We had a very quiet weekend and I had some time to fiddle with Pinterest. I'm making some boards of my favorite things and it's fun. I'm very particular about what I pin; recipes I know I'll try, crafts that seem doable to me (with all ten of my thumbs), and home decorating that's feasible. I have no desire to have a "dream kitchen" pasted up, or "the bedroom I've always wanted". My kitchen is done (well, maybe not that wall), as are so many other rooms in my house. Of course I'm not a newlywed or someone that has just moved into a new home, it just is what it is. I love making small changes and being inspired to try something different. Looking at my boards last night, I sort of had an abstract look at the type of person I am. Sort of how your home reflects the people living in it, that's what I was seeing. What did I learn? Well, first of all, I'm practical, as I said, I'm not clearing out any rooms to replace it with things I see everywhere. And sadly maybe, I'm not much of a dreamer. I don't mean to sound like a Debby Downer, but I don't spend my time "wanting". If I want something material and I can afford it, then it's a done deal. If I can't afford it, I don't waste my time or fill my head with impossible thoughts. I put a lot of emphasis on needs, maybe because as a mother and wife, it's been my life tending to others and of course myself. I fulfill needs and they are much more important than the wants. And what else did I find out while playing with this imaginary life I've created online (smile)? Well, I have a lot of interests that I've sort of shoved to the side. That I'm a little more creative than I thought. And finally, I need (and want) to make the rest of this journey a beautiful, happy and fulfilling one. Imagine all that, just from playing with Pinterest!
It's been very nice quiet day, Mondays are the only day of the week that I'm home alone. I find it hard to concentrate without all the noise and chaos around me. ;-D I'm going to get in a few chapters of the book I'm reading before starting dinner. By the way, the book I have on my sidebar hasn't been touched yet (it should say 'books I will be reading someday'), I'm still plowing through a mystery series that is sort of 'light reading'. No offense to the author or people that like a little fluff, the books are funny and page turners, but after I get done with the last one, which is #6, I can't wait to move on to the book on my sidebar and a few I've saved in my Nook library.
I hope all of you have a good week! :)