I have foraged through some of my old pictures to bring you something today that makes me think of summer. For me, the very good summer of 1985 when I moved in to my very first apartment in the Lincoln Park neighborhood on the Northside of Chicago. The picture above is a statue of William Shakespeare that sits in a little square on the corner of Clark and Hudson. It is a beautiful place to sit on a bench and read or eat lunch and feed all the pesky little pigeons!

We had such a great day, browsing the boutiques, bookstores and having lunch at a gorgeous sidewalk cafe. I have a picture of her that I can't for the life of me find, but I remember vividly. She is sitting at our table at the cafe, dressed for the city in her summer finest, the sun glinting off her long earrings as she raises her wine glass in a toast. I WILL find that picture!
My apartment was just a studio and the building is pictured below. Thankfully, I didn't need more than a bed and a little dining table and chairs and friends bought me dishes and glasses from Crate & Barrel as an "apartment warming" gift! I didn't even have a television, but that didn't matter. Every evening after work I went for walks and browsed the parks and shops, visited the Lincoln Park Zoo (which was free) and sometimes just sat looking out my window on the second floor at the children laughing and rollerskating up and down the block and people sharing a cool drink on their front porches.

At the top of my street was Grant Hospital, now known as Lincoln Park Hospital, and at the bottom of my street was Augustana Hospital (great location to be if I ever broke a leg!). Thus, most of the buildings' residents were medical students. I rarely ran in to any of them, they must have all been studying or sleeping!!
So that is my contribution to Outdoor Wednesday, a wonderful time in my life and a beautiful day with my mother.
Happy Outdoor Wednesday Janie! Loved your pictures of Lincoln Park...and William Shakespeare's statue! Thanks for sharing your photos.
Hi Jane,
That was a lovely post and I really enjoyed it! I haven't been to Chicago in years, but I would like to visit this summer. I would to read more posts about Chicago. I was born in Peoria and lived in central Illinois until I was 14, then my parents bought a small farm in Western Wisconsin and here I am. We uses to go to Macy's at Christmas time when I was little and I have such vivid memories. Oh the store TJ Maxx would also be like a Marshalls or Home Goods. We have a lot of them up here. If you do a google search you can probably find one close to you. HAGD, Cindy
The memories were interesting to read about. I went to Chicago once and loved the pizza!
Nice sentimental post for OW. When I was a kid, "Lincoln Park" use to be an amusement park in New England :)
Your apartment was in a pretty location. Lucky you! You know, we used to live in Waukegan and I used to work at Baxter Lab. in Morton Grove...Christine
Never been to Lincoln Park or anywhere up north for that matter...looks like a beautiful place, though!
I am lovin' your new blog background and header...super snazzy! :)
Lovely post!
Janie, I absolutely adore that statue of The Bard! It's magnificent, and I love your other pictures as well. It must be a lovely place!
Happy Outdoor Wednesday!
Sheila :-)
Hi Jane! Oh, what a wonderful story about you! I never got to live by myself so this seems like it would have been an excellent place to be!!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
What a great post! It sounds like a really fun place to start out, with lots going on. Great park, love that statue of Shakespeare. And crate and barrel for your apartment warming gifts, how great is that. Kathy
What a fun post. I, too, enjoy looking back at my first apartment in the days before marriage and motherhood. Thanks for sharing!
All the best, Lana @ Showers of Blessings
What a neat post about the area you lived in for your first apartment & the memories you shared. With such beautiful surrondings... who would want to watch TV? I have only been to Chicago 3 times. Each trip was very different but, I would love to come back to explore. So much to see. Thanks for stopping by today. Have you started warming up yet?
Blondie, You got a makeover! It looks great.
Thanks for your kind comments.
Ooops, I am back! I forgot to answer the other question. I have better luck finding napkin holders on ebay. I got 8 of the bunny napkin rings, so try that...Christine
What fun memories of your first place! I remember mine fondly also...although my roommate and I had almost nothing!! Have a great weekend...Debbie
I have never been to Chicago and find it so interesting. I hope you keep posting these facinating posts:)
The statues are grand and all your pictures. You do live in a wonderful area of the country!
It's nice to have pictures that made you think of wonderful memories. I bet this brings you smile everytime you take a look at them
Beautiful photos of you at the Lincoln Park....never been in Chicago. The garden close to your apartment is beautiful. Look like it was so peaceful and charming. I am so glad you and your mom had a wondeful time together and sweet memories to hold. Thanks for stopping by and sweet notes...My husband is more homebound...so I love to go...go...go... He is glad I get to get out to see and tour places while I can see a little. Dee is one of my special friends of mine...All my friends are special and you too! All my blogland friends has a special place in my heart. Have a Happy Outdoor Wednesday! Kathy
I'm just getting around. I've been so busy, it seems I've been neglectful :0).
Loved this post. I could "picture" all you described and I think I would have loved the old winding staircase in your building. I'm a romantic that way.
Thanks for sharing your memories.
I hope you have a fantastic day!
Thanks for coming by. I'm actually collecting the larger tins (like the ones the coffee grounds come in) and will be using those in my boys bedroom for crayons, colored pencils, etc. The plastic bins they have now, just never last and usually crack easily...plus the boys always, always, ALWAYS lose the lids. grr.
My dad used to take tins and use them in his workshop. He'd screw through the can and onto a piece of plywood, then organize his smaller tools, nails, etc. We'll be using that same idea but we'll be attaching to a sheet of bead board, painting the cans red/blue, labeling them and then we'll have the "papa" secure the whole thing to their wall.
Thanks for coming by today! Hope your day is going well!
What a wonderful post! I felt like I was right there with you! I love Chicago and hope to go back someday to visit. Thanks for taking me on your outdoor Wednesday journey...
WOW! A William Shakespeare statue over here! =) What a sweet post!
Hi Janie, I was going through your blog to see if I can find a place where I can send an email from but I can't find any. Is there one? I want to email you our Chicago plans. Can you email me at xinex29@ tampabay.rr.com? Thanks....Christine
Thanks for coming by. I enjoyed your blog. Really nice pictures of the park and statue.
What a lovely post and tribute to your mother!
I have not been to Chicago but have always wanted to visit!
Oh, Jane. Your new blog looks a lot better than I could have done. Love the blog banner. How designed it for ya?
Hi Jane
I got the forsythia at A.C.Moore. There are 2 kinds there. I got the one that comes with each branch in a separate plastic sleeve. They have another kind but I thought these looked the most real. They have been 40% off for a couple of weeks now.
Hugs, Rhondi
Hello there ... I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting you. I grew up in Illinois, the southern area near E. St. Louis (I know!) .... I am running out the door at this minute for a volunteer job but will come back to visit.
I'm making my way around all those on the Favorite Family Foto list. Hoping all is okay and hope to see you next Friday.
Jane my son lived in the Lincoln Park area right after college. He did an internship while he was in college at one of the pharmaceutical companies in the Chicago area and that's how he ended up living there. I loved to visit him there and the old house he lived in was just wonderful...really quirky and fun. He is married now and lives in the suburbs. I keep telling him they need to move back to the city. xo Lynn
Oh, don't you just love those strolls down memory lane? I just know you were totally there, because I felt like I was there with your words. I lived in Manhattan and adored living in the city when I was a young woman. You memorized each detail. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post.
Come over and enter for the Project Create a Home Giveaway!
Oh, Janie, I just loved this post! Your story of the day with your mother was so lovely. It sounds like that was a great time in your life.
Spent part of this rainy Sunday reading old posts .... I so enjoy what you write.
Lovely post. Thank you for sharing this wonderful time in your life with us.
Thank you Jane! You are adorable!!
Lovely post- I enjoyed it!
What a fun, nostalgic post! I've FINALLY carved out the time to come blog visit you again...I adore your new layout!
Have a blessed week, Jane!!
Jen :)
What wonderful memories! I can imagine the excitement of having your own place is a city as wonderful as Chicago!
Oh, I love this post! And such sweet memories of you with your mom. :) I've never been to Chicago, but you make me want to visit for sure! Hope you have a great week~
Hi Jane,
Hey, Our new host for the month of April picked the next book for us to read... I posted about it on the Lit Sisters blog-You might want to go check it out!(just click on my name above to get there) We are having a giveaway this weekend too! :)
Have a great day!
Love the big green shamrock glasses.
Happy Wed, Candy
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