. It was always a treat to have lunch at Papa Fabarre's and I always ordered that soup.
Oh my goodness...with the weather so bbbrrr outside, your soup looks so yummy and comforting....might have to go and get me some onions and get cooking!! Thanks for the inspiration!!
Ooh Jane that onion soup looks exquisit!!! I love onion soup! Looking at your first picture, it all looks so festive out there. Our snow has disappeared for now but I am sure it won't be long before we get more...
Isabelle x
Seeing all the bad weather in your neck of the woods, I was kind-of worried about you. -sigh- Hope it's only effect, is having to wait longer, to get your tree.
Oh and as to the drying hydrangeas... :-) I only did it once, but they lasted forever. What did I do? Just stuck them in a vase and set it out and enjoyed them. They must have dried.
Come to think of it, why do we have to hang 'em up and all? Just set 'em in a vase and start enjoying them, right away. :-)
That's my easy-way! :-)
I dry my hydrangeas upside down. I have tried to dry them in a vase but that did not work. The soup looks yummy and comforting and I want some. Stay warm lovey. ♥O
It's all just very simple: floral goodies — beautiful, snow — cold, soup — warm. Sounds like a good mix to me!
I know I embarrassed my kids on many occasions and we all survived. Now my daughter embarrasses her daughter and I just sit back and laugh.
Stay warm!
I love soupy snow days!!! : ) I can't wait for Baltimore to get a good snow.
Your flowers are gorgeous.
Stay safe and warm. The tree can wait! Love what you acquired and your centerpiece. Believe it or not it will be 25 degrees in Orlando, Florida tonight! Our second hard freeze of the season. Crazy??
Oh please please please send some snow our way....we really really want some for Christmas!
your flowers are lovely...that red rose..stunning! Thanks for sharing.
I'm laughing over your children's embarassment. I always tell my children that it's part of the job description for being a mother. What pretty flowers you came home with! I'll look forward to seeing your dried hydrangea centerpiece. I LOVE onion soup, and yours looks excellent! laurie
I thought of you today when the news was talking about the lake effect & all the snow you were having. OH MY!!!!!!!! I'm so glad we don't have that to deal with this next few weeks. As I posted, Hubby got a new puppy this week & I have not enjoyed going out into our cold weather MANY times a day (who's getting trained here?) & can only imagine if I had to deal with that where you are. HECK, she might use puppy pads until Spring if we were up there with you. Stay warm & by the way... LOVED the flowers & soup. HUGS!
I don't know what mess you are talking about because to me your home looks very warm and cozy. Enjoy your winter days and snuggle up with your loved ones and keep each other warm.
Lovely flowers.....It does look like a blizzard there...I think you made the perfect soup for a cold stormy day. It looks yummy, especially with the melted cheese. Thanks again for popping in and leaving your sweet comments.
We have also had
SOME weather and
that soup looks like
the perfect cure for
the below zero blues!!
Happy Tuesday,
xx Suzanne
G'morn, Jane ~ I so envy you your weather, blow it my way!
My favorite ... & this recipe looks so delicious & easy.
Your florals are awesome.
Merry Christmas hugs, my friend ~
Oh, darlin' Blondie, you can't do a thing about it so just embrace that snowy weather..build big fires, drink lots of hot drinks, read magazines, bake, call a friend, take a nap...NOW, that is one i really love to do on a snowy day..NAP.;))
Excuse me now while I go see if I have enuf onions for this soup. Not that I need it to warm us up. Temps here yesterday, while we hung icicle lights to the house, was 72 degrees. Today, it is supposed to be 75 and I have leaves to rake. :))
My goodness, that's a lot of snow, Jane! Your house looks so warm & cozy, though...lovely!
That soup looks delicious, and sounds like just the perfect thing today--thanks for sharing it!
Hope you stay warm & cozy today...
Jane your weather looks like ours! Your centerpiece is very lovely! I adore hydrangeas! Your soup looked very comforting and yummy in cold weather! Traci
That must have been a beautiful wedding, the flowers are gorgeous and you are good to "recycle" them!!
Hope you can get your tree soon!
I'm still in awe of the snow outside your window:-). Love the centerpiece too! Xx
Just wanted to wish yall a very Happy Anniversary today!!!
May you have many more years of wedded Bliss!!!
That soup looks yummy..I love to have it when dining out..now I can try it homemade!!
Hi Jane, Hope your weather has improved, but from the weather reports it doesn't sound like it. Even Florida is cold. Love your soup recipe! I haven't made French onion soup in ages. I think the Worstershire is a good touch. All the flowers are lovely.
Good Morning Dear Jane,
How are you feeling my dear? All better? Thanks for your sweet comments on my table!
I just went and checked our outdoor thermometer and it read minus 7. I hate this bitter cold!
Now is when i feel like packing up and moving to AZ. or Florida.
Hugs Friend,
Oh I love your weather. I keep giving Cindy a hard time that she is having way too much fun without me, and she says she is just so cold. Sunday it was 90 here! YUCK! But today is nice and cloudy and cool. YAY! It seems more like Christmas.
I dry my hydrangeas the same way. They will become crumbly, I think there is a technical way to do it that I don't know about. I have some up on my hutch that I have had for about 3 years now. Not sure if yours will be dry in a week though, mine took months.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE French Onion Soup! yours looks divine! I have a newer recipe and you add Portabello mushrooms to it - DIVINE! And I have the same little crocks as you only mine are brownish. Love those things.
Well, I wanted to stop by and say Hi and catch up. Someday us ladies all have to meet up somewhere and have a big gab session. You and CIndy look like you have way too much fun together. I get to meet up with her in AZ next month. Can't wait. We have such fun together.
have a great day and stay warm!
Hugs! Karen
yummy! that soup looks devine! hydrangeas & roses....oohh how i miss those this time of year!
Hi Janie,
I know what I'll be thinking of for days... French onion soup, a fav here. I'm going to try it w/veggie stock and see what happens, maybe over the weekend! That Milo is darling, I want to just hug him!
Love your centerpiece heist ;)
We have been following your weather.....oh brother!!!
Do you ever think you will dig out from under all that snow.
Hi Jane, yep...it snowed while we were in Chicago but not enough to keep us from going. We took the train into the city and walking the streets in the blustery cold was unbearable. Had to grab taxis to get from place to place but we still had a fabulous time and with the snow falling it was so Christmasy while window shopping. Yep...you did the right thing with your hydrangeas but you can just also put them in a vase without water and they will dry just fine. Hope you got your tree by now. Mine's not up either and probably want get put up this year. That's a first for me. xoxo
blondie, yum and yay!!!!
You know I love those hydrangea!!! :)
I think your idea is great for the Christmas centerpiece. I am going to try your french soup recipe. Looks yummy! :)
What BEAUTIFUL flowers. They must have looked so wonderufl at a Christmas wedding. You can hang the hydrangeas somewhere warm to dry them faster. The trick is to dry them before they have a chance to rot!!
Hello Jane!
Glad we aren't the only one that hasn't got their decorations up and all together yet :)
Laughing at you and your reception "gifts" - ha!! We wouldn't worry about it - those fresh flowers would be thrown away at the end of the night...you were just saving them - hee hee hee!
Lovin that French onion soup...looks perfect for our chilly days - maybe we'll make some for this weekend - yum!!
Wishing you lots of decorating inspiration the rest of this week, so you can check it off of your list, with your gifts :)
Karla & Karrie
The first thing I want to do in gloomy weather is get something going on the stove. Looks delicious! Jacqueline
That centerpiece is just beautiful...and the soup looks mighty tasty!
Mmm that soup looks delicious! I love hydrangeas but I've never dried them. Merry Christmas!
Even though it looks bitterly cold...your home looks warm and inviting....and homemade soup even. And nothing like flowers to make you feel better.
How pretty, Jane! And now you have me wanting French onion soup...looks so yummy! Merry Christmas!...hugs...Debbie
I adore the centerpiece...hydrangeas are my favorite so you can never go wrong with those in my book, and the onion soup would be the perfect dinner for our freezing cold and icy NC weather!!
Looks like a good day for a cozy blanket and a stew. That Milo is a darling. Is he looking for squirrels & birds? Love seeing those flowers this time of year.
Same weather here Jane. Ah well, i guess winter was due to arrive but I don't like the cold. Why not save the flowers? They were probably headed for the trash and they certainly deserve to be appreciated longer! I LOVE french onion soup and I havent made it in ages. I need to add it to my menu now!
Every time I see your picture in the baseball hat, it just makes me smile. Such a cute picture. The flowers are absolutely stunning, but I love the onion soup. Can you tell I am cold and hungry. It sounds so good. Hugs, Marty
Hi Jane,
The centerpiece flowers are beautiful, and your soup looked so yummy! Hope you can get your tree soon & make more merry!
- susan
Hi Jane! Oh, my goodness! It sounds like it's freezing at your house! Cute photo of your little fuzzy face looking out the window.
You scarfed centerpiece looks wonderful. I love hydrangea too and would loves huge lots of it to poke on my tree, but alas - no have! :)
No tree!! Oh, Jane, you must get a tree!! :)
As much as I love French Onion Soup, I've never made any. I'll have to try your recipe.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Fresh flowers in Dec are a treat, squished or not! And so many months before we have real hydrangea again!
Enjoy your bouquet. We missed the snow but it was frigid and windy yesterday, a few degrees warmer today!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Dearest, you left me hankerin' for that onion soup!!
Your decor is so lovely and I adored the photo where we could see the snow outside.
Deanna :D
Oh, what weather! I wish I could borrow some! I bet your hydrangeas will dry beautifully like that. We love soup around here an dyours looks delicious!
I love hydrangeas and I love yummy soup on a cold winter day! Stay warm! ~Deb~
Did your sachet come? It should be at your place by now! I hope you love it!
You are too funny....loved reading about your centerpiece heist! And I agree that an evening out with the kids is not complete unless I embarrass them in some way!
The soup looks and sounds delicious. That last picture with the cheese melted over the top really had me thinking about making some. My MIL arrives on Monday and she LOVES French Onion soup so I'm going to have to try this.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Hi sweetie, I hope your weather is better now. We've had cold and cloudy days and just a bit of snow. It sure doesn't look like a White Christmas here.
Happy Holidays! hugs ~lynne~
It may be cold and snowy outside ~ but your house looks warm and cozy! Your French onion soup looks delish too!!
Lots of love,
Susan and Bentley
Hi Jane, I'm glad the wedding went well, those centerpieces are beautiful and I'm glad you saved them from going into the trash...besides our kids need a little embarrassing from us every once in awhile!
My daughter and sister love French onion soup and yours looks delicious!
Hugs to you my friend.
YUMMMMMM. . . I love French onion soup. . . and that recipe looks like something I could do!
Your flowers are beautiful--and believe me, your house is NOT a mess!
Hope your weekend is beautiful and blessed, just like you.
I love roses with evergreens. Beautiful centerpiece. I am loving your soup too. French onion is one of my very favorite soups. Your looks perfect! Yum. Have a Merry Christmas!
Hi Jane,
Love the heist...I am always up for that undercover embaressment of the kids. Good luck with the tree shopping...and good luck with that blizzard. Stay safe and Merry Christmas..Maryrose
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