No Fuss Buffet
I love you ladies, and I know you won't frown on me when I say that I have 3/4 of my Christmas decorations up. Still. In fact, I think most of you will say, "Who cares?" You guys are great like that. I think I have truly entered this new year with a huge, "Who gives a care?" sort of mindset. That, on top of that disgusting virus that absolutely nails me, has me feeling C'est La Vie.
***Since I wrote this, I'm happy to say I packed up tons, and only have a tiny bit to bring to the dungeon...er, basement.
Okay, truth be told, I did feel bad about the lack of desire to be purposeful, to have all that Christmas stuff packed up by January 1. But I blamed the virus. The Husband wasn't so convinced. We were ordering take-out dinner, I was very much in my P.J.'s all day, and we were out of toilet paper often. I was to the point of jumping out of bed in the morning, throwing dishes in the dishwasher, pulling on sweatpants and a top, making up the bed, and climbing back in with a book and the dogs next to me. All of this set the stage for the possibility of The Husband coming home early. "Just catching up on my reading, honey."
We took a sledding trip up at the lake in mid January, and I stayed on an extra ten days. I thought I could finally sleep forever with no guilt. Ironically, the virus had run its course, and I was refreshed, and had nothing to hide. Amen. It was cold, rainy and gloomy during that time, but it was a good reset for me
Brooks & Madelyn
It was a fantastic family trip. Three of the kids and two grands. Madelyn had started walking two months before. Brooks, about 3 months younger, finally made a huge go of it to keep up with Mad, as well as claim some toys or the occasional cookie or cracker. He's walking like a champ now.
So we sledded- not, me to be truthful, and hung out in the warming house. Another group created a nice fire in the huge stone fireplace. I had packed a huge tote bag with coffee, Baileys, water, beer, wine, and snacks. Sadly, it was just 26 degrees, and after a few runs down the hill, we had to admit we weren't up to those temps. We headed off to a small ski resort for lunch, and it was so fun. We were seated next to a huge window that looked out at the bigger ski hill, and the snow came down in heavy flakes. There was a small stage with a country singer, who played 'Cryin into your beer' songs. Brooks and Madelyn were infatuated.
Patio at Lake, 2018
The young guy who takes care of our lawn cutting in the summer, also does snow plowing in the winter. I called him and he cleared our long driveway and did a house check. As you can see we had inches upon inches of the white stuff. He shoveled a path to the patio doors. He's also a bit of a handyman to make extra bucks in the winter (he owns a farm, I have to ask what that's all about), and he did some long awaited stuff for me. If you know who Zayn Malik is, they are twins. :))
Lakehouse, January, 2018
I had found this mirror, which looks like it was set in an old port hole. I had been waiting since summer to get an idea--or a sign--of where to put it. Emily suggested the wall going up the stairway. I never wanted to put anything there, especially something heavy like this. I think of all the people who come to stay, lugging their bags and whatnot down, and bumping the wall. Finally, I had Gavin hang it in this spot, and I'm am beyond delighted. Its perfect here. And higher, which made me feel better. I posted this pic on my Instagram, and so many commented that they thought it was an actual window. I LOVE one of a kind pieces.
Great Room, Lakehouse, 2018
This is another find that goes back waaaaay back. I found it on Ballard Designs. Instant love. The picture in the catalog and online showed it with two cut glass (or crystal) liquor decanters behind those rails. It was definitely for a dining room area for me. We have a huge open Great room, so I wanted it near the harvest table and kitchen. At ninety pounds, with instructions for hanging, The Husband found every excuse in the world to not hang it. Step in, Gavin, during my recent stay. It wasn't easy. A wall plug broke, so he had to make a run to the hardware store. It took both of us to hold it up to see if it was level, and then line it up. It's so cool!
I went to two antique stores in Dowagiac, determined to find decanters. The owner kept leading me around to apothecary jars. Remember when they were the big deal in the blog world? Then came Mason jars. Another overused item. No decanters, but I did find two old bottles in tinted glass that will become perfect vases for the daisies I grow in the summer.
Ultimately, I want on Amazon and found the perfect ones. They are here, but I'm going to wait and show you when I get everything just so.
This wall stretches all the way down to the wall of windows, as you'll see in the next photo. I have some pictures from way back hanging right now. In my mind, I wanted something lake-like, as well as country-like, as we are surrounded by both.
I ordered framed prints from one of my favorite websites, Art.com. They have a huge amount of prints to choose from, and it's so easy to narrow down your searches by categories, and then there are several options as far as frame type. No affiliation here, I've just been so please that I can find what I want without a lot of going from website to website. Again, I'd rather show you what I chose when its up. Hey, Gavin!!
Lakehouse Great Room, 2018
Looking out at the fog the day before I left. The lake and our bay were frozen solid. Ice fishermen, and even snowmobilers were on the lake. It's been awhile in seeing that, so its proof positive what a cold winter thus far.
On the left side in the photo, you'll see the wall I am referring to when I write about the art prints. They've arrived here in Chicago, but I don't think I'm going back to the lake for about two more weeks. I'll share when they are up on the walls. I know---its hard to be patient about these things.
Creamy Chicken & Gnocchi Soup
I bought a new fancy smancy slow cooker. I loaned my older model to Abby, and she loved it. I told her to keep it because I felt it was time to upgrade. Last week I searched recipes on Pinterest, added the things I didn't have in my fridge or pantry on to my grocery list, and have everything I need for three meals. Alas, my mornings are consumed with writing for the papers, and wandering around considering if I can put off a shower another day. I'm serious, the virus is really draining me, and if I can play my violin a little longer, I have something in my already whacked out back doing something to a nerve. At least I can escape the pain by sleeping. Check. Check.
I had also Pinned some one pot meals and this one, pictured above, is a hack from Olive Garden. Follow the link here. Pretty simple to make, and super filling (mostly with calories). You may want to counter effect the deliciousness with a bland salad.
Cheesy Chicken & Broccoli Pasta Bake
I Pinned this recipe from one of my fave food bloggers, Marie Rayner. Her website is The English Kitchen. She recently published a cookbook which you can find here. This is an incredibly delicious casserole that goes together easily. I substituted a few ingredients, as I had them on hand. Still, the flavors of Marie's recipe came through in such a comfort food sort of way. Put this on your winter meal repertoire, and give her blog a visit. Find the recipe here.
So that's it for now. I promised a blog post on Instagram (click to find me here), more to keep me on schedule. I downloaded pics and wrote over a few days. I'm off a week from the columns, so I'm trying to put together another blog post right now. Do you agree that they are too long? You can be honest. I know it's difficult to comment on all the different ways my writings cross the board. I'm determined to fix that.
We are almost on to February. From that month on to about April, I get a little stir crazy. But--I have no excuse not to flood your email accounts with my ramblings!
Stay warm and dry!
Jane x