I have my own little corner of the world where I can forget that we have been smothered in snow for the past 3 months. Nothing blooming outside, but I am surrounded by color and greenery inside, courtesy of Michael's. It seems I can't go in that store without becoming mesmerized by the rows of silk flowers. My imagination starts to churn out ideas for bouquets and arrangements and cute little crafts. And I am not a craft person by any means. This is just a little corner in my family room where I allow myself to make a mess. And this is what it looks like outside my window. I haven't seen grass, green or brown, since December. Every time it starts to thaw, we have another snowfall. But inside the sun is shining on the flowers as I capture them in little floral vignettes of petals and stems and reindeer moss. I lay a carpet of Spanish moss around it all and cover it with a glass dome. This is the cloche I made for The Husband's office. He wanted something for the credenza in his conference room. So I made something that would look cheery year round. Now I am looking for a runner to go underneath it. Maybe something in a yellow/gold. This is a little basket that I made with some of my leftover white flowers, tied with a little piece of burlap. I love it. So this is just a short post about what I have been doing creatively. I've also been reading a lot. Just finished a fantastic book of short stories and am making my way through another. I think I got my reading groove back!
Thanks for stopping by. I hope everyone has a nice weekend!
How pretty! You are smart to bring in the flowers that way. They look great under the cloche.
We are coming to Chicago today. We will only be there till early Sunday morning though. I was hoping to find a way for us to meet but Saturday is booked with three auditions.
Hi Jane Love all your little floral creations. The cloche design is gorgeous! And the little white basket will be perfect for Easter. Have a great weekend! We were anticipating a big snow storm with 10cm of snow but it hasn't happened ... YET :-D
It looks so pretty, what a great idea! I have a cloche and have been touing with different ideas for it. No snow here but blustery and raining.. I prefer snow to what we are having now. Having said that, I do look forward to spring and it's wonderful colours.
Hi Jane, I wish I could send you some of our California sunshine...we certainly do have enough to share.
Your flowers are so pretty, love the basket of white and the pretty cloche. Your photos with the light reflecting on the glass is so pretty and inviting.
I was happy to see a post from you this morning, I was missing your wit. :) Have a great day and think warm thoughts.
Hello There Sweet Jane! How wonderful to play and have fun arranging such lovely flowers when it is all WHITE and snowy out. You are very talented at this. And I adore that picture of you and hubby on the sidebar! Such a cute couple! Happy Weekend my Friend! xxooxx
Hi Jane, The flowers look great and I love Michael's! We have snow here too so I hear you when you say you haven't seen the grass in a long time!! enjoy your weekend!
Can't imagine that much snow! And to think I get excited over one day of it. I guess it would get old day after day. There's nothing more beautiful than spring time. What a lovely little garden you created on the inside. Happy weekend!
Isn't it good to get your reading groove back? If you like short stories you'll have to read some of Alice Munro - View from Castle Rock is fantastic. Your arrangements are lovely - and a great way to take your mind off the white stuff outside.
Hey Jane!! I've been dabbling in flower arranging myself lately. I try to get arrangements at yardsales and thirft stores and then pull them apart to make something else. It's a fun little hobby. Yours are beautiful. Have a lovely weekend~ xoxo, Kim
These are each and every one just beautiful, Jane! You were hiding your talent under a rock and I never knew you could put such pretty vignettes under glass together. Me, I have never had the knack of arranging flowers and such. I can plant them, just can't make them look pretty once they're cut into bouquets. Do you have a whole new career sprouting here under glass? Brenda
Hi Jane Well you have been a busy little bee.. and so creative!! Flowers make such a difference don't they? I've got myself back into buying the occasional bunch for myself and glad I did... Well it all looks wonderful but the basket of white flowers has caught my eye today! Looks like you just came in from the garden...
Well while you lament your snow.. I am lamenting the ever closer end of summer... Might have to come your way then .. hehe.. xx Julie
You did such a great job with the flowers - so pretty! It is snowing here right now and there is nothing I can do about it but enjoy it:) Even if it does mean that I may not be getting our fabulous kitchen cabinet tomorrow:( And that I will have to live in this awful messy kitchen for another week. It is very pretty out but I know that it can't possible last for too long.Spring is ready to pop over, I just know it:) ~Debra Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens
I especially like those sweet little white flowers in the basket. When I grew up on the North Shore I remember the piles and piles of snow we used to get. Oddly enough, I miss it. While we have snow up in the mountains here, the valley has had little. Our temps have been so mild we only get rain down here. I'll try to redirect some of our mild temps your way.
Jane, these are BEAUTIFUL!!! I love this kind of thing, and Michael's is one of my favorite errand stops. You've done a great job with the floral selections, these all look natural, which I think is important.
And..ooh, how I hate this winter. I'm done with it, really!
I've never had to have silk flowers inside, because something was always blooming outside. Not this year though, no way! When I saw the title of your post in my blogroll I thought, leave it to Blondie to brighten my day and girl, you did just that!
Hey Jane, Our snow finally melted this week with just a few patches here and there. And now they are calling for another storm with maybe 12" of white stuff with it....groan. Now I know why my son and DIL in Illinois always takes a warm trip in March. :) And yep, Mike's does carry some beautiful silk flowers don't they??
After spending 6 years in Seattle I have been grateful for every flower that I have seen down here in California. Isn't it amazing how much we can take for granted? It's only my time up North that makes me smile every time I see a rose or recently California poppies. I wish I could box up a bunch of flowers and send them to you.
Hi Jane, I love your little corner where you create all those wonderful flower arrangements. The cloched flowers is so lovely and how sweet of you to make it for your husband's office. Your little white basket with the flowers and the burlap ribbon is so sweet.
I love the way you captured the sun shining in. I could actually see the streaks in my glass door this morning. Sunshine in Illinois, imagine that! I love playing with flowers, real ones, silks and dried. The cloche is darling!
Look at you! You creative clever one. The sun is just shinning down on you and your little crafty corner. May it continue to always do so. Thanks so much for stopping by. smiLes DarLy aka LiBBy BuTTons
wow, these are really creative crafts, girl. I love what you're doing. I am amazed with the flower arrangements, that's someting I'm not really good with :)
perhaps you'd like to win some fancy accessories? we have a contest going :)
How on earth do you get the cloche top over those tall stems? I would make such a mess of that. I really like the white basket. That has spring written all over it.
Hi Janie, it looks like summer there until you showed me what's outside your window, lol! I love the cloche you created for Alan. It is so pretty. I like the mix of flowers and colors. It turned out really good and I am glad you showed it to us. BTW, my stepdaughter blogs every now and then and has 2 new posts now. When you have a chance, can you say hi to her? Her hubby is also a lawyer and so is she. Just welcome her, her blog address is http://princessmommychronicles.blogspot.com. Thanks....Christine
My first visit to your blog. I love it. Such a refreshing look - love the sunshine peering inside. I keep several potted plants and once in a while will winter over a couple of geraniums - which are my favorite, but the silk flowers are so lush, they are like the real ones. Love the way you import them to your surroundings to make someone smile.
Same here, Jane..as soon as it melts more comes. It snowed all day today. I bought some real flowers at Sams to get me through! Yours are beautiful! Spring will come!
Love that cloche! How pretty! And what a pleasant breath of the glorious, colorful outdoors when the whole world is currently hiding under a blanket of white. Great way to cheer up a winter house! :)
Hi Jane, I love seeing what has been keeping you from going crazy this Winter. That would be a wonderful way to chase away the blues. It will certainly be great to see my brown grass again an finally watch it green up. Do you think it will ever happen? The calendar says yes, but the weather says maybe not. hugs
You're very creative Jane! The flowers all look wonderful. I posted flowers today too. I guess we're all wishing for a little bit of Spring. Blessings, Marcia
Oh I love your corner...everyone needs a corner to just put things and create! I love the flowers in the cloche! A breath of spring! Have a great weekend!
It's all so Springy! I love the sun pouring into your room and shining on the flowers. I would've never guessed they weren't real. Have a lovely weekend!
Jane...I loved your *garden* tour. We have had such a harsh winter that I find myself really yearning for spring. I need to visit Hobby Lobby (we don't have Michael's here), lol.
Hi Jane, I thought I would stop to say hello. I was reading a few of your posts. The one where your family(slaves) are talking about you blogging to much, not getting dressed and not fulfilling your duties. Sounds alot like me! My daughter just told me this morning that it was my job and if she was a stay home Mom she would get it all done. I said we will see about that. It good to hear someone else lives my life! Have a good weekend.
Actually, silk flowers are all we could have, all year long. Though my husband grows lovely flowers, our allergies keep us from ever having cut flowers in the house.
Your cloche creation is just awesome! We've had a little more snow than usual...but we don't get much here in Tennessee. So we get excited anytime there's mention of snow. But I'm done with it now too and hope spring is on its way! Have a lovely weekend.
I get overwhelmed by the huge flower displays at Michael's and the ideas all come crashing at me simultaneously and I end up not buying anything because I can't separate the thoughts. Your wonderful idea of arranging them under a cloche is a magnificent way of keeping that inevitable dust at bay:)
Thanks for the compliments on my chicken recipe. Someone just suggested adding Feta cheese AND sun dried tomatoes. I'll have to make a note of those on the original recipe for the next time. Thanks for stopping by!! :D
I am so glad to hear and read that someone else loves to use silk flowers. Some feel that only "real" flowers matter, but who can afford a fresh cut flowers throughout the long winter?
Good afternoon, Jane! I need a little corner to be able to create in. I usually use the patio table..but that is really not good if it's cold out. You did a great job on the cloche. It's beautiful. What a neat way to get away from getting the winter blues. My home is filled with silk flowers and I am about to buy a bit more. I just bought some wood roses for some small vases and just that little bit made me happy! It's the small stuff, isn't it? :) Hugs, Mona
Jane I love all of the pretty flowers. It all looks so warm and cheerful.
Thanks for your sweet visit about my new keys. PB has them hanging straight on a wall. Hmmm...I'm not too sure about that one. I'll take a look at Michaels craft store.
OMG, Jane, I managed to clean the garden a bit, today, it was a lovely Spring-y day! Sending sunshine and flowers your way ;)) Loove the white basket, the burlap bow was such a pretty addition! Great job! Monicaxo.
These are all lovely. What a beautiful thing do to waiting for Spring to arrive. The design you made for your cloche is gorgeous. I was working on an Antique book today of all floral planters and things. Your creativity shines with these arrangements. Karen
Hi there! I really enjoyed this post and seeing your flowers and creativity! You will have to take a peek at my post a couple of days back with a portion of my work room shown with all my silks. I do love the cloche!! :)
Dear Janie - I wish I could box up some of our sunshine and warm temps and little daffodils and green grass to send to you. We had snow for the first time in years this week...and the next day - almost 70 and sunny! Sending you a hug. You're "craftier" than you think! xoxo Nancy
delighted to see you using silks...they have gotten a bad rap in the past for looking so terribly made..but now there are some really well made ones... and they can cheer up our spaces ... as your delights have done!
These are so pretty Jane. I'm so sick of gray and brown and yep, we even had some of the white! I love the bright cheerful colors you chose. I've been getting back into reading too, am in the middle of the new Pat Conroy and it's wonderful. But between working, blogging and reading, it doesn't leave much time for sleeping lol. Kathy
Isn't it nice that when it is so cold outside and we have that blanket of white that you can escape to your corner of the world where everything is in bloom all year round! Glad to hear you got your reading groove back. Once I have invested a week into a book, I have to trudge through it and hope that it gets better! Thanks for stopping over today, I always love your comments. Happy Sunday!
Hi Jane! I love your sunny little corner of the world! I can't imagine having snow for that long! I am way behind due to my Grany break, so I scrolled down to catch up. I LOVE your sugar scuttle! I keep hoping I'll come across one...but no luck so far! And what beautiful roses your hubby gave you! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie
I was just in Michael's yesterday and bought a bouquet of yellow flowers to put on my coffee table. Thanks for stopping by again and always for your comments. Sandra
Hi Janie! I love your "flower shop"! The cloche with the flowers under is adorable. I need something for our desk too that isn't too too girly! To answer your question I do have foam in the basket but because I had cut the stems on some too short in another project a few are nestled in. The good think about hydrangeas is they kind of grab each other when you bunch them!lol I'm wishing I picked up a couple more of the butterflies too! After seeing your "shop" I think I need to set up something here! Definitely put me in the mood for Spring! Have a great week - Sincerely Jeannette
Hi Jane, that cloche with the flowers is beautiful and very real looking! And the basket of white flowers is so pretty! I can't get over how real everything looks. We have lots of green and brown in Georgia, but it is C-O-L-D! Linda
It does look so springy. We are certainly ready for some springlike weather in No. Illinois, aren't we? I am ready... but March is so unpredictable. Oh, well. xo Joan
Janie, these are lovely. You did a super job on them. I also love your photographs, the way the light is coming through the window in that first shot particularly.
I am tired of cold. I don't remember a time when the grass has been so dead. We get it almost growing again, and then we have a cold spurt. This is not normal for us. Our yard is as dead as a doornail. I hope spring comes soon!
aaaahhhhaaa! We loved that comment about the Partridge family - too funny Miss Jane! Love your pretty cloche for your husband's office...that is sure to brighten it up...perhaps melt the snow outside??!!! We can only hope :)
G'morn, Jane ~ Now this is my idea of a wonderful little corner of the world all to myself ... beautifully created. A cup of tea, a good book, soft music & snow outside ... perfect!
We, too, have been buried in snow since Dec. & I am loving every bit of it ...
Your flowers are all so cheery..I think it is important to have some colors and flowers in the house during the winter to help keep our moods up. Blessings! Gwen
I cannot imagine having THAT much snow! In Alabama, we're stuck in the house for days if it's even a couple inches! HA Your flowers are just lovely and add a much-needed nod to spring!
Hi Jane Your floral creations are really beautiful. I can picture the cloche looking very nice on a credenza in your husband's office. You have to stop saying you're not very creative because we won't believe it as long as you keep showing us things you've made :) Hugs, Rhondi
Blondie, it is so nice to stop in...I love what you did...I noticed to photo of your beautiful sister on the side...I am so sorry for your loss :( You all are both beautiful ladies...How did your banner? I am in love with it...So pretty! BTW,I'm Meme from Screaming Meme...it is so nice to meet you...Stop in anytime for a visit!
Jane this is so pretty! LOVE the cloche! We had snow today and we NEVER get it!! It didn't hang around though, turned to rain, which is not NEAR as pretty! I know it gets old though!!
Spring is just around the corner!! I keep telling myself that over and over!!
I love the floral section of Michael's too this time of year Jane. I'm just pining away to see something growing outside. I have two bunches of silk forsythia in a vase in my kitchen counter (bought last year at AC Moore) and this splash of bright yellow has done such wonders for my spirits. My eye is drawn to it again and again during the day, and it cheers me up every time. Daylight savings is just around the corner and I can't wait for those extra daylight hours. Hanging on my my fingernails waiting for Spring...
Hi Blondie, What a positive attitude you have about the weather - you've just made your summer inside! :) I like that. I noticed the quote by Maryanne Rodmacher on your side bar. I am reading Lean forward into your life by her. I'm finding her very inspiring.
You have a cool place to call your own and create! You'd never guess it's snowy outside with all of those colorful flowers around you. Awesome arrangements and I love the cloche!!!! Thanks for giving me a peek of "Blondie's Flower Shop" :)
How pretty! You are smart to bring in the flowers that way. They look great under the cloche.
We are coming to Chicago today. We will only be there till early Sunday morning though. I was hoping to find a way for us to meet but Saturday is booked with three auditions.
It was a nice thought. :)
Hi Jane
Love all your little floral creations. The cloche design is gorgeous! And the little white basket will be perfect for Easter.
Have a great weekend! We were anticipating a big snow storm with 10cm of snow but it hasn't happened ... YET :-D
It looks so pretty, what a great idea! I have a cloche and have been touing with different ideas for it. No snow here but blustery and raining.. I prefer snow to what we are having now. Having said that, I do look forward to spring and it's wonderful colours.
Have a lovely weekend
Warm wishes
Isabelle x
Such a delight to see the sun shining on your arrangements! Hopefully, soon, we will begin to see the "real" things!! Have a great weekend ~ Judi
Hi Jane,
I wish I could send you some of our California sunshine...we certainly do have enough to share.
Your flowers are so pretty, love the basket of white and the pretty cloche. Your photos with the light reflecting on the glass is so pretty and inviting.
I was happy to see a post from you this morning, I was missing your wit.
:) Have a great day and think warm thoughts.
Hello There Sweet Jane!
How wonderful to play and have fun arranging such lovely flowers when it is all WHITE and snowy out.
You are very talented at this.
And I adore that picture of you and hubby on the sidebar! Such a cute couple!
Happy Weekend my Friend!
It looks wonderful - so spring-y!
I had a whopping three daffodils bloom this year, which is three more than bloomed last year.
I think I'm heading to Michael's ;)
Hi Jane,
The flowers look great and I love Michael's! We have snow here too so I hear you when you say you haven't seen the grass in a long time!! enjoy your weekend!
Can't imagine that much snow! And to think I get excited over one day of it. I guess it would get old day after day. There's nothing more beautiful than spring time. What a lovely little garden you created on the inside. Happy weekend!
Isn't it good to get your reading groove back? If you like short stories you'll have to read some of Alice Munro - View from Castle Rock is fantastic.
Your arrangements are lovely - and a great way to take your mind off the white stuff outside.
Hey Jane!! I've been dabbling in flower arranging myself lately. I try to get arrangements at yardsales and thirft stores and then pull them apart to make something else. It's a fun little hobby. Yours are beautiful. Have a lovely weekend~
These are each and every one just beautiful, Jane! You were hiding your talent under a rock and I never knew you could put such pretty vignettes under glass together. Me, I have never had the knack of arranging flowers and such. I can plant them, just can't make them look pretty once they're cut into bouquets. Do you have a whole new career sprouting here under glass?
Hi Jane
Well you have been a busy little bee.. and so creative!!
Flowers make such a difference don't they? I've got myself back into buying the occasional bunch for myself and glad I did... Well it all looks wonderful but the basket of white flowers has caught my eye today! Looks like you just came in from the garden...
Well while you lament your snow.. I am lamenting the ever closer end of summer... Might have to come your way then .. hehe.. xx Julie
Very pretty Jane...stay in and have a hot cup of tea...Hope you have a GREAT weekend my Dear friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I think this is absolutely stunning! The cloche is beautiful!
You did such a great job with the flowers - so pretty! It is snowing here right now and there is nothing I can do about it but enjoy it:) Even if it does mean that I may not be getting our fabulous kitchen cabinet tomorrow:( And that I will have to live in this awful messy kitchen for another week. It is very pretty out but I know that it can't possible last for too long.Spring is ready to pop over, I just know it:)
Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens
What gorgeous arrangements! Nothing like some pretty flowers to make it feel like springtime, again!
I especially like those sweet little white flowers in the basket. When I grew up on the North Shore I remember the piles and piles of snow we used to get. Oddly enough, I miss it. While we have snow up in the mountains here, the valley has had little. Our temps have been so mild we only get rain down here. I'll try to redirect some of our mild temps your way.
Susan and Bentley
If you can't have them outside...bring them in! I luv how you have made the best out of all that SNOW...say it three times...SPRING is almost here!
Springtime, it looks just like Springtime! Love the cloche. Enjoy your reading and creativity with the flowers. Have a blessed day!
Jane, these are BEAUTIFUL!!! I love this kind of thing, and Michael's is one of my favorite errand stops. You've done a great job with the floral selections, these all look natural, which I think is important.
And..ooh, how I hate this winter. I'm done with it, really!
I'm so sorry you haven't seen any green grass in months. That's just wrong in my book! I bet you CANNOT wait for spring to arrive!
Isn't it amazing what a little greenery and silk flowers can do to liven up life! Your creations are beautiful!
Mmmmmm...I can almost smell the blooms!
Thanks Jane!
Happy weekend!
Who say just because we have a ton of snow outside ... we can't have spring inside!!! Your arrangements are beautiful. Everything looks so cheery.
your flowers are so pretty...really brightened up my day...
I've never had to have silk flowers inside, because something was always blooming outside. Not this year though, no way! When I saw the title of your post in my blogroll I thought, leave it to Blondie to brighten my day and girl, you did just that!
Hey Jane, Our snow finally melted this week with just a few patches here and there. And now they are calling for another storm with maybe 12" of white stuff with it....groan. Now I know why my son and DIL in Illinois always takes a warm trip in March. :) And yep, Mike's does carry some beautiful silk flowers don't they??
Hi Jane. I thought your flowers were real at first! And I was so jealous... until i saw that snow.
bless your heart.
spring will be here before you know it. I see my tulips peeking above ground! ;)
THNAK GOODNESS for the silks!!!! And the quality of most of them are really improving. It can be any season a girl wants. RIGHT? Stay warm. Charlene
After spending 6 years in Seattle I have been grateful for every flower that I have seen down here in California. Isn't it amazing how much we can take for granted? It's only my time up North that makes me smile every time I see a rose or recently California poppies. I wish I could box up a bunch of flowers and send them to you.
You could have fooled me with the sunlight shining in! Pretty ~ xo
Hi Jane,
I love your little corner where you create all those wonderful flower arrangements.
The cloched flowers is so lovely and how sweet of you to make it for your husband's office.
Your little white basket with the flowers and the burlap ribbon is so sweet.
Spring will be here soon.
I love the way you captured the sun shining in. I could actually see the streaks in my glass door this morning. Sunshine in Illinois, imagine that! I love playing with flowers, real ones, silks and dried. The cloche is darling!
Look at you! You creative clever one. The sun is just shinning down on you and your little crafty corner. May it continue to always do so. Thanks so much for stopping by.
aka LiBBy BuTTons
Oh Jane, I would have already run away with all that snow! The flowers are beautiful and look so springy ~ quite inspiring. Stay warm, ok?
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
wow, these are really creative crafts, girl. I love what you're doing. I am amazed with the flower arrangements, that's someting I'm not really good with :)
perhaps you'd like to win some fancy accessories? we have a contest going :)
How on earth do you get the cloche top over those tall stems? I would make such a mess of that.
I really like the white basket. That has spring written all over it.
How great that you have a space of your own to be creative. Your floral arrangements are lovely. Wishing you sunshine in your imagination!
Hi Janie, it looks like summer there until you showed me what's outside your window, lol! I love the cloche you created for Alan. It is so pretty. I like the mix of flowers and colors. It turned out really good and I am glad you showed it to us. BTW, my stepdaughter blogs every now and then and has 2 new posts now. When you have a chance, can you say hi to her? Her hubby is also a lawyer and so is she. Just welcome her, her blog address is http://princessmommychronicles.blogspot.com. Thanks....Christine
My first visit to your blog. I love it. Such a refreshing look - love the sunshine peering inside. I keep several potted plants and once in a while will winter over a couple of geraniums - which are my favorite, but the silk flowers are so lush, they are like the real ones. Love the way you import them to your surroundings to make someone smile.
Same here, Jane..as soon as it melts more comes. It snowed all day today.
I bought some real flowers at Sams to get me through!
Yours are beautiful! Spring will come!
Love that cloche! How pretty! And what a pleasant breath of the glorious, colorful outdoors when the whole world is currently hiding under a blanket of white. Great way to cheer up a winter house! :)
Hi Jane,
I love seeing what has been keeping you from going crazy this Winter. That would be a wonderful way to chase away the blues. It will certainly be great to see my brown grass again an finally watch it green up. Do you think it will ever happen? The calendar says yes, but the weather says maybe not.
You're very creative Jane! The flowers all look wonderful. I posted flowers today too. I guess we're all wishing for a little bit of Spring.
Oh I love your corner...everyone needs a corner to just put things and create! I love the flowers in the cloche! A breath of spring! Have a great weekend!
Miss Bloomers/Sonia
It's all so Springy! I love the sun pouring into your room and shining on the flowers. I would've never guessed they weren't real. Have a lovely weekend!
These pretty flowers are sure to brighten anyone's day. Just think, in a few months you'll be at the lake soaking in some warm sunshine.
Gorgeous! I am in WI and definitely suffereing from a bit of the winter doldrums myself.
You are creating your own 'planting' season.
The cloche is wonderful. I hope you have a relaxing weekend.
Jane...I loved your *garden* tour. We have had such a harsh winter that I find myself really yearning for spring. I need to visit Hobby Lobby (we don't have Michael's here), lol.
Hi Jane,
I thought I would stop to say hello. I was reading a few of your posts. The one where your family(slaves) are talking about you blogging to much, not getting dressed and not fulfilling your duties. Sounds alot like me! My daughter just told me this morning that it was my job and if she was a stay home Mom she would get it all done. I said we will see about that. It good to hear someone else lives my life!
Have a good weekend.
Late Winter inspiration!!!
Actually, silk flowers are all we could have, all year long. Though my husband grows lovely flowers, our allergies keep us from ever having cut flowers in the house.
You have a real talent for floral design. I love the flowers in the cloche...perfect to beat the winter blues!!
Hi Jane, I love your flower corner and the flowers under the cloche just make my heart sing. Simply gorgeous.
Hugs, Barb ♥
Your cloche creation is just awesome! We've had a little more snow than usual...but we don't get much here in Tennessee. So we get excited anytime there's mention of snow. But I'm done with it now too and hope spring is on its way! Have a lovely weekend.
Back Porch Blessings,
I get overwhelmed by the huge flower displays at Michael's and the ideas all come crashing at me simultaneously and I end up not buying anything because I can't separate the thoughts. Your wonderful idea of arranging them under a cloche is a magnificent way of keeping that inevitable dust at bay:)
How pretty that cloche looks, Jane!
Thanks for the compliments on my chicken recipe. Someone just suggested adding Feta cheese AND sun dried tomatoes. I'll have to make a note of those on the original recipe for the next time. Thanks for stopping by!! :D
I am so glad to hear and read that someone else loves to use silk flowers. Some feel that only "real" flowers matter, but who can afford a fresh cut flowers throughout the long winter?
I still need to find a cloche or two.
Thanks for showing us your arrangements!
Good afternoon, Jane!
I need a little corner to be able to create in. I usually use the patio table..but that is really not good if it's cold out. You did a great job on the cloche. It's beautiful. What a neat way to get away from getting the winter blues. My home is filled with silk flowers and I am about to buy a bit more.
I just bought some wood roses for some small vases and just that little bit made me happy! It's the small stuff, isn't it? :)
Hey! I have been known to "Plant" those Michael's flowers OUTSIDE!!!
These arrangements are just beautiful Jane! The sun shining through the glass really lights up the flowers, like stained glass:>)
Jane I love all of the pretty flowers. It all looks so warm and cheerful.
Thanks for your sweet visit about my new keys. PB has them hanging straight on a wall. Hmmm...I'm not too sure about that one. I'll take a look at Michaels craft store.
Have a gret weekend. ~Melissa :)
OMG, Jane, I managed to clean the garden a bit, today, it was a lovely Spring-y day! Sending sunshine and flowers your way ;))
Loove the white basket, the burlap bow was such a pretty addition! Great job!
These are all lovely. What a beautiful thing do to waiting for Spring to arrive. The design you made for your cloche is gorgeous. I was working on an Antique book today of all floral planters and things. Your creativity shines with these arrangements.
Hi there! I really enjoyed this post and seeing your flowers and creativity! You will have to take a peek at my post a couple of days back with a portion of my work room shown with all my silks. I do love the cloche!! :)
Dear Janie - I wish I could box up some of our sunshine and warm temps and little daffodils and green grass to send to you. We had snow for the first time in years this week...and the next day - almost 70 and sunny! Sending you a hug. You're "craftier" than you think! xoxo Nancy
Wow, I never think to put flowers inside the cloche. I usually just put a pretty teacup or a postcard
under it.
Spring does seem far away doesn't it? We did see some grass this winter but it was the muddied dirty brown type so I don't think it counts.
delighted to see you using silks...they have gotten a bad rap in the past for looking so terribly made..but now there are some really well made ones...
and they can cheer up our spaces ...
as your delights have done!
Everything is so beautiful. It sure does make the winter my enjoyable when you have a special garden area.
Have a nice day
I always LOVE your posts ... short or long!!!
we are so much alike
let's catch up ...
These are so pretty Jane. I'm so sick of gray and brown and yep, we even had some of the white! I love the bright cheerful colors you chose. I've been getting back into reading too, am in the middle of the new Pat Conroy and it's wonderful. But between working, blogging and reading, it doesn't leave much time for sleeping lol. Kathy
What a beautiful creative space you have! The cloche you made is wonderful!!!
Isn't it nice that when it is so cold outside and we have that blanket of white that you can escape to your corner of the world where everything is in bloom all year round! Glad to hear you got your reading groove back. Once I have invested a week into a book, I have to trudge through it and hope that it gets better! Thanks for stopping over today, I always love your comments. Happy Sunday!
Hi Jane! I love your sunny little corner of the world! I can't imagine having snow for that long! I am way behind due to my Grany break, so I scrolled down to catch up. I LOVE your sugar scuttle! I keep hoping I'll come across one...but no luck so far! And what beautiful roses your hubby gave you! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie
I just don't know hoe you guys do it...no green for months...I cannot imagine!
m ^..^
I like the way you think.
The office cloche is a bright touch, too!
Hi Jane and what pretty flowers! You did a great job! I love your photos!
Thanks for popping in!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I was just in Michael's yesterday and bought a bouquet of yellow flowers to put on my coffee table. Thanks for stopping by again and always for your comments. Sandra
Hi Janie! I love your "flower shop"! The cloche with the flowers under is adorable. I need something for our desk too that isn't too too girly! To answer your question I do have foam in the basket but because I had cut the stems on some too short in another project a few are nestled in. The good think about hydrangeas is they kind of grab each other when you bunch them!lol I'm wishing I picked up a couple more of the butterflies too! After seeing your "shop" I think I need to set up something here! Definitely put me in the mood for Spring! Have a great week - Sincerely Jeannette
Hi Jane, that cloche with the flowers is beautiful and very real looking! And the basket of white flowers is so pretty! I can't get over how real everything looks. We have lots of green and brown in Georgia, but it is C-O-L-D! Linda
It does look so springy. We are certainly ready for some springlike weather in No. Illinois, aren't we? I am ready... but March is so unpredictable. Oh, well. xo Joan
I love the dome. We have snow here too.
Oups cloche.
Janie, these are lovely. You did a super job on them. I also love your photographs, the way the light is coming through the window in that first shot particularly.
I am tired of cold. I don't remember a time when the grass has been so dead. We get it almost growing again, and then we have a cold spurt. This is not normal for us. Our yard is as dead as a doornail. I hope spring comes soon!
Sending you warm hugs...
Sheila :-)
aaaahhhhaaa! We loved that comment about the Partridge family - too funny Miss Jane!
Love your pretty cloche for your husband's office...that is sure to brighten it up...perhaps melt the snow outside??!!!
We can only hope :)
G'morn, Jane ~
Now this is my idea of a wonderful little corner of the world all to myself ... beautifully created. A cup of tea, a good book, soft music & snow outside ... perfect!
We, too, have been buried in snow since Dec. & I am loving every bit of it ...
TY for sharing 'spring' ...
Have a wonderful week.
TTFN, Hugs ~ Marydon
How beautiful! Love these photos! Beautiful flowers!
It sure looks like spring to me...at least in your little flower shop!!!
The sun shining on the glass cloche, full of pretty spring flowers is so lovely.
Your flowers are all so cheery..I think it is important to have some colors and flowers in the house during the winter to help keep our moods up.
The flowers look so cute in the cloche! I am glad you enjoyed my altered bottles. My first attempt!!
jane, i enjoyed every photo!
are those flowers under the cloche real?
thank you for sharing a bit o' spring.
It is nice to have your own little place.
I am your newest follower.
Hi Jane.....how nice! of you to have a spot carved out in your home for life!
I cannot imagine having THAT much snow! In Alabama, we're stuck in the house for days if it's even a couple inches! HA Your flowers are just lovely and add a much-needed nod to spring!
Hi Jane
Your floral creations are really beautiful. I can picture the cloche looking very nice on a credenza in your husband's office.
You have to stop saying you're not very creative because we won't believe it as long as you keep showing us things you've made :)
Hugs, Rhondi
I love how the light is shining down on your flowers in the cloche. Very pretty! Hopefully your corner of the woods will thaw out soon.
Blondie, it is so nice to stop in...I love what you did...I
noticed to photo of your beautiful sister on the side...I am so sorry for your loss :( You all are both beautiful ladies...How did your banner? I am in love with it...So pretty! BTW,I'm Meme from Screaming Meme...it is so nice to meet you...Stop in anytime for a visit!
Jane this is so pretty! LOVE the cloche! We had snow today and we NEVER get it!! It didn't hang around though, turned to rain, which is not NEAR as pretty! I know it gets old though!!
Spring is just around the corner!! I keep telling myself that over and over!!
Wishing you sunshine!
Lou Cinda :)
I love the floral section of Michael's too this time of year Jane. I'm just pining away to see something growing outside. I have two bunches of silk forsythia in a vase in my kitchen counter (bought last year at AC Moore) and this splash of bright yellow has done such wonders for my spirits. My eye is drawn to it again and again during the day, and it cheers me up every time. Daylight savings is just around the corner and I can't wait for those extra daylight hours. Hanging on my my fingernails waiting for Spring...
Hi Blondie, What a positive attitude you have about the weather - you've just made your summer inside! :) I like that. I noticed the quote by Maryanne Rodmacher on your side bar. I am reading Lean forward into your life by her. I'm finding her very inspiring.
You have a cool place to call your own and create! You'd never guess it's snowy outside with all of those colorful flowers around you. Awesome arrangements and I love the cloche!!!!
Thanks for giving me a peek of "Blondie's Flower Shop"
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