Monday, February 25, 2013


I feel spring in the air!  It's sunny and in the mid thirties and that's good enough for me!  This is the little bunny that sits next to my front porch steps, year round I might add.  I have a nice little collection of bunnies that I add to every year and bring out once spring arrives.  That would be March 20th.  I'm counting.  I like the ones that look old and chippy and a little simple, but I do have some that are whimsical, I don't discriminate when it comes to cute critters.  I found a few online a couple of weeks ago and I'm looking out for my UPS guy.  Not so much that I can't wait to get them, I've resorted to hiding my deliveries since the intervention.  Oh, did I mention the intervention?  My son and daughter (that would be Jeff and Emily) took me aside one day and told me I had a serious online shopping addiction.  I thought it was crazy that Emily was partaking in this discussion because she's worse than me, but she was loving the drama.  Jeff does his work here on an average of 2 days a week and those seem to be the days I get "my stuff".  And he thinks I'm on my laptop entirely too much.  In my defense, I countered with; A)  It's no one's business.  B)  99% of the time it's on sale.  C)  They should be glad I'm not one of those ladies that likes to lunch and shop everyday.  I mean, it could be worse.  Of course I had to think over what they were getting at, and I decided I would curtail my fascination with shopping from the comforts of my couch.  If it's said that we don't perceive our credit cards as real money, let it also be said  that we shouldn't confuse our computers with the shopping mall.

We had a very quiet weekend and I had some time to fiddle with Pinterest.  I'm making some boards of my favorite things and it's fun.  I'm very particular about what I pin; recipes I know I'll try, crafts that seem doable to me (with all ten of my thumbs), and home decorating that's feasible.  I have no desire to have a "dream kitchen" pasted up, or "the bedroom I've always wanted".  My kitchen is done (well, maybe not that wall), as are so many other rooms in my house.  Of course I'm not a newlywed or someone that has just moved into a new home, it just is what it is.  I love making small changes and being inspired to try something different.  Looking at my boards last night, I sort of had an abstract look at the type of person I am.  Sort of how your home reflects the people living in it, that's what I was seeing.  What did I learn?  Well, first of all, I'm practical, as I said, I'm not clearing out any rooms to replace it with things I see everywhere.  And sadly maybe, I'm not much of a dreamer.  I don't mean to sound like a Debby Downer, but I don't spend my time "wanting".  If I want something material and I can afford it, then it's a done deal.  If I can't afford it, I don't waste my time or fill my head with impossible thoughts.  I put a lot of emphasis on needs, maybe because as a mother and wife, it's been my life tending to others and of course myself.  I fulfill needs and they are much more important than the wants.  And what else did I find out while playing with this imaginary life I've created online (smile)?  Well, I have a lot of interests that I've sort of shoved to the side.  That I'm a little more creative than I thought.  And finally, I need (and want) to make the rest of this journey a beautiful, happy and fulfilling one.  Imagine all that, just from playing with Pinterest!  

It's been very nice quiet day, Mondays are the only day of the week that I'm home alone.  I find it hard to concentrate without all the noise and chaos around me. ;-D  I'm going to get in a few chapters of the book I'm reading before starting dinner.  By the way, the book I have on my sidebar hasn't been touched yet (it should say 'books I will be reading someday'), I'm still plowing through a mystery series that is sort of 'light reading'.  No offense to the author or people that like a little fluff, the books are funny and page turners, but after I get done with the last one, which is #6, I can't wait to move on to the book on my sidebar and a few I've saved in my Nook library.

I hope all of you have a good week! :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Isn't this a beauty?  I wish I could say it were mine.  It's an early bridal shower present for Emily from us.  The color is Pistachio.  She is so daring.  I guess it's the designer in her.  And I'm not just showing this beauty off, I wanted to tell you that The Husband found it at a website called Everything Kitchens and it was marked $60.00 below the SALE price at Macys!!  You have to check out this website, especially if you are looking for one of the bad boys.  I can't live without mine.

Now, some randomness, as if you haven't had enough already.  The painter for the living room and kitchen has been hired and hopefully he can start next week.  I am going to go with a creamy white shade.  If any of you have used a similar color, let me know the name and brand.  Paint chips can be so deceiving, I really want it to be soft, if you know what I mean.  The hideous wallpaper on the soffit in the kitchen will come down and I think then my vintage bowls and cake stands I keep on top of my cabinets will pop.  I am beyond excited!

And more news...I have been emailing back and forth with a sweet blogger over at Comfy House, her name is Melanie and she lives out in the Western suburbs of Chicago.  And we are going to meet {smile}.  We are looking at the first week or so of March.  If you haven't met her, check out her blog.  She just totally redid her bathroom and she has awesome before and after pictures.  

And finally, I have joined the ranks of those using Pinterest.  I haven't invested a lot of time in it yet.  I'm trying to watermark my pictures at Picmonkey and although I'm following all the instructions and saving them correctly, the watermark doesn't show up when I download them for a post.  Anyone know anything about that?  Gee, I have a lot of questions in this post!  And by the way, my policy is that you can use any of my photos anytime you want, I'd be flattered.  Just link back to me, okay?

Now, I'm going to hit Publish and then chew my nails a bit more until I have to pick up my little Layla.  Milo will probably be all over her.  He was crying when he saw me leave with her, not because he was going to miss her, just because he's the one who always gets the rides in the car!  She's going to be sore...should I keep them apart?  Oh no, more questions!!  See you soon! :)

I'm joining Debra at Common Ground for Be inspired Friday and Simple And Sweet Friday over at Rooted In Thyme.

Monday, February 18, 2013


I hope all of you had a great Valentine's Day. It was just dinner at home for me and The Husband.  I think I mentioned in my last post on Thursday that I was making a pork loin roast.  I had a fantastic recipe.  After I prepped the roast with the grated zest of a lemon and about 1 tablespoon of fennel seeds, I roasted it on a bed of sliced  lemon, onion and a fennel bulb.  It was SO good!

I set the table for two (I wish my pictures had come out better, I am having trouble fixing them...something about my file format.  Anyone know what that's about?).  I used my wedding china which is simply a set The Husband found at an estate sale a few months after we got married.  It had been in this family for 70 years which makes it about 95 years old now.  I really do prize it.

These precious little heart sachets were made by .Suzan  She used to sell them.  I have a little basket filled with them.  The lavender still smells lovely!
Abby needed a few snacks to bring to school for her night class tonight.  It sounds like she's back in kindergarten, but no, this is her last year of college.  Her classes are much smaller and specialized now and the group of future teachers has narrowed down.  So, I found this recipe on Lynn's blog a few weeks ago and made it today, Buffalo Chicken Muffins.  They are just awesome.  This is Lynn's picture, too.  I highly recommend that you go to her blog and get the recipe.  These would be great to bring to a party, or to serve a group coming over to watch sports.  I did double the recipe, you will want to as well!

I hope your week is off to a great start.  I'm finally out of the kitchen (okay, I made cookies, too!) and I'm moving into the laundry room!  I'm joining two parties this week, Marty at A Stroll Thru Life for Tabletop Tuesday and Kathleen from Cuisine Kathleen for Let's Dish.  Kathleen has had a death in her family.  Please leave her a comment to let her know you are thinking of her.  See you later in the week.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Now, I'm off to join a few new to me parties.  I'm joining Debra at Common Ground for Be Inspired Friday...and Rooted in Thyme for Simple and Sweet Friday.  Please visit these blogs and all the party goers!  And a BIG Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!

Monday, February 11, 2013


Other breaking news in the kitchen...I am doing so~so with following my weekly dinner menu book. It started out great, I loved knowing what to make ahead of time and we are promptly at six which The Husband loved.  We got a little messed up when we spent most of Friday downtown and decided to have an early dinner at a Chinese restaurant.   I didn't feel bad about the "eating out" part (which the menu is supposed to eliminate) because we had a gift certificate,  I just need to shift that meal to another night next week.  But then we ate leftovers Saturday night and last night after having French toast for breakfast, no one felt like having the planned BLT's for dinner, so I swapped it for the salad.  I guess all of this is okay, I'm not totally rigid but I really thought we'd all benefit by sticking to a plan.  And you know, once you start to deviate from a plan, things can go awry.  On that note, I enticed The Husband to go to my dermatologist appointment with me by telling him we could have dinner at Mimi's Cafe across the street and he went for it! lol!  So, I'm swapping out the planned dinner for one with good company.  Have to love that! :)  See you soon!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Now, let's move on before all of you think I've gone bonkers!  The weather here has been crazy as usual; freezing cold, mild and sunny, snowy, slushy, rainy...I guess we have just learned to roll with it.  Today it's 37 degrees and there is the faint hint of spring in the air if that's possible, maybe I'm imagining it.  But I do like opening the windows every morning for about ten minutes to let the cold air in and blow the nasties out.  We are finally all healthy here and I want it to stay that way. 

Seriously, I have been busy.  I cancelled my dermatologist appointment Monday morning, the snow was coming down like crazy and it's a 50 minute drive out past the suburbs.  But I did go grocery shopping later in the day and that prompted me to clean out the fridge and some cabinets.  How did I end up with 6 cans of refried beans?  Yesterday The Husband and I went car shopping and Ta Da, I found one!  I would show you a picture of it but I let him take it to work...I'm nice like that.  I still have to share a car with Abby until the weather get's nice enough for The Husband to drive his little sportster, but I don't mind.  Now I have to get my leased car cleaned up, the oil changed and back to the dealer.  And the good news is, my payments are actually lower with the new car.  Gotta love that!
The Husband also wants fruit with every meal so I loaded up on melons, bananas, berries, apples, oranges, etc. and cut them up and put them in plastic containers.  Deborah from With All My Heart posted a quick fruit dip...2 T. sour cream, 1 t. brown sugar and 1/2 t. vanilla.  Just mix it into your fruit and enjoy!

Well, that's about all I have for today.  I'm going to make dinner and afterward, shower, douse myself in body cream and crawl in bed with a new book.  I finally finished a mystery series (very light reading) and I'm starting the book on my sidebar that is getting good reviews.  I'll be back soon with some fabric samples I have for the two chairs I'm getting recovered, some news about the new home Emily and her fiance found and a new bedroom project.  Hope you are all having a wonderful week! :)

Friday, February 1, 2013


Here on the island I have two candles I won in a giveaway last week from Kelly at Coastal Cottage Dreams.  I'm burning the one called Hazelnut Coffee.  Totally Yum!  You may want to visit Kelly, she sells these cute candles and I will definitely be stocking up on some more.  Thanks, Kelly!

My big adventure was taking the dogs to the vet on Thursday.  Dr, Fisher is the nicest lady in the world and my pups are very sweet gentle souls.  But once they get in the exam room, they shake and cry and try to hide...they know the routine!  It takes both me and an assistant to hold them firm so she can examine them and give their shots.  Layla was snapping at her a little, so as much as it kills me, I had her muzzle them.  Afterward, the assistant took Milo back to the lab to do blood work. A bit later the assistant popped in the door and urgently called Dr. Fisher out.  A few minutes later I heard on the intercom, "We have a bleeder in the lab."  I nearly had a heart attack and had to restrain from running down there.  I kept thinking of Milo lying in a pool of blood.  I repeatedly told myself, "I have kids...I've been through everything; stitches, broken bones, concussions."  But I was frantic.  After about ten minutes, the doctor came in and explained that Milo was struggling and scratched his face in two places and they had to put compresses on him...he was fine.  He has some little scabs and one bled a little this morning but he's okay.  They slept a few hours after their big adventure.  I thought about a Xanax and a shot of whiskey!  They are my babies!

So that was my week at a glance.  We have a very cold weekend predicted, but even so, The Husband and I are going to go out and look at cars.  My lease is up soon and I am going to get a Forever Car finally!  Even though I got to drive a new car every 3 years, and I always got the same make, model and color (I'm so adventurous!), I hated giving them back.  So I'm excited.

Okay, have to run.  I will be back soon.  Have you noticed I'm posting a little more often?  Is that a good thing? lol! :)

I'm joining Marty from A Stroll Thru Life for Tabletop Tuesday, as well as Claudia at Mockingbird Hill Cottage for her Favorite Things Party.  Please join in!!