Saturday, March 27, 2010


Decorating, renovating, rehabbing... it's supposed to be fun, exciting if you will. Then you start to run into problems. You look at paint colors, magazines and end up flinging them into the air. At least that is how it is going for me.

We have started on the family room, second bathroom and hall. Stripping wallpaper and priming the walls. Our painter has left me with 2 books of paint colors. 2000 samples in each book. I have had them for 2 days and haven't even taken a look. I am so indecisive, I am afraid to look and not like anything. Out of 4000 samples. I think that is color overload. But bear with me. We aren't just painting, I am trying to redecorate these rooms that have been dull and brown and boring. My head is swirling with ideas and visions of how I want it all to look and how to make it look the way I want it to look.
This is our funky bath. None of my pictures were staged, however I believe I put the cap back on the toothpaste. Do you save caps in case one gets lost? I do. Anyway, note the wood on the walls. The previous owners had lofty ideas. It has been a love/hate situation. Let me know which side you are on.
When we wallpapered 20 years ago, I tried to feminize the bathroom a bit (which is the 2nd bath and across the hall from the girls room). I have a pale pink marble~look vanity top and the wallpaper is a trellis pattern with all sorts of pastels. I think I worked too hard against the existing look... not good. But I have lived with it. The cedar is definitely being painted white.
Of course you can click on to make the pictures larger. In addition to trying to feminize the room, I have a sort of rustic country look going on that is outdated. Where has my mind been? I guess I was just trying to work with what I had.
Now this is the family room. The wallpaper is above the chair rail and it is a very faint beige with tiny blue flowers. The couch is various shades of beige and the chairs have a bit of green.
The woodwork is oak and I have encountered a problem with The Husband not wanting to paint it. I thought it would look very pretty painted white. But that is a no go. The carpet is a light beige frieze. And all of this has to stay. All of it. The furniture came from my husbands office when he moved to a smaller suite and didn't have room for it. I don't think I would have ever picked this out. But again, I have to work with what I have.
This is my crafting corner with an oak table. It stays.

So my dilemma is: What color do I paint? How do I decorate this room in a way that is pleasing to me? What sort of style do I like?

Last night I went through a ton of my old Romantic home. Romantic Country and Cottage Style magazines. I also had visions of blogger's homes and remodels. This process helped (when I was not flinging things) and I have some very good ideas, but I will elaborate on that in another post.

This is the work in progress. It only took 2 days to strip the wallpaper. Next there is some patching.
And horrors of horrors, we found a lot of wall and ceiling damage in the bathroom that has to be fixed with new drywall. Additional time and money.

Am I still excited? Yes. I am forging ahead like a soldier. I will whip these rooms into shape and I will love the results. But I appreciate any ideas you may have as far as colors and ways of giving these rooms personality. Fun, fun, fun!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


Pondside said...

Good morning, Blondie! I was just about to shut down the computer and start brunch and saw that you'd posted.
What a lot of work you have ahead of you! I'm with you on the cedar - paint it out as fast as you can. It's too bad about the oak though. What is it with hubands and oak? The Great Dane won't have it touched - sacred wood!
My best advice would be to keep things pale as a backdrop. You can do so much with accessories, draperies etc, but if your background is 'flexible' then you can have some fun later.
Good luck!

Tamerie Shriver Halliday said...

So glad you asked! You know me, and that means you know I LOVE color. But you are not me. My best advise is go with your gut. What colors make you happy? Don't worry about what anyone else thinks. It matters what you like and what you think. Paint can always be painted over at a later date. So, if you want some color you think might not be salable, who cares? Another thing about painting walls a color - choose a few that you like and then paint a rather large (maybe 18"x18") test area of all of them. Live with it for a week. Look at it all types of light and times of day. Paint tends to change color, depending on the light. And if you make a mistake, you can always fix it. It truly is not the end of the world. Just don't be afraid to use what you like.


P.S. Definitely paint the wood white!

Simple Home said...

You're going to love it when it's all done, I'm sure. It's just all the work to get there, isn't it? I don't think I could ever decide with 4000 colors to choose from, that almost seems unfair of them to do that to you :-) You have a wonderful style though, so just trust your instincts and you'll do well, I'm sure of it.

Stacey said...

You go girl!! It is so overwhelming to take on projects like that. I do what you have done...I take inspiration pictures and try to emulate them but in a way that fits us. It's so exciting when it all comes together but there may be some sleepless nights!

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

I think I would paint the woodwork while hubby is at work...but then, my Mr.Honey doesn't allow me any space in his garage, so I would feel somewhat entitled. L.O.L. It's always chaos before transformation. I can't wait to see your final results.

Theresa said...

Oh my, that is a lot of work! Stick with it and I would stay with a light color because of all the wood, which is beautiful. Enjoy your redecorating project and have a blessed day!

Kathleen Grace said...

I hear you. I have tried to work with what I have for years. It took me ages to convince hubby to paint the woodwork in the living room, but he liked it when it was done. I brightened the room considerably. Having said that, I wouldn't have done it if I couldnt have convinced him. It's his home too! The only thing left to do is work with the wood. Maybe a warm, traditional kind of room would work out. Think of paneled libraries with deep, natural colors maybe? Or go to beter homes & gardens website and look for decorating that incorporates the warmth of wood tones?
I think the bath will look beautiful with the cedar painted white. I was overwhelmed choosing a color for the dining room. 4000 colors to choose from is way too many! Find a inspiration photo that you think you can copy and go from there.

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Hey Jane....Girl I know what you mean about men and what I would do is work with it...I would paint the bottom part one color top part another and the bottom part I would add frame molds to make it more like a library Susan at between naps did on her DR...the cedar I would paint Creamy white and do the top half in sea mist green to make the bathroom more of a spa like...toss in some big white fluffy towels Oh I can just see it now..ha ha!! Hope you have a GREAT weekend my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Julie Marie said...

Hi Janie... looks like you have your hands full! I totally agree with Tamerie... do what makes YOU happy! I hate to see ladies follow trends and fads if it is not something they truly love... I know you are a lady with a mind of her own, and will make your home exactly how you love it and it will say "ME" to you when you are finished with it... I still love your rustic look, I don't think that is outdated, even if "someone" (I never really know who these trendsetters are, and who cares what "they" like) say it is... have fun deciding, I can't wait to see the "after" photos! xoxo Julie Marie

Sonny G said...

Its gonna look great. Alot of work for sure but the end result will be wonderful and you'll be so happy you did it.
as for how to get around Mr. Wood:-) my suggestion is beadboard over the top pf the oak. Its light, only takes a few nails to keep it in place and its easy to put up. This way you can keep reminding him his beloved aok hasnt been harmed or removed. After some time passes he'll forget all about the oak.. Just carefull removed the trim molding and save it.. there again, his aok is safe its just in storage.. lol
Good luck and again , its gonna be great.

niartist said...

Woooops! I don't know how I did that. (Those erases are from me!)

niartist said...
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niartist said...
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Tina said...

Hi Jane. Wow you have done so much work and now should be the fun part. I totally agree with Tamerie. This is your home and as such should be a reflection of you and what makes you happy. So I would choose colours that make you smile and I know that you can incorporate them into the rooms with the oak trim. As for the paint books with 4000 colour choices, that would make me fling it too:) I would look at other things for inspiration such as fabric, coloured paper, flowers, china, anything really and if you find the right colour and shade, just get your paint colour matched. I have to agree with Tamerie again - it is just paint, it can be repainted so don't be worried if you get it 'wrong'. I can't wait to see what you do as I know it is going to look fabulous!~ Tina x

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi Jane,
Just go to Home Depot or Lowes and grab some color samples that you love. A big book like that is just too confusing. Too bad hubs won't go with the white woodwork, that would really brighten things up! However, our living room is a soft yellow called butter cookie. It really brightens against our oak woodwork and wood floors. My Mom painted the wood in a bedroom cottage white and it just pops so wonderfully. She used soft blues, but any shade would look wonderful. Well good luck dearie, I know you'll come up with something wonderful! Big Hugs and did you hear it's going to be in the 70's next week? Yipee!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Jane,
I am not too much on color on my walls. I pretty much stay neutral and let my furniture, window treatments and decor add the color.

I am loving the new blue/grays, but my home is mostly a creamy color throughout. I never seem to tire of it.

You just need to decide what makes you feel the most comfortable and start with one thing and work off of that. I know it's hard but once you get started there will be no stopping you.


June said...

Jane I feel your pain in this process. We have done a lot of remodeling in our house and I have learned that I am going to second guess my way through the entire process. I also hate to choose paint colors...hate it! I am so afraid of making a bad choice. I always laugh when I hear people's only paint, you can always change it. Well I hate to paint and if I make a bad choice I know that I am going to live with it for a long time, because I will be too afraid of making another bad choice. lol
Your cedar walls will be awesome painted. I love wood walls, especailly painted wood walls.
I wish you luck.

Lynn said...

I wish I lived near you, because I LOVE to decorate!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Blondie

When the cedar in the bath is painted any light hued color you favor will do. Since the vanity top is pink perhaps a light sage or kiwi color green would compliment it?

I might be in the minority, but like the oak trim in your family room! Since you have a lot of beige maybe a color that warms it up a little would be nice.

Of course I have almost all off white walls in my house. except for one light sage green bedroom that i love ... so I'm also colored

Good luck! It will be wonderful when its all done!

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

4000? Seriously? When we go to peoples homes we give then 5 choices MAX - that IS overload!!
You might want to pick out the colors, instead of getting paint & painting it, you can order swatches online - anywhere from 6x6 to 10x10. If you can't get them, the paint guy should be able to order them (free of charge) from the paint store (if you know a designer, they should be able to do this also). We don't mind that oak either - if that is what has to stay - make the best of it!! Not sure what you would like, but if it were ours, we'd get some extremely pretty wall paper that had that warm, rich, oak color in it to make the woodwork pop!!
Best of luck to you Jane!

PS - working on my bathroom right now....know what you're going through on a smaller scale! (speaking of the we don't save our caps :) and yes, for goodness sake, paint that cedar - be sure to put a really good primer on, those knots will bleed through!!)

Linda said...

Oh boy, I hear you on this one. We are about to redo 3 bathrooms and my head is swimming too. The first question is where do you start!? I'm starting on the granite countertops and going from there. For you, once you pick a wall color, it will all fall into place. We both just need starting points.

Too bad hubby won't let you paint the woodwork. I have all of my doors and baseboards off white. It's so clean and fresh looking.

Gayle from Southern Thresholds said...

I have the EXACT same wood in my downstairs bathroom...and worse I have knotty pine in my den! I HATE the walls in my den but my husband will not budge on this one. he says I have complete control over the rest of the house but he will NOT paint that precious solid wood walls...YUCK!

I had stained woodwork in a lot of my rooms but now, every room has white trim except the den!

Phyllis @Around the House said...

I love remodeling, call me goofy, don't care much when Mr, wants to get involved....We use to have more wood wood, somehow it all got painted black or white or taken down....I love your room and know it is gonna look wonderful when you add that special touch...Phyllis

Maggie said...

Hi Blondie,
reading the comments it sounds as if we all agree paint the cedar white for sure. 4000 paint colours is just overload, just go with what speaks to you, and it'll be perfect.
Looking forward to seeing how things progress.
Bon chance.
BTW the dishes in your Easter tablescape are gorgeous.

The Stylish House said...

Now this looks like fun to me! Painting the woodwork in your bathroom will freshen and lighten it up. Who knows Mr. Blondie might just like it so much he just might change his mind. I hope you continue to post photos of your rooms so we can see the outcome. I can see a pretty sage green paint color working well with your pieces.

Natasha in Oz said...

I am sure that whatever you do it will be stunning! You have impeccable taste and exquisite style Janie so I cannot wait to see what you decide!

Best wishes always,

Paula@SweetPea said...

You are going to be so happy when all of this is done. Good luck with your paint color decisions. That is a tough one.

Anonymous said...

You know what immediately came to mind when I saw the bathroom walls? Whitewashing them! Or grey-wash.. depending on your taste in colors. Let me tell you, picking wall colors is as fun as bamboo sticks under your fingernails in my opinion. There are thousands of shades of every color, and it never looks the same on the wall as it does on the chip, and it's a BIG DECISION!!!... So, good luck..I'll enjoy watching your progress.

Oh, and I like to get ideas from the pottery barn catalogues.. I like the feel of their staged rooms and it helps to "see" it and plan it from that.

Kat said...

I'm so glad that you can paint that cedar. Mom has it in her living room and I've been trying to convince her to let me paint it for 20 years! I definitely see a cottage look to the bath. And I feel your pain with the wood, if we had that there is no way DH would let me paint it. Take a deep breath, find a few shades that you like and get some sample pints - I'm color challenged too, so I'm anxious to see what you come up with. I love everything you've done in your lake house, so I know that you can do this! Hugs, Kathy

Magdalena said...

This is going to be a fun project for you, how exciting!! But a lot of work and comprise, not so exciting :) the end you will have created a beautiful environment that reflects you and your husband. I always want to paint oak...I have a Hoosier cabinet and it is oak?? ( at least it looks like it ) it is in perfect condition so I struggle w/ painting it. I haven't done it yet so instead I grouped all white dishes in it to 'lighten' the look and for now I am pleased. I would paint your round table a creamy white and put a large white jug in the middle filled with seasonal flowers either fresh or faux. A lovely basket on there with some craft supplies..and it will be much brighter, you can always repaint/stain if you don't like it. Well now I'm off to see what I can pain over today, I just need to get my Mr. Bunny out of the house before he trys and stop me!

Dana and Daisy said...

Oh Jane, I feel your pain girl. I like the idea of painting your cedar walls in the bathroom white. I also understand the man of the house wanting your trim to stay oak, and while it is a guy thing, I can also say there may be a good reason to do that. Once you start chaning the trim color, where do you stop? and do you and to paint doors, too, and what about the mantle, see it never stops.

I know what you mean about paint colors. I went round and round the color wheel before picking my wall colors in my bedroom. and I landed on adobe white and bone. I like the bone especially. I think I would even like a darker shade of it in my bathroom.

Do you watch HGTV shows non-stop like I do? I think they are the reason we all crave new surroundings. for me anyway.

From what I know of you, I would say your style is casual, family-friendly, not fussy, but you would like a little bit of sparkle. Now that could be any colors that speak to you. light neutrals and whites are in right now, but as we all know, they will be passe in just a few years, so if it color you want, you should have. But if the light and breezy look is appealing to you, then go for it. Your selection of magazines tells me you like a cozy and cottagy room.

I would look at a slightly darker color on the bottom on your wainscot walls, and a lighter shade of the same color above it, and lighter still on the ceiling. I think this would ground the room and make sense with the wainscot, but lighten and lift the rest of the room. I would probably avoid draperies with a valance. I think they are outdated and they seem to diminish natural light. I like draperies on rings so you can open them wide! and I also like the look of wooden blinds, and you might tie in your wood details by using those.

Will you recover any furniture? I like the colors in your furniture. It could work well with the cottage look.

and what about your floors? are you keeping the carpet or replacing? it looks like a nice neutral color and if replacing is not an option, you could put a rug over it for a pop of color.

I will tell you that I've gotten rid of a lot stuff during our remodel. It was good stuff and some if stuff I even liked. But I decided not to let my old stuff define my rooms and I was ready for less stuff in the house. It sure makes the rooms seem spacious when every nook and corner is not filled with stuff. Be brave but be practical. Save the things you really love or have a use for, then sell, donate or gift away the things you really don't need anymore. It has been very liberating for me to do this.

Much Love, Dana

Dana and Daisy said...

okay, i just re-read your post and realize you are keeping your carpet. but it looks like a good color. One thing stood out to me in your room, everything is very much the same lightness. This tells me you really like the light open spaces of the cottage look. But one bit of advice I have learned. You must have contrast somehow. Or if everything is very muted and close in color, then you must have lots of texture for it to work right.

I also wanted to make a suggestion for your craft items: I would look for an old dresser or bureau at a tag sale and paint it white, put some funky knobs on it and keep your supplies tucked away put of sight, since it is in the family room where I presume you also have guests at times. I am beginning to see the beauty of putting stuff in my house behind closed doors or drawers. it really cuts down on the clutter look.

Also, for your entertainment center, consider buying some fabric lined baskets or cloth covered boxes to keep your dvds and such in. I think it will bright that area up a little and help hide the black techno stuff that we cannot live without these days.

And I would put a floor lamp by that chair in the corner and make a nice reading nook. (I also like the artwork in the corner. you might try it stacked vertically instead of side by side for a little change in look. (if you plan to paint that wall and can patch the holes.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Hey Hon, how can anyone else suggest ideas to you? Home decoration is all about what resonates with us, in our home. Which is common sense, yes?

Susan Freeman said...

Here are a few suggestions. I am glad that you are painting the cedar in the bathroom white. Just make sure you prime it first so that the knots and stain don't bleed through. I would add a bit of decorative trim to the hard edges to soften the look a bit. Painted white also. Go to Hooked on Houses and look at the trim in Kathleen's apartment in You've Got Mail and you will see what a bit of extra trim can do. You might try a very soft blue for the walls, or just keep it white. Think about pulling out the cabinet and look for an antique dresser, paint it white as well and drop in a sink, or add it to the top. Also, replace the mirror with an oval one. Or look for an antique one. In your family room, put white slipcovers on the furniture. That allows you to change the look with decorative pillows as your whims change, and can be laundered. Keep furniture and walls simple and use accessories for punch, especially if you are a bit timid about color.

Susan and Bentley

Charlene said...

Oh yes, we see pretty white... they see wood. LOTS OF WOOD! And furniture they have had since birth (well OK maybe not that long but, it seems as though) Funny how we are so different yet, that love connection makes us have to work it out. I need to strip wall paper in my master bath. Not a fun job. Good luck with the re-do. I'll be looking forward to see what you have chosen. Have a great week. Charlene

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

Have a wonderful Sunday sweet girl!


Kathysue said...

Blondie, thanks for coming by my blog for a visit!! I just did two post on finding your decorating style and I think the info in those two post would be really helpful to you on how to make decisions. I always suggest getting inspiration images together and a look will emerge ,it can be a bit painful but it is important to really be honest with yourself on what you like. Take a look at and then the next day there is a style quiz that is fun and informative. Good luck on your project. It is hard to go through reno's but so fun when it is all done. The end results will be worth it. Happy Sunday,Kathysue

GwendolynKay said...

What is it about men... that they object to painting wood? My dear hubby is the same way. I don't know if you like bright or rich colors, but I think that a punchy color would look fab in the bathroom with the wood. I am sure whatever you do will be lovely!
Blessings to you this Palm Sunday!

stefanie said...

oh, still exciting, and I know scary, I am just like you, it is so hard to decide, there are so many gorgeous rooms to copy....oh I am glad it is you and not me...hahaha

Chubby Chieque said...

Hello overthere!

OMG! we have the same delimma. Who can we turn to?

Ahh! so much work and not much budget, haven't we? Well, I hope our bloggie friends could help both of us and sort our probs.

Happy Sunday.

Unknown said...

Good luck with the renovations...Yes, i know it is a lot of work but it is all worth it. I have to tell you wood molding drive me nuts...unless it's very expensive wood and the look of the house is western it doesn't look good other wise and looks old. Any color looks good in dining room. Just copy other rooms in magazine that you like. Do a white on the bottom of molding and color on the top. Tell your husband that i told you to paint the moldings white. HAHAHA . I like the dining set, very cute and country. For the bathroom, paint white the wood too....You can do so much more with painted paneling like at my house...Any style.
If you have questions ask me.
Thank you for your visit, i always love seeing your beautiful picture and comments.

Lori said...

How exciting Jane ~ making the decisions though is one of the hardest parts. I also live with an anti-wood-painting male but I have "shone the light" on a few things and I too will be cracking out the paint in the near future.

Painting the cedar in the bathroom will make a huge difference and I cannot wait to see what you do. Find something you love for each room and build around it.

From the Old InkWell said...

Jane, I don't envy the work you have ahead of you and the hard work you've already done! Oh my, taking down wallpaper is the worse! I do love the lofty walls in your bathroom. Can't wait to see what you do with your redos!

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Hi Jane, about the's called super moss and I got it at Michaels. I have seen it at Hobby Lobby, too. I like it because it is green and is in sheets - VERY easy to work with. Linda

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Hey, Janie! I've missed you, too!

Reading this post, how about this: take a hint from the colors you wear. What is the color you love most in clothes??? If you love that on, then use that in your family room. We tend to be happiest in the colors we wear and the colors we gravitate towards. If that color doesn't work with the furnishings you have and if you sew, then a cheap fix is to get some cotton drop cloths from Home Depot and slipcover your furniture with them. You can even use them for drapes. They have a linen look, but you need to be sure they are the same colorway. They are cheap (about ten dollars each) and make a snazzy slipcover. Wash them good first for shrinkage. I've been reading blogs that have done that. You could pick up your wallcolor in accent pillows. Might be worth chekcing into, though.

Find a color you wear that looks good with the oak and try a sample. Benjamin Moore makes small little test pots of paint. So does Ace Hardware. You could get one and paint a large piece of poster board or foam core board with that, and prop it up in the room against the oak to see how you like it. If you don't like it, then try another color. You could even do several choices, and place them around the room and see.

I've seen several people on this post recommend a spa-like color for the bath, and I tend to agree. Be careful with certain shades of green, though, because they can turn your skin green in the bathroom mirror. I like the idea of painting the wood in there, but be sure to prime it well. Janie, if you think it is too hard to paint, then get yourself some of that bead board wallpaper from Home Depot and put that over the wood and paint it white. That might be the way to go. Lots of people were using it and were so happy with it. It might be worth a try. Bead board is always fun. It would give it that fresh, crisp look you like. But white will be a HUGE help.

Are you guys doing this for you, or are you going to sell the house? If you are doing it to sell, then I recommend that you go to one of the staging sites and see which colors people tend to look for in homes. My stager painted our DR, kitchen, hall, and downstairs bath a color called Dunmore Cream by Benjamin Moore. I use white towels with it in the downstairs bath where I have it.

She's in the business to sell homes, but it might be that another color in Chicago sells better.

Hope this helps...


Sheila :-)

koralee said...

How exciting...I would love to be in your shoes! I adore painting and always have a paint brush in my hand. I say go light...but whatever you pick it will be lovely...because it is just want YOU want. Hope it moves along fast for you and can not wait to see the end results.
Thank you so much for all your sweet comments you leave for me to really are a sweetheart! Happy Easter week to you. xo

MaroDe said...

Dear Jane,I have worked with couples for years and this is sooo common issue. There is always a good way to compromise though. I agree that listening to your gut feeling is the key, and of course try to trade your choice with something that will please your significant other too!
I am in the middle of remodeling as well, and I know it can be a pain but it's so much fun! In the end you will love it!

Sue said...

Hi! First, I want to thank you for the prayers and good thoughts for my mom. She is slowly making progress and we are hopeful that she will be strong enough to come home soon. She still has a battle to fight when she is stronger, but she has proven herself to be able to fight hard!

As for your project...huge! I am just the opposite of you, I either love something or hate it. I do think you have given yourself too many color choices. For so many years I used white walls and was so thrilled when I started adding deeper colors. What I ran into was wanting to change the look, but the color stopped me. In our current house I've used various shades of deep taupe on the walls (the trim is white) and I find that I can change the entire look by simply changing pillows, accessories, lamp shades etc. It works for me to stay neutral on the walls...but, I do love deep reds and sage greens, I just can't afford the time or energy to change paint color all that often. I can't wait to see what you end up with!


Glennis said...

It's always exciting to be embarking on a new decorating job - even though you face trouble along the way! I envy you - what a fun creative adventure!

xinex said...

You sure have a lot of work ahead of you, Janie. But I am sure it will all be worth it in the end. We just got back from a Caribbean cruise tonight so I have been vacationing while you're working. Have you decided when you are going on vacation? Kerri moved their visit to June so we are actually free both April and May. Let me know!...Christine

Melanie said...

I love to decorate and it usually comes together when I go with my gut. If I have to ask somebody (my hubby) then I know it is not right.

You have a lot of work ahead but I suggest not looking at all the paint swatches. Pick out a color family that you want to go with and look at those. Looking at all of them is too confusing.

Hope that helps some.

Dana and Daisy said...

i came back to say that I also think an oval mirror in the bath would soften the 90 degree angles of the wood in there.

are you as confused as ever with all our advice? ha ha!

Unknown said...

Oh how exciting this will be!! I look forward to seeing the transformations. I was so happy when I read your painting the cedar in the bathroom white! I love white wood, beadboard and trim. Of course, I am such a fan of the cottage and shabby look. I dont like things dark and I think that is why I like it so much. I need light or I get depressed. It is too bad your hubby wont let you paint that wood white :( It would have been beautiful. But I think you can still achieve the look you are after! I have beautiful maple cabinets in my kitchen and have NO plans of painting them white! I would definitely go with lighter colors to counter that wood if I were you. That will take the eye away from it. Soft yellows or even white paint! I know whatever you choose to do will be beautiful and I cannot wait to see more!!
Have fun!!

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

Hi Jane-
Thanks for stopping by today! Can't wait to see your transformation take place! Great to meet you, have a wonderful day!
Kristin said...

WOW you are going to be one busy lady! My only advise is to try to enjoy the whole process. Take one room at a time and inspirational pictures always help. Also remember that it is only paint and if you don't like it you can always change it. Paint is the most economical way to redo a room. I am sure it is all going to be gorgeous when you are done. I can't wait to see pictures:) I am going to redo my husbands 1/2 bath soon. I just need to find the time. I just need one extra day in the week and I think I would be fine:)Have fun!!!
Capers of the vintage vixens.

Nancy @ Live love laugh said...

That is a huge undertaking and no one should have to look at 4000 paint colors! The bath will look wonderful with the wood painted white and I understand about the oak. I have a brick fireplace that I know will look great painted, but you can't go back once you've done it-same as the wood. Just enjoy it. The carpet and furniture will look great with new color and fun accessories.
Thanks for stopping by. My son just took the kayak up to college and I was thinking how nice it would have been to go out in it...maybe this summer. He says it handled so easily.

Lori E said...

Find something you love for each space and decorate around it. A fabulous color in a picture can set the tone for the whole room.
Just remember if you keep the wood you have to go with a paint that is in the same color family as the wood. If the oak is yellowish than that is the tone if it is reddish then you can go in a different direction. I look forward to results.

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Good Morning Jane,
Just stopping by to say hi and wish you all a happy Easter. Hubby and I may head out for a few days after Easter dinner on Sunday. Are you going to make it up to the lake? Have a good day girlfriend and enjoy our gorgeous weather! Hugs, Cindy

PAT said...

I can't remember if I commented on this, Jane! Oh well...I'll comment whether I did or not.

I completely understand about your husband and the woodwork. J is the same way!LOL

We painted our room Sherwin Williams antique white and really like it. It brightened the room very well.

I always recommend bamboo shades. They really update the look of a room and look great, too.

Looking forward to seeing more.

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

good luck darling, can't wait to see the result!

Brenda Pruitt said...

I was going to say go to some favorite magazines, but looks like you've done that. When I was having walls painted, those paint chip thingies just overwhelmed me. I just told myself: Think of the basic crayon colors and choose one. Then decide which shade to go with. Made it simpler.

Susie Q said...

I have every faith tha tyou will choose well! The ceader walls will look so pretty painted a light, soft color. Bill will have none of this "I think I will paint our cabinets or firelace mantel or whatever!" stuff either!
I adore color I guess becasue I had to live with nothing but white or beige for all our years as a military family. When we moved here I wanted color! But I love soft neutrals too!

Just go with what makes YOU happy. I too have to do things slowly and work with what I have mostly.
It would be nice if I could just redo it all at once! But then, maybe I would not appreciate it as much as I do when a job is finally over! I think yoir home is already pretty and welcoming..just have fun and don't worry! Your home has your spirit and is wonderful!


Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

Thanks for your kind comments on my Cape house and the tile. I love the way it turned out. The grout need cleaned when I get back, but not a big deal. I love you knotty pine. White would definitely brighten it up. I have it in my living room at the Cape, but I left it natural, as there is just enought to add warmth around the window seat and fireplace and then the other walls are original plaster, so they are painted yellow, which you can see in one of my pictures.
I will look forward to following your project :)

~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ said...

Oh my gosh Blondie, I wish I was there we could have so much fun. Music & paint brushes! OK Think, What is YOUR favorite color? Not the one that's most populat right now but what color makes your heart sing? Find a shade of that that looks good with your gray carpet. Paint a sample spot on your wall and live with it for a few days and see how you like it.

You might want to consider painting the walls a dove gray to blend with the carpet and accent with your favorite color. Pillows and glass pieces and maybe paint a table or chair in your accent favorite color.

I loved the idea of going to Lowes and standing in front of the paint chips and seeing which colors yell, Take me home.

Ugh, stained wood. I have a house ful of it and I don't want it either. The thought of painting all of it is overwhelming so it's staying just the way it is for now.

No matter what you do take your time be sure you love it before you proceed. I'm really excited to see what you decide.

~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ said...

Hi again, On my computer your carpet looks gray so I went with the gray. Looking over it again I see you mentioned it's beige. That should make it more compatable with the oak as a neutral.

You have gotten a lot of great suggestions here. Food for thought. Have fun.

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Jane thank you for coming by my Dear friend...May you have a GREAT Easter....hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

My Grama's Soul said...

I'm sorry I won't be able suggest colors or design style because I know your taste is wonderful, just follow your instincts.

However, I can add one thing about remodeling; it seems to always take longer and you always seem to find one more thing that needs repair, at least that has always been the case when we have remodeled (o: (o:



Sherri said...

There is a mod podge going on the in bathroom but I LOVE the birdhouse rack! If it were me, I'd build around that one item alone. LOL
I have the hardest time choosing a paint color! So go with what you like, what makes you smile and FEELS good to you.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Hi... :)
I just went through the same thing. It's done now and I do love it. With your husband nixing painting the woodwork...that may change things a far as what you really want for your home. My husband was that way about our kitchen cabinets...wouldn't let me paint them. Had I just insisted...probably..but I didn't want to have everything MY way. :)
So..stuck with a dark your woodwork. ruled for years and years. I think men are stuck back there with the "wood grain" thingy.

I got all the colors I really love..and it will make a new woman of you. It's going to make such a change. I can't wait to see it all complete. I am so loving my new paint and carpet AND floors.
Lots of work but it's worth it.

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Oh Jane, I feel your pain! It is overwhelming! Narrow the colors down to the "range" you like, whether greens or taupes or whatever. That will help....I have to take it in baby steps, the big picture makes me nuts!! Definitely PAINT the wood! My father was the SAME way! Don't paint that paneling, do you know how much that was a sheet?? I would say, well, back in 1968 when it was installed it might have been pricey, but now? Not so much!

The holy grail!!!

You could also paint your oak table and chairs, I have seen that alot in the blog world and it looks great!

You will have it gorgeous in no time!! Can't wait to see!

Lou Cinda :)