I don't mean to be thinking of summer while we have just started celebrating spring, but I was so thrilled to receive my order from Paula at Castle And Cottages. She makes the neatest hand painted signs and although it was hard to make up my mind, I decided to get two signs for the lakehouse. Above is the sign for the guest house, or Summerhouse as we call it. I'll take more pictures of it this summer for those of you who have not seen it. And this sign is obviously for the lakehouse. How perfect. Paula already had these signs in her shop, but she takes custom orders. I have a feeling I am going to be giving her a lot of business!! If you get a chance, visit her. She has a great blog. Things are moving right along with the remodeling of the family room and bath. I SO appreciate every ones comments with such useful advice when I was bemoaning all the decisions I had to make.It was rather silly of me because this is supposed to be a fun process. Here are a few things I learned from all of you:
1) Go with my instincts. Look at colors I love, even colors I wear. Paint some sample colors on the walls and live with them for awhile. Paint isn't permanent.
2) Don't live by rules and trends. Do what I want rather than what everyone else is doing.
3) If you can't change some things, work with them or around them, Accessorize!
Once again I am giving a big shout out (sorry) to all of you who took the time to give your opinions, advice and support. So here is the low down on what has occurred since I last posted. Things went from bad to worse with the bathroom. We had to replace all the drywall. That set us back a day and cost us a bit more money over our budget. I continued to flip through my paint decks looking at color samples and of course, was ready to start the flinging again. But...I have some very GOOD news. The Husband had agreed to painting all of the trim white. Oh, I am doing the happy dance. You can see the trim in the picture above. I think we were all bemoaning the fact that the trim was going to stay the same. And I was so surprised at how many of you have husbands that have a problem painting wood. Wow! Where did they all get this phobia?
And more good news is that I have found my paint colors and I have ordered fabric swatches for new curtains. Have I not changed my attitude?! So now...you will just have to wait for the final reveal. :-)
I hope everyone is having a fantastic week. Our weather is gorgeous and it is in the 60's today. All of the yards and gardens have been cleaned up and I think I am going to plant some pansies today in the big pot on my porch. Thanks for stopping in!
I was JUST going out to look for pansies ...such a perky little pleasure for the back door ... with guests arriving for Easter Sunday ...have a blessed weekend
Hello Sweet Blondie! I'm glad to see things are moving along. I can't wait to see the finished room. Don't forget to take lots of pictures throughout the process. What am I saying, of course you will! xoxo, Kim
Hi Jane! Thanks so much for this great post!!! Sounds like things are moving along. Never easy tackling so much at once but you seem to have the right attitude! Can't wait to see more pics...remember to have fun!! xo paula:)
Can believe it has been so long since I have been for a visit. You are one busy lady. The lake cottage is looking so inviting. The earlier bunny pictures are great. I have never seen the craft of yarn loops on plastic canvas, but the brown bushy bunny was my favorite. You are looking good for the spring.
I LOVE these signs, Jane! They are completely darling. I can't wait to see the bathroom and family room remodels, too. It sounds like you have a ton of work ahead of you, but it will be so well worth it when all is said and done. Oh, and I'm in the club of hubbies against painting wood. Geesh, what a bite! ;)
Those signs are gorgeous!! I have been wanting to order from her and now you REALLY made me want to, lol! Those are fabulous. I am so excited for you, I actually got butterflies when I read you could paint the trim white!! I cannot wait to see, this is so much fun, lol! I am so sorry about the bathroom drywall :( It seems nothing ever goes smoothly with remodels and redo's, lol! Love ya sweetie, Amy
Hi Jane, it sounds like things are moving right along... I am happy you are going with what you like! I can't wait to see everything all finished! I love your signs too... xoxo Julie Marie
LOVE Paula! I was the lucky winner to one of her give aways! She also helped me fix my header on my blog one day! She is great!
Can't wait to see what you are up to in the remodel! I must have missed a post though I try to keep up with you :) I am going to read backwards (lol) and see what is going on!
Love those signs and can't wait to see where they land and your new colors, etc. I just love a transformation (as long as I don't have to do the work!) LOL!
I LOVE the signs! You will so enjoy them at the Lake House. You lucky girl to have a Lake House!!!! When will you get to start going out there again?
And for painting the wood. Yep, mine is right there with yours. But, good for you that he agreed to the trim being painted. I think it will really make a big impact in the final look. My friend Lisa has a saying I love... "Just because it's wood doesn't mean it's GOOD". Hugs! Charlene
Beautiful signs Blondie. Yippie! Paint colors chosen. Can't wait to see. And the trim will get painted. . .YES! Have fun and take lots of pictures and kiss the hubby for me for being so sweet. What a guy.
Sorry to hear about your drywall problems, but I'm sure you're going to love the end result. Those signs are great. Summer will be here before we know it, and you'll be enjoying your lakehouse. You get to paint the trim white too! What a sweet hubby. Have a wonderful Easter. Blessings, Marcia
Thanks for the connection to the sign painter. So glad your re-do is moving along. The white trim will look great with whatever color you decide upon. Just keep Murphy's Law in mind. It's going to happen.
Hey there Blondie girl~! We too have been going through paint samples, floor tiles, trim, etc. It takes a toll on your mind and marriage. I'm happy to say after 2 hours at home Depot this morning we finally agreed! I can't wait to see your finished product. And I love the signs you got...wow...beautiful. What an added beauty they will add. Love it. Hope you are doing well. I'm thinking of you...happy thoughts! Blessings, Debbie
Hi Jane! It's been a long time since I came for a visit...I love your signs...So pretty! I going to buy me some pansies too for my post on the porch...this weekends....Want to get some more flowers to and ferns...Love you post...Love the new room...beautidul! Have a wonderful week...Katherinellen
Hi Jane, Your plans sound great, I can't wait to see the progress. My hubster hates to paint wood too. I have some built in bookcases that I would love to paint white. When I mention it you would think I was about to commit murder on them. Oh well, I will keep trying since you just gave me new hope :) Enjoy your pansies. PS....I adore those signs, I am going to check out her blog.
Good for you Jane! Love those darling signs! I'm glad hubby saw the light about painting the woodwork white. It will make things so bright and cheery too. We got up to 78 degrees today! Amazing weather, I am so loving it! Big Hugs, Cindy
Hi Jane, I've really missed you and missed out on your decorating woes too. I hope that you can relax and just go with what feels good to you, the colors that make you happy and the style that is uniquely your own. I love red, black and animal prints, touches of gold & silver and have that in all areas. I am doing a bit of something different in my BR and bath here ~ a bit of a lighter touch for spring/summer. I'm using turquoise and red. Will show pics of it when I get settled. Not that you would want that...just sharing. :-)
LOVE the signs! I'll have to check out her blog. Just can't wait to plant some flowers & herbs too.
I am thrilled for you that your husband agreed to paint the trim!! I don't have that problem with my husband the problem is with all my toile!! Those chairs you like? Well he would have been more than happy to have left them in Ontario!
Love your blog and your taste in music rocks! Pamela xo
Hi Janie, I can't wait to see it all done. I know it will really be pretty. Glad your weather's getting nice. It's been nice here too and I have so much work to do in the garden. I don't think I will ever get done. I love your signs. Can't wait to see them placed.....Christine
Love the signs!! Summer?? I guess it will come eventually! We did get up to 72 today!! Like a heat wave, but there is still snow on the higher mountain we can see. The lake sounds great! When I heard "Almost Lover" by A Fine Frenzy playing on your playlist, it reminded me of a voice/piano student I had who loved to sing that and some of their other songs. I had never really listened to her before. Thanks for stopping by:-)
Hooray for you, Blondie!! You'll be so happy to have that trim painted. When you post your photos I'll be showing The Great Dane - maybe I'll get some wood painted too. I love the signs. I'm always meaning to make a sign for Pondside myself - perhaps it's time to just have someone else do it. I'll have a look at the link you posted - thanks!
those signs are great! can't wait to see more pictures of the summerhouse. the white trim is great news - and seriously - what is it about guys not wanting to paint over wood????
Oh Janie Sweetie... Beautiful post. I can' wait to see the finished project. I know it is just going to be beautiful.
Aren't Paula's signs just the BEST? I love the ones you have chosen, so perfect for a Lake Summer Home.
Pansies are my thoughts exactly. I am going to be buying some this weekend for several projects in the yard myself. Thanks for sharing sweetie. I so love it when you do.
Happy April Fool's Day and Happy Easter too. Combo day today.
Love the signs. Now if I just had a place for one... Can't wait to see your progress. My hubby was always a non-painting wood kinda guy, but now he's all on board. In fact, he's loving the white (even more than I am). I'm stressing out about using a color on the walls here - but you're right, it's not permanent. LOL
Love your signs, they are just gorgeous! Sorry I missed out on your decorating post, how exciting! Do you think you might be a bit overcome because you're making so many decisions at once? I would be.Perhaps if you have a look at some interior blogs you'll pick up some insiration!White for your wooden trim sounds lovely!Can't wait to see what you choose, I'm sure it will be lovely! Wishing you a Happy Easter! Rachel x
I want PANSIES!! Its finally warming up here enough to think about them. I hope your room turns out the way you want, Jane. I have a great deal of difficulty deciding, just like you. :/
Blondie...you know...I think the wood thing goes back to when everyone was "stripping" everything they came across to find out what sort of wood grain was under it. It was a HUGE thing in the 70's and maybe still in the 80's. Probably even further back then that. Anyway...painting is back now. One day people will be stripping again and oohing and ahhhing over what's underneath. It's going to be fun seeing how your home turns out! I love this sort of thing!!
I so tickled that your feeling better about your projects and that the trim will be white. yeaaaaaaaa.. Its so nice of you to take us along on this decor trip. Its almost like being there. If i was closer I'd strap on my tool pouch and be right over..Just imagine all the trouble we could-- umm I mean work we could get done:-)
Dear friend.....glad things are progressing. I'm sure you have picked fabulous paint dolors. This husband thing.....not only do they never want to paint over wood.....they never want to paint any color but beige!!
Janie-I have not visited much lately--working on a charity auction, The signs are great. I am going to have to go back and check on what you are remodeling too! Even the man at Home Depot did not want me to paint my wood---must be genetic :) Just wanted to stop by and see you!
Hi Jane! I think husbands get that wood-painting phobia because they really think that in 10 years we'll be asking them to strip off the paint down to the bare wood again!
Or, like my Dad, they know that paint chips, and wood doesn't!
So glad you've made your choices. All your decisions about not following trends, etc., -- they are all spot-on! You GO, girl!
Happy Easter... can't wait to see the reveal, and am looking forward to your summer pictures at the lake.
Sooooooooo glad you went with your instincts, on the colors and etc. :-)
As to men not wanting to paint wood... My husband has had the hobby of woodworking, all his life. He loves wood. He knows woods, one from another. He makes so many things, out of wood. Etc. So that's why he has an awful time painting over it. :-)
I love your signs. I've been thinking of ordering one from her, but haven't figured out what I want it to say. I don't know exactly what it is with men and not painting wood. Maybe they attribute the changes on some primal level, something silly reminiscent of their private parts! (I know; I have a wild imagination.) Brenda
I'm in love with your new signs... very cool...and very cottag-y!!! I will certainly visit her blog... I probably NEED one myself! Happy Easter sweetie! 81 degrees here today!!! AMAZING!!!
The weather has been stunning here today, and they promise even better weather for tomorrow and Sunday. Those signs are wonderful, I don't think I have ever visited her blog. I will go see.
I love redecorating, and it sounds like you are really changing things around. I agree, white trim is perfect.
Janie, I love your sweet signs! Hope you'll show your little reno pics soon. I was supposed to have the bathrooms started in Jan, but I kinda got sidetracked with hospital stuff and the reno went on hold. The weather here in OH has been fantabulous and I bought some fleurs to plant. They smell delish and I cannot wait for full-fledged spring to stay with us. I hope you are enjoying great weather, as well. It is so great to have Mr. home and doing better. He sat outside enjoying the sun on his face. Healing sun power! Have a Happy Easter with your family. big hugs, Sue
Blondie, I love your new sign. It's going to be perfect, what a wonderful greeting each time you hit the lake house. Sounds like the re-do is coming along... wanted to wish you and yours a Happy Easter...hugs ~lynne~
Hi Jane! Just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for your visit and sweet comment. I just love it when you visit as you always say the kindest and nicest things!
I hope that you and your beautiful family have a very happy Easter.
Jane, just how did you get The Husband to agree to painting the woodwork? I've been trying persuasion for years but have never won this game! All your hard work will eventually pay off and yes, always go with your heart and what YOU love rather than trends, then you'll be happy in your home.
Wonderful signs - what a lovely finished job, you'll enjoy them I know.
I've went to a great new antiques mall yesterday and will be posting on it soon - 88,000 sq.ft. - huge!!
Hi again Janie! What are the signs made out of? Can they be used outside? I am looking for a sign saying "My Secret Garden" or "Christine's Secret Garden" to put in the yard in, you guessed it right, my secret garden, lol. I want something big something like 20 by 36 or longer. How big is yours?...Christine
Oh Blondie! What did you say to him to make him say yes to painting it white?!?!?!? LOL! I need you to come talk to Scott! LOL! Renovations always throw in surprises, don't they? I was watching a show last night, and it said that doing a renovation on your house is like going on a blind date ... you'll never know what you'll learn. So true! Oh, and those signs are fab! Thanks for sharing the link! :)
Hi Jane, LOVE those signs!!! Totally adorable ~ I need to check out her shop! :)
I'm so glad hubby is letting you paint the trim! I know, I think some men just can't bring themselves to paint over wood!! That is "ruins" it or whatever! :)
Great signs. I'll have to go and check out her blog. Sorry about your bathroom walls but I know everything will look so nice. Glad you've decided on colors and fabric. That's a big step. Thanks for popping in to see me. be a sweetie, Shelia ;)
I was JUST going out to look for pansies ...such a perky little pleasure for the back door ... with guests arriving for Easter Sunday ...have a blessed weekend
I love her signs...cant wait to see more pictures!
Hello Sweet Blondie! I'm glad to see things are moving along. I can't wait to see the finished room. Don't forget to take lots of pictures throughout the process. What am I saying, of course you will!
Love your signs! Summer will be here soon.....I hope:) Stop over I am hosting an Anniversary Giveaway:)
Yeah for you ! You got hubby to change his mind about the wood trim. I am looking forward to seeing all the finished rooms.
Hi Jane! Thanks so much for this great post!!! Sounds like things are moving along. Never easy tackling so much at once but you seem to have the right attitude! Can't wait to see more pics...remember to have fun!!
Can believe it has been so long since I have been for a visit. You are one busy lady. The lake cottage is looking so inviting. The earlier bunny pictures are great. I have never seen the craft of yarn loops on plastic canvas, but the brown bushy bunny was my favorite.
You are looking good for the spring.
I LOVE these signs, Jane! They are completely darling. I can't wait to see the bathroom and family room remodels, too. It sounds like you have a ton of work ahead of you, but it will be so well worth it when all is said and done. Oh, and I'm in the club of hubbies against painting wood. Geesh, what a bite! ;)
Those signs are gorgeous!! I have been wanting to order from her and now you REALLY made me want to, lol! Those are fabulous.
I am so excited for you, I actually got butterflies when I read you could paint the trim white!! I cannot wait to see, this is so much fun, lol! I am so sorry about the bathroom drywall :( It seems nothing ever goes smoothly with remodels and redo's, lol!
Love ya sweetie,
Hi Jane, it sounds like things are moving right along... I am happy you are going with what you like! I can't wait to see everything all finished! I love your signs too... xoxo Julie Marie
LOVE Paula! I was the lucky winner to one of her give aways! She also helped me fix my header on my blog one day! She is great!
Can't wait to see what you are up to in the remodel! I must have missed a post though I try to keep up with you :) I am going to read backwards (lol) and see what is going on!
Love your signs! They are Perfection!!
Enjoy the Sunshine!!
Lou Cinda :)
Love those signs and can't wait to see where they land and your new colors, etc. I just love a transformation (as long as I don't have to do the work!) LOL!
I LOVE the signs! You will so enjoy them at the Lake House. You lucky girl to have a Lake House!!!! When will you get to start going out there again?
And for painting the wood. Yep, mine is right there with yours. But, good for you that he agreed to the trim being painted. I think it will really make a big impact in the final look. My friend Lisa has a saying I love... "Just because it's wood doesn't mean it's GOOD". Hugs! Charlene
Beautiful signs Blondie. Yippie! Paint colors chosen. Can't wait to see. And the trim will get painted. . .YES! Have fun and take lots of pictures and kiss the hubby for me for being so sweet. What a guy.
Looking forward to the big reveal!
Those signs are WONDERFUL!
Love those signs, they are going to look great at the Lake House. Redecorating is so overwhelming, but you will get through it and love the outcome!
Sorry to hear about your drywall problems, but I'm sure you're going to love the end result. Those signs are great. Summer will be here before we know it, and you'll be enjoying your lakehouse. You get to paint the trim white too! What a sweet hubby.
Have a wonderful Easter.
Thanks for the connection to the sign painter.
So glad your re-do is moving along. The white trim will look great with whatever color you decide upon.
Just keep Murphy's Law in mind. It's going to happen.
OOH my, I can't wait until the reveal! Love the signs! Hugs dear friend!
Hi Jane, love the signs :) It already feels like Summer today we are mid 80's!
Hey there Blondie girl~! We too have been going through paint samples, floor tiles, trim, etc. It takes a toll on your mind and marriage. I'm happy to say after 2 hours at home Depot this morning we finally agreed! I can't wait to see your finished product. And I love the signs you got...wow...beautiful. What an added beauty they will add. Love it. Hope you are doing well. I'm thinking of you...happy thoughts!
Ooooh, I LOVE the lakehouse sign!!!!! Must see pics this summer.... and I envy your weather..ours is horrendous.
Hi Jane!
It's been a long time since I came for a visit...I love your signs...So pretty! I going to buy me some pansies too for my post on the porch...this weekends....Want to get some more flowers to and ferns...Love you post...Love the new room...beautidul! Have a wonderful week...Katherinellen
Hi Jane,
Your plans sound great, I can't wait to see the progress. My hubster hates to paint wood too. I have some built in bookcases that I would love to paint white. When I mention it you would think I was about to commit murder on them. Oh well, I will keep trying since you just gave me new hope :)
Enjoy your pansies.
PS....I adore those signs, I am going to check out her blog.
I just love those signs...so vintage looking and pretty! Hope you have a wonderful Easter!
Miss Bloomers/Sonia
Good for you Jane!
Love those darling signs! I'm glad hubby saw the light about painting the woodwork white. It will make things so bright and cheery too. We got up to 78 degrees today! Amazing weather, I am so loving it!
Big Hugs,
I love your signs! I will definitely go to the site and check it out. ssshhhhh I am thinking of summer, too :)
Hi Jane,
I've really missed you and missed out on your decorating woes too. I hope that you can relax and just go with what feels good to you, the colors that make you happy and the style that is uniquely your own. I love red, black and animal prints, touches of gold & silver and have that in all areas. I am doing a bit of something different in my BR and bath here ~ a bit of a lighter touch for spring/summer. I'm using turquoise and red. Will show pics of it when I get settled. Not that you would want that...just sharing. :-)
LOVE the signs! I'll have to check out her blog. Just can't wait to plant some flowers & herbs too.
Hope you have a Happy & blessed Easter!
Hi Jane
I am thrilled for you that your husband agreed to paint the trim!!
I don't have that problem with my husband the problem is with all my toile!! Those chairs you like? Well he would have been more than happy to have left them in Ontario!
Love your blog and your taste in music rocks!
Pamela xo
You are a busy lady and it sounds like so much fun.
I love your new sign.
How far do you drive to get to your lake house?
Hi Jane
Well those signs are gorgeous... very sweet..glad you are enjoying your spring and looking forward to summer already.. xx Julie
The signs are so cute. I am ready for summer too.
Your signs are so pretty! Excited to see more pictures! We are enjoying beautiful weather here, too!
I love the signs! They're gorgeous!
Hi Janie, I can't wait to see it all done. I know it will really be pretty. Glad your weather's getting nice. It's been nice here too and I have so much work to do in the garden. I don't think I will ever get done. I love your signs. Can't wait to see them placed.....Christine
Absolutely love the cottage signs. Can hardly wait to see your finished projects. Remember to breathe and have fun!
Love the signs!! Summer?? I guess it will come eventually! We did get up to 72 today!! Like a heat wave, but there is still snow on the higher mountain we can see. The lake sounds great! When I heard "Almost Lover" by A Fine Frenzy playing on your playlist, it reminded me of a voice/piano student I had who loved to sing that and some of their other songs. I had never really listened to her before. Thanks for stopping by:-)
Oh the signs are just wonderful, and I am glad to here about the paint decision progress. The girl got her way yeah! Happy Happy... Hugs, Diane
I love the cottage signs. It's snowing here. I can't wait for Spring weather. Thanks for coming over for a visit. Happy Easter!
Hooray for you, Blondie!! You'll be so happy to have that trim painted. When you post your photos I'll be showing The Great Dane - maybe I'll get some wood painted too.
I love the signs. I'm always meaning to make a sign for Pondside myself - perhaps it's time to just have someone else do it. I'll have a look at the link you posted - thanks!
those signs are great! can't wait to see more pictures of the summerhouse.
the white trim is great news - and seriously - what is it about guys not wanting to paint over wood????
Oh Janie Sweetie...
Beautiful post. I can' wait to see the finished project. I know it is just going to be beautiful.
Aren't Paula's signs just the BEST? I love the ones you have chosen, so perfect for a Lake Summer Home.
Pansies are my thoughts exactly. I am going to be buying some this weekend for several projects in the yard myself. Thanks for sharing sweetie. I so love it when you do.
Happy April Fool's Day and Happy Easter too. Combo day today.
Country hugs and so much love...Sherry
Love the signs. Now if I just had a place for one...
Can't wait to see your progress. My hubby was always a non-painting wood kinda guy, but now he's all on board. In fact, he's loving the white (even more than I am). I'm stressing out about using a color on the walls here - but you're right, it's not permanent. LOL
You are going to love her gorgeous sign creations ... anxious to see your final pics.
Happy blessed Easter!
Hugs, Marydon
Love your signs, they are just gorgeous! Sorry I missed out on your decorating post, how exciting! Do you think you might be a bit overcome because you're making so many decisions at once?
I would be.Perhaps if you have a look at some interior blogs you'll pick up some insiration!White for your wooden trim sounds lovely!Can't wait to see what you choose, I'm sure it will be lovely!
Wishing you a Happy Easter!
Rachel x
What a HUGE undertaking, painting the trim white.
You better give him a huge hug!
I want PANSIES!! Its finally warming up here enough to think about them.
I hope your room turns out the way you want, Jane. I have a great deal of difficulty deciding, just like you. :/
Blondie...you know...I think the wood thing goes back to when everyone was "stripping" everything they came across to find out what sort of wood grain was under it. It was a HUGE thing in the 70's and maybe still in the 80's. Probably even further back then that. Anyway...painting is back now. One day people will be stripping again and oohing and ahhhing over what's underneath.
It's going to be fun seeing how your home turns out! I love this sort of thing!!
I meant to tell you that the signs are darling..and forgot. I love signs. I just put one up over my front door yesterday!
I so tickled that your feeling better about your projects and that the trim will be white. yeaaaaaaaa..
Its so nice of you to take us along on this decor trip. Its almost like being there. If i was closer I'd strap on my tool pouch and be right over..Just imagine all the trouble we could-- umm I mean work we could get done:-)
Happy Decorating
Love the signs...she does beautiful work!
Thanks for participating in my "secret number" giveaway yesterday...so sorry you didn't win...it was #16...but it was fun.
Happy Easter!
Dear friend.....glad things are progressing. I'm sure you have picked fabulous paint dolors. This husband thing.....not only do they never want to paint over wood.....they never want to paint any color but beige!!
Continued luck with your remodel.
Janie-I have not visited much lately--working on a charity auction, The signs are great. I am going to have to go back and check on what you are remodeling too! Even the man at Home Depot did not want me to paint my wood---must be genetic :) Just wanted to stop by and see you!
Very pretty signs. I'm sure they'll look great in your lake house. I like the sound of that...lake house. Wish I had a lake house!
The weather sure has turned nice, now we can dry out.
Have a wonderful Easter.
Hi Jane! I think husbands get that wood-painting phobia because they really think that in 10 years we'll be asking them to strip off the paint down to the bare wood again!
Or, like my Dad, they know that paint chips, and wood doesn't!
So glad you've made your choices. All your decisions about not following trends, etc., -- they are all spot-on! You GO, girl!
Happy Easter... can't wait to see the reveal, and am looking forward to your summer pictures at the lake.
Love your signs!
I wish you a wonderful Easter weekend!
Sooooooooo glad you went with your instincts, on the colors and etc. :-)
As to men not wanting to paint wood... My husband has had the hobby of woodworking, all his life. He loves wood. He knows woods, one from another. He makes so many things, out of wood. Etc. So that's why he has an awful time painting over it. :-)
Enjoy your pansies! We still have clean-up to do.
Love the signs - how classic.
I love your signs. I've been thinking of ordering one from her, but haven't figured out what I want it to say. I don't know exactly what it is with men and not painting wood. Maybe they attribute the changes on some primal level, something silly reminiscent of their private parts! (I know; I have a wild imagination.)
Those signs are adorable, and absolutely perfect for your lake house :)
Have a wonderful Easter!
i love your new signs! i wish i had some just like them!!
also i can't wait to see the big "reveal"!
Have a great weekend & enjoy this sunshine!!
I'm in love with your new signs...
very cool...and very cottag-y!!!
I will certainly visit her blog...
I probably NEED one myself!
Happy Easter sweetie!
81 degrees here today!!! AMAZING!!!
xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
The weather has been stunning here today, and they promise even better weather for tomorrow and Sunday. Those signs are wonderful, I don't think I have ever visited her blog. I will go see.
I love redecorating, and it sounds like you are really changing things around. I agree, white trim is perfect.
Happy weekend.
Painting the trim white will look awesome. How exciting to be renovating! Love your new signs.
Happy Easter!
Janie, I love your sweet signs! Hope you'll show your little reno pics soon. I was supposed to have the bathrooms started in Jan, but I kinda got sidetracked with hospital stuff and the reno went on hold.
The weather here in OH has been fantabulous and I bought some fleurs to plant. They smell delish and I cannot wait for full-fledged spring to stay with us. I hope you are enjoying great weather, as well. It is so great to have Mr. home and doing better. He sat outside enjoying the sun on his face. Healing sun power! Have a Happy Easter with your family. big hugs, Sue
Wishing you a happy and blessed Easter! xx Gypsy Purple
hug hubby for me!!!! that mid-toned woodwork is....well...uh...not as attractive as white or even very dark woodwork.
"it always longer and more money" is our remodel motto. LOL.
Jane, these signs are sooo elegant! I bet they will be much admired at the Lake House!
Happy Easter filled with sunshine, chocolate and joy!
Blondie, I love your new sign. It's going to be perfect, what a wonderful greeting each time you hit the lake house. Sounds like the re-do is coming along... wanted to wish you and yours a Happy Easter...hugs ~lynne~
Hi Jane! Just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for your visit and sweet comment. I just love it when you visit as you always say the kindest and nicest things!
I hope that you and your beautiful family have a very happy Easter.
Blessings and best wishes always,
Jane, just how did you get The Husband to agree to painting the woodwork? I've been trying persuasion for years but have never won this game! All your hard work will eventually pay off and yes, always go with your heart and what YOU love rather than trends, then you'll be happy in your home.
Wonderful signs - what a lovely finished job, you'll enjoy them I know.
I've went to a great new antiques mall yesterday and will be posting on it soon - 88,000 sq.ft. - huge!!
Hi Blondie
Many blessings to you this Easter Morning!
Popping in to wish you & your family a wonderfully joyous & blessed Easter, Jane!
I also forgot to tell you how much I love those signs you purchased. I'm thinking about getting one that say "The Gazebo House" on it. ♥ ♥ ♥
I love signs. I need to check the link you provided ASAP!
Happy Easter!
The signs are gorgeous! I look forward to seeing what you have come up with for the living room and bath. Happy Easter Jane:>)
Hi Jane, what great signs you found. I think they're going to look so nice at the lakehouse.
I got caught up on what's happening with your remodeling--glad you've gotten some good advice here in Blogland.
We've had such warm weather here that I'm also thinking ahead to summer, even while I really don't want to rush through Spring.
Have a lovely week!
Hi again Janie! What are the signs made out of? Can they be used outside? I am looking for a sign saying "My Secret Garden" or "Christine's Secret Garden" to put in the yard in, you guessed it right, my secret garden, lol. I want something big something like 20 by 36 or longer. How big is yours?...Christine
Oh Blondie! What did you say to him to make him say yes to painting it white?!?!?!? LOL! I need you to come talk to Scott! LOL! Renovations always throw in surprises, don't they? I was watching a show last night, and it said that doing a renovation on your house is like going on a blind date ... you'll never know what you'll learn. So true! Oh, and those signs are fab! Thanks for sharing the link! :)
The signs are just gorgeous, I need to check them out. Hope youhad a great weekend!
Congratulations, Jane! You are the winner of my fabric journal! Please email me with your snail mail to stitchintyme9 @ aol.
Hi Jane,
LOVE those signs!!! Totally adorable ~ I need to check out her shop! :)
I'm so glad hubby is letting you paint the trim! I know, I think some men just can't bring themselves to paint over wood!! That is "ruins" it or whatever! :)
Can't wait to see all the after shots!
looks like you have been busy!! how fun that you are remodeling....this energy from spring is SO addicting.......
hope to see you in May!!
a blessed easter season to you -
Those signs are amazing...now I want to get to a cabin or beach house...so much fun. Hugs for a wonderful new week. xoxo
Just stopped by to say thank you for your sweet love and support and prayers. I hope to be able to catch up with everyone's beautiful blogs ASAP*!
((Hugs & Prayers))
Great signs. I'll have to go and check out her blog.
Sorry about your bathroom walls but I know everything will look so nice. Glad you've decided on colors and fabric. That's a big step.
Thanks for popping in to see me.
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
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